Life with my Little Sister

Chapter 208: 208 Episode 25Finger Sumo

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(I've been thinking about it for a long time, but Abel has a beginner personality...)

I guess it's a recoil where interpersonal relationships have always been pale nights. It lights up a little bit, and it seems to upset me.

And even so, I don't know what to say to the indifferent.

It's a little extreme around here.

However, if you care about me at all, I think that would be a great honor.

I held the sleeping fie back firmly with one hand, with the remaining hand, and held Abel's hand.


Pikun, and Abel shaking her body.

To reassure you, turn around the smile technology you developed in your previous life in full swing.

"Me too, Abel matters. So glad you showed me these flowers"


Abel's reaction is just one word.

But it must be dense.

"... Al"


"... I'm not used to talking"

I know.

But there's a lot to tell.

Abel put her strength into her gripping palm.

"... Al told me that you would spend time with me. But there's not much I can tell you. So even if we have time together like this, we can't say what we care about, and we can't entertain you."

"No, because it's fun"

I won't even let Abel deny it.

"Talking isn't the only time you get filled up."

"... already. Al always does.... my, tranquility"

Abel said nothing more, just quietly, shaking my hand.

It's just this.

But that's all I need. I thought so.

(... that?

A flower with no name in sight seemed only a little glowing.

"Mm-hmm? Phew, were you asleep? Phew, sure, I was thinking of picking cute flowers!

Right out of the tower.

My sister opened her eyes, as if she had broken a magic or a curse.

Fee is already crowned for coming out of the tower, doing something clever: cheeks swelling up puffy cheeks.

Well, even if they pick flowers, Abel will just be in trouble, so we just have to have patience here.

Let's stroke and delude.

"Look, Fee. Why?"

"Yikes! He stroked me, Phew! Phew, I didn't ask you, but you did! Phew, you're in the mood! Phew, I like it!


You look happy, more importantly.

Speaking of mood, I think Abel would be a little happy because we saw the flowers together even though it was a small amount of time.

... I haven't changed my expression, so I don't have any certainty.

Well, you're pinching the back part of my clothes, so I don't think it's a hassle.

Fee, I'm going back to my mothers.

"Wherever Phew returns, only in his arms! I'm going home. No! I'm going.

This girl also has a strange logic on her face......

Phew! and her exhaling and cheeky sister, and taking Abel with her back pinched, we went back to the Abel House.

"Abel! What do you mean, abandon me?

Best of all, Rhutiel says that.

Slightly, I have tears in my eyes, but is something wrong?

Dr. Abel, on the other hand, gets his face off the hook.

Is it because it's a topic I'm not interested in, or do I have feelings about pushing my mother?

And her mother, who is a superior joy to unilaterally love something cute, is delighted with her twinkly tekateka and radiant face.

I don't know if it's muffled or guffled, but it's spilling a strange laugh.

Master Takazu of the balance, my mother seems to like it.

"Al. Fee, welcome home."

Keep it up, they're gonna hug us.

Normally, it smelled good like a flower that I had never seen before.

Maybe this smells like the victim of a tragedy.

(Cheng Cheng. "I smell that woman," is that what you mean? That's a pretty clear thing to stay...)

I've wasted more knowledge again.

"... Rütiel. Pass the lake water."

"Don't you have anything else to say!

"... I have something to say to you. You said you wanted to talk to me."

"Ugh... It was."

You are reading story Life with my Little Sister at

Rütiel points out with his gaze.

Sounds like something we're not going to listen to.

"... n"

Abel gets up. All the Mia sisters went outside.

"We'll leave you another message."

My mother lays down with us in her arms.

And roll around the room with the gobbles.

"Hehe...! Phew, I like to gobble!

I like it when I get gobbled up too...

Probably means something different.

The three parents and children go right or come left.

Over and over again, the mother let go of her eldest son and eldest daughter.

"Up...... I'm drunk..."

You're an asshole, you.

"Oh, Mr. Retired? Then I did. Play with Phew!

This one's tough.

Good, he jumped at me.

"Heh heh heh heh heh, I can think of something funny soon! Phew, expect more this time!

They overestimate me, rubbing my head around.

This misconception, if we don't do something about it now, we're gonna feel crushed in the future.

"... So, you want to do a finger wrestle?"

"Yubizu -!? Sounds enchanting! Phew, play with it!

And because of that, I had a finger wrestle.

Fee catches on to the feint funny and easy, but you liked being in touch with me, happy all the time.

Winning or losing is like second or third.

"Hehe...! You can play with your hands glued together! Finger Sumo, Phew's Favorite!

You mean enough to kiss me? I guess that's about it.

Later, the recovered mother also exchanged and the three of us enjoyed a finger wrestle.

My opponent is not alternating between my mother and Fee, but using his left and right hands, at the same time.

No matter, I couldn't possibly concentrate, and I kept losing to both.

Eventually, Arch Elves returns.

If you're wearing a hood, I frowned when I saw us.

Maybe they thought it was a mother and child running oddly.

"Welcome home, Abel. Are we done talking?

"...... hmm. Once."

"How many years? I want to know, too."

As her mother embarked on herself, Rhutiel hid in the shadow of Abel.

Looks like I've got a bad feeling about it.

"There's no way we can talk. If there's nothing wrong with me asking, I won't go outside in the first place."

That's true.

The question is, does that make sense?

"There's only one thing that clouds me. Always be prepared for disaster prevention goods."

All that said, the tall ancestor of the balance gave a brief greeting to his real sister and left.

Did you leave?

Abel sits right next to me.

And whispered so that it could be heard only by me.

"... things like when I was in the ice hole are happening again. Even if it's hard to prepare, just be vigilant, don't be lazy."

"... of the ice hole!

Has Abel's sister come to tell the story?

Sure, that's a big deal.

"... this time, Rhutiel said he eliminated the threat. But no clue. We'll just have to wait and see for a while."

Something bad seems to be happening where I don't know.

But if Abel doesn't have a clue, he can't do anything.

"Abelu, I want to see something interesting too."

And her mother, who had not heard her best friend, says that to the brain weather.

Abel exhaled and stood up.

"... This garden also has fruit tree compartments. You can eat as much as you like there."

"Fruit tree!? Go! Phee, you can have something sweet. Yo!

"Are you sweet!? Phew, I like sweet! I like it!

Gabba and the rising sister. The eyes are glowing.

Afterwards, we all enjoyed this outing with fruit trees and a guide to the garden.

Only the concern of the two arch elves, however, was the weight of my heart.

Hopefully we can live a peaceful and safe life like this......

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