Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 7: [Volume 2] Chapter-2: Marriage Preparation?

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Episode-61: Forbidden Technique


On the 21st floor.


"Strong human, run!"


The hobgoblin seeing Arc started to run.


"Where are you running, you bastard?"


Saying that Arc jumps into the sky using Gomu Gomu No Mi, and falls on them using Kiro Kiro No Mi. Almost 10 tons of body weight drop on those Hob Goblins.




Arc almost vomited seeing that he just splash their body, and his body became a mess after that.


"I am not killing them like this anymore. That's gross."


Arc told Miranda. However, Miranda has no reaction to that.


'Looks like she has experience on something like that, well, after all, she is an assassin I guess she was trained to be like that.'


Kiro Kiro No Mi- [This fruit's main strength is that it allows the user to change their weight at will. They can go from weighing 1 kilogram, light enough to float on the wind with an umbrella, to 10,000 kilograms, dropping with intense force to crush their opponents or shatter the ground where they land. At full weight, the user can kill or at least severely injure beasts as strong as dinosaurs. It was eaten by Mikita from One Piece Anime.]


This means he can become as light as 1 kg and as overweight as 10,000 kg, which won't affect his body what's so ever. Arc was thinking if he use that with sword skill that will be a great combination, however, he had yet to master any kind of sword skill. Though he was training with Origin Shadow's sword style with Sharingan, he needs more time to blend it into his body. Because this is not normal swordplay but a special ability.


The only thing Arc has yet to buy is Critical over. This ability is from Seven Deadly Sins, which made one's body to its absolute limit. It will be a great combination utilizing his Ki and Hardening ability. It's an overpowering ability for him. Arc thought that, if he had that when he was fighting with Domingo, he wouldn't have lost to him.


However, he ignored it until now because of his bad habits, he wants to save the best one for the last. He always does that no matter what kind of things he is dealing with. He was just obsessed with it.


Arc then moves toward the 22nd floor. And at the end of the day, he got enough SP to buy Critical Over. It took his whole two days. He didn't spend that much of time yesterday in the dungeon, he was practicing with Isaac to become more proficient in his existing ability.


Critical Over- [This is an ability from Seven Deadly Sin anime, the user was Galand. It will push the user to his absolute limit, however, it only can be used only for five minutes at once, and can activate only twice a day. It can be upgraded to higher in the future. The weakness of this ability is a user cannot hold back while using it, so it may cause severe damage if the user does not know the limit of his opponent.]


Reading that, Arc then check his upgrading tab,


Boosted Gear- To upgrade boosted gear to Scale Mail you required 50,000 SP and the dragon trial after you paid it.


Gomu Gomu No Mi- To upgrade this to second gear you need 90,000 SP.


Twilight Heal- To upgrade this to 2% per 5 seconds you have to spend 10,000 SP


Kiro Kiro No Mi- To Upgrade this to Ton Ton No MI, you required 100,000 SP


Critical Use- To use it 3 times a day you required 90,000 SP


'This upgrading tab is always too demanding.'


Arc thought.


"Let's go to the boss's room."


Arc told Miranda.




Then they both went there to fight against the boss. On the other hand, Arc just wanted to test his current power.


"Come you, human weakling, let me show you what despair is!"


A bulky hob gobline was his target. It was swinging a huge axe, to show him how stronger it is. Arc didn't care about that a second and instantly went in front of him, then he use critical over, and punch it without using the gauntlet or hardening.


He saw all of his ki rushed toward his hand, and blasted with his punch against that bulky hobgoblin. It just vaporized before even touching its belly.


"What the heck!"


Even Arc was surprised to see how overpowered it is. He never thought that he can kill it like this. The Ki in his body is uncontrollably shaking.


"So, that's what means that I cannot hold back."


Arc then instantly deactivates it. This is something he cannot use without mastering his every movement. Especially with gauntlet and hardening. Or if he uses it with those, he will a lite version of one punch man. So, he regarded it as a forbidden technique that he cannot use always unless he got pushed into the end.



Episode-62: Those Two


"You look got buffed when you punched HobGoblin. Looks like you got strong physically."


Miranda told him.


"Well, I used a forbidden art. I cannot use it regularly. This technique is as strong as the domain."


He told that to Miranda.


"What is the name of the technique?"


For the first time, Miranda asked for the name of a technique.


"Its name is Critical Over."


Arc replied.


"Never heard of it."


She replied.


"What does it do?"


Miranda asked.


"It makes my physical limit to the absolute peak."


Arc told her.


"I see. So, it is a kind of domain. I heard every Williams got high-level physical power. Even if you got something like that."


Miranda replied with an analytic tone.




Arc replied with a humming tone. When he was doing that, he felt tremendous energy in his skin, followed by a few seconds later he heard a huge boom outside.


Both Miranda and Arc looked outside. Far from this place he saw turmoil clouds of smoke in the sky.


"What in the world happened there?"


Arc exclaimed.


"Looks like someone fighting. However, it is forbidden to release this amount of energy in the center of the capital. I am sure nothing good happened there."


Miranda told him. Arc then noticed something, he instantly opened the gate.


"Let's go."


Arc opens the gate nearby the place of that explosion.


"You shouldn't go there, master."


Miranda warned him with concern.


This is the first time that she showed real concern for anything because she knows that the reason for this explosion must be the level of RanKings.


"Don't worry I will not go there to pick a fight. Hurry up! Or we will miss the fun."


Arc was a genuine battle junkie, so there is no stop for him, as soon as he smells the trouble, he will run to see what's going on, and if possible he will join the party.


Miranda could do nothing but follow him. She understood that she cannot stop him from following the trouble.


Arc exit from the gate to nearby the explosion. He was seeing the blazing fire which was still present with a curious gaze. In the next second, he got serious because there might be casualties that may far exceed than he can think.


"I feel a strong aura lingering from the cloud."


Miranda also went out from the gate.


"Yes, this is the work of a skilled warrior he must be too strong."


Arc replied to her.


Then they saw that suddenly two silhouettes got out from the smoke. One was flying there with wings on his back, another one was flying there without wings. One has golden armor with a huge spear (The wingless one), and another one has pitch-black armor, everything was black except his green eyes. Even the long and short swords he was holding in his every hand were black.


Seeing that Arc genuinely smiled. He told Miranda,


"Those two are beyond anyone's reach, I can feel with my skin that, those two are the most powerful being I have yet seen. Wait, I never saw RanKing except for my father, but why do I feel like that?"


Arc was speaking to himself.


"You are not wrong, they have at least RanKing class power, however, I have never seen someone has this type of appearance and power."


Miranda replied.


Arc then notice, the man who has pitch-black armor looked at Arc with his devilish Green Eyes.


'That guess, that was as if devouring me.'


Thinking about that, Arc then opened his Sharingan to see him clearly, he unconsciously opened his emperor's eyes too.


The pitch-black man pointed his index toward him. Arc instantly opens the gate, if he attacks then he will teleport back. However, his Emperor Eyes predicts that he won't do such a thing. Emperor Eye is nothing but an observation skill, that can observe a person's detail and predict the future with it. It already analyzed that, the black armor guy won't attack him.


The Golden Armor guy looked at him too bending his head. Seeing his golden eyes Arc stepped back. That eyes, which are far superior to Emperor Eye, his Emperor eye were screaming so. Those eyes are special, Arc already guessed who is the real boss here.


That golden armor guy's eyes told him that, he have the authority that far surpassed the beyond earth and sky. The principle he held in this world was out of anyone's grasp.


"So, you are from the otherworld too. No, you are not from the same world as me. But you smell like your soul doesn't belong here. I see I see."


The golden guy said. His voice was not that high pitched however, it was as heavy as destruction.


"Arc William the Infinite Library, who is also the owner of the Tienda De Fantasía Seed. You got my interest."


Saying that both of them vanished from there. Arc was sure that, they use teleportation.


He noticed that people are gathering from everywhere, and even his family is coming to see it.


"Let's go back, Miranda."


Saying that Arc exit the place with the Gate.



Episode-63: Dragon Trial (1)

Arc thought about what the Golden Armor guy said. He called him by his name. Then he regarded him as Infinite Library and owner of Tienda De Fantasía. He also knows that he is from the otherworld.


Looks like he is not unfamiliar to them. Or that guy analyzed everyone's true identity.


Those two are not ordinary beings. Arc realized. They are not only strong, but they also have a status that far exceeds this world's boundary.


'Could they be from earth too?'


Arc thought.


'No, he said that I was from a different world.'


Arc then stopped thinking. He does not want to think about the unknown more than necessary.


"Do you have any questions for me?"


Arc asked Miranda. As she heard him too.


"Um, no I don't have any master. But those guy seems to know you too. Well, after all, you are the prince of this nation, knowing you are a normal thing, however, it looks like they know some secret that you may be hiding from everyone."


Miranda told him.


"Yes, I have some own secret of mine. I will tell you about that later when feeling right."


Arc told her.


"Okay, master as you wish."


After that night, Arc heard a commotion going on in the royal court, however, he avoid that, he don't want to get caught up with their troubles for now.


"Do you know who are they, Isaac?"


Arc asked Isaac.


"They are both foreigners, that much I know. They did what was necessary to major. Because they were fighting with one of the evilest organizations in this world, well, people from the background were evacuated before the huge explosion, so you do not have to worry about that, Your Highness."


Isaac told him.


"What's their name?"


Arc asked him. Hearing that, Isaac shook his head.


"I do not know. Only a few of the RanKings know about their true identity. Including his highness."


Isaac told him. He cannot hide the things which are directly asked by Arc because of the effect of Geass, so he didn't lie to him about knowing them.


"I see."


After Arc didn't inquire about them much.


Three days later. Arc was in the dungeon. He got 105k SP from the dungeon.


Higher the dungeon amount of the SP increased. A most interesting fact is, the boss after the demon knight can talk like a normal person. The dungeon monster also can communicate with each like the little kid of 3-4 years.


At first, Arc was feeling guilty to kill them, however, that guy will kill him if he doesn't attack. Most importantly, they respawn after they were killed.


Arc don't get any SP or reward without killing them.


Arc has yet to buy anything after he bought Critical Over. He was saving them for later to use them all at once. Arc already got satisfied with the amount.


So, he was thinking he should spend them now. Arc was impressed with those two golden and black armor guys that now he wants to upgrade the boosted gear scale mail.


However, he will be in the dragon trial if he buys that now.


So, at first, he bought a Zanpakto.


[Congratulations! You have got Wabisuke.]


Arc got wabisuke Zanpakto. It's the Zanpakto of Izuru Kira from bleach, the Shikai of this sword double the weight of whatever it touches.


'Not bad.'


Arc was expecting Kyoka Suigetsu or Zangetsu level sword, however, he thinks that must be a super rare type of sword.


Arc then bought a Shikai card and upgrade this to the Shikai.


It cost him 32k SP. So, he only has 73K SP. If he spends on the scale mail, he cannot buy another zanpakto tonight.


'Well, that's fine either way.'


Arc then taps the upgrade option of the Boosted Gear.


[You are now eligible to challenge the Dragon Trial.]




That option appeared in front of him. He was in the dungeon, so like the last time he want to go to his house, as it does not affect the surrounding.


"Let's go, Miranda."


Arc told her.


"You will leave earlier tonight? Well, ok, let's go, master."


Miranda replied. Arc smiled and open the Gate.


Entering his room Arc lay down on his Sofa, and said,


"I will take a nap."


"Okay, master."


Miranda replied to him. It was still early evening, so she thought she should do some personal work outside. So, she excuses herself after telling that Arc. Which is better for Arc anyway.


Bidding her bye, Arc clicked the [Enter].




[You are now at the Dragon Trial.]


Arc saw his opponent standing there. Unlike the shop boss trial, it was open world. In the sky, his opponent was flying. It was a green dragon, he don't know the name of the Dragon.




The dragon roared toward him. Arc didn't wait anymore and opened his boosted gear. Seeing that, the dragon narrowed his eyes.


"So, human, you have a dragon inside you."


The dragon told him.


"Yes, another one inside my pant."


Arc lightly jokes about it. It made his mood fresh before starting the battle.


Episode-64: Dragon Trial (2)




As the boosted gear screamed, Arc lifted toward the dragon using Gomu Gomu No Mi.


Seeing that he is coming with forwarding his fist to punch him a magic shield appeared surrounding its body.


Arc's hardening punch shook his shield. However, it wasn't broken.


"Oh, you have got strong power, human."


Telling that, it tried to slap him with its tail. However, he predicted that and move from there.


Arc came down to the surface.




As soon as he came down to earth he released cero. That guy again used his shield, however, Arc could clearly see the difference between impact.


The main problem it's a shield. Arc gathered all of the sand around him and he flies into the sky.


Then he covered the dragons with the earth.


"Sand coffins."


Arc tried to use sand to crush its defense.


It really crushed his defense, he saw the yellow visible shield was just broken. However, it used water blasts to blow the water.


"So, it is a water type of dragon. Sand will have a weakness against it."


Arc then went upper side of the dragon with telekinesis. He then release his telekinesis and started to drop down where he was using Kiro Kiro No Mi, which made his body weighted 10,000 Kilograms.


The dragon narrowed its eyes and ready his tail to defend against the attack. However, it was out of his range. He was smashed into the ground.


The ground is broken while making huge cracks.


However, what Arc saw under his feet was not the dragon but a wet surface with water.


"Haha, do you really think something like this can kill me human?"


Arc heard from his behind, even before he could look at his behind he was tremendously hit by water. The pressure was too high that Arc is blown away more than 100 meters.


Arc then stood up, he saw blood coming from his mouth despite having no pain because of a Passive skill like Cancel Pain.


"How did you turn yourself into the water? Or your body was fake until now?"


Arc asked the dragon.


"In the first place, I thought I had you. You should be grown in pain. However, you looked totally fine."


The dragon didn't reply instead he voice his astonished voice. Arc hurriedly uses the HP and Stamina potion to make him 100%.


Arc then cracked his neck. And said, Sharingan. Arc didn't use Sharingan yet. Sharingan, then looked surrounding the dragon. He found the main body. This guy is using water-type illusion magic.


Sharingan is an eye that is also an illusion. So, it was really easy for him to catch the real theory behind his escape from his Kiro Kiro No Mi.


Though he already got the main body he didn't act right away. Arc went running toward the fake body, which was most probably water. Arc uses blue flame on it, of course, the blue flame won't work on water, however, it just moves that is making the opening to attack the dragon.


"What a full, flame is the last magic you should use against me."


The dragon said while vanishing the flame with water. However, Arc uses Chidori on it. Chidori is electrical power, water is one of the best methods to flow electricity, the water body instantly got scattered after coming into contact with the Chidori.


Arc already predicted that the water shot again coming toward him. He instantly hardens his body and takes the shot. He was back steps in a few meters and move the trajectory away from him. Arc noticed that this was another water clone of the dragon. It wasn't the main body.


'So, this is the main power of this dragon. The dragon can replicate water as soon as the last one got undone. People think that he has a water body and is almost immortal, however, the fact is he was never in his true body. If it wasn't for the Sharingan, Arc would have never found out the trick.


Though Arc believes that, his IQ may be saved him from this trick, however, the main problem is, he would never found the body without the Sharingan.


The gauntlet boosted at least 20 times, looks like he can release enough power to defeat it.


"Dude, you are basically immortal."


Arc told him.


"Hmph! Unlike you human, our body is special, yes, I am immortal, and admit it, you can never defeat me."


The dragon told him.


"I see. then how about this."


Arc then looked at his real body, and use Eraserhead. His water splashed like it was fallen from the drum.


"What the how?"


Dragon asked him.


"It's pity that I have many abilities, so I am kinda bored that, I could win this fast."


He told the dragon.




Arc then pointed his boosted geat toward the dragon.


"Gran Rey Cero!"


Though it was not his strongest cero, it was enough to vanish the dragon from this trial.


"An easy win, ha?"


Arc came back to his sofa.


[Congratulation, you achieve the scale mail form.]



Episode-65: Checking New Form



As soon as he came back from the trial he jump from the sofa.


Arc opened his boosted gear. There were two options when equipping it.


The first one is to go in scale mail form (You cannot boost for 3 minutes) and the second one is, to continue boosting.




Issei went to the scale mail form after boosting several times, in his case, he will go in advance however he cannot boost for 3 seconds.


Arc then chooses the first option.


[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker]


Instantly he transferred in the scale mail version of boosted gear. It was the perfect Balance Breaker. In initial armor, Issei didn't have the wings and rocket thruster in his back, however, Arc has it.


"Perfect, then what is the next upgrade? Juggernaut or Illegal Move Triana?"


Arc checked his upgrade section.


[To Achieve the Divine Dividing and the Scale Mail form you required 75,000 SP and the dragon trial after you paid it.]


'What it's not the next transformation of Boosted Gear but its opposite part Divine Dividing of Vali Lucifer.


Things getting interesting with this side of power. Arc smiled.


Arc then spread his wings wide. He was feeling that he can fly now without using telekinesis, it was harder to fly with that because he was yet to learn perfect control of telekinesis.


He then looked at himself in the mirror. That red armor with green jewels looks majestic. Well, after all, it was Red Dragon Emperor's body part, so it should be majestic.


"Wh-who are you?"


While Arc was in dragon trial and then was checking out the armor. Only three minutes passed. Miranda forgot her money bag in the room so she came back to retrieve it because she took a loan from one of the maids, so she wants to return it.


However, to her surprise when she enter the room, she saw a red armor being standing in the room.


Instantly she got into battle posture. She hurriedly looked for Arc while she asked about his identity. However, he was nowhere there.


She looked at the red armor being with her narrow eyes. It was a red armor with green gems engraved on it, just like she saw on Arc's hand. It looked like a dragon form, especially with the wings he has on his back and the leg armor which looks like a dragon leg.


She then conclude something and asked him,


"Is it you, master Arc?"


She wasn't sure, but matching his gauntlet with this armor she couldn't help but assume as Arc was also nowhere to see.


"Yeah, looks like I got caught. Yes, I am Arc, you lovely master, my little Mira."


Arc replied to her.


"What the, how fast did you wear that? It was just a couple of minutes ago that, I went outside."


She asked him. She thought he wear the armor manually with his hand.


"I didn't wear it silly. It's an automatic armor transformation."


Arc told her. Then he undoes the Balance Break and again went into that form.




Seeing that, Miranda finally could breathe a relieved sigh, because she at least confirmed it was Arc. Then she told him,


"I see. That's a great technological suit. I think you were inspired by those two we have seen earlier today?"


She was thinking about that, because why did he have to appear like that right after seeing those two?


Her thinking was logical but Arc denied it.


"For a long time, I wanted to have this appearance. It was confident that, it has to be tonight, dear."


He didn't mean for a long time as this world timeline that he lived, he mentioned he dream to have this kind of thing when he was on earth.


"I see."


Miranda then went to see his form while walking centering him.


"It looks like kinda dragon, master."


She asked Arc.


"Of course, it's a dragon. This is the lesser form of Welsh Dragon Emperor A.K.A Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig."


Arc explained to her. Now then he mentioned it, despite having the gear, he didn't get the Ddraig inside his Longinus, so it will e Longinus without its provider of power?


His IQ saying, something isn't summing up.


'Well, I will think about that later.'


"I see. I know you can fly, however, does this wing make you faster?"


She asked him.


"You can say so, look at the rocket thruster in my back. This also increases my speed. I am basically so powerful in this form if I use my forbidden technique."


Arc thinks that what will happen if he uses Critical Over with this armor.


He then undo it, and told Miranda that,


"As days will go by, I will have many abilities, I finally understood what that guy said to me that time, did you hear him?"


"I guess, he called you Infinite Library."


She replied to him.


"Yes, that's true, I am an infinite library. In the future, you will see I have much more abilities than you, you will even forget what ability I have and what not."


Arc told her. Hearing him Miranda smiled and said,


"Don't worry, I will take note to engrave your history and power, if we have to end people will know about it when they find my journal."


Miranda replied to him.


"What? Do you have something like that?"


Arc asked with a surprised voice. However, Miranda didn't reply to him, she just smiled at him.


Episode-66: Isabel and Finn.



Next day. When Arc went garden for breathing he noticed that many people is coming to meet King.


"Did they come here to attend the marriage?"


Arc asked Miranda.


"Yes. They are from distant cities and the countryside and do not visit the palace that much. They are already in the capital and coming to meet with the King. I heard a few foreigners also attend this marriage ceremony."


Miranda told him.


"I see. Oh well, the marriage of the prince of a nation isn't normal, it is understandable."


Arc told her. Arc then notice that someone waved their hand toward him. He also waved toward her.


"Who is this woman? My memory is fuzzy."


Arc asked her.


"She is the youngest sister of the King, in other words, your Aunt."


She replied to him.


"So, it's another William. Is the boy behind him his son of her?"


There was a youth of similar age as Adam who was following her.


"Yes. Databook of Origin Shadows says so."


Miranda replied.


"Oh, there is something like databook?"

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Arc was surprised to hear that.


"Yes. Origin Shadow has biodata of each William."


Miranda replied.


"Sounds interesting. What's her name?"


Arc can't remember seeing her in a dream.


"Her name is Indiana William, and her son's name is Finn Graham."


"So, he is my other cousin, ha? Now, remember him. He use to bully me with Adam isn't he?"


Arc asked, he remember this boy in his dream.


"Yes, he did. Though his mother lives in Fort Grande. He lives in this capital and goes to the same Isabel Royal Academy."


Miranda replied to him. By the way, Isabel is the capital city of Valhalla.


"I see, good then."


Arc replied. His aunt came in front of him before she could say anything to him,


"Hello, Aunt Indiana, it has been a long time since I have seen you again."


Arc greeted her with a smile.


"Indeed, your aunt came to see you last time when you were just 12 years old, after that, I couldn't make any time to visit you, sorry ne."


She told him. It was fairly greeting without any ill intent behind it.


[What kind of person she is?]


Arc Asked Miranda in his telepathy.


[Opposite of her son, she has a good heart.]


Miranda replied shortly.


[I see.]


He then looked at Finn.


"You too, it has been a while since, I met you again Little Brother Finn, looks like you got a big man too."


Arc greeted him. Hearing that, his eyes got narrowed.


"Never did I think, Big Brother Arc will smile like that again, oh, I am sooo happy for you. I can't express that in words."


He told him.


[A snake?]


Arc commented.


[Yes, he is.]


Miranda replied.


"Haha, it was possible because all of you guys pray for me."


Arc changed his eyes to Sharingan and instantly put him under genjutsu where Finn saw he was almost getting crushed by a strong aura. Arc release him as soon as he activated. Though it was short, it was enough to make him pee.


On the other hand, Finn does not know if it was reality or fake. But he didn't utter a single word, because he can't able to show any reaction in front of his mother. He was almost sweating, he replied cautiously,


"Haha, I see, That's good news then."


Arc then looked at Indiana and asked,


"Where is uncle?"


"He went to meet brother... His Majesty the King. We got out earlier because they have some political issue to discuss."


She replied to him.


"I see. Where will you guys stay tonight."


Arc asked.


"In the residence area, that was given to noble by the government to stay."


She replied.


"Why don't you stay here tonight? We have many rooms empty here. And I want to have some heart-to-heart talk with my little brother Finn."


Arc told her.


"Well, we have some shopping to do, I guess Finn can stay here, no? You did stay with Adam in the past."


Hearing that, Finn got tenser, though his mother said in goodwill, however, it was a nail in the coffin for him. because, if Arc somehow, Arc remembers that, he is bullying him with Adam, he will get busted.


"Yes, he can stay with Adam, can't you?"


Arc told him. Finn know what happened to Arc as soon as this guy could talk with his mouth, so, he was afraid that he got into something similar situation.


"N-no, sorry big brother Arc, I have also some shopping to do, see it's a grand occasion, and we will have to try our best to represent ourselves in front of the King."


He replied with stuttered voice.


"I see, that's bad then, ne? I wanted to talk to you badly, this lazy bone wanted to get out of the boredom. Well, you are right too. Nothing can be done."


Arc told him.


"Yeah, nothing can be done. Let's go, mother, hurry up! Let's go. We will be late for buying things if we are standing here, okay bye then."


Finn was basically dragging her, while she was saying that, she wanted to talk more with him. Like that, they exit the scene.


"This snake has no balls, well they do not have balls anyway."


Arc sneered.



Episode-67: Meeting Noble



"I am feeling good to see you again. Your Highness."


An old man said.


"We are glad that you have recovered."


Another old man said.


They are one of the oldest generations of nobles in this nation. One is Arman Hossain and the other is Rajnarayan Dev.


"I am glad to see you too, Lord Arman and Lord Dev."


Arc greeted them back. As Arc already ask their name to Isaac.


"I hope you will recover to your 100% and reign this nation."


Rajnarayan told him with a smile.


"Please, pray for me."


Arc smiled. 'It looks like they are supporting my faction.' He thought.


"I thought, the nation will be started to corrupt again if the original blood of William doesn't come to power."


Arman Hossain said.


'Wait, they do not regard Adam and Ariana as original blood? Just because their mother is not from William's blood? How incest is it? Looks like they also don't count Zerin White as Original blood then?'


Arc thought. Nobility is complicated.


"Do not worry. If everything goes well, I will recover sooner than expected."


Arc replied to him.


"Okay, let's meet you later at the ceremony, good day to you, my lord."


Arman Hossain said. Rajnarayan nodded. Then both of them went out of his room.


"Looks like, a few dark beliefs are going on in their head. They believe if both parents aren't William our country will be in turmoil."


Arc told Isaac.


"Well, this country has more than thousands of years of heritage. It is a coincidence that each time half William's blood comes to power, the government becomes somewhat out of control. When full-blood William reigned this country they never saw famine, however, it happened several times when half rule this nation. It's like a jinx. So, almost everyone noble to a commoner, wants that a full-blooded William come to the power."


Isaac told him.


"I see. So, that's why they are obsessed with supporting me."


Arc finally understand why they are supporting him that much.


"Well, it's fine either way, as long as they support me it's ok, regardless of the reason."


After that, many nobles who support him came to see him. All of them have the same attitude that pure-blooded William is recovered.


Arc was thinking, a real revolt would have come if those two wanted to seat on the throne.


These nobles are the main pillar of the nation, if this pillar broke it will be hard to shoulder it.


Arc also sees their relatives of his. They are also William. Branch family from outside of the capital, even family who is not staying here anymore, came from abroad to attend the wedding.


"I am surprised that, she didn't make any move. I thought she would be done something, like attacking with an opponent verbally. But it looks like she isn't doing that."


Arc told Isaac and Miranda.


"Well, no one will dare to beat you or speak badly to you now in the Royal Mansion because, you are well now, and can speak and think rationally, it will be too risky for them because you will protest, which may raise the doubt of King for investigation, everyone knows that, if ninja of King started to investigate what will happen to them."


Arc remembers those few ninjas that he saw on the outside of the dungeon just after the fight ended with Stoinis.


"Ninja, huh! They look interesting enough."


Arc then stood up and said,


"I am not feeling like meeting anyone today. Please handle that, Isaac."


He needs to think about everything he heard and saw from the noble with a cool head. He needs to sum up who is the enemy and who is the ally. And there is also the risk of the enemy with the ally face. Betrayal happens in royalty. And it's normal.


When Isaac got out, Miranda locked the door. Arc then asked her,


"Any information on my fiancee's current status?"


Arc asked her.


"She is in her academy. I heard everyone heard that she is marrying, and it was with you a great disturbance made inside that academy. Because they think you are not worthy enough. However, a few teacher handled the situation. Well, not only them, almost 80% of the normal public do not like the idea of the wedding of you and the greatest pearl like her."


Miranda told him.


"Who are those 20% fools then?"


Arc asked jokingly.


"Among them, most of the people are disinterested in this wedding, they do not care whatever happens to whoever."


Miranda told him.


"Well, that's fair enough."


Arc replied. Miranda knows that his master does not mind this kind of stuff, instead, he is enjoying the situation, she is guessing that he is expecting something from this negative review of the public and of course from Frozen Academy.



Episode-68: Wedding Dresses



Just before evening queen came to his room, with a few ladies with her.


Those ladies are beautiful by earth's standards. Each one of them was carrying shopping bags.


"I have come here to show you the thing I have bought for your marriage."


She told her. Arc narrowed his eyes. Why should the queen come for this measly reason?


Arc believes that, even if it is her own children's marriage, she won't do that.


"I see. You don't need to show me though, because someone as you taste I guess you will choose the best one."


Arc told her.


"Haha, thank you for the praise, however, you should check things with your own eyes. If something you don't like we will return it. After all, it's your big occasion."


Queen replied to him.


"I see. That's fine then."


Arc replied.


"You girls. Show your prince the dress and accessories."


The girls came in front of him one by one and showed him the dress like professional sellers.


"This dress is for tomorrow. There will be Body Turmeric Ceremony."


Queen explained to him. Arc was astonished after hearing that,


'This is traditional in our country, how does this other world have this kind of ceremony?'


It is called 'Haldi(Yellow) Night'.




Arc nodded.


"Yea, it looks good."


"Good, I know that you will like it."


Queen nodded while making a happy voice. Arc really wanted to remove that veil to see if she is really smiling or not. Well, he can't do that, no matter what, she is still his mother according to seniority. Arc has at least this minimal manner.


"And look at this, this is your wedding day ceremony. How is that? It's the traditional wedding dress that is made with the most expensive fabrics in our world."


She showed him a white pant, a black shirt, and a white overcoat. This is the traditional wedding dress of this nation. Of course, there are also accessories like a tie and a hand watch shown in front of him.


The color of the leather shoes was black. And belt was also black in color. Arc can guess that it will look good on him.


"All, as expected of Your Majesty's choice. It really looks good for eyes."


Arc told her.


"Good, now the next one is for the reception party. It is for the next day of the wedding. Where people from all over the nation will gather, even foreigners will be present there."


Another woman came in front of him and show the contact in the bag, and there was a blazer on the cover. It was an ash-colored blazer with ash color pants, the shirt inside was white, and the color of the tie is blackish green. As for the shoes, it was brown in color.


Arc thought. 'I was joking at first, she really does have a good choice, well I think that she has a liking for the good things.'


"All, good, I have liked every product you have bought for me."


Arc told him.


"That's good to hear, my child."


Queen told him.


"I believe you will look handsome in these dresses, every mother wants their child to wear beautiful dresses at their wedding."


She remarks.


'You want to kill me to death after making me wear a


good product. Not impossible though.'


Arc thought inwardly about her quote. However, said in his mouth,


"Yeah, I know that. I am looking forward to the marriage of Ariana and Adam, especially Adam. I can have lots of fun with my wife in his marriage."


He intentionally poked her. She was silent for a few seconds then told him,


"Yeah, look forward to it."


She replied to him while recovering. After all, she tried to arrange his marriage to Zerin to strengthen Adam's position on the throne. However, Arc's recovery wasted all of the plans of her.


Well, not like everything ended for her. If her first smooth plan doesn't work, he wants to apply a hard method.


She was just waiting for her moment. As for marrying his son with Zerin, she gave up on that. In the first place, she doesn't like her to become his wife because she could potentially rule him around her nose, and she will not let him touch her.


So, in the end, it will be a lost project, if Arc becomes Crown Prince anyway. However, she is trying to put him in public misery because the public will ridicule him because it would appear to disable like her can marry the number one beauty, though mostly it is jealousy. It will work for her anyway.


Not every time you need to deliver physical damage to your opponent, sometime mental damage like an inferiority complex will eat you slowly.


That's what her new plan is. On the other hand, she never knew that Arc doesn't dislike negative marketing. In the current world(earth) negative marketing is famous, so, it is fine for him either way. He has the mentality to face it up forward.



Episode-69: Queen's scamming


After the queen showed him his dress, she then showed the dress of the bride.


Arc looked at them with interest. The wedding dress was a red gorgeous one-piece. His IQ tells him that the price of this dress is equal to all of the dresses for his wedding ceremony.


"This looks very expensive."


Arc commented.


"Yes, this is the world's best product for weddings. Only one company made this. They said that this dress reflects inner happiness. It makes the bride happy about marriage more than she can express because it made her mind clear and calm."


Queen replied. Arc nodded. Then his IQ screamed.


'Damn you! It was another psychological attack. It shows inner happiness. But is she really happy to marry me? No. Then there is no inner happiness in her in the first place, so how will she become happy? This should make me depressed learning that even after wearing this dress she is not happy. And this is also true for onlookers, they will also see that she is not happy, which makes their reaction worse than usual.'


Arc narrowly looked at the dress. Well, it's not like it will affect him much. In the end, he knows how she might feel about him.


'So, the main reason she came here is to tell me the attributes of this dress.'


Then she showed him a necklace, it was also a heavy and neat worked ornament.


"This necklace is also special. This will make the bride show her inner love. Love is everything. However, because it is always busy and tiresome days, and on top of that if the bride is shy, they can't show their true love. This necklace will trigger feelings for her partner."


She told him. 'Who sells this kind of thing? Oi, oi, who sells this kind of thing? Are they from the succubus clan? Or are they from the succubus clan?'


This woman is trying her best to make him depressed in the future.


This accessory and dress are something that, will show the bride's inner desire. However, what if she doesn't have any desire for him in the first place?


'Sigh!' Arc sighed inside his mind.


"Everything looks good, your majesty. I am really happy that you doing this for me. If my mother was here she would have done the same for me."


Arc told her with the greatest fake smile.


"Haha, no need to thank me. I am your mother after all."


She told him.


'Yes, but stepmother.'


Arc squint in his mind. She also showed him other relatable dresses and ornaments for the wedding.


After showing all of the dresses to her she finally excuse herself.


Miranda was beside him all this time. However, she didn't talk or suggest, after all, she was a maid even in name only.


"What do you think Mira Darling? About that dress?"


Arc asked her.


"It's a trap. However, why she would tell that in front of me? I will tell you the meaning of her attempt in the first place."


She asked Arc.


"Well, that's the main point. You will now explain to me why she gave this to me, according to her plan. Which made me understand true intentions her, and made me more down. She is not that fool enough."


Arc explained to her.


"Royalty is really complicated."


She commented.


"Yes, I know right."


Arc replied with a knowing face.


"This includes you, master."


She added.


"What me too? Well, maybe."


Arc told her with a smile.


"Okay, it's just after noon. I am bored. Let's go outside. Tell Isaac to prepare a car for me."


Arc told her. Yes, in this world there are cars too. And he rides in cars like Mercedes Benz.


Arc like to ride it.


He was dragged by Miranda. Arc saw Ariana was standing on the road for some reason.


"Hey, Lil Ariana, wanna go outside with your brother?"


Arc asked her. He guessed that she might not come with him, however, he will invite her anyway.


"Where are you going?"


She asked him.


"Just to have fresh air from the outside world. I do that sometimes."


Arc told her. She then got in the car and sat on his right side, on the left side Miranda was there. She wanted to go out and sit in the front however, Arc grab her hand, and told her with his eyes that it will be alright.


"Good for you, because you can stroll around freely, because many people almost forgot you, in my case of me, people make news and always follow me with the camera. That's disgusting. I am sure they will also make news of today like, 'First Prince and Princess went outside together, so Princess is in the Prince Arc faction? Something interesting starting on the royal family.' etc."


She told him. Arc sighed and said,


"Well, let's see what they do today."


'No matter where you go, this type of group exists.'


He thought inwardly.



Episode 70: Frozen Girls


"So, how are your days going, Ellis?"


Ariana asked Miranda.




Miranda replied shortly.


"What made your heart change? You have turned 180° toward my brother. What has happened to you?"


Ariana asked her.


"I don't know. It just, I felt like following him. That's all. He is my master forever."


Miranda replied her.


"Looks like you have known each other after all."


Arc told them.


"After all, I was the one who was assigned to make her your maid.."


Ariana replied to him.


"I see. That's how much you wanted to kill me."


Arc told her with a sad expression. Though it was fake, he could care less about that.


Hearing him Ariana looked at another place.


"That time, I was too blind and hectic about everything. And our intention wasn't to kill you if unnecessary doesn't occur."


She told him.


"Then why did she try to kill me many times?"


Arc asked her.


"Umm... we never did order anything like that. Not even mother and Adam."


She replied to him with a frown. Arc looked at Miranda.


"Did you forget, once I said I do not know who wants to kill you, but it was ordered from Origin Shadow?"


Miranda replied to him.


"I see. Yeah, I remember that, which is why I was more doubtful. Then who do they want to kill me...?"


Arc spoke.


"In the future, you need to investigate. No matter, who had done that, they want to make nack as soon because they also intend to use mother and Adam as shields."


Ariana replied.


Suddenly the car stopped.


"What happened Isaac?"


Yes, Isaac was the driver.


"Some fool is attacking you, master."


Arc looked at Ariana.


"I have no idea."


She instantly denied it.


"I ain't blaming you, I mean did you have some trouble going with someone?"


Arc asked her.


"No. There is no one like that."


Ariana replied to him.


"Looking at the magic they are from Frozen Academy, master."


Isaac told him.


"Does they don't know you? If they do know you how could they attack? Even Frozen Academy's principal doesn't dare to fight you, even if you are not RanKing, you are number 12 after all."


Ariana asked Isaac.


"I guess they do not know me. Or they wouldn't do that."


Isaac replied to her. She has a point. The reason Valhalla is one of the strongest countries, is they have RanKing number 9th Austin the King, RanKing number 10th Frozen Academy Principal, Alumni Number 11 Domingo, and Alumni Number 12 Isaac. That means this nation possesses the 9th to 12th ranked strongest person in the world according to World Association. Which other country doesn't possess?


By the way, Arc later learns that both Isaac and Domingo has three domain, but they never reveal that, only World Association knows that.


"Let's go outside."


Arc told them.


"Miranda and Ariana please protect me. And Isaac stays in the car."


Arc command them.


Miranda get down from the car and took the wheelchair from the back, then she put Arc on it. Ariana gets out of the car from another side.


"Student of Frozen. State your reason to attack a royalty."


Ariana asked them.


"Huh, even if you are Royalty what of it? That scum doesn't deserve our senior sister Zerin."


One of the girls replied Ariana.


"So, you are declaring war against royalty?"


Ariana asked her. There are four girls.


'Looks like they are the fanatic fangirl of Zerin White.'


They didn't wait anymore and released their frost attack on them.


Ariana punched the ground, which made blocked the earth wall. Arc knows this is also a power of the White Moon. She uses a repulse attack to make an earth wall, like water, if water is punched in one place in the bucket the other side gets higher than the surface equally.


"How shameless it is hidden behind women, you should be ashamed."


Another girl told him.


"Oh well, what can I do? I am just a man who is paralyzed man. Or have you ever heard that a paralyzed man defend and attack, then again sat on the chair? Ne, ne, tell me have you ever heard or seen anywhere?"


Arc asked them.


"No, but..."


The girl who taunt him a few moments ago was speechless. It was one thing if he could walk but weak in fighting. However, here he can't walk in the first place. She realized that she was wrong for saying that.


"Nu, do not fall for his word trap, because he can't fight, he wants to defend himself with his mouth."


The girl replied Ariana told her. Seems like she is the leader of this fangirl group.


"And Prince Arc, no matter what your logic is in the end it means you are not worthy of Sister Zerin. Girls attack him. Even if we can't kill him, at least we can beat him to a pulp so that he can't be on his sense two days later."


She said.


"Looks like they won't listen to us. Mira and Ariana darling, please protect me."


Arc told them. Hearing that, all of them show crept faces.


"What a loser. I thought he is at least upright man."


When she said that, Arc show the middle finger to them. He is acting childish intentionally, he just wants to have refreshed experience for now. And this event looks fun to him.

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