Loki's Successor System

Chapter 39: 38: Big Mac

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[Progression: 209/210 push-ups]

[Progression: 210/210 push-ups]

[Task Completed!]

[+5 Exp]

Wry manifested on Jin's countenance as he peered at the screen.

[Exp: 15/20 | Level 3]

He sat on his bed, "I'm getting outright sick of this same task every damn morning. It's far too easy. It's clear that I won't level up fast enough with stupid tasks like these!" he snapped.

It's also clear that Jin had no idea what kinds of atrocious tasks he would be given in the future. Too foreboding?

He heaved, "Y'know what? I'm actually rather happy t'day. I don't need to worry about hiding system related stuff from my friends anymore. That's a bonus." a smirk took his face.

A bit more again, and he would have screamed 'eureka!' so loud that his friends in the living room would hear him.

And who could blame him? Hiding sensitive information can get rather stressful at times. Especially when you're hiding it for long—things get beyond aggravating, at least for Jin.

[HP: 5/10]

"Although I feel completely fine, my health still hasn't gone up yet. I wonder what's wrong with me."

Unexpectedly, three loud knocks sounded from his bedroom door. His head was seemingly beckoned by it such that it quickly turned to the source of the sound.

He gradually stood, and started approaching his bedroom door. Standing in front of it, he turned the door knob and it opened seamlessly. Clicking, then silence again.

He pulled the door open with a hand clasped to the door handle, only to see Dobby standing in front of him.

"Hey, Jin. Tristan just came back. And guess what?" he raised a brown bag to allow Jin to see it, "he bought us McDonalds!" obvious excitement in his voice.

Upon thinking about food; Jin's stomach had growled and subtly quivered in the act. Before he could do anything else, a screen revealed itself to him.

[Consume sufficient sustenance]

[Reward: +1 Exp]

Jin shrugged his shoulders, "I guess he's right on time …"

"Come get your share, Jin." Dobby skipped off.

Jin walked into the living room, and then to the kitchen where Tristan remained.

Tristan held a smartphone in his hand. His head was downcast at it, stroking a finger along the screen such that he effortlessly navigated.

Having sensed Jin's presence, he shifted his attention. "Ohh, hey Jin. There's some food here for you, your dog, and Miss Pierce. One bag per person and … per dog, I guess. Help yourself, would'ya."

"Okay, and thanks a lot for the food, Tris, you didn't have to—"

He looked up at Jin again, and smiled softly. "It's fine. I don't do shit with the allowance my dad fixed for me anyway…"

"Thanks," Jin smiled right back at him, his eyes slowly pulling to the bags of food that rested on the kitchen counter.

"I'll feed Benjamin," Dobby volunteered, "You just make sure Miss Pierce gets hers, Jin."

"No problem."

Before carrying food to his grandma, Jin decided to eat his share first in that he feared not being able to eat after visiting her.

He sat down at the dinner table. He unbagged the food, and placed it on the table. He placed fries, fried chicken, and a massive burger atop the table. The stomach-taunting aroma wafting throughout the room; and lingering in his nostrils.

And boy did the Big Mac chant his name…

Tristan bought them the most expensive meal in the restaurant, it was so much food that Jin doubted that he would be able to finish it.

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He could not do anything other than promptly dig in. He grabbed up some fries. His lips parted, then widened as he quickly put the fries in his mouth. Chewing, then swallowing. Repeat.

After eating all the fries without bothering to dip them in ketchup, Jin's head turned to the burgers. A smile took his face as he picked one up from the table.

He acted carefully such that the things inside the burger didn't fall out. He brought the burger to his face with both his hands. He sunk his canines into it. He tore the burger with his teeth; shredding through it like a merciless carnivore.

Chewing, then swallowing. Repeat.

Jin ate the first burger and before he could turn to the other Big Mac; a system message appeared before his eyes.

[Your hunger has been sated]

[+1 Exp]

[Exp: 16/20 | Level 3]

Provided that his stomach was full, Jin succumbed to the urge that was founded by the Big Mac's daunting presence.

He decided he'd give it to his grandma instead. He went up the staircase with the food, and then he went into her bedroom.

He clasped a hand to the door knob, revolved it, and pulled the door open. His eyes widened at the lingering sight that his eyes had been glued to.

Effusing out from Grandmother's body, was a profound, dark aura that was a testament to his first skill's formidable power.

"Grandma?" he started approaching her, all the weight to his body dwindled away.

She had not responded in that she clearly couldn't muster the needed strength to.

Jin knelt down beside her bed, and gently held a hand of hers like he would usually do.

[Effect: Deceptive Delusion]

Peering at her physique, he became horror-struck. This truly cannot be his Grandmother, right?

Her beauty was shrouded in her sickness. Her face was pale, no obvious redness that the eye could make out. It was as if the blood beneath her skin had withered away.

Her body had become as dry as her blistered lips that begged to be doused in moisture. Her dark eyes were missing that shine she possessed before her current state.

She laid stagnantly in quietude such that it came out deafening on Jin's part. Speak — she could not. Move — she could not.

'This happened because I didn't know anything about the skill. I need to become stronger to control it.' he heaved.

'The pills I bought for her didn't do the job. Ashton said he's been giving them to her—yet they didn't amount to shit!'

'I'll buy her more pills—the expensive ones, maybe tomorrow. She needs to get better because … because she's the only person in my family I've got.'

"Grandma, you need to eat," he started unbagging the food. "Tristan bought food for you. I'll have him get you some soup … and maybe some Greek yogurt later. C'mon, let's get some food in your stomach."

Her drooped eyes were opened, yet she hadn't looked at him. She couldn't. And this bothered him to a degree that he was seething with boiling rage.

His hand quivering as he exerted tremendous force. He aggressively squeezed his fingers into a fist, such that his own fingernails dug into his palm. Down his forearm, a warm liquid trickles.


After feeding his Grandmother, he left the bedroom, and walked down the stairs.

[HP: 6/10]

His Health was increasing now, and he deduced that it was because he ate food. It was now evident to him that eating now entails fast recovery. Something he would heed.

His grandmother left him in a shady mood. He felt depressed again.

He walked down the staircases; slowly descending with his shoulders drooped. His head was downcast while a nuance remained on his face.

When he made it to the living room, this nuance disappeared when something swam into his view.

In the living room amongst Dobby and Tristan, Flint sat comfortably. A corner of his lips quirked up as he noticed Jin. "Oh hey, pal. I was waiting for you …"

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