Little Villain is no more

Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve

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Wei Luo, after bluffing and ass pulling, spent the rest of the day being waited on while touring the campus. He didn't see the male lead that attended this school but didn't feel much about it. 

He was probably too busy with honing himself to become a top and sought after artist. 

By the time he was done, Li Wei's classes were still not over so he left alone. With nowhere else to go, he headed to the Jang family home. 

They welcomed him with open arms and squinted eyes. Happiness surged in their heart that their son did not abandon them even after returning to such a high rise family. Wei Luo could tell their hearts from their expressions and would have felt sorry for toying with them, if they weren't the type of people they were. 

Actually, no he wouldn't. 

"Aren't you going to ask about your son?" Wei Luo asked as he sat at the dining table, putting a piece of pork ribs in his mouth. His tone was neutral and no specific emotion could be felt from it. The man and woman noticeably stiffened as he asked this - Mr Jang looked to his wife from the corner of his eyes and then the woman after seeing it, burst into tears. 

"They... Mr and Mrs Huo. They threatened us. Wuu... They said they would sue us if we contacted him again. I..." She immediately ran and threw herself to the floor close to where he sat. She placed her forehead on his leg and held on to the hem of his trousers. 

Wei Luo chewed his food. 

What the fuck. 

She cried into his legs and Mr Jang's face visibly twisted and showed a look of suppressed pain while his palm curled into a fist. The male eating looked from man to woman and wanted to stand up clapping. This world was really entertainment themed. 

Even these guys knew a thing or two about acting. 

"Weiwei Mother is... I am sorry. I was young at the time and had unrealistic ideas. I-I made a mistake in my moment of weakness." 

"But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I take you as my son more than anyone else. Even if we we're not related, you still have a permanent place in your mother's heart." 

Wei Luo kept chewing his food as he looked at the woman holding his leg to cry. There were bruises on her face and some parts of her body. She looked quite pitiful. If she had been a true mother-like figure, there was a high chance that he would have whisked her away from the hands of this man. 

'Oh well' He shrugged in his heart. Nothing he could now, could he? 

Wei Luo heartlessly looked away and smacked his lips before poking at more food. "There's no need for this. It doesn't matter." The original Wei Luo was completely shunned by these people in the original book. 

In 'All the bosses are chasing me', the little villain Li Wei was thrown to his family after the true son returned and they had no contact with each other. In 'Film Emperor can be a little crying bag', the Jang family was actually threatened not to try to retake custody of any of the children. If they did, they would sue them for Mrs Jang's previous action of switching.

In both storylines, after the secret was found, Wei Luo never really had any more contact with the Jang family. At most, since Mr and Mrs Hao couldn't bare to keep Li Wei's biological parents completely away from him, what they did was to allow certain visits at certain times. 

During those visits, the original Wei Luo was like air to them. 

Now he's suddenly hearing epistles and ballads of nonsense. 


"It's okay. This really isn't needed, I'm fine. I just asked why you didn't look for your actual son." He gulped down a full cup of water soon after and relaxed back into the chair. The woman stood up and dried the tears Wei Luo didn't bother to inquire about. 

"My son. We just met him yesterday. ...We can't suddenly just barge into his life. It'shard enough for us as it is right now, seeing him might not be the best idea." The hoarse and aging voice of the man relayed as he shook the head on his neck. 

Wei Luo felt like he was going to gag. 

What in the kimchi-fried-frucket is going on here. 

Ah! Are they trying to act like some award wining soap opera?! 

He became sure that if he stayed the night like he'd planned, he might just end up doing something to spoil his future fun plans. So after spending a few more hours 'consoling' them, he pretended to have been called away.

He left behind to them a few bucks good enough to live on for a few days. 


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By the time he reached his new family's home, it was already past 10:30 - everyone had already had dinner and the twins had even gone off to bed earlier than the rest. 

Wei Luo walked nonchalantly into the living room. 

The place was relatively dark as the lights were turned off - only the pints of lit small bulbs at the ends illuminated the place faintly. The light from the kitchen shone into the dining and slight clanking of glass could be heard form inside, along with soft sloshes. 

He walked to the sofa and directly took off his jacket, before throwing one to a couch and laying on another. His hand flunked over his eyes and his breathing evened out slowly. He was too tired to go all the way to his room at the moment, so decided to recuperate his tired limbs for a while. 

Expectedly unexpectedly, he fell asleep. 

About an hour into his sleep, a man walked in through the door. He was tall and tall, with sharp eyebrows and deep dark eyes. He looked three points similar to Wei Luo, but while our Luo had a face showing mature yet mixed with a little hint of youth, this face looked like it belonged to someone who had seen the world and used it's means. 

The man unhurriedly moved to the right in the dark, and picked up the remote he then used to turn on the lights. His steps heading towards the closest couch halted as he saw a person sleeping on the couch. Could this be the brother the others were talking about? 

Immediately the lights came on, Wei Luo with his non-forgotten mafian vigilance, woke up. He sat up swiftly, his cold eyes meeting the indifferent of the one who raised an eyebrow at him soon after. 

Seeing the legendary black and white three piece suit and tie, he immediately recognised who it was. 

Zhong Wei. The big bro. One of the bosses who was chasing the original protagonist before becoming a bro-con later. He even took down his little villainous lover for the comfort of his soft fake brother who cried at every turn. 

Wei Luo was about to say something when a noise came from the door. Zhong wei went to lend a hand and opened it fully, letting the naturally blonde haired boy walk in. He was wearing a school uniform of the No 12 high school. 

The bags he held seemed heavy so the boy struggled to pass through the door frame. Big brother Zhong went to help and so did Wei Luo. Not because he cared about the plight of the young man however, but because he wanted to get a closer look to confirm.  

"Thank you brother Zhong! And you too sir!" The boy finally came in and it was when Wei Luo noticed his slightly wet hair and clothes, did he realise it was raining subtly outside. 

Rain, blonde hair boy, Zhong Wei... 

He had an ominous feeling. 

He didn't want to look, but had a hunch that Li Wei would come down in 3... 2... 1...

Just as expected, the chestnut haired boy walked out the top hallway while scratching his sleepy eyes. "Eldest brother is back?"

Wei Luo was stunned. The big brother bringing home the original protagonist was naturally supposed to happen in the novel. That was how the spark of villainy slowly started in the blond boy. 

But why is it happening now? 

In the novel, the exact date wasn't stated since it was unneeded information, but it happened in the same year after the original Wei Luo had entered the house. He could be said to have even been the one who had tempted the protagonist to jealousy; birthing a big villain who would bring even more headache and headache than he did. 

But he just arrived. So did this event just happen earlier than it should have? Or did he return to the family later than he should have? While he was thinking, he closed the door and watched as big brother Zhong went on to flop on his couch while leaving him to help the high school boy. 


Unknown to him, Li Wei had only witnessed the outside picture of the two people helping the boy he immediately recognised. He paused in his steps and all sleep cleared away from his eyes when he saw the scene at the door. 

'The protagonist has finally arrived.' Li Wei slightly panicked. He really couldn't underestimate the halo of this possible-death-flag of a protag. He'd only walked through the door and even managed to get that guy to take care of him! 

Li Wei Mental Blog post: 

#yingying can someone please tell this protagonist not to be so greedy? ( ; w ; ) I'm just trying to secure atleast one golden thigh who didn't lick his feet. 

#What do I do? The thigh is slipping out of my fingers before I even get to hold it. 

#How to surpass the protagonist halo and keep a golden finger at least. Urgent help needed. Please reply immediately. 

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