Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 15: [Volume 2] Chapter-4 (Part 3)

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Episode-85: Facing her head on



After attending several rituals Arc and Zerin could finally sit.


'Good thing I didn't marry at the earth, or it would have been a double blow for me. I cannot take it anymore.'


Arc thought. Despite being a Muslim, where marriage was part of their faith, he never thought of marrying on earth. One of the main reasons he doesn't want to bind in shackles. As South Indians marrying wasn't an easy relationship. One of the most basic things about marrying is you have to take responsibility for your bride for the rest of your life, he always was afraid of taking responsibility for another person's life.


He never thinks about his financial state, because he was one of the two children in his family, and the amount of property he will have was enough to live happily rest of his life even if does nothing.


But he was afraid of taking responsibility for another woman most, he understood while he was dating with Bengali girl that it was really hard to take responsibility for someone.


A few moments later Zerin was sent to Arc's room. Masha was with her. By the way, Yuri Schwarz was also here.


Ariana, Inayat, and Miranda's trio took Arc's wheelchair to send him to his room.


When they entered his room, Masha and Zerin were talking about something. Seeing him enter Masha made a happy face and told him,


"Looks like you finally came. I thought I have to sleep with your wife instead you."


Masha joked.


"Well, you can stay with us too, if you want."


Arc equally joked with her.


"Oh, that's a nice offer. I have to think about that."


She touches her cheek pretending to be serious.


"So, what did you decide?"


Arc asked her.


"Well, that's a pity, but people will get a heart attack if they heard it. So, we will do this later, ne, brother in law."


She told him with a wink.


"Yeah, that's really a pity."


Arc said with an attitude of it can't be helped.


"Ahem, Ahem, we are here too, brother."


Ariana ahem'ed at them.


"Ah, Lil Ariana, do you wanna stay with a big brother too?"


Arc asked her.


"No, not at all. Who will sleep with smelly brother."


Ariana replied.


"You made your big brother cry, girl."


Arc said with a crestfallen voice.


"Ok, ok, enough talk you guys needed to chill and drop the act. Let's go out here, minna(everyone,).


Inayat told everyone and continued,


"Ms. Masha let us get introduced to each other."


"Yeah, or it will be too uncomfortable being alone."


Masha replied.


"Ok, let's go. Miranda join us after you finish your work here."


Ariana told her.




It has been a while since she will sleep in another room. She was almost used to sleeping in this room.


[Leave me in front of the bed Miranda. You go and enjoy your time.]


Arc told her via telepathy.


[Okay, Master.]


When everyone was gone the room got locked. Arc didn't talked a single word, however, he was looking at her with as less as possible blink.


He was observing with Emperor Eyes. Arc was assessing her emotional level. And it was true, she really has a lack of emotions, at least on the outside. She mastered this skill completely. Yes, what he felt was that she made herself emotionless, she wasn't emotional by born, she train herself with a steel face.


"Why did you do this?"


Arc asked her. However, she remains quiet. Arc continued,


"Why did you make your emotion frozen with your skill?"


This time she looked at him. Her emotionless eyes were big and round and attractive. For the first time, Arc noticed with his Emperor Eyes that she showed a little sign of expression there. However, it was less than a second.


"How do you know that, I am keeping my emotion in check with my skill."


She asked him.


'Sweet voice.'


Arc thought inwardly.


"Well, I just assume that."


He replied to her.


Then she sighed and move her feet to the floor from the bed. She then assessed him.


"You look completely healthy to me. Despite being unable to walk you have recovered your disease to your peak."


This time Arc got surprised.


"What do you mean?"


Arc asked her.


"I have a special ability to find the weak point of my opponent, including sickness which wasn't visible to eyes. A special art of Frozen that only a few practitioners achieve. And they ate all the highest-level, people. By luck with my talent, I can assess that, you are not sick at all. But I wonder why you cannot walk through. Maybe after a long absence, you're brain still couldn't recover the nerve of your leg cells."

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She made her baseless theory.


"I wonder, why I cannot do it. Maybe you can help me to recover myself, with the healing power of love, no?"


Arc said with a smile that any girl won't deny that it wasn't attractive, however, it was actually a fake smile. But Zerin got icier than before.



Episode-86: Her circumstances



"There is something I want to tell you, that I won't be able to love you in my life."


Zerin told him with an icy tone.


"Why? Do you have someone that you love?"


When he asked that, the temperature dropped by several celsius. Arc then laughed and said,


"Okay, okay, I will not poke fun at you. However, is it related to your Academy? That those who are from Frozen, if she wanted to become strong she needed to stay a virgin."


Hearing that, Zerin retract her aura which made the room temperature normal again. Arc thought, 'Wow, she will come in handy in the summer.'


"That's just a myth. Many of the strong Frozen instructors are married persons, and your aunt is the frozen principal herself and she is married have a child, I mean Professor Yuri."


Now then think about it, he realizes it's an urban legend, and sometimes IQ skills won't work in a few of the matters, well, he doesn't dislike it, if a man can find out everything with his IQ itself, it will be boring.


"I see, then why did you say that? Why do you want to stay as a virgin?"


Arc asked her.


"I never said, I will stay as a virgin, you can have my body, well, you have the right, however, I can never give you my love."


She replied with her same emotionless face.


'I thought she is like Xia Qingyue. But I am wrong she is different. Even Xia Qingyue had emotions. And Xia Qingyue wouldn't have said like you can have my body, not my love.'


Arc thought. He asked her,


"And why is that?"


"I don't want to be shackled by anything."


She replied, and Arc instantly understood what she meant by that. Because once upon a time, maybe still now he was feeling the same. Though their reason may differ, Arc didn't want to marry anyone and in her case, she do not want to love anybody.


'Maybe I was hit by my own Karma?'


Arc thought. Seeing that, Arc wasn't talking she continued speaking,


"I want to save my mother at any cost. For that, I do not want to distract with anything, I will even abandon my all emotions, I want her to come back with us."


She explained. Arc's mind screamed here we go again, the plot is oddly familiar. He asked her,


"Where did she go?"


Honestly, Arc thought she was dead, so he never asked regarding this matter.


"You don't know, I guess, No, such a matter you should have known, everyone in this world who read the news, knows this."


She told him with the coldest gaze.


'Am I supposed to know?'


Arc thought. It never appeared in his dream, so he doesn't know.


"Sorry, I have lost many memories, including my own mother, what do you expect?"


Arc replied to her with an apology.


"I see."


Her gaze becomes normal and cold again. She has beautiful eyes though, by the way, Arc has yet to see her face, She continued,


"Ten years ago, my mother use a sealed technique that binds a demon called Leviathan. She was a former member of the RanKings, her number was 10. Even utilizing 5 RanKings members, they couldn't kill Leviathan, because it was one of the strongest demons that normal people have ever seen. In the end, they could save the world with the sealing ability of the White Family. And my mother was the top sealing master, So, she sealed herself along with other 3 RanKings and 25 Alumni members. To stop that thing, and saved the world."


She explained.


"So, what do you want to do?"


Arc asked her.


"I want to break that seal and become stronger enough to kill that Leviathan."


She replied flatly, however, it carried weight.


Hearing that, Arc sighed.


'Every misery character has a sad backstory. Though I do not have any, I mean earth me, the real Arc has a sad backstory too.'


Arc does not know what he will do about his(real Arc) backstory, he will let the time take its course.


She then sits defenselessly and told him,


"You can do anything you want. I won't forbid you. I am mentally ready for it."


She said. Hearing that Arc silently took a pillow from his bed and spin the wheel with his hand. Then he places the pillow on the sofa and with the help of his hand, he sat on the sofa.


He instantly opened his Sharingan and as well as Eraserhead, then he said,


"Sorry, I am a man, not a scum, do not think I will touch you like that. A woman who doesn't love me, nor do I, I don't feel like having sex with her, because it is no better than having sex with a prostitute on the street."


When Arc said that opening his Sharingan and Eraserhead, she felt instant fear from it (because of Sharingan) and felt like she suddenly lose all of her power (because of Eraserhead).


Arc then blinks. He then looked at the pillow to arrange it in the right place and then laid it down there. When he does that her strength came back and felt like something that was restraining her finally let her go.


'Am I sweating?'


She touched her forehead and felt wet.




She asked him,


"What was that? What were those eyes?"


"Nothing, just my little trickery. You should sleep too, good night."


Saying that he acted like he already is asleep.

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