Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 1: Volume 1: Chapter-1: Arc William

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On the rooftop, there was a man who was about to attack a child who was crippled in a chair.

"Your power is mine, Robin. You can die now!"

However before he could reach him, a man came between them and while touching his forehead with two fingers.

The first man got smashed into many buildings and finally stopped while destroying the street.

The man who kicked looked at the child, and said,

"Don't worry."

The child was 8 years old. He was crippled by born, however, he was extremely powerful. The man name Azazel was after his power for a long, it was today that Azazel finally trapped him to devour his power.

Well, Azazel couldn't do that, because suddenly a man appeared with yellow hair and kicked him.

"You look powerful, what's your name, sir?"

Robin was respectful enough to call him sir.

"Me, you can call me Goku."

Goku smiled like a child.

"Nice to meet you, sir."

However, Goku didn't wait for a reply and appeared in front of Azazel.

"Your bad deeds are about to end Azazel, now show me your full power."

Goku said to Azazel.

"How, how can someone be this powerful."

Azazel can feel what kind of gigantic power was embodied in the body of this man.

"Ah, this is not even my full power, it's Super Saiyan base form, I have 2,3,4, and God form, as well as ultra instinct. Though summoner cannot pull my full power in this world for some reason."

Goku said innocently while scratching his head.

'What is this man saying? He is even many time powerful than that man, I have seen in the Imperial Sanctuary. If this is not his full form then what is his real form?'

Azazel cannot guess anymore. He then stood up and was ready to face the opponent that he may not win.

He suddenly open his all 12 wings and tried to attack Goku.

Goku defends Azazel's punch with his right hand, the sound of bone breaking was audible.

Goku pulled him slightly in front of him and punch his stomach, the hand of this guy was still on Goku's clutch. However, his body was a few kilometers away. His arm was detached from his shoulder.

Azazel still smiled with his bloody mouth.

"What kind of madness is this?"

He then stood up. However, the moment he did that he saw his stomach was pierced from behind, it was an orange thing, and he never saw this kind of thing. It was a boy who has a face like a fox. At least the mark on his cheeks made him look like a fox. There were nine tails behind his back, and one of his tails was piercing his back.

'Where did this monster come from?"

Azazel thought to himself.


More blood was gushing through his throat.

"I cannot remain here long."

He hurriedly took something from his bag and crushed it.

"Don't let him complete his action."

A guy with orange hair boy screamed while slashing his sword toward Azazel. On the other hand, someone with a long hand like gum tried to catch him.

However, their's attempt was a failure e vanished from there.

Naruto, Ichigo, and Luffy failed to stop his escape. On the other hand, Goku was still finding Azazel here and there.

From far away a man who was sitting on a water tank said,

"Those fools let him escape, despite being strong they couldn't stop him. What a disappointment."

It was none other than Madara Uchiha.

"Don't worry, it's under my prediction. It's going all according to my plan."

Aizen said while shifting his glass.

"Heh! I am just bored. It would be exciting if that boy could summon Hashirama, it would have been a good time pass. Though I have an hour to spend before the summon got undone."

Madara said. Aizen didn't reply to him he was looking at the vanishing place. He liked the stone that guy use to vanish from there.

On the other hand, the child Robin, where he was before saw a youth come from the teleportation gate.

"Shit, that slippery bastard ran away. I knew that he is just all talk, the next time I catch I will rip him into shreds."

That youth said.

"Brother Arc! Was that you? I knew it, you will send me help to defeat that Azazel."

Robin asked him excitedly.

"Of course, it's me. How can I let down my little brother who I promised to protect? Even though, we are not relative by blood I always feel a strange bond with you, which is more than a brother. So, believe in me."

Arc smiled at him.

"Of course, I have believed in you. By the way, you can marry my big sis already, then you can be my real brother-in-law."

Robin told him. His last sentence wasn't a joke but he made a serious proposal.

However, Arc ignores that and said,

"Let's go home."

Then he went out from there with the teleportation gate.

In an alleyway, a green-haired man was walking while looking here and there.

"What the hack, where am I? I thought I was going through the right route."



A boy was trying to move from his bed. But no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't do that. It was really strange to him. He thought that if he caught sleeping paralysis.

'Quite possible.'

He then stops fighting with it. Sometimes it's gone away on its own. However, no matter how much time flies in the night he couldn't move. At one point he got asleep. Then he saw many bad dreams like he was a disabled person who was poorly treated by his family. His sister bad-mouthed him, he was beaten badly by his brother and cousin. His lover ignores him as the days go by.

But the thing he was not understanding was that he didn't recognize any one of them. And he is not supposed to know them in the first place.

Suddenly he woke from his dream. He tries to look around his room, but he couldn't. The fun fact is the view he was seeing the available field vision he has, he couldn't quite recognize this room, especially that luxurious ceiling, he has never seen it.

Someone suddenly came to his room. He couldn't see who they is, however, he was hearing that person was nearing him. That person came to his field of view. It was a woman. He remembers he saw this woman in his dream, among all other people she treated him nicely.

She was checking if he was awake up or not. When she confirms that, she carried him like a princess.

'What the hack you are doing, lady?'

He wanted to ask her, however, he couldn't say that. The girl was quite strong, he thought. Because he carried him like a baby, despite he is feeling that he is a fully grown-up man.

The girl was looking at him with a shocked face, in the next second she got normal, he wasn't sure why it was.

"Looks like you are fully awake, Master Arc."

She smiled while saying that. Then he suddenly remember, the disabled boy he saw in his dream, called Arc William by many. What does that mean?

His spine got cold as soon as he "Wake up to reality". He understood that it wasn't a dream, even if it was a dream, the current sensation was more than he can explain.

He couldn't believe what he was experiencing. He was nothing but a normal youth who is in his final semester at university. But now he became a special person.

'This is bad, isn't it?'

He asked himself inwardly.

'I got isekai'ed in the wrong place?'

He thought. He felt suddenly that he started to move. It was his wheelchair, the girl was moving it. The feeling of this chair-moving game was quite uncomfortable for him.

That girl was moving the chair. He was bought in front of the mirror. And he saw himself. It was a golden hair youth with blue eyes, he has quite good-looking, but it was ruined by his disabled face.

The girl took out the only brush from the pot and mixed paste on it. Then she started to brush him. It was really a strange feeling. He is feeling uncomfortable. It was not like he was a virgin or something and his ex-girlfriend also brushed him a few times. And it's not like the girl in front of him was doing the job crudely, however, he still feels that he is not that comfortable with this.

After finishing the brushing task, the girl washes his face nicely. It was also slightly uncomfortable. She moved him from the washroom, and stop his wheelchair in front of a table. The table was in quite a good condition.

He felt that the girl went away, and he let out a breath of relief. He was feeling a strange pressure from her. It was as if she was in bad mood.

She returns ten minutes later. She was dragging a trolley, and the aroma of the food contains on that trolley was quite good. He smells this kind of food when he visits one of his rich friend's houses in Italy. He wasn't Italian though, he was from Bangladesh. He use to study in the UK. He toured many places while he was studying in the UK.

It was soup. Chicken soup. The girl started to feed him. She was doing that gently. He likes the food more than her feeding style. It was quite an appetizer however, it was still hard for him to drink that soup all at once. So, he was guessing that he wasn't having the 100% taste of that soup. Well, the taste he was getting is still enough.

After finishing the food, the girl gave him juice to drink. There was a straw in it, he could suck the juice quite comfortably. He felt relief after experiencing that.

The girl went away from the room after washing his face. The dragging of her trolly fades away from his ears. He sighed and tried to be comfortable in his wheelchair.

The boy who is known as Andalib Galib on earth, is now known as Arc William on another world called Athens.




After a few minutes, another new face entered the room. He was wearing a butler dress. That man came in front of Arc and touches his forehead. A sudden sensation invades the body of Arc.

"You look fine today."

The butler said.

"It has been ages that your condition this well."

Butler saw Arc's eyes move toward him. Realizing something, he retreat and bowed toward him.

"Former head butler and your current personal butler, Isaac at your service, master Arc."

Hearing that, Arc moved his eyelids. Though he doesn't know what's going on, he will just act like he understood everything despite being disabled.

After a few one-sided talks, Isaac went out of the room.

Alex was thinking about what to do. He will be totally traumatized if he is stuck on this disabled body.

A few moments later that maid was back. Then she started to push the wheelchair.

She toured him to the outside garden. It was a huge house. He only sees this kind of house or mansion in the movie, usually King-level family has this kind of house.

Arc then remembers many kinds of traumatized dreams from last night.

'It was really bad for my heart.'

A few moments later he heard a shout.

"Miranda! Didn't I tell you don't let me see the face of this cripple's face? Every time I see his face my days gone ruined. Took him another way."

He remembered this voice from his dream. It was his sister Ariana William. She always does that whenever she sees him. Well, it doesn't matter to Arc because he does little care about her who is not her real relative, at least he doesn't accept her as his sister mentally.

The maid Miranda moves his wheelchair in another direction. In truth, he is enjoying the view which was in front of his eyes.

'I wished I could see the whole scenario by moving my head. If I have power... Now that I think about it, shouldn't I have some kind of power? If I am in Isekai (Parallel World) I should have some kind of power, no?'

Arc was thinking that he should have some kind of power in this world. As his dream suggested, this world does have magic. He wants some of his personal magic ability. However, in reality, what he got as the reward of a beginner Isekai member was disability. An absolute cripple guy.

Arc was thinking about what kind of misfortune he is experiencing. On the other hand, he wasn't that bad of a condition on the earth. It's true he was having early life struggles, and how his career would be after his graduation, which is normal for every student.

The morning was good for him. When he was in front of the lake the butler came again to see him. He was checking his well-being.

'Was he a doctor too?'

Arc thought, in reality, his thought was correct butler Isaac has high-level medical knowledge which was useful during the last war they have.

"Don't take him in front of Lady Ariana and Lord Adam, they do not see him in good eyes, Lord Arc started to recover from his sickness. It will not be good if he is in front of those two, their action might cause damage to his recovery. And this was directly said by His Highness Austin William."

Isaac said without taking a break from her. Hearing that she nodded,

"I will be careful next time."

Hearing that, he didn't reply to her further and looked at him once he went away from that place.

When it was time to have lunch, Arc was dragged to his room again. Now then he thinks about it his room was pretty luxurious. Looks like his parents were someone that ranked high in this nation. By the way, according to his dream, Austin William was his father. Though he doesn't remember what his Arc's father's profession was, he can at least says that he wasn't any normal person.

The maid started to feed her again, it was soup again however this time it was Thai corn soup. This soup was amazing too. He really liked the taste. When the maid went away after feeding him, Arc again felt somewhat a relief.

'Will I be like this rest of my life? Well, it's not like you can't do anything if you are disabled, Stephen Hawking was a great example, being paralyzed doesn't mean you can do nothing. Will I have a knowledge brain like him? Is it my Isekai ability?'

[Congratulation! You have got 3 Power of Absolute Obedience.]

[Detail: Power of Absolute Obedience is the geass of Lelouch vi Britannia. Which allows him to plant commands within a person's mind upon direct eye contact. The affected person must follow your command if you cast on him with a specific order. This is limited quota power, you can use it only for three times. This ability only can achieve from Quest and Lottery.]




Arc was surprised to see the translucent screen in front of him. He knows very well what kind of power Lelouch vi Britannia has.

This is a powerful visual attack where the affected person won't able to deny his order.

However, that's not the main point. Why he was having their power? It was his thoughts. Shouldn't he have his own unique power?

'Well, it's fine too.'

Arc was satisfied anyway. However, he cannot use this power against anyone without prior thinking because he can use it only three times, he needs to choose the right person or the right moment.

Now, Arc cannot use it against if that guy isn't in front of his field of vision. That person needs to come in front of him. This means, if someone attacks him from behind, there is nothing that he could do.

The maid returned to his room a few moments later. She then again Princess carry him and put him onto the bed.

It was for the afternoon nap. That is what he thought however, it became evening already, and he was still in bed.

Miranda was back once and she feed me again. Then went away after switching off the light.

'This world is so beautiful, however, still gloomy. Or was it gloomy only for me?'

Arc thought. He was excited about geass, however, it still not going well against him. This will make him depressed as days go by.

Suddenly, he heard some sounds. It was in his room. He cannot verify it however he was guessing that someone open his window.

"You couldn't complete your task yesterday. The poison was powerful, however, it was still a failure. Today I am suggesting you kill him by cutting his throat. Do not worry I will take the sword with me."

Arc:s spine got chilling cold after he heard that. Death is something that he was really afraid of most.

Guessing their conversion pattern he could tell someone was planning to kill him.

'Did god send me here to die?'

And not only that, he will be an assassin by someone when he was fully awake.

'What a style to die!'

He felt there were two people. The speaking style of the first person was suggesting that.

'That means there was a person who is colluding with him.'

Arc only thinks about a few faces, and two of them would be his stepbrother and sister, Adam and Ariana. However, what he knows Adam wasn't in this house for a week. He went on a field trip with his academy. This means only one person left who has the intention to kill him. His sister was the prime suspect, he was guessing if there is a sane person who knows about his circumstance will think that too.

Arc heard that the traitor's step was nearing the front of him. It was slow steps. It was as if the assassin wants to tease him by doing that.

Arc shut his eyes, he will close his eyes as soon as the attacker is in his field of vision. When someone opens their eyes from closed, people tend to look at that eyes. So, Arc will do that.

For some strange reason, he can feel the presence of a person as well as his location. This may be an effect of this world.

Arc was thinking about what he will do, and suddenly Arc finds out what he needs to do. He will make the attacker kill the other one and wake up everyone. This will be perfect.

When the assassin was just in front of his face he opened his eyes. As expected the attacker look into his eyes. However, Arc got surprised that the person who was in his field of vision wasn't his sister or his brother. However, he knows this person. He has seen her many times.

Arc then immediately changes his command and said inwardly,

'Obey me like Albedo, show me the loyalty as she has for Ainz Ooal Gown aka Momonga.'

Then the magic happen, a red bird symbol appeared in his eyes, which started to fly and went toward the eyes of that person. She was hit by it, and her eye also turned into a geass.

She then moves at his partner in crime, and points her sword tip toward him, she then thrust the sword into the heart of her partner, and that man evades just for a few inches. However, he still couldn't escape from suffering because that sword still hit him on his shoulder.

"What the Elies you bitch, what are you doing? Why are you attacking me instead? Don't tell me you were against us from the beginning."

That guy shouted, he then realise he did the wrong thing, because he was shouting the people of this house will wake up, and even if he remain here until they come he cannot beat the woman in front of him, he knows very well, that she is strong, too strong for him.

That guy then jumped toward the window while saying,

"Organization will not take your betrayal normally, I will see what you do then."

Like that he vanished. Arc sighed with relief, he wasn't sure if it will work or not when he saw it worked it made him feel good.


Episode-5: Protection

Arc wanted to ask what her intention was, and where she came from, but he cannot talk, so in the end, he has to see everything as a silent bystander paralyzed person. The butler came into his room immediately, he was ready to fight.

When he entered the room he saw no one was there, except Miranda was looking toward the window while holding a sword in her hand.

"What happened here, Miranda?"

He asked.

"An assassin came to attack Lord Arc, boss. He ran away as soon as I fight back with him."

She said.

"Yes, I also heard a man's shout, so, I came here as soon as I heard it."

Isaac said and continued,

"Now, where is that assassin, where he did run away?"

"I don't know, probably toward the exit. Should we follow him?"

Miranda asked him.

"No, it is too late. We need to raise our security more, I need to talk with his majesty."

Isaac said with great concern. Then he touch his forehead of Arc, and he noticed that he was awake. Then he told him with a smile,

"Do not worry my lord, that guy will not come again, I can assure you. You can rest easy."

Then he heard a ring. Arc's eyes got big when he saw that, this guy pull out a smartphone from his pocket.

'This world has this kind of technology?'

Arc thought this world was made of magic and fantasy, so there shouldn't be such technology like this. But he was proven wrong. Now then, he thinks about it he saw a screen in his room, was that a Television?

"Yes, Sir, no he run away, yes sir, he is safe, it was Miranda who save him, ok sir I will tell her to stay here tonight, okay sir."

It was one side conversation of Isaac. He told to Miranda,

"Stay here, it's his Majesties order. You can use that sofa to sleep here."

Isaac told her.

"Okay, boss."

She then looked at Arc, there was a glow in her eyes, Arc can say that this was a dangerous glow, but it's not life-threatening, however, he feels something strange there. He was so confused.

Isaac was going toward the exit of the room, then he suddenly stopped and looked at Miranda,

"How did you know there is an assassin, even I couldn't detect him."

Even Arc could feel that this old man releasing strong pressure.

"It was pure coincidence that I was here. And the assassin didn't notice me, so I took to make a surprise attack on her which resulted as his sword was on my hand, he ran away, after taking the first blow, maybe he felt that you are nearing."

Miranda explained. After thinking something for a few moments he nodded and said,

"Give me that sword, we need to investigate."

Shrugging her shoulder he throws the sword toward him. He catch that smoothly and said,

"Okay, take care of him for tonight. Good night."

Saying that he went away from the room. She sighed with relief. She knows that this Isaac butler was a dangerous man, he use to be the former butler of this palace. No one can underestimate him, and no one in this nation underestimates him.

One of the ironies for Arc is, the person who was about to kill him now has the duty of protecting him, if he didn't have geass it would have been absurd.

She then came toward Arc and hug her.

"I am sorry, master, please forgive this unworthy one, who was about to kill you, for that sin, I will accept you any punishment and repent for my sin, I will never leave you ever and make you feel safe."

Arc didn't expect this will happen. Looks like asking him to become Albedo really worked well. Because she worked for him, it will be best if she has a loyalty level to Albedo.

By the way, Albedo is the character from Overlord. She has absolute loyalty to the main protagonist of the series Ainz Ooal Gown.

'Looks like now I will have a few worries to deal with. This woman tried to poison me last night. Maybe she was successful to kill the original Arc William, I am just a ghost who is possessed of his body.'

Arc William already understands the plot.

He read a similar kind of story somewhere, or there are many stories like this, he really doesn't remember which book or show it was.

'Now then, I have only two, I have to use my power carefully. This ability is really powerful, it will be helpful, if cripple me can use this power in the right moment and the right place on the right person, like tonight.'

He thought. When he thought that a screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have got 500 System Points to avoid your dangerous situation.]

[2500 points are required to open the shop.]


'So, it was like this. This situation was also part of the quest?'

Arc thought inwardly. This sounds interesting. That means if I open this shop, I can buy more or have this kind of ability. Interesting really interesting, for the first time of the day, I really invested in this world.

By the way, he was still in Miranda's hug.

Episode-6: Poison Rabbit

Three days later. The routine for Arc was the same as the first day. However, Miranda's attitude changes by 180 degrees. Arc doesn't feel any discomfort like he felt the first day that he arrived in this world.

Before Miranda wouldn't talk with him much, even in his dream he never saw that Miranda would talk with him, however, in the last three days, she speak with him regularly, and told him many kinds of stories.

Especially the history of this world, which was really great information for him. Arc learn many things from it.

Currently, he was in the garden, he likes this place so much. Miranda said it was made by his real mother, by the way, Arc's father married two women. His mother was the first wife of Austin, he was also the eldest son of the William Family.

While Miranda was roaming him around the garden, they saw a person working in the garden. His appearance looks too good for a gardener. His thought was correct, and Miranda immediately salute him.

"Good morning, Lord Domingo."

That man smiled at her. Then he looked at him and said with a refreshed smile,

"So, you have come here to roam around son. Enjoy the scenery, your mother loved this garden so much. So, do I. My sister has a soft spot for flowers. I guess you do too."

When he finished that, he finally understood who he is. A vague memory triggered in his head. It was none other than Arc's only uncle on his mother's side.

Arc tried to smile to show courtesy toward him, however, he failed to do it while his face became a strange shape. Seeing that, Domingo smiled and pat his head. Even though Arc was 20 years old, he still treat him as a child.

"Go Miranda, make him tour this garden's every corner, if you can, please do this every day, this child's face look bright whenever he is in this garden."

"Yes, my lord."

Miranda nodded and took him to other places in this garden. This garden is huge. He saw this level of the garden in his village, though it wasn't as luxurious as this, however, his family has the most trees in the village. Every kind of fruit and flower can be found in that place depending on global position and season. His real father of the earth really liked planting trees. His father was the Head Master of an academy, so he always teaches his student to plant trees more and more.

Suddenly, started to move into the garden. He saw something coming toward them. That thing jumped toward him, he was ready with his geass. However, before it could bump onto him, Miranda catches it. It was a rabbit. Arc sighed.

'I was about to use geass on a rabbit, almost wasted a command.'

"What is this poison rabbit doing in this field? It would have been a disaster if it would have bitten master, as he doesn't have any mana field surrounding his body."

She then killed the rabbit by crushing its neck.

[Because your companion killed a monster, you have got 100 system points. ]

[600/2500 to unlock the shop.]

'It was close.'

Arc thought. He retreated from his word and what he was thinking when he saw it was the rabbit. This wasn't a normal animal but a poisonous monster.

"Do not worry, Master Arc, as long as I am alive nothing could touch you."

Miranda said.

'Miranda you are the real hero of the show, but still doing this because of geass.'

Arc thought. He needs to open the shop as soon as possible, he thinks that, if he can open that, he can become a lot stronger. He has this feeling.

Miranda took him to his room, and in middle, he met his step-sister again. She treated him the same as the last day, However, unlike before, Miranda looked at him annoyingly. Which made her stop midway, then she went away from there by saying, not to cross paths with her.

Arc was thinking about what kind of grudge his two step-siblings have. Or is it because I am their 'step'?

Miranda then came in front of him and wiped his body part. She was wiping his full body, including his hidden parts that cannot be shown in public but in the bed with his partner. She is sleeping in his room for the last three days.

She was making sure that no one can attack him at night, on the other hand, Isaac was investigating the previous incident, and he heard that Isaac was tracing the blood of the assassin. It was ordered by his father to find that person no matter what is the cost.

Now, then Arc finds a way to earn system points, however, that way is useless for him now, which is he needs to hunt monsters that he couldn't do right now. However, even if Miranda kills those monsters, as her companion he gains the points too. And how he became his companion? He doesn't know, however, it is also useless, because how would he tell him?'

And then this screen appears.

[You have activated a passive skill, telepathy, now you can speak with your companion using telepathy.]

Episode-7: Telepathy

[Do you hear me, Miranda?]

Miranda was cleaning the room when she suddenly heard the telepathy of Arc she almost jumped.

On the other hand, Arc has to open a channel to reach her. When he opens a channel only then she can reply to him back with telepathy. Arc was figuring out how to do that, he was calling her numerous times before, but she didn't hear him. When he saw there was a channel option that appeared in front of him, he choose it and the telepathic channel triggered. By the way, this screen was hovering in corner of his eyes all these times when he awake telepathy passive skill, he just didn't notice it.

[It is I, Arc William can't you hear me?]

Miranda then looked at him.

"Was it you, Master Arc."

[Yes, I awakened this telepathy power not so long ago.]

Arc told him.

"What, if you awake this power this would be amazing as you are not able to speak."

Miranda showed a happy face.

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[Yes, indeed, I don't want to stay in this paralyzed condition either. Even I want to move around and looked at this world on my own.]

Arc replied to her.

"Is there a way to recover your condition?"

She asked him.

[Yes, there is. And only you are the one who can help me regarding this.]

Arc said.

"What? Only I can do this. What kind of help do you want master?"

Miranda asked him.

[To kill the monsters for me.]

Arc said. Of course, I must be present there when you do that.

"Well, it's an easy task. But how this will recover you? I don't understand."

Miranda said.

[Even I don't know, when you killed the rabbit that time in the garden, it somehow boost my power, I don't know how did it work, but it worked.]

Arc told her.

"I see, if you say so if you are saying this that means you are right."

Miranda showed absolute trust in him.

[Why are you trusting me and obeying me so much?]

Even though he knows why he asked her anyway.

"I do not know. My heart telling me to follow your every word. The loyalty comes from bottom of my heart. I do not know why though."

She said.

[You tried to kill me two times before.]

Arc told her.

"No, not two times. I tried to kill you a total of 18 times. Every time I failed for an unknown reason. I don't know why. I am really sorry for it. If you asked me to commit suicide for it, I am ready to do it."

She said.

[No, you don't need to do that, I have trust in you that you won't try to kill me again.]

"Of course, I won't try to commit those same crimes again."

Miranda said with 100% assurance.

[Then that's that then.]

Arc said.

"Why are you believing me that much?"

Miranda asked him.

[Same reason as you, even I don't know where this trust coming from for you.]

Arc told her.

"I see. It's strange, isn't it?"

Miranda asked him.

[Yes, this is strange indeed.]

Arc replied softly.

"But I don't hate it. Before following you, I followed others for one reason or other, and I needed to follow them even if I don't want to. On the other hand, I am following you from bottom of my heart. So, I feel really good about it."

Miranda said while touching her breast.

Arc felt somewhat guilty because she was doing the same thing with him too. She was following him because of a strong power called geass.

[That's good to hear then. And I need someone who could I rely upon. I cannot do anything by myself because I am disabled, that's why I need you very much. Is it not right?]

Arc I asked her.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly fine. In fact please rely on me more, Master. I will be really happy to serve you."

Miranda told him.

[That's made me less burdened after hearing that. Okay, from now on I will rely on you.]

Arc told her.


She laughed and then continued,

"When do you want me to hunt? Is it at night?"

[No, if you take me outside this night everyone will suspect something is wrong, it will be bad for you if they discover your identity.]

Arc told her.

"Yea, you are right. They will think something fishy is going on. Especially, Isaac boss, he is powerful."

She told him.

[I see. Yes, he looked powerful and authoritative.]

Arc told her. She nodded hearing that.

[By the way, you can talk with me telepathically, you need to just try it.]

"What I can speak with you using telepathy? Wait let me try it."

She said that while closing her eyes.

[Do you hear me?]

Miranda asked.

[Yes, I can hear, you.]

Arc replied.

[What! That's really cool ability. I can speak with you silently.]

Miranda said.

[Yes, no one will know we talking with each other. It will also make you not look like a mental who talks with herself.]

Arc replied.

[Yes. You are correct. I love your ability. And you too.]

Hearing that, Arc remembers that she was commanded to follow like Albedo. So, she was acting like Albedo, what Albedo does with Momonga.

Episode-8: Dungeon?

"How did you find this many rabbits? You also can tell where those are."

Miranda asked him.

[I don't know how, but I can sense monsters. In this field, there are still two poison rabbits left.]

Arc told him. He wasn't wrong. He can sense monsters it's not like he is having Map like game. He can just feel them.

"Strange skill you have there, Master. We also can feel them, but only if they leak their energy, in these monsters' case, they didn't leak any energy, you still did find them, which means your sensing ability is beyond normal."

Miranda said.

[I see. This is interesting then. Oh well, I don't understand how this type of power works, however, I am really enjoying this.]

Arc said. Then he looked at the screen in the corner.

[900/2500 to unlock the shop.]

He needs more and more system points. However, what he saw was there is only a couple of rabbits left. And he doesn't feel any other monster either here.

[Let's go to the south.]

Well, he can increase the system points when he gets the opportunity. He isn't in hurry.

"Ok, Master."

As expected, they found both rabbits and kill them.

[Can we eat this monster?]

Arc asked her.

"Lots of people doesn't prefer to eat monster. However, adventure does eat monsters to survive in the dungeon. So, monsters can be eaten. But you need to purify it before eating."

Miranda said. However, Arc's ear picked valuable information.

[Wait, in this world, we have a dungeon?]

Arc asked her.

"Yes, we have 72 dungeons in this world."

Miranda told him.

[I see. I would like to go there.]

Arc said.

"But a disabled person cannot register to the guild master. Because they need to show a certain level of ability in the adventure exam."

Miranda said.

[Without adventure registered people can't enter the dungeon?]

"Well, they can. However, you can't sell the loot you get in the dungeon if you don't have a card, because money only transfers to an advantages card if you want to sell those. Though you can sell them on the black market, it's really a great deal of hassle. Plus, it will be bad if King finds this."

Miranda said.

[I don't need money. I can sell them later if I store them.]

Arc said.

"You mean..."

[Yes, make a way to take me there. I need to go there, even if it is on the lowest floor, it's okay, take me there.]

Arc said.

"It will be hard. Security outside of this mansion boundary is really strict. It will be hard to pass it."

Miranda said.

[Then how did your former assassin partner can come and go this easily?]

Arc asked her.

"That's... Yes, there is a way, but we can go there only at night. Going outside at night is dangerous for you master."

Miranda warns him.

[A burning youth doesn't fear the darkness of night. Just do whatever I said.]

Arc told her.

"Huh, hopefully, we don't get into trouble. Okay, as you say so. Your wish is my command."

Miranda said with a helpless voice.

[Good. Speak in the telepathy channel from this point. Which dungeon is nearest us?]

Arc asked her.

[It will be Valefor. 5km away from this mansion. It's this world's sixth most dangerous dungeon.]

Miranda said.

[It's really far away, is there a way for you to cover this distance in a short time than usual?]

Arc asked.

[It's possible, but it is hard to do that with your wheelchair, it will be bad for your body and we will also make a ruckus, so it will be useless to go hiddenly from here, no?]

Miranda told him.

[You are right, then can you carry me while you do that?]

Arc asked him.

[Yes, however, in what method I will carry you?]

She asked him.

[Oh, leave that to me. I have several methods.]

Arc said to her.

"O-okay, master."

[Okay, let's go to my room, I am tired. Looks like the heat of the sun really got me.]

Arc said. Because Arc's body was weak, excessive heat or cold is bad for him. Because his skin was somewhat whiter than normal it got all red because blood rushed to his face due to heat.

"Okay, master."

When they left the garden someone from the garden looked at them with keen eyes. He showed much interest in them.

He then slowly fades into the garden.

After eating his meal, Arc looked out the window and waited for night. He told Miranda to collect something for him.

So, Miranda wasn't in the room. Isaac came and check his condition, giving a satisfying look, he bid good day to him.

Which means he won't be here if something exceptional doesn't occur. which is perfectly fine for Arc. He will have a clear opportunity to go outside.

Episode-9: Getting outside

[Is it too uncomfortable to carry me like this?]

Arc asked.

[No, not really, but your idea was strange, master.]

Miranda replied to him.

[Is it a good idea or a bad idea?]

Arc asked him.

[Odd but effective. No one will check it if I say I am carrying the loot.]

Miranda replied her.

[Well, that's fine then.]

Arc said. He was actually using Tanjiro's wooden box-like box, which he used to carry Nezoko. Though Nezoko was a little kid she need a little box, in his case he needed a big box, but the good thing is Miranda was a tall woman so it wasn't really a problem to carry it.

[We are in our secret route, master.]

Miranda announced to him.

[Hmm, isn't that our pond?]

By the way, there was a tiny hole where Arc was able to see outside.


[Gosh, this will be difficult then. But where is the route?]

[Under the pond.]

Miranda replied.

[Impressive, not many will suspect that someone can go and come inside the mansion via pond.]

Arc said then he think about their situation. He continued,

[Well, I can hold my breath for a certain amount of time, but the water will come inside this box. Which will be troublesome, it looks like we need to go back and revise our escape plan.]

[Umm, don't worry, we have our own method to escape under the water without getting wet.]

Miranda told him.

[Wait, is there a way?]

Arc said with genuine amazement.

[Yes, or won't it be easy to track us if we are walking around wet bodies?]

Miranda asked him.

[Yes, you are right.]

Arc replied.

[Pocket Air dimension.]

When she said that round wall made surrounding their body. Its wall was transparent, if you are not too near this boundary you won't able to notice it.

Without exchanging any words she silently dives into the water.

[Wow, you made no sound.]

Arc told her.

[This is also the attribute of this magic. No sound will be made from this.]

She told him.

[Yes, and it looks like we are not getting wet either.]

Arc saw the water wasn't about to pass this round boundary. We are inside the hole. She started to dive into the hole. It was 3 minutes she was diving in it. And finally, they are out of the water.

And they came outside inside from the old branch of trees.

[You guys were really prepared to kill me, na?]

Arc asked her.

[Well, we were ordered to kill you. That's all, our organization made all the preparation to kill someone even if he is disabled, or a person that has no worth. Leaving a loophole isn't our type, however, we really failed to do this in your case, we couldn't kill you 18 times.]

She said. She started to walk in the street silently. No one is here. Arc looked at the outside, it's look like an average earth town to him. This world's technology can rival earth. This world also has cellphones and television, though there is no cable connected to his television maybe because he couldn't simply see one.

It is 2 AM, so it should be a deep night to have a good sleep. Arc noticed that this woman was an assassin by blood, or she gain this kind of skill after hard work, because she was walking in shadow without making a single footstep, or creating waves in the air.

[What is your organization called?]

Arc asked her.

[Origin Shadow. I don't belong in that organization anymore, as soon as I betrayed the organization they will abandon me, and in a few days, they will send an assassin to kill me.]

She said.

[That's bad then, isn't it?]

Arc asked her.

[I don't really care, if it is for you, I am ready to die.]

She said.

'That kind of dialogue given by a hero, isn't it?'

Though he thought that, he was happy. Because her words seem sincere toward him. When his ex said that, he clearly knows that it was a big lie because her tone was so different, uncertain and a youth's whim.

[They will come for me too, isn't it?]

Arc asked her.

[Sadly, yes.]

She replied to him sincerely here too.

[Why do they want to kill me?]

Arc asked her.

[After all, as long as you are alive, it is possible that you recovered and have the throne because you are the only direct blood of the previous king. Your mother was the only child of the king, your mother was a former queen, and your father later became the queen when she got sick and failed to bed. She has many followers, who will support you to become the king, 90% of the family doesn't support your other two step-siblings like you, so they must kill you to become the inheritor of the throne.]

She said.

'So, I was the son of King? Well, that explains the feud. No matter which world you go to, conflict for power exists.'

Arc tried to smile with irony but his paralyzed body didn't allow that.

[We are here, master. In front of the Valefor.]

Episode-10: Rat Hunting

[Which floor do you want to go to first, master?]

Miranda asked Arc after entering the maze. Arc was looking at the dungeon curiously, however, couldn't more than his field of vision and he is only looking from a tiny hole in the wooden box.

[What is the highest floor you can go to?]

Arc asked him.

[I have never dived in this dungeon, however, in the dungeon name Bael which is the most dangerous Dungeon in this world, I went 48th floor. For your information, master, there is 100 floor in it, but mankind could clear only 59 floors. They never could clear the 60th floor for thousands of years. As for this floor, I know I can clear up to the 30th floor without anyone's help, I need a partner after that.]

She told him.

[I see, can we jump directly to floor 30?]

Arc asked her.

[No, we can't. We have to clear the dungeon step by step.]

She replied.

[I see, so this is the rule then. Oh, well, let's start with the first one, and you are carrying me now, so I will hold you back anyway on the upper floor of the dungeon.]

Arc said.

[Well, I don't think it won't be much problem up to the 20th problem to defeat the monster by carrying you.]

Miranda told him.

[I see.]

Arc muttered.

[Let us go further into the dungeon.]

She said.

[Something is coming.]

Arc warned her. She also sensed that something was coming in their direction. And she knew well what that might be. She opened her sword from her sheath and slash toward it.

[Congratulation! Your companion was successfully able to defeat the Naughty Rat. You have earned 50 SP.]

[1150/2500 to unlock the shop.]

The monster that came attacking them was Rat Monster, it was a monster whose teeth are sharp, and it can rip the flesh of the rookie easily. Though they are easy to kill.

[Another few coming here too.]

Arc warned her.

[Don't worry, they are easy to beat, I can kill them even by stomping my feet, you can be rest assured, sir,]

She told him.

[Okay, that is good then.]

After that, Arc silently saw she was killing one after another. And finally, the moment appeared when he can finally open the shop.

[2500/2500! Congratulation! You have opened the shop. The shop will appear corner of your eye, you can open it whenever you want.]


10% Health Recovery- 300

10% Stamina Recovery- 300

Magnet manipulation Card- 5000

Blue Flame Card- 5500

Dragonball Ki Card- 10000

One tomoe Sharingan Card- 4000

Erasure Quirk Card- 10000

*To open the shop-2 buying option, you require to buy 1 of the most expensive things from the shop and 2 cards at least.

Available SP: 150

'So, there is a level in the shop. Interesting. Well, doesn't matter. We will see about that in the future, for now, I will have to buy the existing ones first. As for the HP potion, I am interested in it. I want to buy those, to see if they really can improve my situation or not.'

When Miranda killed three more rats, he immediately bought the HP potion, however, her couldn't use it because it was written,

[Your health is full.]

'That means my health doesn't relate to my paralyzed condition. I guess it was true for the stamina potion too. I should stop buying them for now. I need to focus on buying those other cards.'

Arc thought about which card he should buy first. Sharingan is really a great ability to have, however, it is useless to buy one tomoe Sharingan, he needs to have the ability to fight in close combat if he wants to use its power, which is pretty useless for him now. He could buy a Dragon Ball ki card, however, he won't take the risk to buy expensive things first, Erasure is also a good option, however, he doesn't have the luxury to see if he can use it on every people for now.

Magnet style. It sounds fun. It's an ability from naruto that you can use even if you don't move, all you need is to infuse chakra on it, if this kind of ability exists, then he ought to have a way to infuse it if it is with chakra or another ability.

'Okay, I will buy that, it perfectly goes well with my current disability.'

Arc thought.

He looked at his accumulated Systems Point, or it should be said Miranda's credit. It was 450, and it was increasing slowly.

[Hey, can't we go to a place where is more monster like this? I am sensing many rats in one place, can we go there?]

Arc told her,

[Fine by me, I will kill it with my wide area attack. Please lead me to them.]

Miranda replied to him. Arc was telling the direction base on his sensing route. And they found the place where a huge number of rats were gathering there. Countless amount of rats started to run toward them as soon as they saw them.

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