Life Skilling

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Getting them spiders

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Chapter 15: Getting them spiders

 Dean: Mage, isn't a fluffy ball.

  It is so good, that these three let me into their party. Now, I will have a quota of a single quest per month for... I wonder for how long they will remain F? After observing them, I think the answer will be... long. 

I am currently watching Atha, as the Naga negotiates for water spiders with the dungeon core of the and this is extremely imaginative, Dungeon of Water Spiders.

I look at Vincent, who is sitting next to me, and resting his head on Augustine's shoulder. He seems to be falling asleep. At least, the three are nice to look at.  I can already imagine tying them up, putting rings around their members, having them...

A giggle escapes me, and Vincent startles from his half-sleep. 

"Is he done?" Vincent murmurs. I pat him on the shoulder. 

"Not quite. So far, he has negotiated the sale of one spider, but wants two. Tell me again why we are not ransacking the place?" I ask the archer. Out of the three of them, he seems to be the most down to earth. 

"Atha, can't we attack already?" Vincent calls out. The dungeon core, not ours, but the spider one, takes out his swords, and jumps up. 

"Treachery! You said you came in peace," the half-human, half-spider says, and I can't help but yawn. I stand up, and prepare a fireball barrage. It is on my fingertips, when spiders come from all directions. 

"Now, now. My party members were just joking," Atha says, with a winning smile on his face. "Come now, Jeff. Don't be like that. We can come to terms." 

"You wish to steal my pretties," Jeff, the spider core, says. 

"That is not..." Atha begins, but Augustine huffs, and begins to play on his harp.

 The spiders end up getting stuck on the stone floor of the cave. I breathe in, and then breathe fire out at the nearest cluster, while throwing fireballs at some spiders, which are to the side.

 Yes, seeing as it is not my affinity, it would take more mana. Still, I party with a dungeon core. I am certain that Atha will give me some mana, if I ask nicely. 

And give him a good view of my butt. 

But it won't be you in me, big guy. I will tie up that lovely ebony tail of yours.

I lick my lips, and continue on with the fighting. Arrows of light fall on the spiders, Atha is doing great against Jeff. I mean, Atha is hard to hit, considering how bendy he is. 

Ah, the things I will do with this ability of his...

I see that Augustine is practically dancing among the spiders, as he stomps down on them. His legs are so long, and well-defined. 

 I wonder if I should leave them untied. Just so he can wrap them up around me. 

With each draw of the bow, I can see Vincent's six-pack pressing against his tight shirt. 

I am going to lick that. Tie him up like a Yule present, and lick him from nose to toe!

The fighting suddenly stops, absurdly, and Jeff points at me.

"Incubus," the dungeon core yells. I chuckle uncomfortably at that. 

"Who? Where?" I hear Vincent ask. I know, from experience, that I should never be the one to ask that. 

"I can smell the pheromones coming off that mage," Jeff says. I look behind me, and then point at myself. 

"Well," I try to bullshit my way out of it, but then Augustine pulls out a pendant from around his neck. It is glowing white. 

A truth pendant...shit. 

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"I can explain," I say, but then Vincent points his bow at me, and Atha and Jeff move to be side by side, their swords pointed at me. 

"Oh, come on. We are in a party," I give out a soft whine, when Augustine begins to play a holy tune. I cover my ears, as the ringing in my head turns into a headache. 

"So, it is true," Augustine says, as he stops with the infernal, or should I say, heavenly, tune. "Are you even rank D?" 

"My favorite thing about being an adventurer is the D," I reply. Augustine's fingers move over the strings threateningly.

"Now, before you play, let us kill the demon, I want you to know a couple of things about me," I say, and prepare to do a soul strip tease, in order to not only survive, but to remain in the party. I mean, if Augustine finishes a holy tune, then I am dead. 

"Go on," Atha says. I size him up from head to tail tip. Once more, I imagine him in bondage. He crosses his hands over his chest. "And get your mind out of the gutter." 

I chuckle at that, and lick my lips. Who knows? Maybe, if I stop pretending, and out myself, I will get regular meals from now on?

"I am not like other incubi," I begin, with a hand over my heart. "I think about more than just feeding, and BDMS." 

"He is into BDMS? I don't want to be into your shoes, adventurers," Jeff says. I glare at him. 

"I am into safe sex, with safe words, and no gags," I retort. Vincent steps away from me. "No, seriously. I don't gag my..." 

I stop myself, before I call them food. That doesn't escape them. 

"Food?" Augustine asks, his eyes narrowed. 

"I can be an asset to you all. Not only that, but I won't feed from you all, unless you want it. And you will want it. I have been told I am very romantic," I conjure up a bouquet of roses, and take one rose out. 

"Caring," I move pass Vincent's bow, and place the rose in his breast pocket. 

"Fun," I go to Augustine next. I run the rose across his lips, before placing it in his hand. He wavers for a bit, but gets his harp on his back, and brings the rose to his nose. 

"Devoted," I move towards Atha, and give him the rest of the roses. 

"None for me?" Jeff asks, I just shrug. 

"I am not into spiders, sorry," I pat him on the back, and then go and sit on my former spot. Soon, the boring negotiation about spiders commences. In the end, Atha doesn't get a single one.

That is ok. I stole two carcasses on our way out. What can I say? I did promise to be their dream incubus. Little things like that are just small steps. As we are safely out of the dungeon, I snap my fingers, and it blows up. 

My three lovely morsels turn to stare at me, mouths gaping. 

"I hate spiders," I say, and then hand Atha the two spiders that I pilfered from inside. "Don't let me see you summoning spiders."

As I move back towards town, with a bounce to my steps, I leave the three to their huddle. 

  I'll go to a gentleman's house to feed, while they bury the dungeon core. 

I really should ask them exactly what they are trying to do, with their adventuring career. 

 It will probably be something silly like taking over the world with the power of friendship.

But, by the Demon Lord, are they pleasant to look at...

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