Little Rabbit Can’t Escape Her Enemy After Reincarnation!

Chapter 11: 11

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‘What’s she doing?’ 

Clyde was puzzled as he was slowly walking down the hallway. He picked up Ashley on his way to the stables, but Ashley seemed to be acting strangely.

‘Nah, she pretty much has been acting strange.’

Even more so now. She was following Clyde, but the distance between them didn’t seem to be getting any shorter. He wasn’t even walking fast. Rather, he was walking slowly out of concern for her. And yet, there’s a certain distance between them.

When Clyde glanced back, he saw that she had a distressed expression on her face. Her brows were furrowed, she seemed to be struggling with something.

‘What are you enduring?’

They were just walking down the corridor and her complexion improved during breaks. He stopped because he was getting worried and Ashley immediately stopped as well.

There was silence.

He began to walk again, without knowing anything. Then, Ashley followed with a distressed look on her face again.

‘What is it?’

He thought that she didn’t want to go to the stables, but he guessed that it was not since her face lit up when she faced the demon. He walked even more slowly, wondering if his pace was still fast. However, the anguish on Ashley’s face did not disappear. 

In fact, since Clyde slowed down, so did Ashley’s trotting. It couldn’t be called trotting anymore. She was clearly following at an odd pace, but she looked very serious, always keeping a distance from him.

Unable to resist, he turned around. As soon as their eyes met, he saw her dismay.

“What are you doing?” he asked her bluntly.

Ashley answered with spirit, “I’m working very hard right now.”


What was she working hard on? She’s just walking down the corridor, isn’t she?

Still, he smiled at the very serious Ashley, “I see. That’s great.”

“Yes. Thank you!” Ashley’s face lit up because she was praised. It was rare to see her make such a face in front of Clyde. In fact, it was the first time she had ever made such an expression in front of him since coming to the Sargent household. He was a little surprised.

She suddenly turned pale when she noticed his gaze.

‘I wonder. Is she afraid of me after all?’

He didn’t do anything. Shouldn’t she be more afraid of the demon beast from the demon kingdom in the first place?

‘She really is a strange young lady.’

He found it rather amusing as he tried to stifle his laugh, he asked, “Is there anything that I can do to help you?”

He didn’t know the purpose, the meaning, or anything at all regarding her “hard work.”

It was something he asked light-heartedly, but Ashley immediately looked apologetic, “No, it’s alright. As I have said before, it’s all in my mind. That’s why I’ll do my best!”

“–I understand. Well then, Good luck.” With a smile, he  looked forward and walked again. They turned at the corner where the music room is and passed by the wine cellar and food storage room. He slightly looked behind him and saw Ashley following him with a serious expression. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but the distance between them seemed to have shortened a bit than before, about a foot.

Ashley must’ve thought so too. She clasped her hands in front of her chest and looked up at the ceiling with a sense of accomplishment on her face. Her face scrunched up as she let out a chuckle.

He still is clueless on what she meant to do but still, Clyde could not contain himself as he watched her express the joy of accomplishment she had with all her might, which was unlike a typical young lady.

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 * * * *

When they finally arrived at the stables, Hank and Jeanne were already there. Jeanne’s face contorted when she saw Ashley with Clyde. Ashley stared at her, to be precise, she was looking at the earring on her ear, not her face.

‘I was right, it’s shaped like a rabbit, right?’

It is quite hard to see since it’s hidden by her long hair, but she has the feeling that it has two long ears.

‘I wonder, does Jeanne like rabbits?’

If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have bothered wearing them. She felt a sense of affinity to her at the thought of her liking rabbits.

Jeanne was bewildered at Ashley’s gaze and intently stared at her, but earlier, Ashley was smiling at her since they’re both friends. Jeanne’s eyes widened as she looked away bitterly. As for Hank, he watched the couple with interest as the two of them seem as if they aren’t engaged at all. 

“Ashley, come over here.” Clyde said as he was in front of the black wolf. She gingerly approached him while keeping a certain distance. The wolf was still asleep, its eyes tightly shut. She was worried if it was okay.


Surprisingly, it’s not even chained up. Is Clyde’s barrier strong enough to hold back the black wolf? Unlike the courtyard and the horse stalls at the entrance, the place is spotless. It seems that the wolf is washed frequently. The fur is clean.

“They stumbled upon it in the northern mountains four hundred years ago. Since then, the Sargent family was entrusted this by the royal family, and has been taking care of him. The Sargent family is a relative of the royal family, and it also is so distinguished that it produces great magicians for generations. But he remained asleep in this state the whole time. He lived without food for four hundred years. It just goes to show you the life force of the demon kingdom.”

‘So it was like that…’ 

Her chest tightened. The black wolf was a close aide of the demon king. A great warrior with high magical power, strong teeth and claws. He’s full of bravery and ferocity. There was no one to his right in battle.

A black rabbit, who only eats leaves peacefully, has never come in contact with the black wolf. She has only seen him walking at a distance. While there were many other demons who bullied the weak, the black wolf was kind to those below.

‘I wonder why.’

Did he lose his strength when his allies were wiped out? Then, it occurred to her and looked back at Clyde in anticipation, “If the black wolf is alive, there may be other survivors that–”

“None.” He flatly denied, “after the black wolf was found, the royal family ordered to search the country to see if there were any other demons left. They couldn’t find any. The only surviving one left is this black wolf.”

She was disappointed. Clyde’s eyes were fixed on her, “That’s why I asked your help. Somehow, you seem to know about the black wolf.”

He was smiling, but his words have an underlying tone. It’s scary. 

“The royal family is waiting for the black wolf to slowly weaken and die since that is what’s convenient for them. But, I want to wake it up. I don’t want it to die like this.”


Clyde is royalty, too. As she wondered, he smiled, “There are no historical documents left anywhere from the demon kingdom, it was destroyed. All we know is that he’s a black wolf, but we know nothing of his ecology.”

Ashley nodded. She has been deceptive in her questions. She couldn’t ask any more questions, they both know that.

“We’ve been trying to wake the black wolf for four years since he took over the Sargent title. I’ve also tried using magic derived from other countries, not only in Tolfa. We also tried medicine that is said to be good for awakening and making the mind clearer. But, the black wolf did not wake up, nor did he react. Neither I nor the magicians were able to gain any results. We’ve been feeling anxious.”

Hank and Jeanne nodded as their faces clouded.

“Our way did not work, so I want to do something different. Ashley, do you have any ideas? No matter how unorthodox it is, maybe it’ll wake the wolf up.”

She thought and wondered what the black wolf likes. They had never met personally before since their status were too different. However, the black wolf was admired by the lower demons. He was often talked about. 

Under the moon, surrounded by carrots, she and other black rabbits were having dinner talking about him.

‘The black wolf’s likes–’ Ashley thought. Then, she opened her mouth, “Right. Why don’t you try brushing his whole body?”

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