Living a Maiden Game in Hard Mode

Chapter 3: CH extra 3

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Light Novel Volume 3 Extra Story – The Marquis and the Sheppard

July 442 of the Monarchy Calendar.

In the Marquis of Amakawa, a flock of sheep was fiercely asserting themselves, surrounding a humanoid robot that connected Hart’s senses, eating the hem of his clothes and frolicking.



From high-pitched baby-like cries to the lowest operatic bass range. The sheep relentlessly licked Hart’s body, toying with him by sheer force of numbers.

“My Lord, you’re loved by the sheep.”

A bearded nomadic representative declared with a broad smile, showing his white teeth.

Hart, reflecting on his own situation, assumed that the sheep did not like him, but were probably just licking him in a double sense, but he dared not mention it so as not to undermine the authority of the Marquis.

However, having been covered in sheep’s saliva, Hart felt that the authority of the Marquis had not only been lost and fallen to the ground, but had gone deep underground.

“September is the estrus period for sheep. When the daylight hours are shorter, their pituitary gland is stimulated and they go into heat. They have a decreased appetite, squeal frequently and shake their tail as they become emotionally unstable. At that time, you might have been even more popular.”

Hart was relieved from the bottom of his heart that it was still July.

Sheep and nomads are in Hart’s provinces because of the former Crown Prince Gracian, who died in the war. They were subjects of a forced exodus carried out on Earth under Gracian a year and a half ago.

The purpose of taking one billion people from Earth was to reduce the number of enemy citizens who supported the enemy’s national power during the war and, conversely, to balance out the national strength lost when one billion people were killed in the defense of the Capital planet.

The other reasons included to cover up the failure of the Solar System invasion, to lower the disgrace of allowing the Royal people to be killed by the attack on the Planet Diros, and the issue of succession to the throne. Thus, if one billion people were brought only based on youth and health condition, it was only reasonable that the subjects included Nomads.

At the conclusion of the End of War Treaty, the Monarchy used a serious flaw in the former Coalition’s “fabrication of cause for war” to justify Gracian’s folly or to stab at the Gracian faction.

They were taken in the form of forced labor in the Monarchy as “war reparations for the death of one billion people of the Planet Diros based on unjust grounds fabricated by the former Coalition”.

After the end of the war, returning them was also considered. But Earth had become a hotbed of terrorism against the people of the Monarchy. If they sent back a billion people, it was obvious that they would replenish the hostile forces against the Monarchy with a large number of fighters, and their return to the country had to be abandoned in order to prioritize the safety of the Royal Citizens.

Thus, 20 million people, or 2 percent of the billion, were allocated to the Marquis of Amakawa. The Marquis has 800 million people, accounting for about 2% of the Monarchy’s total population. Therefore, the Earthers were assigned according to the population ratio.

The majority of the 20 million people allocated to the Marquis of Amakawa were Nomads.

The treatment of the former Coalition people is left entirely up to the individual lords. In other words, Hart was forced to deal with the Nomads.

“The gestation period of sheep is about 5 months. When they are born around January and grass grows, lambs start grazing around March. From March, when the lambs are weaned, to the end of August, it’s time for milking.”

As the Nomad representative gleefully explained the ecology of the sheep, Hart questioned him on a fundamental problem.

“You guys, what century do you think it is now?”

“It’s the 38th century, but don’t you know that? Lord, will you pull yourself together?”

The Nomad representative laughed so amusingly that Hart also laughed back sarcastically, his mouth twisted into a smile.

Unfortunately, Hart’s swarthy atmosphere could not be reproduced by the high-performance relay robot, which was designed with its destruction and plunder by former Coalition people in mind.

The question Hart wanted to ask was not about the lunar calendar, but about whether it’s a bit outdated to have sheep graze under skies where interstellar vessels fly.

To begin with, there is a rough division between primitive period, ancient period, medieval period, modern period, and present day.

The divisions of eras have changed with the development of humankind, but the divisions that Hart learned in school in the 38th century are as follows:

The four major civilizations are the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indus and Chinese civilizations, which are roughly dated from around 3000 BC to 1500 BC. It was around this time that written characters were created, and a historical period was established in which written records remain.

Nomadism, then, is a product of the primitive period that existed before the Prehistoric Era.

The nomadic lifestyle is, to Hart, primitive.

“Nomadic herding is very anachronistic.”

The history of human herding, Harte recalled, dates back to the Middle to Late Mesolithic period, from 12,500 B.C. to 9,500 B.C., known as the Natouf culture.

At that time, among the remains of the Levant Corridor from northeastern Turkey to Israel, the bones of the gazelle that were discovered were changed from 50% male and female to 80% male. Mankind had begun sorting gazelles caught by pursuit hunters into sexes, eating the males and overlooking females that give birth to their young.

And then came the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (PPNB period) from 8600 to 7,000 BC. The bones of the ruins quickly changed from gazelle to sheep and goats.

The reason for the rapid replacement of bones with sheep and goats is thought to be the beginning of sheep and goat herding. In other words, the life of grazing sheep began before the dawn of history in a primitive period known as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period.

At the same time, wheat farming also began, and human beings gained the power to create ancient civilizations by establishing agriculture and livestock farming.

Human beings, who initially only ate domesticated meat, then began milking. Domestic animal’s milk cannot be drunk as it is. This is because the majority of mammals, including humans, produce less lactase, a lactose-digesting enzyme, after being weaned.

When lactase production decreases, undigested lactose interferes with water absorption in the large intestine, causing various symptoms such as diarrhea. This is why most adults cannot drink unprocessed milk.

Mankind, who started milking, learned to process and consume livestock milk.

When milk is placed in pottery, which is ubiquitous in the Earth’s Southeast Asia, lactose is fermented by bacteria and converted to lactic acid, which eliminates diarrhea and other symptoms.

The milk of domestic animals was processed into long-term preservable foods such as cheese, butter and butter oil, to support human sustenance. Meat, dairy products and wool from sheep, goats, cattle and so on have evolved with the development of humankind.

In present times, machines automatically perform everything from production to distribution, and there is no work performed by Nomads. It is the common view of the Royal Citizens living in the 38th century that this is much more efficient.

“Do you know the phrase ‘labor productivity’?”

“Why, if you worry about such things, won’t you go bald in the future, my lord?”

An intuitive primitive man irrationally rebutted an intelligent interstellar civilization man.

It has already been 152 years since human beings have been able to change the length of their hair freely with medicine. Hart could not help being perplexed by a primitive man’s anachronism, as it would be far from idyllic.

At the same time, Hart was convinced that the government’s response, which gave nomads the same jobs as on Earth, was correct.

It is impossible to ask the individual circumstances of 20 million former Coalition people who did not receive mandatory education in the Monarchy, provide them with necessary education and vocational training, and help them find work in the Monarchy.

Since it is discriminatory to state that the primitive man cannot operate a space station and operate the resource recovery ship… he does not mention it, but it is 100 times more secure in real intention to leave it to the Royal people who have completed mandatory education.

100 times is the minimum estimated frequency of troubles. Some of them are fatal.

One day, all of a sudden, a space station controlled by a primitive man crashes to the planet. Hart, who had imagined the spectacle of a colony drop by the primitive man, instinctively closed his eyes.

However, as a natural consequence, the nomadic life of the nomads was a very old form of moving from one place to another in the spring, summer, fall, and winter to graze their sheep.

Nomadism requires wide, lush grasslands that extend beyond the horizon. If they had their way, 20 million nomads and their flocks of sheep would make the Marquis’ territory inevitable great grasslands.

The sheep-occupied territory would generate much more revenue if used effectively for other purposes. There are plenty of easily feasible ways to utilize the land as long as it is available, such as attracting companies and factories on the condition that they are exempted from land tax for a certain period of time.

After completing his inspection of the territory, Hart consulted with Philine of the Marquis of Carneus, his predecessor, about the headaches the territory was facing.

“And that’s the circumstances. Our territory is being invaded by primitive humans and white-haired mass. I want to do something about those aliens. I need your wisdom.”

“What a disaster. I’ll gather information on how it’s handled in other territories.”

When contacted by Hart, Philine pledged to help as a cooperating marquis, with a bitter smile at the footage of Hart being swarmed by sheep. However, Philine carefully confirmed what Hart thought was a good idea.

“By the way, do you have any special thoughts on the treatment of the former Coalition people?”

Some territories give stricter treatment to the former Coalition people.

There are intellectuals who frown upon this, but for the Royal citizens who have lost their parents and children, resentment has become the “last driving force for survival”, and the Royal citizens’ opinions on how to treat them is divided.

The Defense battle of the Capital planet was only a year or a few months ago, so was too soon to fade away.

In addition, Hart personally had his artificial floating island, which Philine had arranged for him, destroyed. Philine herself was told by Hart, “you can choose the house we will live in”, and the house that she chose has been destroyed, so she is not without resentment.

However, Hart had a clear policy on this matter.

“I, as the representative of the Royal citizens, destroyed three star systems, killed 20 billion people and brought about the destruction of the Coalition. So, in my mind, the war with the Coalition is over. I do not deny the feelings of the Royal citizens who resent the death of their family, but I have decided to treat the former Coalition People of the Marquis of Amakawa without retaliation.”

“I understand.”

Convinced, Philine used the messengers of the Marquis of Carneus family to collect various case studies from other aristocrats.

However, although there are many cases of Earthers who make a living from herding sheep and other livestock, there are no large-scale cases of nomads who led a nomadic lifestyle.

“It has been discovered that nomads were concentrated in the new Marquis territory that Mr. Hart had been entrusted by the Monarchy.”

“………… Why?”

Hart asked aloud in frustration, but he could guess the reason himself.

Originally, they unloaded immigrant containers all over Earth and packed them with local people to bring them over. It is only logical that people living in the same region would be clustered in the same group of containers.

In addition, the nomads, who would not be treated well if sent to other aristocrats, were intentionally gathered into territories under the direct control of the royal family, so as not to cause the discontent of the aristocrats. As a result of Hart being entrusted with the territory after his promotion, the nomadic population was transferred in its entirety.

Hart had a distant look in his eyes as he imagined a life surrounded by a flock of sheep mewing.

“I think we should build a sheep-farm, not a chicken farm, and let the nomads take charge of it.”

Philine’s proposal was also considered by Hart.

Sheep in the Monarchy of Diete are raised underground with multi-tiered ranches, placed under precise control of machines and androids, and efficiently bred with artificial feed while changing the season on a plot-by-plot basis.

Sheep have been genetically modified over the years, are resistant to diseases and crude foods, have good fertility, and can provide a lot of milk and wool.

As a result, while greatly reducing the area of land used, fresh milk meat of any age can be obtained at any time, and production can be expected to increase beyond comparison with nomadic herds.

Still, biologically, they are sheep, and their ecology is much the same. As nomads, they would be able to take on the role of sheep farm manager.

While he thought it was a perfectly legitimate idea, Hart expressed concern.

“If the former Coalition people receive preferential treatment, won’t there be discontent?”

The sheep farm is a public-run, stable job in the food infrastructure, and a job where losses are factored in because it is the raising of living creatures. Hart, who was licked by sheep, wants to tilt his head as to whether that is a good job, but there are a certain number of people who yearn for the slow life.

If they advertised a job opening for a sheep farm manager, they could easily attract the necessary number of royal citizens.

Even if it is to acclimate 20 million nomads to the Monarchy, it may be the wrong priority to create jobs for the former Coalition people with the taxes collected from the royal people.

To Hart, who had such a question, Philine answered with a proud expression.

“We make up for it with added value!”

“…… Added value?”

“It’s a shepherd’s experience. None of the Royal people knows what life was like for primitive people. You can dismantle the sheep and serve them as a dish or experience making cheese. If we can create a remote experience tour, it will be very popular with families.”

Hart, who was briefed by Philine, was convinced and nodded lightly. If you justify the necessity of the nomads, the Royal people will be convinced. The details of the project are also within the scope of what a nomadic people could do without difficulty. As long as the land used for it can be narrowed, it is not necessary to pursue complete efficiency.

Hart also agreed with the proposal for a sheep farm that included a nomadic experience tour.

“Let’s use that idea. I’m sorry, but is there any data that can be used as a reference?”

“Of course. I had the officials of the Marquis of Carneus make detailed design data, too.”

“That’s helpful.”

The data Philine forwarded contained design data that would give a nostalgic experience.

Sheep’s barns, grass racks, rock salt platforms, water tanks, pasture fences, drive fences, delivery fences, sheep’s exercise area, medicinal herb baths, leg baths, shearing area, etc., are all products of the old age.

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Hart understands that medicinal herbs are the sensations that primitive people possessed when they were discovered from the glaciers of Earth thousands of years ago.

Hart believes that medicines are far more effective than herbal remedies. In the first place, it is unclear whether medicinal herbs grown in the environment of the planet Diros will exert the same effect as on Earth.

However, what they are looking for is not profits, but a tour to experience the life of a shepherd. Hart reconsidered that all of the old-fashioned experiences would serve the purpose.

Hart, who handed over the data received from Philine to the territorial government of the Marquis of Amakawa, developed a rough plan and informed the Nomad representatives of the plan.

If he were to build a multi-layered sheep farm underground and have them as managers, can they be instructors on an experience tour?

As expected, the nomads immediately agreed.


Hart, who was supposed to be looking for a positive answer, was rather worried.

“It was an immediate answer, but is it really okay?”

“Well, we’re used to dealing with sheep, and we got sheep from the lord. Oh, was it the Sovereign of the country?”

“The sheep were distributed a little over a year ago, so it was His Majesty, the Former Sovereign.”

“But well, the former Sovereign has retired, and if the Lord’s wife is the Princess, it means that the family has taken over the estate.”

It was the Monarchy government who gave the Nomads sheep.

The Monarchy, who did not know how many sheep the nomads needed to live, asked the Nomads what they needed. Nomads then said that an average household of five could manage 300 sheep. In addition, there was also a detailed request for 90% of the sheep to be female.

If 20 million nomads, or 4 million families, are given 300 sheep each, the total number of sheep will be 1.2 billion. Moreover, because it was designated as a male and female, the Monarchy mass-produced cloned sheep adjusted to prevent genetic diseases in order to arrange a huge amount of sheep.

Although the Nomads requested sheepdogs, which could not be arranged, androids were mass-produced and given to each family, two per family, to handle everything from sheep management to administrative procedures. This has the main purpose of suppressing the former Coalition people in the event of an emergency.

In addition, in order to get their lives on track, they received non-cashable electronic money.

The total amount of support for 300 sheep, android, and e-commerce is 20 million Rhodes per family, and 30 trillion Rhodes for 4 million families. The 80 trillion Rhodes that supported them is funded by the technology and resources that the ruined former Coalition has stored.

The Coalition, whose diplomatic relations had been cut off, was an interstellar nation on an equal footing in scale and technology, so the national power of the annexing Monarchy was doubled. The highly redeemable technology and resources alone are sufficient to raise support funds. Therefore, there is no expenditure from the Monarchy government or the Marquis of Amakawa.

However, Hart thought that the primitive people could not understand more than half of the flow of funds and the details of the aristocracy system even if he explained to them, and nodded his head pretending to agree with them.

“Sheep are a fortune for us. If they give you as much as you want, it’s much better than the Coalition government that just takes taxes.”

“So you’re following my policy. Well, that’s fine.”

Thus, with the cooperation of Nomads, who had a positive attitude toward the Marquis of Amakawa, a multi-level sheep farm with added value was created under the territory.

The Monarchy is accustomed to building underground shelters necessary for war, and has also built water storage and purification to support urban functions underground. Thanks to the accumulated technology, the vast, multi-tiered geofront was built in a short period of only one month.

A vast prairie stretching to the far horizon and a cool stream with a water level where sheep can cross. The sky has a clear blue sky color, and artificial light illuminates it moderately.

The vast underground space is lined with houses where shepherds can live, as well as brand new pastures, sheep houses and all the other facilities necessary for herding that were listed by Philine.

In order to prevent epidemics from spreading, each level was divided into four sections, and each section was divided into 12 plots with each season shifted by one month.

One plot is expected to accommodate 1 million people, 200,000 families and 60 million sheep, which is 48 million people, but that is a large margin. A ten-fold increase in population will not lead to a shortage of space or resources.

Thus, primitive man and flock of sheep who were roaming Hart’s territory moved to the new land.

“Thank you for preparing new houses, facilities, and even a large plot of land.”

The Nomad representative, who monopolized the vast grasslands, smiled with satisfaction while showing his white teeth.

Life without having to be reserved for the Royal people must be liberating for the former Coalition people.

Hart, who is still flocked by sheep, would be very grateful if this behavior was limited to the Geofront.

“I’m glad you are satisfied. Then, let me check your life experience tour. In August, was it the final season for cheese making?”

“The sheep are milked until August.”

The milking time of sheep was born from the combination of natural providence and human circumstances.

In order for Nomads to gather and move flocks of sheep, it is difficult for sheep to be born regardless of the season. Therefore, it is necessary to unify the birth period, but the optimal delivery time is around winter. If born around that time, lambs will be able to start grazing in March, when the grass begins to grow.

Under these circumstances, Nomads breed sheep around September to make them pregnant, give birth in winter, breastfeed, separate mothers and children in spring to milk, creating a rhythm of life in which grazing and milking continues in the summer.

For this reason, the sheep were milked from the beginning of March to the end of August.

“Newborn lambs can be crushed by other sheep when they are in a flock with their parents, so we’ll sort them out separately and take them to their mother sheep only at the time of breastfeeding.”

Since the lamb is still in danger even two weeks after birth, they are placed in the pasture of the parent sheep or the double pasture in the stone enclosure, and people help breastfeeding for a while. That’s why a herd of about 300 is the limit that can be managed by a single family.

The newborn sheep begin to eat grass in about a month, and in about four months they are about 60% the size of the mother sheep and completely weaned. At that point, Nomads will be able to follow them as they move around the territory.

Hart was surprised to learn that the sheep were being assisted not by machines, but by humans. Such a rare life experience for the Royal people would certainly have added value.

“In the hierarchy from January to March, can we use the hands-on tour to take care of the lambs?”

“I guess so. But, after all, the main thing is cheese making, isn’t it?”

Nomads turn milked milk into yogurt.

First, the milk is heated over the fire, and when the temperature drops to human skin temperature, yogurt is added to stimulate lactic acid fermentation. The milk is then covered with a thick cloth and left for 6 hours to produce a large amount of yogurt. This yogurt can also be used for daily meals.

Next, put the yogurt in a leather bag made of sheep’s skin with a little water, and tender it. The lump becomes butter and is obtained by straining it with a cloth. If the yogurt is left hanging from a well and shaken for about three hours, small lumps will form and the liquid will become buttermilk.

It was hard to keep shaking for three hours, so it seemed that the part was done using a machine.

“Do you use a machine, too?”

“Of course we do. The energy is stellar photovoltaic, but is manual work better for the experience tour?”

“No, a handy machine would be fine. Just make sure the tour instructors have their terminals and androids with them so they can verbally explain how to make the machine.”

“All right. But we’ll just tell Androids what to do.”

“That’s fine. The government will follow up on the details.”

When buttermilk is heated, it hardens quickly because of its high acidity. It is put in a cloth bag, dehydrated, salt is added, shape is adjusted, and it is dried by sun drying to become cheese.

Even non-aged cheeses have a shelf life of several years. Butter is also kept for several years by putting it in a pan and heating it to increase its purity. The product made in this way is called “ghee (butter oil)”, and is a valuable preserved food for nomadic people.

In addition, by eating mutton, primitive man stabilized his diet.

“The April to August experience tour is good for cheese making, so it’s decided from January to August. So, after September, is there anything in store?”

“September is for breeding, but are you sure you want to let the families experience it?”

When asked, Hart thought that while it was a part of the human life of raising livestock, it was not within the scope of a communal experience for parents and children who came on vacation with a light heart.

“No, you’ll be busy in September. How about it after October?”

“Yes, there’s a traditional event. It’s marriage negotiations.”

Hart was very interested in the words uttered by nomadic representatives.

“What is that?”

“We live together as a family, with people and sheep as property. The man who welcomes his wife takes one from the house where she was raised, so instead he gives a sheep to the house that raised his wife. It is a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation. It is like a bargaining chip for a betrothal gift.”

“What’s the bargain?”

“The relatives negotiate how much sheep they will give to the family of the man’s wife-to-be.”

The word misogyny passed through Hart’s mind.

The betrothal gift is one of the traditions that took place in japan, where Hart has roots, in which the groom hands over cash to the bride’s house. And in the case of nomadic people, it is said that the groom’s side gives a sheep to the bride’s side’s house.

Hart was at a loss to decide whether it was right to take away the tradition from the Nomads, denying it as discrimination against women.

Women who become pregnant and give birth are unable to work for a certain period of time.

The betrothal gift and transfer of sheep are acts of proving that the marriage will not ruin their lives by showing that the man has the capacity to support the wife who cannot work and the newborn, which might be necessary for the Nomads in Hart’s territory.

The fact that tradition was born and has been passed down for many years has some meaning. Hart urged the story to continue, avoiding blunt denials.

“Tell me what kind of negotiations you’re going to have.”

“That’s like deciding on insurance premiums. The market price is only 50 sheep …”

A Nomad representative explains to Hart, who tilted his head. The herd of sheep managed by nomadic houses is about 300, of which 90%, or about 270, are female.

If 100 female sheep born a year ago are omitted from the birth schedule, 170 female sheep can be born annually. Assuming that 100 of them will give birth to lambs, if the deaths of twins and babies are subtracted, about 100 sheep will be born in one year.

In other words, a house that keeps a limit of sheep can dispose of 100 old sheep in a year.

When welcoming a full wife, the 50 sheep they give to the bride’s house are about half of the sheep that a typical nomadic family can consume in a year.

“In other words, a house that can give 30 sheep can manage sheep properly and make a stable living. On the contrary, a house that cannot, is a house cannot welcome a wife.”

Nodding to Hart, the Nomad explained the negotiations.

The number of sheep to be given varies depending on the number of relatives and relationships on the wife’s side. Relatives come out because they are like commissions to join a mutual aid association via kinship.

Sheep, living creatures, can be accommodated if they have a connection with their relatives when the disease spreads and they have to be disposed of, or when a disaster occurs and they suffer losses.

Hart was convinced by the meaning of insurance when he was told that it was like depositing a part of the sheep for that purpose. In short, it is a kind of insurance system which borrows the name of the tradition.

In the marriage negotiations, the father of the bride and groom and the male relatives negotiate with each other about the number of domestic animals that the groom will pay, asking such questions as, “Do you want to pay the sheep to the one who raised the daughter who will be your wife?” and, conversely, “Do you want your daughter to starve to death?”.

However, since they become relatives, they both know not to overdo it, and the negotiations are a kind of game.

If it is known in advance that a wife will be welcomed in the first place, it will be possible to increase the number of animals to be sown while reducing the number of animals to dispose of. If the groom’s side has a good plan, he will not fall into a situation where he will have a hard time making a living.

Hart, who was told that it was also meant to show that the man and the family were capable of planning, was very convinced about the meaning of the tradition.

“The tradition is stipulated by the Ordinance of the Marquis of Amakawa. Please incorporate it into your experience tour.”

“Got it.”

The culture and traditions that have continued have a certain meaning and value.

The nomadic man told Hart, who had changed his mind.

“By the way, the lord gave us 1.2 billion sheep, so it’s okay to offer our nomadic daughters. Would you like to choose some?”

“………… No, that’s fine.”

Intercultural communication with primitive people comes with some difficulties. Hart was reminded of this, but in fact the Monarchy aristocracy does something similar.

Humanity may not have made much progress at its fundamental level.

Thinking that way, Hart exhaled a deep sigh.

Thus, a large amount of sheep came to be kept in the underground of the Marquis of Amakawa by the hands of the primitive people.

The End

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