Life Skilling

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: The secret

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Chapter 37: The secret

 Atha: Dungeon core, dual sword wielder. Wants to be a real dungeon core...

I fill up the stretch of the river where the piranhas are congregating with mana, as Dean stands at the banks of the river, with a knife in his hand. 

"Are you ready?" I ask him. Behind us, there is a big cooking area hastily set up because Augustine just couldn't pass on the opportunity to have a cook off. We will be up to our ears in fish guts, I just know it. 

"Ready when you give the signal," Dean says. I sigh, and blow him a kiss. I honestly can't understand why Dean has to make everything seem like it is about sex. Still, I can't complain. He cuts his hand, and casts a net of mana at the same time. Then, I have to run for it, since the effect is not the one, I expected. 

Instead of the piranhas dying in droves, they grow bigger, and grow wings. I slither as fast as I can, as Augustine takes off his harp, and begins to play a tune. 

Thank the divines and the unholiest for him because the piranhas stop their mad dash at us, and fall to the ground. 

"Come on, we have to bag all of this meat," Augustine says, as he keeps on playing. I take off my swords, and the carnage begins. It is so relaxing, having a competent Song weaver in your party.

 You can just hack at things that don't fight back. Of course, one hit is enough to snap just about anything out of the trance, in which Tine places things with his music. So, I have to be precise with my strikes. 

When we all come back to the cooking pits, we see Allan there, looking down at his feet. 

"I kept the fire going," he mumbles. I go to him, and take him in my arms. 

"If you beat yourself over not being able to help, I will tug off your ear," I threaten. 

"It is just that, we are a party, but I make you do all the heavy lifting," Allan murmurs. I scrunch up my nose at him. 

"You will be able to heal Dean's cut hand, now. That is still a big task," I say. Honestly, we may be a party, but we barely qualify as adventurers. I know for a fact that Vincent is the only one that is really hyped up about the occupation. I guess, Allan sticks with us because he wants to belong. 

He has a secret. I know he does. It is something that weights him down, and heavily, at that. It smarts that he won't trust me with it, but he trusts Tine and Dean. I mean, Tine I can understand. He is the leader of the party. But Dean? I am beginning to worry about the nature of the secret. 

"And now kiss," I hear Dean say behind me. I chuckle, and look Allan in the eyes. He looks at me with such sadness, that I can't help but lean in... Only to be yanked by the hair by Augustine. 

"I will be the one to get Allan's first kiss," he says. If he had tugged harder, I would have swiped his feet from under him with my tail.

"Careful with the hair," I snap, but Augustine is already wiggling into my arms. I let him squeeze in, and he hugs Allan. 

"So, can I? Have your first kiss, that is?" Augustine asks. I can see that this only serves to make Allan even sadder. 

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"That ship sailed three years ago," Allan says, and then gets out of our embrace. "I can't do this anymore." 

"You can't do what, Allan?" I ask. Is he going to tell us his secret? I can see that Vincent and Dean are also moving closer. 

"When you know what I am, you won't want to have anything to do with me," he tells me. I blink at that. Has he killed a civilian, or something?

"You don't have to tell them yet," Augustine says, as he takes a hold of Allan's right hand. "But if you do tell them, and they turn their backs on you, you will still have me." 

"And me," Dean says, hugging Allan from behind. 

Allan sucks in a breath, and then drops a bombshell that I wouldn't have guessed was coming. 

 "I used to be a prostitute," he says, and then begins to wipe at his eyes. "I am sorry. You are all so pure, and I am..." 

"The purest of us all," Dean says, as he kisses the back of Allan's neck. "The kindest. The only one who treats each one of us with respect." 

"You thought we will snub you, because of something like that?" I say, suddenly getting angry. Not at Allan, but at the way he thinks. 

"I..." he begins, but I am already in his face. 

"I am a dungeon core," I tell him, after which I give him a gentle shake. "To most people, I am worse than scum." 

"But that is what I am, used goods, and..." he begins, but then Vincent shoves me to the side, and kisses him. When the two of them break apart, Vincent takes a hold of Allan's chin, and stares into his eyes. 

"Don't ever say something like that around me," he commands. I can see the potential in him to reach hero rank, then. His aura has this nobility to it, that I can barely place into words. "You were in a dark place. I am sure you weren't a prostitute for the fun of it. Even if you were, we are not going to judge you." 

"See?" Dean murmurs, as Allan begins to shake in his hold. I am confident that Dean is the only thing holding Allan up, right now. "You had nothing to worry about. Now, we will shower you with love and adoration, until you can forgive yourself. Mark my words, you will heal, my precious healer." 

I slither closer to Allan, and take out a handkerchief. Slowly, I begin to wipe away his tears, as Augustine and Vincent both hug him from the sides. We don't bother beginning to cook, until Allan has calmed down enough, to crack a smile at Dean's wandering hands.  


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