
Chapter 394: Your Incompetence

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Rais took me to the General's office. A few soldiers were inside when we entered, and they all seemed to gather around one Voltar that stood in the middle. To my surprise, it was a female Voltar. Rais announced "General Litral, This Human has a message for you, and would like to speak with you". The soldiers inside the room turned around, and looked at us. General Litral was rather brash, when she said "Out with it Human, what is the message".

I replied with my brows furrowed "I don't like your tone. Don't mistaken me for one of your men". The soldiers exclaimed "Insolence!", and similar at my face. She replied, "I have no problem throwing you into jail for your posture, so better mind your words Human". I released my Auras, and the whole room froze. I said "I think you are the one who's mistaken. I'm not your everyday pushover. I came a long way to warn you, and check up on you. I'm to tired for your bullshit, so cut it out". I then retrieved my Auras, and the soldiers fell to the ground. I didn't target Rais, so he was mostly alright, except the shock on his face.

The General looked at me with anger, and asked "What did you want to warn us about?". I replied "Did you get the news about Arangard?". She said "Is that what you came to say? We already know about that, and we know for a while". I replied "Good, this saves me time in that case. I'm here to enquire about Vanaut camps". She asked "There is a camp further to the west, what about it?".

I asked "Do you know what they are doing?". She became a bit more frustrated again, and replied "What exactly do you want Human?". I didn't ask in roundabout ways anymore, and went straight to the point. "Are Vanauts digging something?". She replied surprised "How did you know, you've been there?". I said "No, but they do that next to Sedon as well. This is my warning, they are coming for you guys. Either attack them and destroy their camp, or figure out how to collapse a tunnel from above".

She thought about it for a while, and asked "Why should I believe you?". I replied, "If you don't, you may as well perish or become enslaved by Eterians. It's your choice. I don't have the time to prove stuff to you. If you want proof, go there and check yourself". The soldiers who finally picked themselves up, just stood there quietly while she thought about it.

I added "Another thing. What happened to the supplies?". She replied, "My people were attacked, and we lost everything. We can't waste our people or resources, therefore we stopped sending them". I replied, "I will take them when I return from Apium". She asked "And why should we give you, a Human any supplies?". I said "Because of your own incompetence. Lizards and Shades take on most of the battles for you guys. The least you can do is send them supplies, and you failed at that. If you can't deliver them, I will do it myself".

She replied in an angry tone "And who the hell are you exactly? Eh? Some Human will come here and order us around!? Know your place!". I replied calmly "Go to Lizards in your city, and ask them who I am. As for the supplies, I will collect them on my way back from Apium. One last thing. Trim that loftiness of yours, Harlin could teach you a few things about that".

I then turned around, and disappeared. I said what I had to say. 'This is war, I will not play nice, even with my allies. Besides, I never liked lofty characters. They always played on my nerves' I thought. I left Boltier without looking back. 'We will never win this war, if the allied forces are like that. Lizards are first to fight, but they don't see the bigger picture. Voltars sit at their city, rotting away thinking they are safe. Atols have their own internal struggles. Golems don't give a crap, they don't seem to mind being slaves to Eterians, if the war is lost. Shades… What can they accomplish by themselves?' I thought.

Shades were able to come together, even though they still seemed to compete for power a bit. Ultimately, they were very welcoming to the army of Lizards, and stuck together. They tried finding out information about enemy, instead of blindly rushing at them. Although Shades worked as they should, it was the others in allied forces that were dragging them down. 'If Yagaroths and Avians still existed, and joined our enemy… The war would be almost over. With Yagaroths' strength, and Avains' ability to fly, Sedon would already fall' I thought.

That was why I didn't exchange pleasantries, or tried to be polite. I was as rude and demanded stuff, not because I wanted to be, but because I had to be. They needed to wake up and realise what shit they stepped into. Then start working together. 'If they don't realise their own mistakes, they may as well perish. Such ally is no more than a hindrance, the weak link that might drag everyone else down' I thought.

Apium was still quite a distance away. Even though my speed was not bad, I was still not at my top condition. That medicine took its toll on my body. A few days passed, before I regained my full strength. Although I met some enemies on the way, it was nothing major like last time. The enemies started to thin out a bit, the closer I got to Apium. It struck me as weird, 'Why would they leave Atols alone? Or are they perhaps planning something here as well' I thought. I had a bad feeling about it, but there was nothing I could do really.

After another week, I finally saw Apium at the horizon. It didn't change much, the greenery was still there, and looked like paradise in the desert. The only exception was the increased presence of Atols. A few groups of them were patrolling the area, and standing guard. Only when I got closer, I noticed some damages to the small forest surrounding Apium. 'Turns out they were attacked too' I thought. It was weird though, because the damage seemed to be done by fire, not by Destroyers.

This struck me as odd, because Sedon or Boltier didn't have such damages. 'Did someone try to burn the forest down?' I asked myself. One of the patrols started approaching me, probably to ask for the purpose of my visit. We met halfway, and one of the Atols shouted "Stop stranger!". I stopped in front of them, and the Atol warrior asked another question. "Why did you come here stranger? Do you have business with us?". I replied "I'm here to talk with Fraction Leaders. I want to discuss a few things with them".

The Atol was having none of that, and replied "The Leaders are too busy. Turn around, and leave". 'Again with that attitude' I thought. Before I proceeded, I asked "What exactly happened here. Someone attacked you?". He replied "None of your business stranger. Leave or we will use force". 'Not very welcoming' I thought and said, "Let see that "force" of yours".

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