Life Skilling

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: First steps to world domination

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Chapter 12: First steps to world domination

 Augustine: Song weaver, self-proclaimed Life Skiller. A sweetheart, when he wants to manipulate people. 

"Please, call me Tine. Can I call you Dru?" I ask, as Drusila giggles and waves her finger at me. 

"Now, be careful, young man. I may be a granny, but I won't be sweet talked so easily," she tells me, and I chuckle. 

"Anyway, I feel that, seeing as you love the turtles so much, you should be the first to eat the Blue Bell honey cake," I tell her, and then look to Atha, who shifts in his seat. "Dearest, do tell me the recipe." 

I smile sweetly at him, as he pinches up his face in what looks to be a regretful expression. 

"I..." Atha begins, but Vincent takes a hold of his hand, and the Naga turns to him. 

"Just give him your favorite honey cake recipe that uses Blue Bell honey. You don't need to give him all of them. As long as the recipe is from the heart, I am convinced that Dru will love the treat," Vincent tells him, and gives him a bit of bravery. 

I smile at that. 

Yes, all three of us are liars. Filthy ones, that would lie to a granny, if need be. But, if Atha can't bullshit his way out of this, and create a recipe on the spot, I am kicking him out of the harem. Which is a pity. I hear that Naga have two dicks...

I smile wistfully at me, and he must have misunderstood my expression because he straightens up, and begins to list ingredients. Ok, what he is listing is a basic muffin recipe, but I can make it work. I turn to Drusila, when he is done, and with the sweetest voice I can manage, ask her: 

"Do you have everything we need?" 

"Oh, sure. Let me just get it all out," she says, and goes to the table next to the wall. She takes out a jar full of yogurt, some flour, baking soda, sugar, eggs, the walnuts, and the raisins, and places the honey on the table. Right in the middle. She pats the honey jar three times, and turns to us.  

"Would you like to help?" Atha asks suddenly, and I turn to look at him. Then, I hear a sniff coming from Drusila, and see that her smile is practically lighting up the room. 

 "Can I? I love to bake," Drusila says, and then takes out a couple of bowls from the rack on the wall. Atha stands up, and goes to her. I try to follow, but he just shakes his head. 

"This is a dungeon core honey cake recipe. Only a dungeon core can make it," Atha tells me with a wink, and I bite my lower lip. Ah, he is sexy, when he bullshits his way out of things. I sit next to Vincent, and observe the two dungeon cores. Atha does all the heavy lifting, while Drusila adds the easy stuff. 

When one looks at her face, they'd think they are looking at a child. Her features are extremely animated. It is almost like she is a different person from the old lady, that kneed Atha in the balls, and tried to do the same to me. When the cake is out of the oven, Drusila covers it up with a cloth, and giddily bounces back to Vincent and me. 

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"So, I'll make some tea, to go along with the cake," she says, and then her eyes go wide. "Wait, I didn't knit you anything, and winter is just around the corner!" 

"We will visit again, and then we can bake, and you can knit," I offer to her. A tear falls down her cheek, and I stand up. She is so small, in my arms. I rest my chin on top of her head, and suddenly, our hug is joined by two additional participants. 

"We can be a family," Atha offers, as he pats Drusila on the back. "I can be a very good grandson. Guaranteed to turn your hairs gray before your time." 

She chuckles at that, and swats him on the back. 

"You better marry those two, then," she says, when she lets go of me. "Because no grandson of mine is going to live in sin." 

Atha chuckles at that, and mumbles something about old age morals. She stomps him on the foot gently, and tugs at his ear, when he breaks down laughing. I see it, then. A floating screen, right before Drusila's face. She clicks the yes, without reading, and I can feel how her mana and Atha's connect. 

"You need upgrades, grannie," Atha says. I send him a look, but find out I shouldn't have because he chuckles. "But that can wait. I think the cake is ready to be eaten. Tine, now that I have proven to you, that I can be a good partner, do you have something to tell me?"

He leans into me, and I nuzzle our noses together. 

"Bullshit me about food again, and I am dumping your ass?" I ask, and he chuckles uncomfortably. 

"It is ok, Atha. Tine imprints on people. He doesn't do dumping of asses," Vincent says, and I mock glare at him. "In fact, I think we can beg for him to leave us, and he'll just drag us to the kitchen." 

"Save such talk for the wedding night," Drusila chastises, and tugs each of our ears in turn. Atha, she pets on the head in parting, and then goes, and cuts up the honey cake. We each get a slice, and I have to admit that it is good. 

"You know, if the next person in the harem tries to lie to me about food, I won't have it," I say, between bites. 

"Next person in the harem?" Drusila glares at me, and I realize just what I just said. 

 "I can explain," I begin, but am not given the chance to. Soon, she begins to rant about marriage, and how things were back in her day.

Which is kind of nice. It is not like she is telling me that I should keep the harem to a threesome. Just that I should be more romantic about getting new members. Dru is a super granny like that. 

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