Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 18: [Volume 2] Chapter- 5 (Epilogue)

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Episode-91: Reception Ceremony (1)



It was evening. After the morning, Arc didn't talk with Zerin that much. Now he was getting ready for the reception ceremony.


He was wearing an ash-colored blazer with ash color pants, the shirt inside was white, and the color of the tie is blackish green. As for the shoes, it was brown.


With his blonde hair and blue eyes coupled with his handsome feature, he was looking extremely good.


Even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, the dignity he was showing was greater than many people who were standing.


Many people specialty women couldn't help but feel pity if he was standing he would be the most perfect man they would ever see. And a few groups of women don't even care if he could stand or not, as long as he is this hot, they are okay with it.


Miranda was dragging his wheelchair to the middle of the stage.


"Looks like they are foreigners?"


Arc asked. He already can decern who is a foreigner and who is a Valhalla resident judging from their features.


"Yes, they are from another country."


She replied.


People starting to gather here. A few people came to meet him and congratulate him, he doesn't even know who they are.


"Hello, Arc William."


A strong and farm voice yet with an easy tone some called him.


He saw a tall guy standing left side of him. He was not a good looking, nor a bad looking guy, but he have some attractiveness in him.


Arc can feel the aura from people. However, seeing this middle age man, Arc cannot feel a string of pressure from him, however, he can certainly say that this guy is super strong.


[Who is he?]


Arc asked Miranda.


[He is the Takahara Genjo, he is RanKing 2. The second strongest man recognized by World Association. He was a good friend of your grandfather.]


Miranda informed him.


"Ah, this is an honor to meet, Lord Takahara Genjo in person."


Arc told him as if he knows him for ages.


"So, you know me. I thought because of your condition you won't be able to recognize me."


Takahara told him.


"Well, who isn't know about your position?"


Arc asked with a smile.


"Yeah, you are right. Looks like you have recovered rapidly over the years."


Takahara told him.


"Yes, hoping for a full recovery soon."


Arc told him. He saw Takahara Genjo's eye sparkle for a few moments, it was just for a few moments, but Arc caught that sparkle.


"I see. That's good then."


He said with a satisfied nod.


"I wish someday I could fight you when I get stronger enough."


Arc told him. It was just Arc wanted to test how powerful top people from this RanKing are.


"Well, you will grow soon enough."


Takahara told him with a smile.


"I wish too."


Arc told him.


He saw then King entered the show.


"Okay, I have to see your father now. Talk to you later."


Takahara told him.


"Okay, talk to you later, Lord Takahara Genjo."


When he moves from that place Arc smiled while the sweat was on his cheeks.


"This guy is strong. Probably already know about my situation."


Arc grinned out of pain. Because that guy was pushing his magic pressure slowly on him to test his (Arc) power.


[I didn't even notice that he is putting this high level of pressure.]


Miranda told him.


[They are on a different dimension. I really underestimated their power.]


Arc told her.


[Those who are in the top 3, are the most aged person in this world, their age is over 2000 years and even more. The youngest one is the King of Valhalla and the Principal of the Frozen Academy.]


Miranda explained.


[I see, they have not only strength but also a huge amount of experience.]


Arc told her. Then he saw that people from Zerin's family entered the stage.


"Looks like our waiting was over, they already came to our house."


Arc told Miranda. When they entered the venue boys and girls came toward him the time they got to see him.


"How are you, brother in law?"


"How were you night yesterday?"


"Are you tired?"


"Wah! You are too handsome brother in law, I wish I could see you faster than any girl."


"Hey, girls you are bullying our brother in law again?"


This was all happening around him. Arc doesn't dislike this commotion, in fact, he was enjoying the moment. On the other hand, the cousin from his own house kept their distance from him. Looks like Queen's recruiting power for Adam's faction was really strong, they are now confused about who to support.


When everyone doing this, they saw Zerin enter the venue. No matter how many times she enters a show, the expression will be the same for the onlookers. After all, it was as if a goddess descending from heaven to earth.


And today's beauty of her surpassed any other time. One of the biggest reasons, the veil of her today is transparent so that people can take a faint glimpse of her beauty.



Episode-92: Reception Ceremony (2)



One of the biggest reasons almost all of the Frozen girls are beautiful is because of their Frozen art. However, girls like Zerin and Yuri were peerless beauties in the first place, so they become an existence that people can't even think of as their dream.


So, what will happen if someone like them appears in front of their eyes?


Most of the boys except Zerin's family turned their eyes onto Arc with burning jealousy.


Black lines appeared on Arc's forehead.


'That woman! Those dresses have beauty enhancement already, on top of that she gave her a transparent veil. How much she wanted me to get the target of people?'


Arc looked at the queen. She looked at him too, and wave at him.


'Well, no matter. I will show you when the right time comes, who is worthy for whom.'


Arc smiled at her too, and wave his hand.


"Looks like you are enjoying the show."


King came in front of him and pointed with his eyes to the girls who were surrounding him.


"Someone else trying to enjoy more than me."


Arc told him by pointing at the Queen.


"Haha, let her enjoy for now."


King replied with a sarcastic tone.


[What about today's explosion?]


Arc asked him via telepathy.


[No casualties, except flattened land. It was a place where nobody was present there. Outside of the royal capital.]


King replied.


[I am curious about those two. Who are they?]


Arc asked.


[They are existence beyond our touch. Our touch means RanKings touch. They are brand themselves. They ordered us not to interfere with them, and they won't harm innocent people. They have their own goals in their mind.]


Austin Williams replied.


[I see. I met them.]


Arc William told him.


[I already know that. I also know that they will come to look for you.]


Austin William told him. Arc didn't ask why would they will look for him, and neither Austin William explained.


Then they saw Domingo and Takahara come in front of the King, he then make space for Arc and the other boys and girls to not make them feel pressured.


Zerin came here along with Ariana, Inayat, and Masha.


"Lady Inayat the strongest student of history, nice to meet you."


Someone from the Zerin family greeted her. Inayat smiled at the person.


"Greetings, Erina. It has been a couple of years since we met again."


Inayat greets her.


"So, you remember me."


Erina remarked.


"Of course, the people I fought on the Wonder Bell tournament, I know every one of them. And I fought against you in the quarter-final, so, I still remember you."


Inayat replied with a smile.


'Looks like Inayat is also a popular girl too. No, what I am thinking about she must be popular because of her reputation.'


Arc thought. Zerin was looking at Inayat too.


'I heard she lost to Inayat in the last Wonder Bell Tournament too. So, she should have some sort of rivalry toward her.'


Masha bend down to his ear, and asked,


"So, brother in law how was your night yesterday?"


"Well, you know what happened."


Arc told her with an equal whisper.


"Ah, it would have been a good idea if I was there too. It would have been fun."


She again whispered.


"Yes, we could gossip there, I guess."


Arc replied.


"Hmm, and more than gossip."


She told him.


"What kind of 'more than'?"


Arc whispered.


"Maybe we could play all night?"


She told her while making seductive breath.


"You mean dice and roll, yeah, we could play that all night too."


Arc whispered to her.


"Haha, you are no fun brother in law because you are hard to make a fool but I like it."


She told him.


"Hmm. Yeah, well if you were my wife instead of her we could play other things though."


Arc replied mischievously.


"Now, you are making me blush."


She told him.


On the other hand, one of the girls told her,


"Not fair, getting chummy chummy with brother in law alone. I cannot take that easily."


"Yes, we want part of the share too."


The girls said.


"Wait, girls, I cannot take more pressure than you sister though, look at my situation."


Arc told them.


"What if you were 100% fit?"


One of the girls asked.


"I would have thought about that twice."


Arc thought that while putting his hand on his chin.


"Haha, what a pity...!"


One of the girls said. Arc then looked at Zerin, she was looking at him too. Arc got surprised that, her eyes were somewhat different than emotionless.


'No way, could she be? Nah, I am thinking too much, it may be she got offended by taking her pressure part.'


Arc at first thought she was jealous, however, his IQ gave him several reasons.


"Yo!, Brother Arc, it has been a while."


Arc saw a handsome man coming toward him.


"Who are you?"


When he asked that, the man got aback. It was unexpected to him.


"Haha, looks like you have forgotten me because of your illness, I am Sam William. Son of Mark William."


He told him.


"I see. I remember now."


Arc nodded as if he remembered.


'Who the hack is mark?'


He asked inwardly.


"So, brother, there is a ritual that on the reception day, the groom changes friendly pointers against others."


He told him.




Arc asked him.


"We want you to hold that event?"


When he told him, Arc looked at Adam and his gang who are smiling at him mockingly.


Episode-93: Blood bag

Arc saw everyone in this room was looking at him. Of course, most of them thought how absurd their event was. Even though Arc recovered from total disability, he couldn't walk yet, if he could walk that was a different matter.

"Well, you see, I cannot walk, how can I fight against you guys?"

Arc asked Sam William.

"Don't be modest brother we know you can use magic even if you can't walk. So, you can just show us a little bit of your power. Look, if you don't want to fight me it's okay. Adam's current power is half of his total power. I guess he will be a good match for you."

Sam William proposes to him. Then he added,

"And in this event, it doesn't mean that groom has to win"

Sam told him. Well, it was expected that they know that he has a minimum amount of power, after all, he cannot hide every activity of him. He was guessing that it was the queen who found out about this.

"Isn't that an unfair challenge you are giving to him? You guys already know that he will lose, you are still doing it to mock him."

Masha told him.

"No, no, Miss, I do not have such intention. It was just for entertainment purposes that's all."

Sam told him. On the other hand, Ariana and Inayat remain silent because they know even if Arc has to fight he will win anyway.

"Even though, it's not a fair event. So, I shouldn't think that such an event should require here."

Masha told him. Zerin then spoke,

"Let him choose. What do you want to do?"

She asked Arc with a cold tone.

"Sigh! Okay, I will join your event guys. But don't go hard on me, okay?"

Arc told them. However, in his mind, regardless of what was his condition in public eyes, in the end, the loss is a loss, and the shame of this loss won't be smaller than the usual loss.

'What will they gain from this? This is just childish bullying. Was it your plan queen?'

Arc thought about it. However, when he saw the eyes of the queen even she looked confused about their action. Looks like Adam and co. didn't consult with her before throwing this kind of event.

'As expected, she won't do such an event, she just told them that he has the ability to fight back. So, these brats come up with this plan on their own.'

Arc thought.

[You will use your long range only?]

King asked him.


Arc replied.

[Okay, that's good then. Don't go hard on him, he is not that strong.]

King replied.


Arc nodded toward him. On the other hand, everyone thought he was making sure the King was okay with his fighting.

"Miranda took me to the middle of the stage."

Miranda took him to the middle where it was empty and has enough stage to fight.

"Okay, guys. I will only fight you if you all agree to fight with me."

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Arc declares that to Adam and others. His sudden declaration of conditions made everyone in the room surprised. It was as if Arc was looking down at them. In fact, Arc was looking down at them.

On the other hand, sam and others took it as his comedy nothing more nothing less.

Adam then the stage and told everyone that,

"Do not worry, my respected big brother I won't let you go that, so we agree to your conditions."

Adam said with vigor. It has been a while since he got his chance to vent his anger.

"Okay, then come."

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Arc's hand. Which made Takahara's eyes sparkle.

On the other hand, onlookers were thinking, how can he fight with a sword, because he cannot even move with his fist, all he can do is defend.

"I do not know why you guys challenged me, but scatter."

Seeing that, everyone got surprised that, this sword turned into many pieces.

"These sword pieces look like Sakura petals."

Masha remarked.

On the other hand, Adam thought what can it even do to him? While the senbonzakura petal came toward him, he arrogantly tried to wave them like smoke.

That was his downfall. His hand got ripped into a blood bag.


He couldn't help but shout. He never expected these Sakura petals was this sharp which was enough to cut his hand like that.

Arc then moves his hilt toward him. That blade made him blown away, to announce, that it not only had sharp ability but strong force.

"What the hack! What kind of sword is it? I had never seen this type of sword in my entire life."

Someone commented. By the way, the fight was already over. However, Arc knows that, everyone was thinking, it's not Arc's ability, but the ability of the sword.

However, many people also agree that using a weapon can be called the strength of the user. So, it was nothing wrong.

It was absolute KO.

Episode-94: Vs Finn

"Now, who is next?"

Arc asked with a strong tone.

Adam's gang was looking at each other. Their main protagonist went down just like that, they didn't even expect it. They know how strong Adam is in his prime, so even if it is half of his power, he should be able to beat Arc.

"Do not worry boys. Even if Prince Arc is strong, he is not as strong as Prince Adam's prime. So, go just fight him. Brother Finn, you are the next."

Arc saw a green haired boy with a ponytail come in front of him. Everyone took Adam to the infirmary for recovery.

Arc looked at Queen, she didn't leave there, nor she has any worries in his house. Arc was guessing she is somewhat angry because something like this event was held without her consent.

"Junior Brother Finn, so, you will fight me next."

Arc said with a fake smile face. Finn Graham didn't say anything. Because he is really afraid of him. Even though he is afraid of Arc he is still confident that he can win against Arc.

He then took out his sword, because he doesn't want to let Arc give him any chance.

That guy runs toward him with that blade, however, when he saw that the SenbonZakura coming toward him, he somersaults on his left, which made him barely avoid.

He saw what happened to Adam when he tried to touch it. He then swung his sword toward him, and an arc line of pure magic waves came toward him.

Everyone almost predicted that this wave gonna hit him, so many of here were ready to defend themselves from that attack except those who knows Arc's true capabilities.

Before the magic wave could even come nearly 6 feet of him, it was shuttered by the SenbonZakura.

It's not his SenbonZakura's manipulation got extremely fast like Byakuya's level, but he predicted Finn's movement with Emperor Eyes.

However, to onlookers, they thought that was the power of the sword, and their admiration for the sword increased several times.

"Arc's hand moves before that guy even somersaults, Arc's already predicted that he will send this kind of attack. Did he fight him many times? King Austin?"

Takahara asked the King.

"No, it's his first time."

Austin denied it by shaking his hand.

"I see, that's another level of battle instinct then. He will grow into a great power, he may become a first-class expert or even Alumni in the next 2 to 3 years."

Takahara Genjo praised. It was heard by everyone near them.

"Yeah, I hope so."

King said in his mouth however inside he was thinking,

'Oldman, believe me, or not, he is now stronger than any first class opponent, he can even beat the ass of a few Alumni.'

They then give their attention to the battle. Seeing that, his first attack was defended by his strange scatter sword, he send several more attacks. But the result was the same, every attack of his was defended by Arc's SenbonZakura quite easily.

While if he wanted to come near him, SenbonZakura stopped him on his track. So, he can't help but send several more attacks toward Arc which was given the same fate. Finn was a close combat fighter. So, it was getting tough for him.

"His sword must be an upper level treasure, not only that, he is an expert on using that. Which made him stronger than usual. However, it wasn't even one month since he recovered, then how did he even master that? No, what I am saying, he has that sword before he got paralyzed. However, he had hidden this sword, or never had the opportunity to use it, or it should have already been stolen or taken by someone."

Yuri Schwarz told Zerin.

"I was guessing that he wasn't a normal person. Even if he can't walk he has the minimum strength of defending himself. Because a weak person's eyes aren't that sharp."

Zerin told her.

"Now then, I think about it he has some sort of visual ability."

Yuri told her.

"Yeah, I notice that, though, he never shows the true power of it, however, I can tell if he shows it, it won't be that pleasant."

Zerin told her. Zerin and Yuri are close student teachers, and they share their open thought with each other. That is one of the reasons Yuri never goes against Zerin's decision of marrying a cripple. Now then, she looked at Arc, he wasn't just a normal cripple but a strong fighter.

Everyone noticed that Arc's hair suddenly stood up, and few of them notice that his eyes become red, and it was for three seconds. Because he already smashed the SenbonZakura on Finn, who swing the sword to defend him, which seems there was no power in it.

'Damn it! Why is nothing coming from it?'

Finn agonized and got smashed by the Sakura color petals. It was again Arc's win.

Episode-95: Kneel Down

Arc easily defeated them just by sitting in a wheelchair was alone astonishing to everyone.

"Doesn't that mean he can defeat them without even moving, not only that he was sitting there?"

"Yeah, that's amazing."

"I think it's all about that sword of his."

Some people took it positively and some people just went t analytics mode.

"In the end, the weapon is part of your skill too, not anybody can handle a weapon. You require to skill to swing a sword."

Another critic explained. By the way, they are all old men who are debating on that.

"What kind of sword it is? My old eyes saw this sword, what about you lord Takahara Genjo? Did you ever seen that sword?"

Someone asked Takahara.

"No, I have never seen it. That is new for me too It's similar to Sakura petals in our country."

Takahara Genjo replied to them. He was frowning about one thing,

'If that young lad can do this by just sitting, what he will do if he can stand? And is it really his full power? I don't think so. This brat really has something on his sleeve. I don't think Austin Will tell me something about this.'

Takahara looked at Austin then Arc.

'William's family is full of crazy monsters. Specially directline. Even he, who can't stand up, is more than average, in his own generation. Though they don't have any strongest members of the world, however, if you gather all the Williams no one can defeat them. They are too strong together.'

Then Takahara looked at the Queen.

'That is why other families and nations tried to insert someone like Rihanna Belfast to make them weaker than they are currently, or there will be a time Williams will be the absolute ruler of this world.'

Takahara thought. He knows about their rapid increase in strength but he never dislikes them.

"Okay, who is next now?"

Hearing Arc's words, Sam regarded them as nothing but Prince's arrogance.

"Everyone this time I will go. Look like he has the minimum ability to defend himself and attack."

Sam steps forward for facing Arc.

"Yo Brother, seeing your strength I am really curious now. Can we duel?"

Sam asked Arc. He was stronger than both Adam and Finn. He was older than them and more experienced.

"Of course, you can. I told everyone on your team to have to fight, including you. So, you have the right to join."

Arc told him.

Sam then grabs his sword with all of his strength. And dash toward Arc. He instantly was in front of Arc and tried to swing his sword.

He has to finish him before his Cherry color sword pieces can attack him. Sam thought even though Arc have attacked power for long-range if he fight him in close combat Arc can do nothing because he cannot move to deflect his attack.

However, all of his theory shuttered when he heard a metallic sound in his ears.

He saw an iron hand grabbing his sword. An iron hand without a body. It was Arc's iron sand. While he was confused other iron sand surrounded his body.

Someone exclaimed,

"What's that? a hand? Look, the iron part of his wheelchair's back became an iron hand."

"And not only that, inside the pipe of his handle side iron powder popped up."

"What kind of power this lad has?"

When everyone was in turmoil about his power Arc used Kiro Kiro no Mi and grab his shoulder.

He then said to him while activating his Sharingan. He told him,

"Why are you looking at me from upper, call me your majesty, and..."

Arc pushed him to his knees, he was now half-kneeling posture.

"Kneel down toward your future King."

Arc told him.

'What, what this power in his hand, it was as if thousands of kilograms hand on my shoulder. And what those eyes, that eyes almost making me faint.'

Sam was thinking inwardly. But he doesn't have enough breath in his mouth.

"Woooow, damn bro!!! He just destroy him in the knees."

Someone commented seeing his raw power of the hand.

Even King Austin William didn't expect his son has this kind of raw strength in his hand.

Sam started roaring to get up from that posture. However, he couldn't do it, because the more he does this, the heavier his hand got.

'What kind of arm strength is this?'

Sam William cannot even manifest his power, because Arc was looking at him with Eraserhead.

"I give up, I lost, Your Highness."

Sam could say this with all of his strength. In the end, he couldn't even utilize his power and got defeated against him.

Arc could have defended himself with SenbonZakura. However, he decided not to do that, to show that he is not relying on the sword, but he has true power with a sword to defend himself.

Episode-96: VS Curious Su Jia

'I was right, he has recovered his strength too. Though at first, I felt very annoyed at the stupidity level of Adam and his friends. However, now then I think about it, this is a good discovery.'

Queen thought inwardly. She cannot deny Arc's ability,

'He is strong.'

She has no personal grudge against him or anything, however, because he was the Prince, he must be eliminated.

She saw Arc was looking at her from time to time.

'In the end, no matter what those kids did, I have to take responsibility.'

She thought that Arc was blaming her for this event.

On the other hand, Arc was thinking,

'After seeing my power, she may be moving strongly. Even though it was the stupidity of her son, in the end, she got benefited from this knowing that, I have some latent potential. She will move more cautiously now.'

Arc then looked at the remaining boys.

'Should I tell them, come at me together?'

Giving them classical options. However, they all know that they are weaker than Sam. After seeing he got defeated so easily, their motivation for facing Arc hit rock bottom.

When Arc was about to tell them to come together, one of the representatives came from their team and embarrassingly said,

"We admit our defeat. With our strength, we won't be able to defeat you."

"Oh come on, whether we win or lose, we are doing this just for entertainment, why are you so sweating about it too much?"

Arc asked them. In fact, he was just giving them their own medicine against them.

When they were thinking about what they do because if they are defeated by Arc badly, it not only brings down their reputation but also utter shame will be stuck in them because they lose to a guy who can't even walk.

However, someone suddenly saves their asses by saying,

"Can I fight against you?"

Everyone looked at that person. People who follow the Wonder Bell tournament regularly instantly recognize who is she.

It was 3rd strongest of the last tournament and the strongest student of the Frozen Academy.

Arc looked at her. He saw her already with the present Frozen Academy team. He totally ignored her aura because Yuri Schwarz overshadowed her strength.

[She looks stronger, do you guys have any information?]

He asked Miranda, Ariana, and Isaac. Among them, Ariana replied first,

[She was 3rd rank in the last tournament, Su Jia. If she didn't meet Inayat Stuart in the semi-final, most probably she could become runner-up.]

'So, she is really strong, however, why did she want to fight me? Because I have married their cute junior of the Academy. Well, though I don't want to show my full strength, nothing will be a loss if I lose either.'

Arc then replied to her with a serious tone,

"Yea, I have already fought here, so I won't lose anything if I fight a stronger opponent like you anyway."

He already told her that he know she is a strong opponent. Su Jia came face to face with Arc and told him,

"Do not worry, I won't use my domain, it is forbidden to use here anyway, unless King gives his consent. So, rest assured I will go easy on you."

In her voice, there was no arrogance, sarcasm, or anger. She was doing this for pure curiosity, she was a girl who gets easily interested in everything. Arc was looking at her appearance,

'Among the all students I have seen in this Academy, she was the most average looking. However, she has something that nobody has in that academy, which is burning determination.'

Arc thought about her. Though Arc knows he won't lose to her, even if he doesn't use all of his power, he still feels a superior intention of winning than him in her.

He looked at Zerin and Yuri. Looks like they have no intention of interfering either. So, he said,

"Let us begin then."

When Arc said that, he firmly hold his Zanpakto. She took a pistol out of her ring. Arc was familiar with that ring. It has the ability to store items.

"So, you are a gun user."

Arc asked her.

"Yes, I always like guns, that is why I have always practiced with Magic Gun. This fire manifestation of my magic. It has no bullet, but my magic is loaded inside of this."

She explained to him.

"I guess you shouldn't talk about your ability to your opponent, it will come fatal for you."

Arc told her. In age, they are both the same. However, for some reason, she felt his tone is mature than hers.

"I see. I will take that in my mind near future."

She replied to him honestly. Saying that she pointed her gun at Arc and pull the trigger. With his Sharingan and Emperor, Eyes Arc defends himself while swinging his sword. She shoot him several times and finally saw something odd. Which is his hand became fridge out of ice.

'So, it fridges everything when it was touched by something. When she shot the gun, it does not look like a ray or bullet of ice, however, when it touch the target the ice magic manifested. So, his sword swing will do nothing but make it into an ice sculpture.'

Arc then touches the ice and uses the crush magic of Gildart on it. The ice in his hand becomes hundreds of cubic form and drop to the ground. 'Wow, I can drink lemon juice with these ice cubes.' Arc thought.

Episode-97: Before Activating

"How did you do that? Shuttering those ice like it was nothing?"

Su Jie asked Arc.

"I don't know. I just touched it and it fell like that."

Hearing Arc she frowned. Then she took out her second pistol. And started to blast again with her pistol.

This Arc didn't try to protect himself with Sword but put an iron barrier in front of him.

Surprisingly, the Iron also getting surrounded by ice, and finally, it was confined to ice. He was incapable of moving it anymore.

"In the end, if you meet your true opponent all of your tricks became useless."

An old critic said when he saw that Arc's iron was incapable to move anymore.

Su Jie didn't shoot at him anymore when she saw that Arc's iron got immobilized by her ice.

"So, your ice magic has the ability to seal the magic or skill."

Arc asked her. Even if those iron are sealed in the water he could still move them with magnet style but it seems he wasn't able to do that. He then understood that it was sealing magic, not just ordinary ice fridging.

"You got a sharp brain, didn't you? Yes, you are right I have got sealing ability."

She told him in a monotone. Arc used his telekinesis with fast speed, and touch the sealed iron of ice. The sealed iron ice become a cubical shape and it was later broken by senbonzakura. And all of that happened only in 2 seconds.

His skill manipulation ability becomes faster than before because of his battle against Itachi. The battle with him taught him so much. She then again tried to shoot him. However, a sand barrier appeared in front of him. This land has so much sand in here. So, it wouldn't be a problem even if those got sealed down.

Arc then shoots toward her blue flamed iron bullet. She tried to deflect them with her own shoot, but it was too fast for her, unlike her Arc can shoot more than a hundred at the same time. For the first time, she had to move from that place.

However, it was trapped itself, the sand in her feet grab her and wrapped her body. She was sealed up to her neck.

The sudden table turn was so intense that, no one couldn't even process what happened except those who her big fish.

"Look, old man, you are right, when you meet your true opponent all of your tricks became useless."

Someone poke fun at that critic who was criticizing using the short lived trick.

"Hmph, that lady can use the domain, and that is a strong one, just think about it, how strong she might be if she has permission to use the domain."

The critic old man replied. The same person opened his mouth and told him,

"What if his highness the prince has his own strong domain? Do not underestimate the power of Williams, they are one of the strongest families in the world"

Hearing him that critic didn't reply him anymore. He was just thinking it is just waste of time to debate against him, as soon as Su Jie have permission to use her domain she will be the winner.

Su Jie was looking at King, in his palace, if King doesn't give his official authority to use Domain they will get punishment even if it was for good intentions, and the second option is if the enemy doesn't use their domain first to kill the royalty.

King looked back at her but didn't give her permission or reply. King then looked at Arc, he was thinking if Arc's intent show more than this. On the other hand, Arc didn't even show them the true power of Iron Sand, Blue Flame, Senbonzakura, Crush, and telekinesis which he was showing to all.

"Lady Su, do you wish to continue anymore? If you want I can tell my King to lift the restriction on you."

Queen asked her.

"Yes, I want to."

Then Queen looked at the King. The King nodded. Which means she could use her domain here. Queen looked at Arc, it was showing a victory sign.

[Okay, I did what you wished to because you said that, she won't be able to use her domain, and you will immobilize her even before that.]

The king told him. Even the king understand why Arc was saying him to give permission. If he didn't give her permission, everyone would have thought, that he will protect his son in disguise rules.

[Yeah, just watch, your majesty.]

Su Jie was about to open her domain when she got permission to use it from the king. However, suddenly she realized couldn't do it.

"Those red eyes! They are different. But I guess those red eyes are the threat itself."

Yuri told Zerin and was heard by everyone surrounding her. Then they noticed Arc's eyes were red and his hair got straight up.


Arc made her fall into the genjutsu. Su Jie suddenly widened her eyes, and fall asleep. Everyone except Miranda and Isaac showed surprised faces. He defeated her before she could activate her domain.

"Wise decision."

Takahara commented. And thought inwardly.

'However, I think there is more than that in his sleeve.'

Episode-98: Zerin's Thought

"Hmph! before activating her domain he defeated her. It is not a manly move."

The critic said while exiting. However, he looked back at Arc with one eye,

'That youth just beating around people close to his generation just sitting on a wheelchair, what kind of monster is he?'

He thought it.

Arc looked at the remaining members of Adam's group. They just backstepped after seeing him. However, Arc didn't intend to fight with them anymore.

"Okay, I accepted the defeat of you guys."

Arc told them.

Takahara then came in front of Arc, noticing that today's fight is over.

"You are this strong just by sitting on a chair, I wonder, how strong you will be when if you can walk."

Takahara Genjo told him.

"I wonder."

Arc replied to him with a smile.

"I am hoping to see you in RanKings in the future. Best of luck lad. I have to go back now. See you later."

Takahara told him and went to meet the King. Seeing the opportunity the boys and girls of the Zerin family again surrounded him.

To express how strong and dashing he was. On the other hand, Frozen Academy was discussing between themselves,

"To think he can defeat big sister Su Jie like that, previously he was just pretending against us, who is hiding behind a woman."

Nue told everyone.

"Hmph! He played cowardly and sealed her even before she could even release her domain."

The leader girl. said.

"Paru, the excuse is not an option when you are fighting someone, no matter what method you use to win, the win is still won, and do not underestimate that boy, have you seen that he used his own domain?"

Yuri Schwarz asked her.


Paru replied. However, she thought about something and told her.

"It quite possible he doesn't have a domain in the first place."

She debated.

"The strength he has, he must have a domain."

Yuri said.

"However, I do not understand one thing, madam professor."

Zerin told Yuri Schwarz with her usually cold voice.

"What is it that you do not understand?"

She asked her.

"Why couldn't she manifest her domain, at least she should have utilized her aura for that, however, when she did got the permission for the domain, she was about to gather her power, and suddenly went zero. It was as if she loses all control of using her power."

Zerin spoke her confusion.

"You caught that, huh? Yes, I have noticed that too, most people notice that too. Those who are weaker didn't sense it, but most of the strong people sense the same thing you sense. However, I guess no one knows what exactly his power is. Weaker people thought that his sand power crush her inside which cause her faint. However, look her body was fine, and it was like she fell in asleep. The only thing I know is when his eyes turned blood red and all of the hair stood up on his head, that happened."

Yuri Schwarz said.

"Could it be that he has the ability to seal domain?"

Nue speaks about her own theory.

"I never heard something like that, where someone can seal another person's domain. No, there is one, however, that require certain condition which isn't present on Arc. So, I am still confused about what may have he done. And I have experienced something which I can't say you guys yet. He has rather terrifying power, I guess he used that against her, so that made her lose consciousness, I am guessing that."

Well, Yuri Schwarz was the victim herself. So, she knows that those eyes might be the main culprit.

"Yeah, I have also experienced something, which is I felt terror while looking at that eyes."

When Zerin said that everyone instantly got surprised because there is no way an emotionless person like her can feel something like terror in their eyes. They must be heard something wrong, or they just couldn't comprehend her real word of terror. However, only Yuri Schwarz understood what she meant. She nodded toward her and said,

"In the future, if you ever go against him, you should avoid looking at his eyes. Or you may lose because of the very reason."

Zerin didn't reply to her but nodded. Then she remember that he has a healing ability too, which she didn't reveal to anyone yet, because he said, even he had yet to reveal it to anyone except his trusted subordinate.

She looked at Arc without any emotion on her face. She then thought, 'The royalty I thought and the royalty I am seeing really different, they are just being that is controlled by the selfish population who regarded as their convenient machine to achieve their goal. They cannot act like even humans in front of everyone, they cannot express their true desire and true power, and true love because of their enemy. It's good that I was out of the page when I married him. However, I am still feeling pity that with that 50% nonfunctional body just how much he had to do for his position. And he is just a lonely youth, who is struggling alone on his own.'

Episode-99: Pages

The next day of the Reception Ceremony, Arc was sitting on the bed to heal Zerin's injury.

In a few moments, she got 100% healed.

'Asia's healing ability is really great.'

Arc thought inwardly. Just by using his healing ability, he could be famous worldwide. Zerin opened her cold eyes and breathed in and breath out. Then she checks the artery of the heart. It looks totally fine now. There was no pain either.

"How can you become so multi-talented?"

Zerin asked him.

"I do not know. They are just with me."

Arc always answers ambiguously whenever somebody asked about his power.

"If we fight now, with our full power, who will win?"

She asked him.

"I have never seen your full power, so, I do not know if I can defeat you or not."

Arc replied to her. And he was not wrong. Zerin has such a protagonist's aura, he doesn't know when she woke up to another strong power, so he refrained to speak something out of arrogance.

"You did heal me. How can I repay you? You don't want my body either nor I can give you my love, what do you want except these two things?"

Zerin asked her when she saw he has no intention to talk about his power scale.

"I have never done that for wanting something back. Take this as it is the duty of the husband for his wife."

Arc replied. What Arc want is for him to remain as a needle in her heart, who will give her pain whenever she thinks about him. However, that is not possible to tell her.

"I have initially planned to stay seven days more, however, I have to return to investigating something on my mother. So, I want to leave the day after tomorrow. Can I have your permission to leave?"

She asked him.

"Yes, you can."

Arc gave her permission without even second thought. He doesn't feel he has any right to stop her or anything, on the other hand, he never felt that he has some kind of feelings for her, or he has grown a crush on her.

'Now then I think about it, I didn't see her face properly yet.'

"By the way, I want to see your face."

Arc told her. She was looking silently at him for a few moments, then she slowly said,

"It has been a while since I am showing my face to anybody, I even didn't show my female classmate anymore not even my father, however, I will show this to you, not because you are my husband because it is you."

She then opens her veil. Arc saw her for a few seconds, and said to her,

"Please, cover that face of yours."

Arc told her. She covers her face. He told her that because her face was so bewitching that, he might grow feelings or crush on her instantly if he sees her a few more seconds, Arc cannot even describe her real beauty.

Arc was someone who avoids walking on the path of mirage. He already knows that at least for now, she won't be his lover. She won't love her back even if he loves her. So, that's why he just wants himself not to fall for her. To think about it any more than this, he tried to change the topic,

"Now, tell me about your mother. What do you need to investigate?"

Arc asked her.

"Have you ever heard the name called, Book of Truth?"

She asked him.

"No. What book is it?"

"It is not a book but an organization, that is hidden from the common folk."

She replied to him.

"What a strange name of an organization. Anyway, what is the connection between your mother and that organization?"

Arc asked her.

"We have come to know that, this organization was the reason for Leviathan's return. They are the ones who controlled that thing to attack our world. No one knows what they will gain by destroying the world, however, they use it as their weapon, until my mother seals it."

She replied Arc.

"I see. That sounds interesting and scary same time because someone could control Leviathan who cannot be even beaten by the 5 RanKings, this is a piece of bad news."

Arc told her. He knows how strong is Isaac and Domingo, and they are not even RanKings, so he is afraid that Leviathan was the highest-level monster, and what if someone controls that monster? It will be terrifying, if Arc cannot awaken the destructive power of a top character in superpower anime, he would have a hard time handling his situation.

"Yes, and we have found the trail of one of their pages."

She told him.


Arc asked her.

"Yes, the member of the Book of Truth's called Pages. There are 299 Pages on that organization, which means they have 299 members."

She explained to him. Hearing their naming style Arc really got interested because it was really unique to him.

Episode-100: Nature of Heart

"What we have heard initially about the Book of Truth is that they are extremely vicious and merciless organizations. Each page eats, sleeps, and walks like a normal person. However, behind that human flash, there is something hiding that humanity cannot even dream about."

Zerin said while pausing for a moment, she continued,

"The other thing we could have depicted is that the strongest is the last page, which should be 299 and the weakest one is the first page. If someone gets killed the new page joins replacing them. Though what we have heard is still vague. But they are the enemy of humanity, not only me."

Hearing that, Arc thought about something,

"Could it be an organization called 'Ambush' part of them?"

Arc asked her.

"Ambush? Oh, that organization. An organization like theirs is called mostly a foot soldier for Pages, it is possible that they are run by Page, but that's all nothing more nothing less. Even the weakest page is stronger than the whole Ambush combined."

She does think that Ambush could be part of Pages because they have already done their investigation on them. But still, she noted that in her mind and thought about investigating them further.

On the other hand, Arc was thinking about his own problem. He has to get rid of all troubles that appear in front of him one by one. Arc realized that not all the attack is coming from the Queen, but someone from outside too. Fighting Stoinis made him realize that.

He needs to be more cautious in the future, it's true he is having all sorts of power, however, he has yet to achieve power like immortality, until he gains something like this. he shouldn't get reckless.

He then stretches his hand and neck. He already started to miss the dungeon fight. The trait battle junkie in him running wild, he was not like that before, after coming to this world he surprisingly discovered this side of himself.

Arc asked Zerin,

"If you return to the Frozen Academy when do you intend to come?"

"I do not know. I do not want to involve with you anymore. However, one reason for another I have to come here anyway."

She replied.

"Okay, your answer just now, hurt my ego. However, if you don't want to come, it's fine. I won't force you, and I will manage other people somehow, you don't have to worry."

Arc told her.

"That's good then. What will you do after that? Will you stay in the royal mansion, or you will move to the academy for a certain period of time?"

She asked him.

"Umm... For now academy."

Arc replied to her.

"Well, we may meet next Wonder Bell Tournament then."

She told him.

"Well, I am not sure if I am participating or not, because I have yet to recover."

He replied to her.

"I guess, you should. That will make you familiarize yourself with a world of strong. Though you already fought against number 3 of the last Wonder Bell Tournament, but she was hesitating to use her full potential in front of this stage, or it would have been a different case if there was no restriction."

She told him. Arc thought, 'If there wasn't any restriction, I could have nuked this place with my full power, though not gonna say that to her now.'

Arc has 58 days to open new skills, until then he decided to sharpen his current power. He needs to be more skillful using the Sharingan. Because this will strongly assist him in training while he copies other experts' moves.

"Shall we spare? We can do that?"

She asked Arc. He was surprised to hear that,

"No, I do not want to."

However, he refused.


She asked him.

"I do not want to fight with you now. Didn't you say you may meet me in the tournament? Let's show our battle power there. However, I am not feeling like fighting my wife in front of everyone now. This will cause a quiet problem."

Queen will take a chance and spread the rumor that they do have not a good relationship and started to battle the next day, he can't believe her anymore.

"I see. I will not force you then."

She told him.

"There is something I wanted to ask you."

Arc told her.


"Let's just say that, if someday I met a girl, and we fall in love with each other. What should I do? We are just a married couple in the name."

Arc asked her. Though it was half joke, that means it was half serious too. He was thinking in the end he is a man, and it may happen.

Hearing him, she was speechless for a few seconds. Then she replied,

"You can do whatever you want. Because I am not taking any responsibility for being your wife, that means I have no right to interfere with your love life too. So, it's okay whatever you do. And if you became king, no one will criticize you because most kings have multiple wives."

When she said that someone knocked on the door.


Arc knows who is it. It was Miranda.

"Master, you told me that you wanted to have air outside."

She told him.

"Yes, let's go. Do you want to accompany us?"

Arc asked Zerin.

"No, I need to stabilize my energy."

She replied.


They then exit the room. Zerin remembered what she said to Arc that she don't want to involve with him anymore, the main reason was her heart started to act differently whenever she is around him. She thinks someday her will may crumble around him and she may...


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