Life Skilling

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: New family

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Chapter 46: New family

 Dean: Incubus, mage. Is finally a dad. 

I just can't wait for Tine to see Lexus. Will he like the little guy, as much as I do? What were the chances, that we would have found a young incubus at the orphanage?

 One that is not like Warren Junior. Rather, one that is really at the mental age of ten, just as he is on that mental age in his physical development? 

I already love the kid to bits. The only thing we need to do, before we go and let Tine baby the baby of the family, is drop Dru's new ten kids. They are a motley bunch.

All of them are demons. Just how did they end up in a human orphanage is beyond me. Someone should really tip the Demon Lord, that there are demons abandoned in the human realm. 

Anyway, there are eight boys, and two girls. I'll start with the girls, seeing as they are quieter. 

There is Moxie, a pride demon. Even though she is one, she isn't all that prideful. I think that the orphanage has eroded this characteristic out of her. 

Then there is Annie, a greed demon. That said, I have seen her share her things with Moxie so far. So, I guess, the matron is superb at reprogramming. Dru is going to love a daughter, who is as selfless as Annie. 

Now, the boys: 

There is Jean, who is a red head. I guess that is why he was named after the archer. He is a broad berserker demon, and tall for his age. Honestly, I think that, when he finishes growing, he will be two meters tall. If not taller. 

Right next to him, is his brother, Colton. He is also a berserker demon, but slimmer than his brother. The two are twins, but can be told apart by their build. Honestly, if I were the matron, I would have named Colton-Jean, and Jean-Colton. Maybe, she simply didn't know how they were going to grow up as? 

Next to them, is a toddler. Little Cassius is an adorable plump boy, with the most adorable strawberry-blonde curls. He is not related to the kids I have mentioned so far. He is a pride demon.

I guess, the matron couldn't quite get his spunk out of him, what with him still being an adorable kid? Anyway, he'll fish for compliments, no matter from whom. Kind of grits on the nerves, but one can't stay annoyed at him. What with his plump cheeks, and those adorable green eyes? 

Cassius's hand is held by his brother, Caspian. He is also a pride demon. Except, his hair is black, and not strawberry-blonde. Still, he shares his brother's green eyes. Even if his are a bit dimmer than Cassius's. I bet that Ariknol will do something to return the joy in them. 

A little behind them are the twins: Fabian and Falion. Both blondes, both envy demons. Yet, they are as thick as thieves. I guess that no matter their nature, twins are always like this.

They both have caramel eyes, which will twinkle, when they see a pretty trinket. So far, they have squabbled with Moxie three times, over a headband. It is not like I can see them wearing the pink thing. I guess their nature is making them act out. 

Next to them, are the quadruplets. Like little adorable ducklings, the little red heads are linked to Falion's right hand. They are all three years old, and also pride demons, like Caspian and Cassius. Their names are Alex, Alek, Aliz, and Alektos. 

So far, they made me call them adorable and munchkins five times. I don't know how, but they keep tricking me into it all. It is a strange thing to take pride in, being adorable. I guess they will grow out of it, and find their behavior embarrassing. In time. 

And then there is Lexus, my son. Well, not just mine. He is the son of the entire harem. He is right next to me, so we can walk side by side. Our tails swing around us, and our horns are on full display. I can see Atha giving me looks from time to time. So does Vincent. Allan would blush every time he looks my way. Ah, my adorable cookie. 

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"Dad, are your grandparents really in a castle?" Lexus asks me. I nod. 

"Ariknol, your grandfather, built it for your grandmother, Drusila. But you shouldn't call her Drusila. She goes by Dru," I tell Lexus, who nods. 

Caspian turns around, and gives Lexus a haughty look. 

"Nephew, I do expect from you visits every Sunday," the pride demon says. When Lexus pokes a tongue out at him, the two burst out laughing. 

"Big brother, am I really an uncle?" Colton asks. 

"Yes, the uncle to a bunch of grown-ups, and one chibi," Caspian says, his nose turned up high. 

"Well, uncle Cas," I begin, letting him swell with the pride of being called an uncle. "Do answer me this: How does one keep their harem happy?" 

"Dean!" Allan calls from the front. His face a mask of disapproval. "You can't ask a kid that!" 

"No, no. I must answer my nephew," I can see that Caspian swells with pride every time he refers to someone like that. I bet it makes him feel older. 

"I suppose, with countless gifts?" He asks, more than tells. 

"Oh, dear uncle, I must give you the talk. If you really think that people should be bought with gifts, instead of smothered with love," I tell the boy. As I watch him puff up his cheeks, we see the castle before us. The drawbridge is down, and Dru and Ariknol are waiting. 

"Mama, mama," the quadruplets chorus as one, as they see Dru. She rushes out of the castle, and soon, there is a hug pile on the ground. "We are your favorites, aren't we, mama?" 

I think it was Alektos who asked that final question. He is by far the pushiest of the bunch. 

"You are all my favorites," Dru opens her arms wider, and the rest of the kids come forward. "Oh, girls. I have girls to play dress up with!" 

I hear the boys grumble about being second fiddle, as the two girls begin to speak with Dru about all the dresses they can sew together. If she could only spare the fabric. I go to Atha, and take a hold of his hand. 

"You did good, Atha. You might not be able to build anything more complex than a hole in the ground, but you made Dru happy," I lean into him, and whisper in his ear. "That deserves a reward. Anything you want. Just the two of us." 

As I lick Atha's ear, I notice that it is getting red. If he ends up hard before the kids, Dru is going to chew him out. Now that, I will pay to see. What can I say? I am a bit jealous that he is her favorite grandson. 

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