Life Skilling

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Hello, you are now under new management!

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Chapter 10: Hello, you are now under new management!

 Atha: Dungeon core, world domination hopeful. 

Augustine tries to rope us into cooking, but I get his eyes back on the prize. You can't make honey cakes without honey. He has never made any Blue Bell honey cakes, so, I might have, sort of, lied to him that I know a recipe that is perfect for them. I mean, I do know a recipe for a honey much different is a blue bell honey, from normal honey?

So, we make it before the Dungeon of Flies, and I can feel the little twat, the dungeon core, sitting inside, and laughing at us. More than once, her flies came inside my dungeon, and took my slimes away. Slimes are a good...decoration. Honestly, legend has it that a hamster can slay them. Which begs the question, why do I create slimes?

Well, that is simple. I create slimes, to avoid problems. Besides, they have that fruity smell to them, that can help one reach Zen. Or get a craving for a fruit salad. Usually, the adventurers that came inside my dungeon felt the latter... 

Yet, I can't think about things that way, anymore. I must face the music, and take over the world. Do the impossible, and create dungeon contracts with all the dungeons from here, to Alcandino. Maybe, one day, I'll create a dungeon contract with all the dungeons in that country too. I mean, can you imagine? Leander having to pay me lip service!

"Atha, are you with us?" Vincent is looking at me strangely. I smile at him, and place a hand on his shoulder. 

 "I am here, partner. Anyway, the flies won't attack, unless you try to go anywhere near the core," I say. I don't tell the two, that this is because the old hag has grown senile, and retreated into her core crystal. 

"Don't you feel bad? I mean, you are going to subjugate one of your fellow dungeon cores," Augustine asks me. I just shrug. 

"Bad? She has been trying to do the same to me for years," I say, and make the first steps, well, not really steps, since I don't have feet, into the dungeon. My party is behind me. For added effect, I pull out my swords. 

The flies are buzzing all around us, but, as I said before, they don't attack. I can see the core from here. It is taunting me with its glow. I want to go to it, and get my mana inside it. If I catch Drusila while she is sleeping, she will agree to anything. I turn around, and smile at the two humans. 

"Ok, you wait here. I'll be right back," I say, and then dart towards the core. The flies get a whiff of it, but they are too slow. I grab the crystal, and force my mana inside. Soon, Drusila appears before us. 

"What?" She asks, leaning onto her can. 

"Oh, come on, Atha. You didn't tell us that the core was an old lady," Vincent says, and then continues on. "You can't subjugate an old lady." 

"What?" Ah, Drusila has hearing problems. I almost forgot. 

"I am your grandson," I tell her, with a wide smile. 

"What? Wait, you are familiar," she squints at me, and I move closer to her. 

"I am your grandson," I yell in her ear, and she swats me on the head. 

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"No, you are that slime rascal," she yells back, and she puts a hearing aid in her ear. 

Ah, so she can hear, somewhat. She even knows of me. Ah, shoot. I wasn't banking on that. It is time for a change of tactics. 

"Fair lady, how would you like to support gay rights?" I ask her, making sure to yell in her ear again. 

"...Were you dropped on the head as a baby?" She yells, and I nod towards Augustine and Vincent. 

"Oh, no. You see, these are my lovers, and we would like your support," I say. She blinks at me. Then, she raises her cane, and brings it down on my head. 

"You live in sin! How dare you have lovers out of wedlock! And, more than one? Flies," the flies buzz towards me, and I look to Vincent. 

"Do you still think that I can negotiate with her? Augustine, calm down the flies, Vince, shot them down. I'll take care of the hag," I say, and they are quick to get to work. The old dungeon core begins pummeling me with the cane, but I am not to be stopped from my world conquest. I cut her cane in two. 

She gives a war cry, and tries to impale me with the broken upper half of the cane. I parry with my swords, and try to cut up the cane to more pieces, but she is now powering it up with mana, and I can't seem to be able to cut it. For a senior citizen, she really knows how to move with a sword. Except, she is not moving with a sword, but a cane, and...

I feel a pain in my behind. I turn around, to see the lower half of the cane pressing at my ass. I turn to stare at the old snake, and she smirks at me. 

"I will castrate you," she threatens. I blanch at her.  

"My dicks are at the front," I say, outraged. "Did you assume that my reproductive organs are in my ass?" 

I bend, just as the stake, made out of the lower park of the cane, tries to impale me in the ass. With a swift movement, I have her in a choke hold. I am really careful not to apply pressure at her, and I pour some mana inside her.

She gives a high pitch yell, and bites me on the arm. It is a shock to me that she even has teeth, considering that her avatar looks like a 90-year-old granny. 

I say fuck it, and whip on her foot with my tail. She knees me in the balls. We fall down, and begin to roll on the ground, tugging at each other's hair. 

"Uhm..." Augustine is looking at us, surrounded by the corpses of flies. "We are done." 

I think about what this looks like, and straighten up. But, before I can, the old hag knees me in the balls again. I hiss, and we are back rolling in a heap on the ground. 

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