lord of the omniverse

Chapter 3: 3 chapter

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Coloque o maior planeta existente em um lugar onde os maiores seres do multiverso habitaram cada um deles tão grande quanto uma lua agora vazia

No lugar deste gigantesco e arenoso planeta, surge um portal e ele sai com um dos exércitos mais poderosos, senão o mais poderoso que existe, a Legião Apocalíptica o exército do Senhor da morte e da entropia na frente vem os anões carregando seus escudos de metal e atrás vêm os outros membros que permanecem na linha de frente do exército, mas não se engane, qualquer um desse exército ficaria extremamente feliz na linha de frente mesmo se estivesse na frente dos escudos dos anões em vez de atrás deles, como aquele era o exército de Darkseid Se você prestasse atenção você veria uma coleção dos maiores guerreiros que você já testemunhou, no entanto o exército parecia uma mistura estranha Se você olhasse para um canto você veria um exército de elfos em armadura dourada se você olhasse para outro você veria um bando de lobisomens It'não é apenas isso você também veria seres bestiais como minotauros centauros cerberus vampiros assassinos ladrões e necrófagos alguns usando suas vítimas ossos orcs usando suas armas maduras, no entanto você também veria seres humanóides vestindo armaduras de prata e ouro alguns até parecendo sacerdotes magos e tudo mais os tipos que você esperaria ver no lado 'bom' de qualquer história de fantasia basicamente o exército parecia uma mistura muito estranha do sagrado e do mal da bondade e infâmialado de qualquer história de fantasia basicamente o exército parecia uma mistura muito estranha do sagrado e do mal da bondade e infâmialado de qualquer história de fantasia basicamente o exército parecia uma mistura muito estranha do sagrado e do mal da bondade e infâmia

You'd also see Black warships guns like cannons each powerful enough to annihilate a city the ships sine large enough to be mistaken for small moons of course the flying members of the army those who had wings or forms of aerial locomotion this army was made up of 40 billion Ceres all loyal to their master King and God each with the same goal of their master ending the anti-life Horde and their leader the anti-monitor and his 20 followers

In one of the Ships with an open space you would see Dark side hey your lovers all warriors your generals elite members of your army your most faithful butler Igor then Dark side stands in front of your army and talks

Darkside-Today will not be a different day than any other when the enemy arrives show him why you are a darkside army and remember if the enemy doesn't run and cower before us they will already be insulting us remember you are my warriors my members of my army and i could not ask for a better company to accompany me in the Glory of combat and finally in Victory

Then suddenly a platform with 21 beings appears in front of the apocalyptic legion the anti-monitor and his 20 followers now many would wonder how an army of 40 billion would gather to face 21 beings but they could forget that when an artificial intelligence decided to dedicate themselves at the end of their lives they always create an army because right on the opposing side there are 20 artificial intelligences and a being that can be considered the greatest killer machine of the multiverses then suddenly an army of machines drones androids machines Unmanned ships and weapons for the whole army enemy was made up of 300 billion machines each one strong enough to kill A group of at least 30 men without weapons only with their bodies if you count on the cloud a cluster of Mini robots that were always ready to fix their limbs of his army the numbers could easily exceed 600 billion

But anyone who saw one of these 2 armies would know that even bringing 5 trillion beings would be the equivalent of bringing 2 people to face an army of a thousand because the only army that could face the apocalyptic legion was in front of you the anti-life horde

dakside and anti-monitor face each other in that brief glance they can understand all the threats promises of victory and resentments they have against each other but instead of speaking both raise their hands and the signal for war not a simple war but the greatest of all multiverses that will be decided today in the greatest battle that is the multiverse ever witnessed

2 years since the start of the battle

the 2 armies had destroyed each other on the darkside side only 2 thousand members left their elite and only the rest were on the ground bleeding dead or too wounded to continue

in the anti-monitor army there was only 10 thousand left and the enemy army could easily face it but the 2 armies remained stationary while their 2 leaders fought they had already been fighting for 2 months neither of the 2 willing to retreat finally the Anti-monitor spoke

anti-monitor-want to know my old enemy it's time to end this war and finally put an end to existence honestly it was out of pride that this battle lasted so long i wanted to see if my army of useless subordinates would be worth it all this way the essence of all multiverses and their omnivesus have proved a complete failure watch me win and take them all with me

then the anti monitor army realized they were nothing to their leader he begins to drain the energy of the multiverse and dark side in turn push his omega energy to the limit determined to take his enemy with him in his hand his sword he forged from his old obsession the anti life equation curiosity the anti monitor christened his army as a mockery of the darkside however this new sword was forged changing the equation he called it the sword ex nihilo a simple name for a weapon but he thought it was perfect so while his black sword and the anti monitor's body glowed the first one with a red and purple color and the second in blue and gray they were ready for the final blow but suddenly everything went gray and silent and a man appears the man was wearing suit and hat i looked at everything like a man who sees the mess his kids have made he sighs and says

a presença-você 2 realmente cruzou todos os limites não é minha criação



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