Life with my Little Sister

Chapter 192: 192 Episode 189: Running the Water

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"Al, can you explain what this is all about?


My mother, she smiles, but her eyes aren't laughing.

Do they think I put a phee on him?

No, actually, I did.

"Kyu ~..."

Kupipipipi is in her mother's arms, and she's still turning her eyes.

It's Nipa. It's Nipa.

"It's true -. He's here again, he's here again?

And coloboccles climbing to their predecessors without reading the air.

You said Mim Maman's name, Nipa.

Mother came before us with Tsukatsuka, and again, "Al," she murmured.

Around saying nothing to Fee, he knows I'm the main culprit.

My mother, I raise my children lazily, but when I scold them, I scold them...

If we don't explain it properly, we're gonna eat big eyeballs, right?

"No, actually, it's just a tease..."

I'm desperate to explain.


After hearing my clarification, my mother swells her cheeks.

You look like your daughter in these places.



"Fee's gonna ask you anything Al says, so you gotta think about it a little bit more, okay?

Mother says, stroking Kupipipi.

Hi, Mother. I hear that the Colobockle sorcerer was judged a weak man.

Considering the quality of the demon wall I saw before I was blown away, I think it's a pretty good user.

"Hey, hey...... Do you believe this kid's Yota story? There's no way a human toddler could ever be more hostile to a fairy sorcerer, is there?

Watercolor Mamman stuck it in My Mother.

But Lucica Crane put.

Smile and intercept this.

"Yeah, sure. My children are geniuses. I can do anything."

Only a parent idiot, you never brace......

And the watercolor, who doesn't know the official language of the continent, "heh, heh, heh," he said, even, just confused.

"Oh, you know, brother. I also want you to tell me what's going on…"


Do you want to explain the same thing again?

"Yes, yes! Phew! Phew explains! Phew, I begged you to do evil magicians! We've done it right!

Another misleading way of saying it...

"Huh!? Did you do this?!? What the hell happened?


You don't know what happened, do you?

"Ugh...... Like your mother, I wish I could speak your language too..."

Speaking of which, how does Mr. Nipa know the language of the continent?

When I asked her why, the watercoloured mother turned away, "A little".

"... Nipa used to pretend to be a human and do adventurers"

"Hey......! Dear Takazu, please don't tear me apart!

Heh. That's what happened.

I'll get Watercolor right away, and I'll interpret for you.

"Huh!? Your mother said that!? Humans said it was scary and horrible!

"I tried adventure and I actually understood! We have reconfirmed the danger of the human race! Damn, what an extra mane for an interpreter...!

I was stared at.

"And, I mean, why are these two toddlers speaking the words of the Spirit as a matter of course? These days, even spirits say that some people don't know this toned language."

"You said that, didn't you? My kids are geniuses."

I'm not a genius, I just can use it because I learned.

I don't think it matters whether you're a genius or not, other than how fast you learn in the first place.


Watercolor pulls Mr. Nipa's clothes.

I saw it, Phee, did the mane, pulled my clothes.

"Wow, I, too, want to remember what you're saying."

"What are you talking about? You don't need that word! Spiritual language is a better language, with history and tradition, than the official language of pomposity. The inhabitants of this island also use the Spirit language. There will be no point in remembering."

"Well, but..."

That makes me look like I'm gonna cry.

Because I want to learn, I think I can tell you.

(I have no choice. Let me get you a help ship......)

I whine poso, in the official language of the continent.

You are reading story Life with my Little Sister at

"... If I'm going to teach my daughter to study, I need to teach her clearly"

"- Huh!"

A former adventurer with a quack eye opening.

And soon, calm down.

"... right. If you're willing, let me know."

That's a quick hand job.

Prepare a better explanation...

"Oh, thank you......!

Watercolor lowered her head to me.

Even if you don't know the language, you know I interfered.

Especially since Watercolor Mother thought she'd been thanked.

You study hard, and you say it with a good face.

And Meister, who loves to play, says to the Holy Spirit Toddler as she twisted, rubbing her cheeks against me.

"Mim, there's clay here. Phew, I want to."

"Oh, yes! I promised to show you some water!

Watercolor jumps off Mr. Nipa's arm and runs flat.

Were you unhappy that your daughter left me, my predecessor who stares at me?

No, it's not my fault, is it?

So much less, and the water color returns.

Its hands are ridden with a clear rectangle that shivers like cold weather.

"This is it!


My sister makes my eyes shine.

"Ya, that, it's all a piece of magic. Phew, I've never seen anything like that!

"Made of magic? I mean, like the lake water on Holy Lake?

"Yes, this is lake water!

The lake water of Holy Lake is magic itself.

And the magic, depending on the location, seems to be somewhat thick and thin.

Watercolor told me that when that dark part condenses, it changes in half, like a solid.

"Condensed magic usually turns into demonic stones, but this is only 'lake water'. In other words, because of its' water or not 'nature, it becomes such a soft substance."

The water coloured mother explains it from the side.

Well, to put it bluntly, I guess you mean it's a pretty rare case.

"Mim, Phew, this, is this it?

"Yes, go ahead"

"Hehe! Phew, I like clay!

I suppose we should call it "water" rather than clay.

Unlike Fee, I'm not as interested in doing this, but the "way" of that water itself moves my forefinger.

"Mim, can I touch you, too?

"Yes, please! You love this water, too, don't you, Mr. Colobockle?

What a mess and funny......

The touch itself is close to clay.

But there is no discomfort with clay-specific oils sticking together.

If they told me to play with one of them, I wouldn't get lost and would choose this sticky water.

(root interference……. Let's see the structure......)

Ha, Cheng Cheng.

Will it be an odd expression, but the mammoth constitutive magic remains distorted and harmonious?

So when it's water, but it's half solid.

(This, if I mess with the composition of the magic, I wonder if I can make it too...?

Uh, first of all, interfere with the great power of water magic to give uniformity to the structure...

When I thought I was a bump in my heart, Watercolor cheered.

"Huh! Fee, that's awesome! With your water, I made Mr. Colobockle!

"Us! Us?"

"Made of water? Similar or similar?

Looks like Fee gave him a deformed coloboccle doll.

As always, you're a good clay worker.

Water, though.

"Isn't that awesome, Fee?"

"Hehe...! Phew, I'm most happy to be praised for!

My Sister hugs me.

At the same time, Watercolor pointed to what I had.

"Oh brother, what is that...!?"

"Hmm? This? It's muddy water. I understood the structure, so I made it a bit. The boulder is significantly inferior to the lake water here, but I don't think there's anything wrong with touching and playing with it."

"Huh!? Is this soft water, something that can be made by magic?!?"

"Hey, what is it, you brothers and sisters? No way, really, these kids got Kupipi...?

The watercoloured parent and child were stunned.

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