Little Fox

Chapter 13: 13

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Ch13 - Ending

Huifeng Palace, heaven.

The layout of the massive hall was really simple, and it appeared a little empty. Glazed jiuding incense burners were ignited and slowly released white smoke that evaporated midair in the blink of an eye. 

A handsome man in a light brocade robe reclined on the ice crystal bed in the main hall. He appeared to have only just awoken, and his partly opened eyes were still hazy.

“SangSang?” The man looked up at the top of his head, puzzled, and softly called out.



Little Fox.

His foolish fox must have thought he was dead and was grieving alone in the mortal realm… 

His mind instantly restored to its original state, and Su Yu leaped off the ice crystal bed and dashed out the door.


He was weak since he had been fast asleep for several days and his primordial spirit had just returned to his body from the human world. He’d only walked outside the palace when his legs went soft and he collapsed.

The immortal attendants guarding outside the palace hall were startled and gathered in astonishment and excitement.

“Shenjun? Shenjun has awoken!”



A major event occurred recently in the divine realm.

Fengze Shenjun, who had gone to the mortal realm to experience calamity, had just returned after being in seclusion for many days. Instead of waiting for his primordial spirit to heal, he made a fuss about going to the mortal realm in search of a fox.


Reportedly, that fox was his lover in the mortal realm. 

The gods wagged their tongues in secret, wondering as to how a beautiful and charming fox-spirit could actually captivate Fengze Shenjun, who had always been ascetic and indifferent to women, to such an extent…

Su Yu felt labored when he rushed to Cangshan from the divine realm since his primordial spirit had not yet entirely recovered, and even his lips turned pale when he dropped to the ground.

He combed the entire Cangshan but couldn’t find his little fox.

One day in the divine realm equaled one year in the human world. Su Yu couldn’t help but secretly regret: he should not have cultivated his primordial spirit in the Heavenly Palace, resulting in so much delay. 

“SangSang, where are you?” He stared at the deserted house with a wry smile on his lips.

“Shenjun, are we still looking for him?” inquired the small fairy-child who trailed behind.

“Wait a bit longer.” Su Yu closed his eyes and softly whispered, “He will return.”

The peach flower trees in front of the house were in full bloom in the spring, with pink peach blossoms bursting from the branches, carrying the aroma of peach blossoms with the wind. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf ajyifje kjr fzagfwfis lcabzlmjalcu.

Qtfc Ve Te gjlrfv tlr tfjv jcv rajgfv eq ja atf agff oeii bo qfjmt yibrrbwr, tlr wfijcmtbis fzqgfrrlbc yglutafcfv rilutais. Dea tf kjr raeccfv ktfc tf ibbxfv ja atf ugbecv.


Lf vlvc’a cbalmf atf cfk abwy yfrlvf atf qfjmt yibrrbw agffr ktfc tf lclaljiis jgglnfv.

He couldn’t stop himself from heading to the new tomb, his eyes tearing up. 

This tomb… He was afraid a foolish fox had built it for him.

He knew this because after his father in the human world died, he and Fusang built the tomb together.

Fusang must be inconsolable because he thought he was dead… Su Yu’s heart hurt simply thinking about it, like a dagger being twisted in his heart.

His emotions were too intense, and when combined with his still unstable primordial spirit, it caused him to cough blood. A bright red trickle poured out of the corner of his mouth. 

“Shenjun! Shenjun, what’s the matter with you?” When he abruptly vomited blood, the little fairy-child that was following him became pale with fear.

Su Yu calmly shook his head and muttered hoarsely, “I’m fine.”

The small fairy-child exhaled a sigh of relief and moved his gaze elsewhere, seeing that his complexion remained serene.

“Ha?! Shenjun, there’s a beautiful bamboo flute here!” The small fairy-child remarked, pointing to a spot beside the tomb. 

Bamboo flute? Su Yu frowned and glanced over.

He remembered Fusang telling him once that he had a bamboo spirit friend in Cangshan…

He leaned down and carefully examined the bamboo flute he had not noticed before.

He finally raised it to his lips after a long time. 

The clear sound of the flute suddenly blew softly in the air. The music was melodic and lovely, but it seemed to be crying for its lover with a touch of melancholy and contemplation.

The profuse peach blossoms on the tops of the trees spread their petals as a breeze blew.

Along with the cool breeze came a strange youngster with sharp brows.

He looked up and down at Su Yu and inquired bluntly, “Who are you? Why are you here?” 

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Before Su Yu could say anything, the young fairy-child became enraged: “Bold little demon, who gave you the courage to be presumptuous in front of Fengze Shenjun!”

The little fairy-child wanted to add something, but Su Yu stopped him.


With his cultivation, he could naturally see the boy’s true body at a glance, so he…might also know Fusang’s whereabouts.

Su Yu regained some hope in his heart, returned his gaze to the youngster, and solemnly inquired, “Excuse me, do you…know a fox named Fusang? I’m looking for him.” 

Finally, the boy’s countenance softened. “Are you Su Yu?” he inquired, raising his brows.

Su Yu’s eyes lit up in a moment and he promptly replied: “I am!”

“I was puzzled why, after searching for days, I couldn’t find your reincarnation in the underworld. So…” the bamboo spirit frowned and whispered, “it turns out you are an immortal who traveled to the mortal realm to undergo a calamity.”

“But it’s all right; maybe you can help him.” 

The bamboo spirit sighed as he spotted the anxiety in Su Yu’s eyes. “Follow me,” he murmured, his expression complicated.

Su Yu finally saw Fusang on another peak.

It was, however, Fusang’s original body in a sleeping state – a fox sleeping with its eyes closed.

He appeared to have slept for far too long. His original magnificent fur had lost its luster and become dull, but he still wore the fox blood jade pendant he had carved for him on his chest. 

The little fox carved on the blood jade pendant was still playful and charming, but the fox wearing the jade pendant had lost his vitality.

Su Yu felt his eyes sting as he carefully cradled the sleeping little fox in his arms.

“He has been ravaged by grief ever since you died in the mortal realm. He’s been lying by your grave all day, not eating, drinking, or talking, just like…”

“When I came to meet him later, I discovered that he had sealed his own spirit, leaving only his original body dormant. Fortunately, I found him early, picked him up, and cared for him; otherwise…you will be truly separated from each other forever.” 

“I’m sorry, SangSang… I’m late.” Su Yu tightened his grip on the furry ball in his arms, the ice-cold temperature making him quiver from head to toe. His heart felt as if it were being pierced with needles. He tenderly pushed the fox against his chest, attempting to warm it with all of his body heat.

After a while, teary-eyed once more, he whispered to the bamboo spirit, hoarsely, “Thank you.”

The bamboo spirit stared stupefied at the figure slowly walking away, his eyes burning, and he couldn’t help but yell to him, “You must take good care of him. If you make him grieve for you again, I’ll not let you off even if you’re Shenjun!”

Su Yu’s steps paused, and he softly murmured: “Okay.” 

“SangSang, we’re heading home,” he said with a loving smile as he stared at the sleeping little fox.

The news of Fengze Shenjun returning to the divine realm with a little fox who was simply a self-proclaimed Fox Demon caused quite a stir in the Heavenly Palace.


Fengze Shenjun also requested marriage from the Heavenly Emperor and welcomed the nameless little fox demon who was still in a coma into the Huifeng Palace, causing even more uproar.

Huifeng Palace was as cold and cheerless as ever, isolated from the hustle and bustle outside. 

Su Yu used spiritual power to safeguard Fusang’s heart and fed him Yaochi spirit water every day. After being cared for in this manner, the previously dry and dull fur became much smoother and glossier.

But he hadn’t yet awoken.

“SangSang, it’s been so long, why haven’t you woken up yet?” Su Yu sighed quietly. “I know you’re mad at me, so why don’t you wake up and beat me up?”

The little fox’s eyes remained closed, huddled motionless on the ice crystal bed. 

“Xianjun, please rest first.” The medical assistant behind him was upset. “Your primordial spirit has not yet recovered, and you continue to send him spiritual power every day…”

Su Yu’s apathetic gaze made him shut his mouth, so the latter words could not be voiced.

“Leave us.” Su Yu said lightly.

Su Yu scooped up the little fox in his arms and caressed it with yearning eyes after the immortal servant left. 

“SangSang…” he called softly again and again.

The soft mass in his arms seemed to move.

Su Yu’s body abruptly froze.


The little fox in his arms slowly opened his eyes under his delighted gaze.

The fox immediately transformed into a gorgeous youth.

“Su Yu—” When Fusang realized it was him, his eyes grew red, and he plunged himself into Su Yu’s arms. His eyes welled up with tears, and he felt both thrilled and wronged.

Su Yu couldn’t bear to let go of the lover he’d lost and then regained, feeling the long-lost softness and beauty in his arms. 

He hugged Fusang tightly, his tone as gentle as it had always been: “SangSang, I’m back.”



Fusang is one of the rare characters I’ve read that is normally silly yet unexpectedly wise and brave when it counts. The bamboo spirit is the best friend ever!

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of fluff with a dash of sadness. 

You can find story with these keywords: Little Fox, Read Little Fox, Little Fox novel, Little Fox book, Little Fox story, Little Fox full, Little Fox Latest Chapter

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