Life Skilling

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: We need to up our ante

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Chapter 20: We need to up our ante

 Atha: Dual sword wielder, dungeon core. Is ready to upgrade his dungeon!

Warning: Smut… BL smut, more of an orgy, really.

I got my entire party before my dungeon. It is still...covered in goo from the slimes. Maybe I should have cleaned up, but I simply didn't feel like it. I mean, if Augustine and Vincent had made it to town, they would have crossed the mana shield, and then I would have been stuck on the other side. 

"Ok, party members. It is time that this cave turned into a real murder cave!" I say, and slither, so I can be before them. "Any ideas?" 

"Why does it have to be a murder dungeon?" Augustine asks. He sends a look at Dean, who sends him a wink. Augustine doesn't smile, instead, he is staring at the incubus like he is seeing him for the first time. 

Dean, for his part, ignores this behavior. He has been out of it, sort of. Not that I know much about Dean, but he seems more... sullen. 

"Ok, I have had enough," Vincent says, as he points a finger at Dean. "You are in the dumps, and Tine continues to stare at you. If neither of you explain, then I am going home." 

"I just haven't fed in a while," Dean says with a shrug. Then, he looks to Augustine. "And Tine must have finally noticed my charms?" 

"You fed from prostitutes," Augustine accuses.

"I won't deny that. Although, I wonder what you are doing in brothels, when you have a harem full of such fine specimens such as us?" Dean asks. 

"You cheated on us, Dean?" I ask, feeling sick. We accepted him in the harem. The only people he should have had sex with, is us!

"I will starve to death, before you virgins decide to have an orgy with me," Dean snaps. "It was very misleading, hearing you all speak about penises the first time. Although, the fact that you three were concerned with whatever or not your members were with a good enough size, should have given me a fair warning." 

Augustine stammers at that. 

"The only reason behind you approaching us was that talk?" He asks. 

"I sleep with prostitutes," Dean yells, and Augustine takes a step back. "Have been feeding off the same young thing for months. Do you want to know another thing about me? I learned his name the night I freed him, which was last night! Judge me now, virgin council!" 

"I think we should all calm down," I say, and then slither towards Dean. "No one here has anything against your...appetites. You need to eat, the same as us."

Just as I am getting close to him, he closes the distance between us, and takes me in his arms. 

"I am starving," he hisses in my ear. "Starving, while you lot are playing take over the world with the power of fucking friendship." 

"Dean..." I begin, but he crushes our lips together. I can feel that his canines are sharper than usual. My head begins to sway, as his pheromones begin to fill up our surroundings. I whine in my throat, as he breaks off the kiss. 

"Sorry," he says, his right hand on his mouth. "By the Demon Lord, I nearly raped you." 

"You let Allan go, before you fed from him?" I hear Augustine ask. He is unbuttoning his shirt. Soon, he has it over his shoulders, and it falls on the ground. "He is a treasure. You saved him, Dean." 

Dean stares at Augustine with unbridled desires.

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"Do you really want your first time to be before a dungeon covered in slime goo?" Dean asks. Augustine frowns at him. 

 "Not my first time. Quit calling me a virgin," he huffs. I sigh, at the missed opportunity to see Augustine all flustered because of his inexperience, and that doesn't escape him. 

"I am 23, for crying out loud," he yells. His anger makes him even hotter than normal. He looks at Vincent, and goes to him. His hands go over Vincent's pants, until they rest on the zipper. 

"We have been selfish," Augustine says, as he yanks it down. Vincent helps him take off the pants. I chance a look at Dean, who is edging towards the two of them. One small step at a time. Like a cat, that is closing in on a bird.  

They are no birds, but they are food for him. 

I should join in. To make sure he doesn't suck them dry. 

I get my shirt over my shoulders, and throw it to the ground. After that, I slither to Augustine and Vincent, just as Vincent gets Augustine's pants off him. Augustine takes his bottomless bag, and takes out two boxes. 

"Condoms, or no sex," Augustine says, as Dean is ready to argue. 

"I am clean," the incubus says. I suppose he should know about such things, shouldn't he? I mean, he is a lust demon...

"I don't care," Augustine says, as he fumbles with a condom. 

"Have any of you had orgies before?" Dean asks, as he accepts a condom for himself. "This one is too small."

Augustine begins to grumble then. 

"Then you won't be sticking it in anyone," he says, and Dean smirks. 

"Are you sure you can give it to me, songbird? Or you, archer? Maybe the Naga will be up for it, but..." Dean is interrupted, when Augustine kisses him. Even from here, I can see that it is an aggressive kiss. 

When the two break apart, Dean's eyes are closed. During the kiss, he has gotten a hold of Augustine. The two of them look...

"Put the condom on, Atha. You can droll later," Vincent hands me the condom, and I see an immediate problem with that. 

"Too small," I murmur, as my face adopts a grimace. 

"Well, then, you will be a bottom tonight too," Augustine says, as he lays down on the grass. Dean looks him up and down, and then straddles him. 

"I will ride you into unconsciousness," Deans says, as Vincent takes a hold of me, and lowers us to the grass. I am close enough to Augustine and Dean, to be able to kiss Dean, as Vincent begins to prepare me. Dean is holding Augustine's hands to the ground, above the Song weaver's head, and grinding into him. 

Vincent manages to get my prostate on the first try, which deepens the kiss that I share with Dean. The incubus finally lets go of Augustine's arms, and the blonde rests one hand over the incubus' tight, and uses the other one to give me the best hand job I have ever gotten. I moan loudly into the kiss. Any thoughts about making my dungeon better left for a later date.    

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