Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 12: First Mission

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Since Kurayami had gotten Tyrant and Abel, he had increased his training in Death Energy Manipulation, his Longinous, and his lightning manipulation. He also constantly practiced with both of his prized swords, Rebellion and Submission. Rebellion's spirit had followed him from his old world so the sword had a special place in his soul. 

As for Submission, he had planned to get the sword at the very least reforged by Azazel, but he decided against this. He would do it himself as in his past life, he had been the one to forge Rebellion's first blade. Only through years of slaughter had he given rise to the spirit that now belonged to his sword. 

Though, the more his sword was in contact with him the more, refined it became. The larger it grew, the more 'alive' it seemed. According to Azazel, Kurayami's mere presence was causing his sword to become a Soul Weapon much like Rebellion. That was a welcome change, but that was not the only thing that had changed in the last three months. 

For starters, Tyrant had become a large chunky boy. The Royal Fiend had been feeding on his mana, Death Energy, Lightning, and Fire. This caused Tyrant to grow larger than he should at his age. Royal Razor Tooth Fiends could get up to 40 meters in length as seen by Tyrant's parents. However, Tyrant in just three months was already 4 meters in length. 

Tyran's outer shell had grown larger, thicker, and darker. His flames burned hotter with both Holy and Death powers just like Kurayami. His lightning-drawing spines had grown much larger and three unique ones had grown on his head. A nose horn and two forward-facing ones like triceratops.  All over his body were large spines that rattled with lightning when he was excited.

As for Abel, the Black Skull General had done the same. He struggled with Kurayami's Incinerate Anthem and his lightning, but the undead preserved. No matter how much pain it brought him he channeled Holy Lightning through his armor and coated his axe and shield in holy fire. This caused the large undead to actually begin to gain massive resistance to both. Something from Kurayami made it possible to raise his power even more. 

As for Cain, Azazel recommended that Raynare train to fight side by side with her family which she did. Akeno followed the same advice with Elktra, which had been going well. Now, today when the three of them arrived at Grigori, Azazel led them to his office where he described their mission. 

"Just as promised, your first mission as Grigori operatives will begin."

The three of them were rather excited while Kurayami kept his neutral look.

"So, what is this mission you have? Knowing you it won't be too easy."

Akeno had to agree with her brother. 

"He is right. You can be a bully to us." 

Azazel ruffled her hair a little. 

"I do it to make you strong. Raynare, your thoughts?" 

Raynare looked at Kurayami and how calm he was so she was calm as well. 

"I am not scared."

Azazel smiled. 

"Good. Your first mission is in the heart of Siberia. Monster sittings are becoming too common and humans could start to ask questions. Plus a few villages in the area have been wiped out, so wipe out as many of the creatures as you can."

Kurayami remembered his time in Russia. During his grand slaughter of evil, he had killed the Russian Prime Minster, President, and most of their generals. He had even murdered a lot of shady rich people which caused one of his closest times of dying. He was chased into the Siberian wilderness by over 10,000 soldiers. None survived and it was one of the times he had eaten human flesh.

'Not my finest moment, but it was not too bad.'

Azazel explained who their guardian would be. 

"Shemhazai will be your guardian this time around."

As if waiting, Shemhazai entered the office and stood behind Azazel.  The silver-haired man nodded with a neutral look on his face.

"As Azazel said, I will only intervene if you have no chance, so don't expect my help."

Kurayami asked the important question.

"How do we get there?"

Azazel grinned.


Raynare rolled her eyes as she had expected Azazel to send them in a super jet or something. Kurayami was fine with either way as long as they made it in one piece.

"Fine by me."

First things first they had to get better gear for the cold. The good thing is that Kurayami and Raynare could use flames to keep the cold at bay, but you can never have too much warmth in Siberia. Even Akeno was no slouch in fire magic so she could even help with wind magic to spread the flames.

Kurayami dressed in black pants, combat boots, and a reddish black undershirt, with a large black coat over it. Raynare got a totally purple outfit for the cold. Akeno had copied her outfit so both girls looked very similar. When Azazel saw Kurayami he actually began to chuckle.

"You look like a cosplaying priest. Wait I got something for that."

He went back and pulled out a black cross made of Stygian Iron. Kurayami was confused.

"What's that for?"

Azazel smiled as he twirled in it.

"Not only is it holy and not holy it also can protect your soul. Take it."

Kurayami put the cross on and felt a strange feeling, but he liked it. It was like it was made for him which was a very odd feeling. Like his soul was happy to be in contact with it. The iron's death properties resonated with his soul. 

'Why does my soul keep doing this for darkness and death-related things? This is odd.'

Raynare pouted at the sight of it as it looked like she would be better off for it.

"Don't I get a cool cross?"

Azazel thought about it and got her something better.

"Here. It's not a cross, but it's still as good."

What he gave her was a dog tag with her name on it. However, what made her blush is that the name he put on it was Raynare Himejima.

"We aren't married."

She looked at Azazel like he was evil.


He just shrugged as he acted like he did not know what she meant.

"Just saying the obvious."

Kurayami shook his head at these adults. 

"Stop pressuring the poor girl."

Akeno also nodded. 

"Stop being a bully."

Azazel sighed. 

"Come on Kurayami. You're strong, it's your birthright to have a harem. Why not start now?"

Kurayami sighed. 

"What about you? Why don't you have one then?"

Azazel showed a proud expression.

"Yup. I have had hundreds of harems through the millennia. Jealous?"

Kurayami shook his head.

"I don't care either way. I don't know what love feels like. I guess I care a lot for Raynare, but love is something I don't know. Give me some time to find out what that is."

Raynare looked at him with a smile on her face. 

"But I already love you."

Kurayami wanted to retort that she thinks she loves him, but he did not. 

"I see. I am happy." 

Akeno hugged his arm with a smile. 

"I love you as well."

Kurayami just rubbed both of their heads. 

"I am happy." 

Rather than watch, Azazel opened a magic circle under them and afterward the four of them were gone. When they arrived it was freezing and their breath turned to mist. Shemhazai who came with them spread his wings and warned them again.

"This is where we split. I will be watching, but I will not intervene."

He flew off and left the three of them alone in the freezing snow. Kurayami summoned Tyrant and  Abel while Raynare summoned Cain. Akeno brought out Elektra who had not grown much in this time as Dragons grew slowly. Still, she was still a little bigger. All 4 familiars looked at the surroundings as they were in hostile territory. Cain helped Raynare on his horse as he got on in front of her. He was her knight so it was his duty to protect her.

Meanwhile, Tyrant wanted Kurayami on his back, while Abel wanted to offer Kurayami a ride again. 

"I will ride Tyrant this time around. Maybe next time Abel, but give Akeno a ride."

Abel and his Bicorn seemed down while Tyrant felt proud when his master got in his bad. Instead, he followed his order and helped Akeno onto his Biron to give her a ride. She could not ride Elktra just yet after all.  Kurayami from Tyran's back led them through the snow as he was more than big enough. After traveling for a few minutes Kurayami turned to look at Raynare as he was confused.

"Raynare. How cold do you think it is at the moment?"

She thought about it and took a breath.

"About minus 50 degrees Celsius(-58 F). It is too cold for this storm to be normal. Must be magic-related."

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Akeno looked at Tyrant's glowing body as if he was like a big heater. Even without it the three of them were more or less fine as none of them were normal humans and had much better resistance to the cold.  Kurayami looked at the map and pointed North.

"One of the villages that were wiped out is about 16 kilometers. Let's go."

Their mounts moved across the frozen landscape with ease, especially Tyrant whose mere presence just melted the snow and ice. Kurayami was immune to the heat he produced and his clothes as well. Meanwhile, Raynare and Anek were not as warm, as Undead don't give off warmth. They were still fine as it was a minor inconvenience to them. When they arrived at the village in about 10 minutes. When they got their dead bodies and wolf and bear-like monsters were feeding on the remains.

When the beats saw them they roared and attacked.  Raynare snapped her finger and suddenly a cracking sound and the tearing of flesh was heard. Cain had swung his bone whip at such a speed it sliced the beats in half. Abel on the other hand pulled his massive black axe back and threw it forward. The axe spun through the air cutting down several of the beasts with ease.

When his axe returned to his hand, he ordered his Bicorn forward. Seeing this Cain followed to not be outdone by his old rival.  His horse reared on his back legs as the whip turned into a bone sword. Raynare went along for the ride as she used her scythe to attack the ones that rushed at them.

Kurayami on the other hand looked down at his own mount and got off. Akeno also got off Abel's Bicorn, but she ordered Elektra to get into the action. 

"Go wild."

Tyrant roared and rushed in while white, black, and purple lightning was crossing on his back spikes which discharged in all directions killing the beasts that were charging. Kurayami raised his hand and created 20 spears of light coursing with lightning. He waved his hand down impaling just as many beasts resulting in all of the beasts being killed. 

Once it was clear, Kurayami turned to Tyrant. 

" Tyrant. Anyone alive?"

The creature began to look in all directions and while he could not see in the traditional sense his species could use sound, heat, and electrical radar to see. It felt no life and shook his head. Raynare saw that and shrugged.

"Not our problem. we came to kill the monsters not save people."

Akeno whole having gone through the same training they did was still not as cold-hearted as both of them.

"Can we still save people we find?"

Kurayami denied this.

"There is no merit in doing so. Avoid doing it as it will slow us down."

She looked down and nodded.


He sighed as he got back on Tyrant. Akeno got back on the Bicorn with help from Abel.  Kurayami looked at the map and squinted his eyes when he saw the distance.

"Next one should be to the west about 100 kilometers."

Raynare sighed upon hearing that.

"Should we fly there?"

He thought about it and while it was easier this was a good opportunity.

"No. It is too simple, but we can run into more beasts that way."

She nodded and they went toward the next Village. When they got there what they saw was not what they expected. Many beasts were impelled by ice and were cut to pieces.

"Well seems someone got here before us. By the look of it not long ago."

Raynare nodded as she held onto Cain's cape.  As they checked the place they saw dead villagers and beasts. They saw a set of footprints that looked like a child's. They went out of the village, but they also saw a blood trail following.

Kurayami got off and looked down at the prints. They were recent as the snow had not covered them yet.

"Seems whoever did this is our age and injured. What do we do?"

Raynare got off her horse while Cain stayed mounted.  Tyrant and the Bicorn began to sniff the blood and got the scent. Raynare stepped into the print and was a little surprised. I was similar in size to her which meant the person was rather young.

"Seems it was a girl or a really small boy. Should we follow and see if they are alive?"

Akeno heard that and thought they wanted to help.

"Can we help them?"

Kurayami nodded.

"If they have value."

She frowned as she was wrong. He cared about their power which made her sigh as this was just how the two of them were. They got back on their mounts and followed the prints and blood trail. They followed it for about 40 minutes until they found out who was injured. It was a small blue-haired girl about their age who was passed out in the snow.

Kurayami got off Tyrant and had Akeno wait back with Abel. The large Black Skull General wanted to ensure her safety for his master's sake. If anything happened to her he would feel great shame. Meanwhile, Kurayami walked toward the girl and touched her neck to check if she had died. He did find a very faint heartbeat which meant she was alive, if barely.

"She is at death's door, but not there yet. She must have a lot of grit to be able to move this far with this much blood loss."

He flipped her over and found out why she was bleeding so much. On the right side of her stomach was a huge gash that would have caused her organs to fall out of her body. The only thing stopping that was the ice that had formed a type of guard for her.

"Well. I know a little healing magic, but it is not enough. Akeno you are the best at this kind of stuff so can you do it."

Akeno nodded with a smile as she jumped off Abel's Bicorn to do what she could. Several healing and diagnostic spells formed around the girl and began to heal the wound. Raynare and Kurayami knew the basics as they might need it someday. However, they were nowhere near as good as Akeno was at healing so this was just one of the things they had to concede. After 15 minutes she did the most she could and managed to close off the outside wounds Still, she would die if her internal wounds were not healed as soon as possible. As such, she gave them the news.

"I did what I could. I could only heal the outer wounds and not the inner ones."

Raynare brought up a good point which increased her value in his eyes.

"Do we use the phoenix tears? Seems she was the one who killed the beasts and even at this age she managed to move despite this type of wound."

Raynare and Kurayami didn't care that she was a child, but that she was strong. To them, the strong were to be respected and the weak didn't matter. As Fallen Angels their mindset was built for battle and even Kurayami who grew up as an assassin already didn't have much sympathy for the weak. However, this girl seemed she was worth using them. Raynare brought up another good point for this which made Kurayami feel this was worth the investment.

"Maybe we can recruit her for Grigori, she is either a good mage or has sacred gear so I say yes."

"I agree."

Kuryami reached into his coat and pulled out a vial of Phoneix Tears which he used to save her life. A green glow appear on her body as all of her internal wounds healed. Her pale face began to regain some of its colors. Her skin was really pale, but that was more of her environment and her hair was a light blue.

Kurayami picked her up and held her while he brought her close to Tyrant. Around him was a dry patch as the snow melted and evaporated. She was deeply asleep and seemed she was relaxing in the warmth of the heat. Kurayami moved his right arm under the knees and carried her in a prince's carry. Raynare looked at her with a little curiosity as not everyone had a will at such a young age.

"How long will she stay asleep for?"

He set her down gently as he had to check some stuff. He placed his hand on her neck to check her pulse and he knew how long she would stay in this state.

"With the blood loss and the healing we gave her, I say she should stay like this for a few hours. Plus she is far from a normal human in my opinion."

Raynare was always impressed with his knowledge of the body and he began to teach her his knowledge of pressure points and how striking them could leave your foe vulnerable to you. Akeno found his valuable knowledge in healing. He removed her torn shirt covered in blood and placed a new one on her. She was a kid and was flat as a board, but she had an interesting black mark on her chest. Raynare looked at it and pocked it.

"What is that? A tattoo?"

Kurayami swatted at her hand making her hold her hand with a frown.

"Raynare stop that. That is rude."


He looked at it and felt a strange feeling from his own sacred gear. It was like both of them were opposites. He ignored it as this was not the time. When she was dressed he stood up and picked her up and was going to get on Tyrant.

"Lower the heat can you."

Tyrant nodded and his burning body began to dim until he looked less like a magma beast and more like a rock creature with a small red aura. Meanwhile, Abel helped Akeno back onto his Bicorn while Raynare hoped on Cain's horse. Raynare looked at Kurayami as he had the map at the momebt. 

"So any more villages?"

Kurayami checked the map and nodded.

"There is one more, but it is about 30 kilometers east."

When he looked down at the girl, he felt she would fall off as Tyrant was not a smooth ride. When he did it annoyed Akeno and Raynare. He sat her on his lap as he had to avoid her touching Tyrant directly. As Tyrant was familiar he was immune to his heat. She was sleeping soundly and he was thinking if this is what it's like to be a dad.

When they arrived at the last village it was like the others, but what was there was even worse. A type of yeti was there and it was over 10 meters tall and covered in dense white fur and huge muscles. It was shoving the bodies of people into its bloody mouth. When it saw them it grinned and approached slowly as it was confident.

Kurayami rose off Tyrant before he handed the girl to Abel.

"Keep her safe."

The undead nodded as Kurayami approached the Yeti. When it saw him going towards it, it felt that a small meal was allowing itself to be eaten. Kurayami reached behind him to draw his sword Submission. Meanwhile, Rebellion appeared in his right hand causing both swords to resonate as they drew his magic. 

Kurayami looked up at the Yeti that was rushing at him with zero fear. 


Lightning and Fire coursed through his mana pathways causing him to appear to be formed from both. He rushed past the Yeti, but not before delivering several attacks. He sliced off its head, cut its arms into chunks, and stabbed each organ several times before cutting its joints. The yeti paused before it began to be reduced to nothing. 

"We are done."

From the sky landed Shemhazai who confirmed it.

"Correct. That was the last village and seems you got an interesting find."

He referred to the small girl in Akeno's hands.

"She was quite strong and seemed she has a high pain threshold, so we helped her. Let's take her back and see why she is so strong."

He nodded and teleported them back to Grigori where Azazel was going to have a field day when he found out why she was this strong.

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