Loki's Successor System

Chapter 158: 159: Ravaged

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A group of figures, appearing as looming silhouettes, left us speechless and paranoid to the extremes. I quailed as one of the figures stepped forward. It was a lean figure. Tall and lean. "Funny meeting you again," the figure said, sauntering toward us. "Honestly, I've missed especially the three of you. You're so unique. Though I've met each of you in person."

I knew that voice. It was all too familiar. I furrowed my brows. "If you're here for soup again, I'm sorry but we're all out."

The figure chortled. "I can't remember you being the mouthy one. And no, I'm not here for the soup. I'm here for the bigger prizes. And I've heard this alley has those bigger prizes. If you ask my men, they'll tell you just how much I love prizes."

Hanso, Miguel and I all looked at each other. Then, we knowingly stood, and directed our attention to the approaching figure again. He was definetly talking about our loot.

"Hey, what? Why so serious all the sudden?" He asked. "I'm your conpanion and I'm not here to hurt you. It's night, and I'm hungry and tired from all the roaming today, so I have no intentions of raising my hands. That only happens when you disobey my simple orders."

I managed to notice something about the figure who was none other than Nate, the one who bullied me within the first hour of my stay in the new world. It was a jarring sight. Over Nate's wide shoulder, a familiar red-eyed creature hovered. A perpetual grin lingered on its face. 

Hanso looked at Miguel, and then at me. He probably realized the creature hovering over Nate's shoulder as well. 

"My first order is for you three to speak up," Nate said, "you're awfully, awfully silent. Cry to me. Beg me. Sing. Something. Or, you can simply attack me and test your luck against my wrath and the wrath of the twelve others behind me within enclosed space."

Sure, the odds were against us, but the latter wasn't that intimidating as he made it sound. Nate would be in danger should we decide to attack with abilities—assuming Hanso and Miguel possessed abilities, that is. There was no one in front of him to protect him. It was a stupid move to walk down the alley alone. He said it himself. We were enclosed by the walls of the alley. There was barely any space to walk three steps to the right or left. It was either forward or backward. But ...

'If Nate's in front of his gang within such enclosed space, an attack such as a fireball will only hit him and not the gang. If one from Nate's gang were to fire at us, Nate will obviously take the hit to his back. He's like a shield," I thought, smirking a trifle, so subtly it was barely perceivable. 

"Or," Nate continued, "you can just take the easiest route and hand over those bags of goods behind you. That would save me a whole lot of hassle."

Miguel raised a brow. "Got a fourth option? 'Cause we're definetly not doing any of the already suggested."

Nate furrowed his brows, stopping. "Then in that case, the fourth option is alliance. It's more of an offer—the best I can give. If you hand up your loot and swear your allegiance to me, you might just become one of us."

Hanso sneered. "Oh yeah? And what good is that going to do us?"

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Nate folded his arms. "You actually get everything I've ever wanted. You get to sate your bloodlust, you get to follow an almighty man, and you get people to fear you. What's more, you get food, water and shelter for your service. I'm sure ... at least one of you is interested," he smirked. 

"Take that fourth option," Hanso blurted, "and shove it where the sun doesn't shine."

Nate scoffed. "You three are so arrogant. Too arrogant for your own good. Here I thought I was the only one. You would have made great men, given that you're so independent and have strong resolve together with minds of your own. It's unfortunate," Nate turned around and started walking toward his gang, "that you declined my offer."

My eyes widened. Now was the perfect time to strike. There was no better time. If Nate walked back to his gang, our shield was gone and he would no longer be comprimised. In order words, we were dead should they decide to go all out and neglect the safety of the loot. 

We had to at least attack him before too late. Before he returned to safety.

I quickly turned to Hanso and Miguel. "We can't have him go back to his gang! Now' sour best chance to attack and probably hurt or hold him hostage!"

"You're right," Hanso said brusquely, furrowing his brows. He clenched his fists and bolted toward Nate at staggering speeds.

Suddenly Nate performed a back kick, hitting Hanso to his stomach. Hanso stopped, doubling over. Stunned. Nate suddenly hit him an uppercut to his head. He collapsed, flat on his back. Sprawled out on the floor. Nate spewed salvia onto him, and continued toward his gang. "You're so easy it's pathetic."

I frowned. Then, I looked at Miguel, expecting him to lunge at Nate next. However, he just looked at me with a nuance on his face. One I couldn't read. 

Suddenly, I started to hear something from

behind us. 'That can't be ... there's a wall behind me. A dead end ...' I thought as I turned around. I turned around only to see distorted figures walking through the wall. The wall seemed to take the form of water, undulating. 

The distorted figures slowly became less distorted. Such that they gained forms of humans and hobgoblins and elves: their forms prior to the distorted ones. 

It was an ambush! 

The group lunged at us from behind. I turned to Nate and the gang ahead. Another group lunged at us from ahead. They all rushed in. I screamed atop my lungs as they charged me, Miguel, and Hanso.

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