look out world here i come

Chapter 5: chapter five

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we drove a good fifteen minutes finding dojos all over town "Alright, here's the first one dojo." my dad said.

 we got out of the car. I peered out the front window in the dojo there were at least twenty students all dressed in karate gee but only one of the many students in the building caught my eye, it was Ben. my eyes widen with horror.

“Not this one,” I said.

“You sure we haven’t even stepped one foot in the building yet-” He replied with a confused look in his eye.

“Yes, I'm sure, definitely not,” I told him.

And we went back into the Tesla and drove off Dojo after dojo. The only good one was the one that I can't and won't go to.

“Are you sure there isn’t anything that you like?” he asked me for the millionth time

“None,” I said.

“Are you sure you're OK?” he asked again “your face is looking a little pale.."

“I 'm fine.” I told him even though I felt like I was going to faint “Can we go home?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied and for the rest of the car ride home, we were listening to awkward silence.

We pulled into the driveway of our house.

“You know what?”My dad said.

“What?”I replied.

“There are no good dojo's here so how about I can train you- I know I am only a seventh out of tenth-degree black belt-”

“Dad” Interrupted him.

“Yes?” he replied

“I’d love to train with you.” I told him with a grin on my face “now let's go inside.”

“That's the best idea I heard all day.” He grins at me

And we went inside the house and immediately saw River playing on his I pad.

I walked inside the kitchen where my mom was calling a nearby pizza place.

“Hi I would like to place an order.'' she said “yes one taco pizza and a pepperoni pizza both in large. Uh-huh yup, OK, thank you." she hung up the phone. “Just in time for dinner,” she told us.

“Pizza? Yum!” my dad replied.

“I’m going to my room,” I told my parents and I did not wait for a response I just walked away. I checked my phone there were at least thirty notifications from an un-none messenger Must be Ella I thought to myself. besides who else would text me?

I opened up the app and it was just spamming hi’s and was sent about an hour ago so my family typed hi back no answer I waited some more still no answer I spent another ten minutes staring at the blank screen until my mom finally called me down for dinner.

“Two slices of pepperoni pizza for my karate girl.” My mom said as she sat down on my plate on the table.

“Thank you,” I said gratefully and took a bite. the slice of pizza melted in my mouth,

“Where's the river?” My dad asked

“He was at a sleepover at a friend's house.” My mom replied with a sigh.

“Oh OK,” he said.

It was mainly a quiet night after I finished eating I walked to the kitchen to do the dishes

“You don't have to.”My mom told me, as she walked into the kitchen

“No, It is fine.”I insisted

“OK, if you want.”My mom replied and walked into the living room

I finished washing the dishes and I walked out of the kitchen and up into my room. And checked my phone it said no new notification, still nothing. I frowned and sat down at my desk to finish the letter i grabbed a wooden pen and began to wright

So far nothing yet

Also just a reminder you need to charge your phone and check your messages at least every other day. Congrats on getting your red belt by the way. I might go for a second-degree black belt. Have you learned short form five Yet? It is one of my favorite forms and I think you will like it too. Tell you, little sister, I said hi.

I miss you so much!


I check the time it was almost ten-thirty, I slipped off my shoes and did bother getting changed into my pajamas and just went straight to bed and slept right away the next morning I woke up at nine-thirty and walked downstairs to some yummy chocolate chip waffles

“Happy Saturday!” my dad said

“Yay,” I replied sarcastically

I grabbed a plate full of chocolate chip waffles and poured some sticky maple syrup and whipped cream all over them and took a big bite.

“How are they?” my dad asked

“They’re really good!” I exclaimed

You are reading story look out world here i come at novel35.com

“Let me try,” He said and took a piece off my plate. “You weren’t lying!”

I smiled and continued eating. Soon but not soon enough My little brother River walked through the door

“I AM HOME!”He screamed

“Do you have to be so loud?”I ask

“Yup.”He replied

“You are definitely going to hell you know that right?”I asked again

“That's OK, all the cool people go to hell.”

“Not my problem, not my problem,'' I told myself underneath my breath.

And marched upstairs into my bedroom. I checked my phone and Ella was face timing me. I answered

“ROSE!”She exclaimed over the phone

“That’s my name,” I replied

“I can’t believe it is you!” she smiled “I haven’t heard your voice in forever!”

“I know! I am so happy to see you! Just like old-time were we would face time on our I pads.”

“I know.”

And we talked and talked for at least a couple of hours for one of the first times since I moved. I finally felt happy.

“ELLA.” someone in the background screamed, “You didn’t finish the dishes!”

“ONE MINUTE MOM.” Ella yelled back “I got to go.”

“Awe OK,” I replied and she hung up. I powered off my phone and not knowing what to do with myself I grabbed a book and decided to read.(COPIED) The book was about people falling in love after being partners in a science project but their parents forbidding their love. I read and read for hours and hours until when I finally took my eyes off the book and glanced up at the clock it read six-thirty so I set down my book and walked into the dining room where I saw River eating some of mom's famous french fries and on his phone. Who knew a ten-year-old would want to spend all day on his phone? Am I that addicted?

He looked up from his screen.

“Where were you?” He asked.

“In my room,” I told him

“Mom and dad are down the street looking for you. they think you ran away. He replied

“Oh gosh,” I said and ran out the door

I walked down the street and soon saw my parents looking around frantically until their eyes laid on me and ran up.

“Where were you!”They exclaimed

“In my room,” I told them

And we started to walk home with them still asking questions like What were you doing? or how come you didn't hear us when we called you down for dinner?

I had to answer a million times until we reached the house and walked inside and I saw River still on his phone and now eating some store-bought pudding I rolled my eyes and walked away and up to my room. Picked up my book and started to read again. I read for at least another half an hour before I finished my book. Where are my headphones? I wondered. I walked into River's room it was a mess, as usual, they there were clothes and toys all over his rug there was brown mush all over one of his navy blue walls, and on his keyboard were food crumbs and on the desk of his gaming setup was pudding container and plates all over and a piece of paper with some sciences and my twenty dollar bill taped on the piece of paper I read the paper it read:

Dear Aidan

Sorry to hear you are still getting blackmailed, here are the twenty dollars so you won't get beat up the next time you see them tell me if you can't afford it again. I know your family is struggling with money so just tell me if you need any more. Hope you don't get bullied

I miss you


I looked in his desk where I saw a bunch of crumpled-up letters I grabbed one and read it:

Dear River

Thank you for the twenty dollars. It really helps me a lot my dad just got promoted as a janitor so now we might be able to afford two meals now instead of just one! You are an amazing friend thank you for everything you've to done to help my family.


I put the paper back into the desk now feeling extremely guilty and walked downstairs into the dining room where River was still eating his unhealthy snacks, and playing cringe games on his game boy.  

I sat down across from him

“River,” I said looking him dead in the eyes.

“What?” he replied without looking up from his screen.

“Sorry for telling you that you should go to hell.” I apologized. “and you don't have to pay me-we can call it even.”

“OK good,-I didn’t have enough money to pay you back anyways," he said and sounded like he didn't want to be bothered by me anymore.

“I rolled my eyes at him and walked away.

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