Little Villain is no more

Chapter 5: Chapter Five

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The couple stood at the airport, adjusting the new clothes they'd bought to fit well. They both gulped nervously as they awaited 'their son' to appear. 

"Hey, do I look good enough?" The man turned to ask his wife while still adjusting his jacket. 

"Yes of course, you always look good." The woman replied with her head bowed and eyes out of sight. The man smiled at this response and stood straight with his head held high. 

Later, the man received a call and when he saw who it was, answered hurriedly. "Yes my son. Oh we're already here. Alright." After a few more minutes, they saw someone walking out with a mask on his face. His long black hair that reached down to his elbows was somewhat guessing, but the piercing eyes gave it away almost immediately. 

Either that or the rolling luggage that literally had the name Wei Luo written in italics at the side. 

"Welcome, it's great to see you in person again." The couple went over to him and one took his back while the other patted him on his back. "Hm" Wei Luo hummed and nodded while shoving the phone in his hands into his pocket. 

After Wei Luo left, he didn't completely cut ties with them. They were an avenue for entertainment and seemed fun to play with. Watching them bicker around while waiting on him at every turn was a little satisfying, as sending them little out of his money could turn them into complete dogs. 

He also just didn't feel like cutting ties with them yet. 

"So how have you been? I know it must be hard being a big time director. Have you been sleeping and eating well?" The man talked lovingly along the way, and Wei Luo lowered the ends of his mouth behind his mask mockingly. His eyes looked at the woman walking beside him with her head slightly lowered as he did so. 

'This old man really did a number on this woman, didn't he?' He resisted the urge to inhumanely laugh so just pressed his lips into a thin line instead. He turned and began to chat with the man, completely ignoring her. 

She noticed this and her eyes lowered even more as she bit her lips slightly. 

That man was the bad one between them. He was the one who beat them at every turn. Beat him and also beat her. 

So why? 

Just why can he talk and smile happily with him but not her? 

It didn't make sense. 

They were the ones who suffered together. They were the ones beaten. 

By all logic, shouldn't that make them the ones closer together? 

Though she felt all this, she made no effort to make a move at the moment. 

Together, using the car he'd bought for them, they went over to a restaurant. They chatted for a while, and by chatting, they talked, he listened and chipped in a little. His mask was still on and he didn't bother to take them off since he would soon leave anyway.  

"I think I have to go now. I need to rest." After spending a good long time with them, he decided to leave. He dropped some money off with them and won over their hearts once more before saying goodbye. They let him leave with smiles on their faces. 

Where their eyes couldn't reach, he smirked as he continued to walk away, knowing fully well what would transpire between them because of that money. 

"Ai, Blame my boredom" Even if he couldn't see it in person, he was sure he would see traces later and that was all he needed. 

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He took an Opan which was this novel's version of uber, and went on to the estate where the house he'd asked someone to buy for him was. After getting close, he came down and walked with his luggage to the border gate. 

He was stopped as expected, until his face and ID was confirmed before he was let in. With that, since he didn't have his car yet, he had to walk all the way. 

It was quite far. 

When he finally got to the villa which looked nice by the way, he was dead tired. He unhurriedly took the key card from under the potted plant outside the gate, and opened the gate then door. He left his things immediately he entered the house and walked to the sofa before slumping himself on it - falling asleep almost instantly. 

In the novel, due to the film emperor's possession, the meeting of the true child was fast tracked from being at 27 years, to when they were both 23 years. 

Wei Luo had it in the back of his mind that they would come for him soon. 

He was actually a little bit excited. 

What would his change do to the plot? 

'I mean... this is quite a big difference from how things were supposed to be.' At the time before his departure, this was what he thought. 

He'd come under the guise of going on a vacation and putting his md career on hold for a little while. Though he wasn't going to be directing movies however, he was still planning to be a lecturer at the no 1 art school. 

This was totally not because he wanted to see how much more he could mess with the plot. 

The school he offered to teach at, of course, accepted him with very open arms. Why wouldn't they? 

He wasn't facially famous because he didn't show himself at social gatherings much. He didn't even attend his own award show. Someone else took his award on his behalf.

One couldn't know him just by looking at him, but a simple info or background check was enough to make people bow with respect. 

After the school found out that the young yet big time movie director offered to teach at their art department, they happily welcomed him. 

He would start the following semester. 

Now after about a month of staying at home peacefully and lazily, one day, he received a call from 'his mother'. She told him that there was something very important and urgent that the had to know - something she couldn't say over the phone. 

The address was sent to him and he recognised the area. This was where the film Emperor and his actual family lived. 

The big tall man laughed as he fell over on the chair and flailed his big legs. His heart was somewhat beating with the little excitement he had for it.  

Hey hey, how should he approach them? 

'What persona shall this big bro use to meet his new little family?' 

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