Life Skilling

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Wait, there was something about slimes…

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Chapter 3: Wait, there was something about slimes...

 Vincent: Archer, beginner adventurer. Desperately needs to slay slimes. 

Augustine takes me to the market, after we are finished with all the pies. He sold them all to the bakery, and made more out of them, than I hoped to make off the slime dungeon. We sit on the bench before the bakery, and he rummages through his coin pouches. Finally, he picks one of them and hands it to me. 

"For your good work," he says with a smile. I rather think that this carefree look suits him quite well. It makes him look more relaxed, and open about his feelings.

I take the pouch because I am a beginner adventurer, and don't have all that much money. Yes, pride is good, but I did work for this money. Not that I would have asked for them, but still. 

"Now, let us go to the community stable. I have to milk my cow," his words surprise me. Does he have a cow? What does he do with the milk? I ask him that, and he smiles even brighter. 

"I make it into butter. The butter that we used in the pies, was from Beth," he states proudly, and I nod. 

 "You are really passionate about cooking, aren't you?" I ask him. His smile dims a little. 

"I have to tell you something," I don't like these words. I have heard them before. Right before being dumped from a party, right before a quest. 

"I am a good archer," I am quick to tell him. "I'll take point, if you need me to." 

"What? I don't doubt your abilities," he tells me, and I relax a little. Still, there is a tension in my shoulders, that doesn't ease up. "It is just that, I don't want to be an adventurer." 

There is a pregnant pause, stretching between us. Well, his agent didn't tell me that. The woman, that looked like Augustine, now that I think about it, told me that Augustine is simply picky with whom he parties. Not that he wants to cook all day long. 

"I know a recipe for slime jell-o," I blurt out because if I don't complete this quest, then I will be kicked out of the guild for sure. This is my last chance. 

"A slime jell-o?" He looks suspiciously at me. He must have never heard about that. 

"The older slimes are acidic, but the younger ones have the acidity of strawberry marmalade. They also taste sweet. If you come with me, then I will hunt you some young ones. They aren't just good for jell-o. They can also be made into ice cream," I say, and he becomes thoughtful. 

"That sounds nice," he says, and bites his lower lip. I can see that he is tempted. For him, trying out a new recipe, must be the same as buying a new bow for me. A once-in-a-lifetime comfort experience, that will get you excited, and jumping in joy, by the end of it. Not that I jump in joy every time I buy a bow. 

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"Come on, give me a chance. If you don't like the jell-o, I will help you cook for free for a month," I know I sound desperate, but I also know he will take the bait. He seemed to really be enjoying himself, as we cooked today. He nods, and then takes out a pie from his bottomless bag. "Wait, didn't you sell them all?"

"I kept one," he gives me an impish grin, and places the pie on a plate, and cuts it in half. Then, he gives me a fork, and takes one for himself. "Watch." 

He begins to eat, and a couple of people turn to stare at us. One woman stops, sniffs the air, and makes a beeline for us. 

"Tine, did you manage to hunt something down again?" She asks, and Augustine smiles at her. Almost as if he is too lost in the food, to care that she is there and talking to him. 

"Ah, Flora, what a nice surprise. This pie is a team effort. This archer, my new teammate, helped me make it. If you'd like, you can taste it," Augustine takes out another fork, and holds it towards the woman. She grins, and the next thing I know, she is chewing with her eyes closed. When she is finished eating, she opens her eyes, and looks Augustine dead in the eyes. 

"To whom did you sell this masterpiece?" She asks. Augustine nods at the bakery. "Be right back." 

And she all but runs towards the building. I look at the Song weaver with a raised eyebrow. 

"Did you just advertise your own pies?" I ask. Augustine nods, and winks at me. 

"They are best when they are still fresh. Granted, tomorrow they will still be good, but not as good. Come on, eat up," he nudges the pie closer to me, and I take a bite out of it. I have to close my eyes. I have never eaten a meat so tender, a crust so crunchy, and yet soft. And the potatoes. So nice and buttery...

People stopped to sample the pie, and I rushed to eat up my own half, before someone else manages to get to it. Now that I think about it, I must have eaten Augustine's cooking before. Yet, since he sold to other businesses, I didn't have the chance to get to know that it was indeed his cooking. 

When the last of the pie is eaten, I lean into the bench, and then look at the line that is forming before the bakery. 

"Tell me you kept a second pie," I ask, sounding hopeful and content all at once. My eyes are half closed, and my stomach is pleasantly heavy. 

"Sorry, I just kept the one. Now, we need to go, and get some slimes for the jell-o. From where do you know the recipe?" He asks me. 

"My grandmother. She was an adventurer, and knew many unconventional recipes, involving mobs," I tell him. He practically gets stars in his eyes, which allows me to hope, that we might form a permanent party together.  

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