
Chapter 2: ‘The Port…’

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Even as winter claimed a foothold over the land, the ancient port still bustled with life, and the Romans had to jostle their way past all kinds of traders, peddling everything from fish and crab to slaves and women. Slaves had been brought in from all over the known world, and beyond, dragged screaming from warmer lands and now stood here, shivering uncontrollably. With just a strip of cloth around their midriff they drew as close to each other as they could to keep warm.

‘At least the cold stops them stinking so much’. Justus moaned as they pushed their way through.

‘Yes but the cold also has other….bonuses…’ Aetius pointed out, admiring the women for sale, again barely covered, their upper bodies on show, the cold air taking its toll on certain parts of the anatomy.

‘I could hang my cloak off them for sure!’ Justus agreed, drawing grunts of approval from the others.

‘Just keep moving…’ Thalius grunted. Dismissing the traders and feigning impoverishment he led them to a large dark wooden building with a thatched roof, which appeared to be a tavern or at least a local meeting place.

‘This is where I leave you.’ Thalius offered his hand to Aurelius.

‘You’re going then?’

Aurelius felt like he had to give him one more opportunity to stay. Thalius ignored him, turned his back on them and, throwing his pack over his shoulder, walked off into the crowd. Aurelius watched him leave, disappointed that a fellow Centurion would just walk away. He then spoke to the others.

‘Aetius and I will go in here, we’ll see if we can find somewhere to lay our heads for a few nights, You two have a wander around, keep it casual. Don’t ask any questions for now and just act like regular merchants, looking for their next deal. Try not to attract any attention to yourselves and we’ll see you back here.’

Caius and Justus headed off and came across an old man offering up steaming, boiled mussels, and conversed with him as they ate, while Aurelius and Aetius entered the inn. As they stepped inside it took a few moments for their eyes to adjust to the light, and they noticed numerous alcoves to one side, partitioned off with animal furs hung over wooden frames. Towards the end a large log fire burnt, casting off a warm glow. Several people stood around it, warming themselves and drinking ale from clay goblets. In front of the fire and running the length of the room was a large oak flat top table, encircled with stools, some taken. An overweight man sat at one of the stools, sweating and red faced, looking busy counting beads and various little trinkets.

‘There’s our man.’ Aurelius gestured to the plump merchant.

‘let’s get a drink then,’ Aetius suggested and finding a stool each they sat at the oak table. Aetius caught the eye of a busty young maid and ordered a flagon of mead for them both.

After they had finished eating, Justus and Caius ambled around the port, taking in the sights and smells, aromatic spices from exotic places mixed with the odour of fish, along with the raw smell of human and animal excrement, making an interesting combination for the nose. They found themselves back in the slave market, coincidentally, where the women were being auctioned off. Taking in the sights as they walked through, a woman with long black hair caught Justus’ eye. He looked at her, standing straight, naked except for a meagre piece of cloth covering midthigh to just below her belly button. Making no attempt to cover herself up she gave a quick nervous smile, her eyes sparkled for a second then she quickly looked away.

‘Did you see that?’ more of a statement than a question, Justus continued, ‘I think she likes me.’

‘You’re welcome to her, but can you afford her?’ Caius asked.

‘I’m sure I can arrange something.'

Justus approached the seedy looking slave master, and after a few moments haggling, he came back over to Caius. ‘I told him I was interested in the black haired one on the end, wanted to try the wares before I committed. He said she wasn’t one of his so I could do what I like with her, so I’m going to be busy for a while, unless you want in?’

Caius wasn’t interested, ‘No, you go ahead. But this isn’t why we’re here…’

‘I always get the urge after I’ve eaten mussels, anyway, I won’t be long. No harm done.’

Justus grabbed the girl’s arm and whispered in her ear, making her giggle nervously, and went off with her into the crowd, covering her up with his cloak. They ran down a narrow pathway between the old wooden buildings that lead into a wood, leaving the path they came across a shaded patch of dirt under a tree.

‘This will do…’ Justus growled lustfully and pushed the woman down into the dirt.

‘Not too rough.’ she pleaded softly.

‘You’ll take it as I give it whore’ Justus replied, slapping her hard across the face.
She fell back holding her cheek, while he proceeded to undress. He moved closer to her and kneeled down, parting her legs at the knees, unable to contain his pleasure he pulled her towards him but did not see the small blade she had been holding in her hand. Although not a long blade it was very sharp, and, as she was pulled towards him she sat up and grabbed his penis with one hand then quickly slashed it. The knife cut clean through, separating it from his body. Before he realized what she had done, she slashed again, this time across his exposed stomach, cutting through the muscle that was holding in his insides which immediately spilled out.

Justus’ eye’s almost bulged out of his skull as he looked down at his missing member and intestines coiling out of his abdomen. He tried to push in his innards with one hand and staunch the bleeding from the stump that was his penis with his other. The pain hit him, and he started to scream, before he could make a sound, the young woman, her bare skin and breasts covered in his blood, swept the knife over his throat, the keen edge going deep and severing his vocal chords, turning him mute in his last few, agonised seconds of life.
Wide eyed, he grabbed for his throat with the hand that was holding in his guts, which spilled to the floor. He looked at her with pleading, questioning eyes, but she just looked coldly at him, still clutching the bloody knife. His life force ebbed away fast now as he collapsed onto his entrails in front of her, the brown earth now turning red with blood. With his last drop of strength, he grabbed her thin ankle, his bloodied fingers tightening around the bone, then just as suddenly he let go, unable to hold on as his last breath gurgled from his throat.

Satisfied he was dead, she turned him over and cut into his chest, removing his heart. Realising she was still clutching his penis, she opened his mouth and stuffed it inside. She then rummaged purposefully amongst his clothing and didn’t take long to find what she was after. She removed it from a small pouch in his clothing and inspected it quickly, unfortunately it was covered in blood but her mother’s amulet was undamaged. Faeryn wiped some of the blood away on his clothing then grabbed his cloak and ran off deep into the forest, clutching the slippery heart with one hand and throwing the cloak over her with the other.

The port was not a big place, but it attracted all kinds of people, from merchants to scavengers and everyone in between. Exotica from places no one had heard of could be found here. Caius, a Centurion of the Roman Army had seen markets like this all over the known world, from Gaul to Corinth, and he was no stranger to the ploys of the folk trying to peddle their wares, most of it completely worthless. But this old man seemed genuine, or did he feel pity for him, either way Caius felt himself drawn to the ancient merchant. The stall was full of herbs and dried leaves, of a variety of colours, tied together in bundles, along with small animal bones and other unidentifiable scraps. As he approached the trader Caius could feel the man’s gaze on him, he looked at him and the old man’s bright blue eyes held his gaze. His face as dry and wrinkled as old leather and a long beard that resembled a bundle of straw.

The merchant beckoned to Caius with a bony hand, ‘Come, come, I can tell you’ve travelled a long way, I think I have something to ease your weariness….’

Suspicious at first as to how he knew how far he had travelled, he dismissed this thought, most of the people in this port were from different lands. Shrugging his shoulders, he humoured him.

‘What do you have for me?’

The old man passed him a bundle of brown leaves, not completely dry, tied up with what looked like animal sinew.

‘How much?’ Caius asked, there is always a price to pay, after all.

‘You have these for nothing. Pay me next time’

‘You assume there is a next time, what do I do with…these?’ Caius asked.

‘Eat them you fool, put them in your mouth and chew them.’

The old man demonstrated, placing a brittle leaf on his tongue, and chewed it.
Caius picked one from its stalk and pushed it to the inside of his cheek, then slowly began to chew it.

‘It tastes bitter, what does this do for me again.?’

The old man urged him on, ‘Eat more, then you’ll get the full benefit. Gives you more life! Eat more!’

Cautiously Caius ate a couple more of the leaves, swallowing the sharp-tasting juice then struggling to swallow the remaining leaves. He suddenly started to feel dizzy and cold, clammy. He reached for the old man.

‘What…have you given me…’

The old man dodged him, fast for his age.

‘Poison’ he replied, with no emotion.

His eyesight fading fast, Caius moved to grab him again but stumbled, collapsing onto the muddy path. A sharp pain suddenly rose from the depths of his stomach, twisting his insides in knots. He wrapped his arms around his gut, trying to ease the pain, but it was too much to take. Caius writhed in agony and looked around in desperation. The last thing he saw before succumbing to the poison must have been a vision, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had green eyes which shone like gems, accentuated by golden hair, and dressed in the finest garments he had ever seen, almost divine. She seemed to look down on him with pity. He had heard of dying men having visions, just before they passed to the other side. Is this what this was? Had Aurora the goddess come to take him away? At this last thought he drifted out of consciousness, into darkness.
The innkeeper was in no danger of going hungry as he ate a large fish off a wooden platter. The young maid brought him a flagon of mead to wash it down with and tried to move away quickly before he could grope her. She was too slow, and a bloated hand grabbed her ample buttocks and pinched her hard enough to bruise. Outraged she went to slap him around the face, but he grabbed her wrist with chubby fingers and twisted until she begged him to let go. After a few seconds he released her, laughing loudly as she ran off, rubbing her wrist.

‘She loves it you know..!’

He stuffed more fish into his mouth with his greasy fingers and took a swig of mead.

‘If you say so.’ Aurelius replied dryly.

Right now, he wanted to show this obese slob some manners, but instead held his temper. ‘We need accommodation for a few nights , possibly longer. Four of us. Do you have anything?’

‘I can arrange something for you, I can set you up with my maid if you wish… for extra.’ The fat man answered, winking at him.

‘Just somewhere to sleep……this should cover our costs.’ Aurelius threw a small leather pouch onto the table, tipping out a few gold coins. The fat man’s jowls shook as he nodded enthusiastically.

Faeryn gasped for breath as she stood outside the ancient structure. It was difficult to find if you weren’t aware of its existence, and only a few of the initiated into the old ways knew of it. It has been known for centuries by the old ones as a place to communicate with the Gods, a sacred place to leave offerings. Sometimes the old ones would come here to die, or even make sacrifices. From outside it resembled a small hill, but inside told a different story, a small opening framed with carved stone blocks led inside to a high roofed hollow chamber, supported by oak beams and more stone blocks. Bones, animal, and human were scattered around, along with gourds, bits of clothing and other adornments. At first Faeryn disliked this place, it felt like death, but after numerous visits she had grown used to it, and it became almost like a home for her . She had to lower her head as she walked through the doorway and as she crept deeper into the murky light of the chamber, she fumbled for something on a stone shelf. Finding what she was after, she struck the two stones together, creating a spark.
She smiled to herself and gathered up some dry twigs and material from a pile that had been gathered for this purpose and after striking the stones together again a few times she managed to light a small fire of dry twigs and some old clothe. As the flames took hold the fire lit up a small area of the chamber. A small alcove became visible now, just above the fire. In the alcove was a carved out stone figure, the size of a small child, but resembling a heavily pregnant woman, exaggerated breasts protruded above a swollen belly, but her limbs half the size in comparison, with no fingers or toes. A bare, simple shape sat above the chest, representing the head, with no distinguishable features.
She knelt down in front of the fire and let the cloak fall from her naked body. Justus’ dried blood flecked her chest and face. Placing his still warm heart down next to the fire, Faeryn prayed to the carving.

‘Goddess Mother, I thank you for warding off the evil spirits, for protecting me and giving me life. You have looked over me and fed me, nurturing our kind down through the ages. I give you the life of a man, so that you may be sustained, to continue to give us life and love.’

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Faeryn slowly began to cut the heart into slivers and placed them onto a hot stone next to the fire, as the wet slivers began to crackle and roast in the heat, she picked one up and placed it on her tongue, slowly chewing it with her eyes closed. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Faeryn picked up another sliver and threw it into the fire. Spitting and sizzling as it burnt, the ancient chamber glowed with an almost supernatural light as the smell of roasted flesh filled her nostrils while the flames flickered and danced in the shadows and crevices like ancient spirits come to life.

She wafted the smoke towards her face and inhaled it. As she took it in, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she started to rock backwards and forwards, whispering primeval incantations, invoking the spirit of the Goddess Mother. She spoke the incantations louder and faster, in a trance like state now, rocking faster, occasionally placing another sliver of heart on the fire, sustaining the smoke feeding into her.

All of a sudden she stopped, her eyes opened wide and for a second flashed, as if a fire had caught in them, then she became conscious of her surroundings again, awakening as if from a long sleep. Faeryn rested a few moments, taking deep breaths. The chanting had taken its toll on her body. When she was rested, Faeryn picked up the remaining slivers of heart, wrapping them in a piece of cloth. Throwing the cloak over herself, she left the chamber into the cold, encroaching night. Something had changed in her, a knowledge of destiny to be fulfilled had made itself known, with this Faeryn felt a feeling of power in her blood like she had never known before.
Aurelius and Aetius had finished their drinks and had started on some cheese and bread compliments of the landlord. The maid had brought it over to them, and they left her a few pieces of gold, probably a week’s wage for her. She dug into her cleavage, exposing more than she needed to, and pulled out a small leather purse and placed the gold in, then buried it deep where it came from, again showing more to Aurelius and winking at him. He smiled at her and turned to Aetius.

‘Where are the others?’

Aetius was deep in thought, staring at the maid.

‘What?…oh, they’ve been a while, but they can take care of themselves.’

Aurelius was about to get up when something caught his eye, a cripple was talking to the innkeeper surreptitiously and kept glancing over to where they sat. As the two men talked, a concerned look crossed the innkeeper’s face.

‘Something is wrong, be wary.’ Aurelius warned Aetius, at the same time catching the maid’s eye, and quietly beckoned her over.

‘Who is your boss talking to?’

‘My Boss’s name is Gehan. Never seen ‘im before.’ She tucked a lock of her Auburn behind her ear as she answered, not even bothering to look.


Aurelius saw her game and took out a piece of silver from his tunic and placed it on the table.

‘Who is that man talking to Gehan?’

Her emerald eyes lit up as she picked up the silver and rubbed it on her apron, impressed with the shine she then deposited in her bosom with the rest of her takings.

‘He’s just a beggar, been a cripple since birth and lived off scraps ever since, seems to know an awful lot for a simple man but if you want to know anything just ask him, he’ll tell you for a price, no secrets safe with him I’ll tell you.’

‘Paying for information seems to be common practice around here’, Aurelius commented and thanked the maid, she gave him a wink and went off to serve someone else.

The Innkeeper and cripple had finished conversing and were now haggling. After a short while the innkeeper gestured to a table laden with bread, cheese fruit and wine and the cripple’s eyes lit up with pleasure, he then continued to the table where he began to feast, stuffing his pockets and anywhere else that he could fill with food while he ate. Aurelius stood up and approached the fat man before he could waddle off.

‘Problem?’ he asked.

‘With what?’ Gehan replied, sweat already dripping down his forehead.

‘You were looking at me and my companion as the cripple was talking to you, and I couldn’t help but see that concerned look on your face, can we help you with anything?’

Getting all flustered and red faced Gehan went on.

‘Nothing, nothing to concern you, at all. Wench! More mead for our guests! ’He blustered out.

At this point Aurelius was losing his patience when Aetius stepped in and drew a small blade out and  pressed it into Gehan’s side, digging into his leather tunic hard enough to pierce through to the skin, where droplets of blood began to form. The Innkeeper’s eyes opened up wide and he let out a squeal like a new-born piglet so Aurelius covered his mouth with his hand.

‘If you do not tell me what I want to know, my friend will push that blade right into your guts, then twist until they’re all in knots, you’ll squeal then I assure you.’

The maid appeared with a fresh flagon of mead.  ‘Help me wench, don’t just stand there!’ Gehan barked at her, taking out his fear on her, but she just stood there, blank faced and holding the flagon, not knowing what to do with it. Aetius grabbed hold of it, thanking her, then proceeded to empty it over the landlord’s head. The maid looked horrified at first , then burst out laughing, quickly trying to stifle it as she turned away. Aurelius removed his hand from the fat man’s mouth.

‘Now…. Talk….’ He hissed.

Justus’ mutilated corpse had not been moved and lay in its own blood and guts when Aurelius and Aetius got there, led there by the cripple who was politely coerced by the Romans after the Innkeeper told them what he knew. A peasant was going through the dead man’s clothes and Aetius roared at him to get away. He rushed in and kicked the unfortunate wretch, just catching him in the ribs as he dodged and rolled to one side.

‘Bastard.’ Aetius spat through gritted teeth as the peasant jumped to his feet and ran for his life.

Looking down at the corpse now, they noticed the full extent to which he had been dismembered.

‘What in the Gods….’ Aetius wavered. ‘What beast would do this?’

‘No beast, the cuts are too neat…’ Aurelius answered as he picked up Justus’ clothing and covered him up.

‘His cloak is missing.’, he noticed. ‘a peasant must have taken it…..look, footprints…’

Aetius knelt down beside his dead friend’s body, studying the tracks in the blood. ‘Faint, but you can make them out in the blood.’

Aurelius stooped down next to him. ‘Small. a child or a small woman…’. Gazing out into the trees he thought aloud. ‘A small woman…’, ‘ we must get back to the port Aetius, now, and find Caius.'

‘What about Justus?’ he asked.

‘If I’m right…’ Aurelius answered. ‘……his own foolishness killed him, leave him to the wolves.’ Turning back down the track they ran as fast as they could back to the port, forgetting about the cripple, who watched them leave, then set off in the opposite direction as they disappeared in the distance.


Birge loved being in the forest but it always scared him as the day faded away, darkness seemed to emanate from deep in the trees first, he always thought, not from the sky. Shadows moved and strange noises called to him as he moved quickly through the dense woodland, glancing bravely now and again down dirt tracks he knew in the day time and imagining the dusk transforming the ancient pathways into portals to other realms, where trees came alive and ate you or turned you into something horrible.
His friends, if he had any real friends at all, would tease him with tales of the night, of creatures from a forgotten time that could eat you whole, with teeth as long his arm. Sometimes they would lead him into the woods before dark and run away, leaving him to find his own way out. That was a lifetime ago for him now, and he concentrated on the path ahead of him, barely lit by the moon that struggled to shine through the treetops. As he was almost out of the woods he could hear a gentle splash and singing.

He recognised the voice and knowing that there was a spring nearby that fed into a pool, he approached it, staying behind the trees, so as not to be seen. He peeked over a branch and saw Faeryn swimming, not seeming to mind the cold, singing softly to herself as she moved through the water. The cripple dared not move as he stared at her, he was a few years older than her but she was one of those who used to tease him. Secretly he held feelings for her, ever since the day he helped to try and save her mother, and held her in his arms after she died, he had loved her. He knew she could never love him, not in the way he wanted to, not in the way he had seen other boys love her when he used to watch without her knowing.

Faeryn could feel the transition she had made this night more so now as she bathed, the icy cold of the pool seemed to intensify the power within her .She felt it deep within her, a gift from the Goddess, it coursed through her body like a strong mead hitting the guts but thousands of times more potent, igniting all her senses. She could sense Birge and could feel his eyes watching her, sensing his eagerness, his lust, his love. When they were younger Faeryn was never aware of Birge’s true feelings, they were friends, and Faeryn and her other friends used to playfully tease and mock him. Tonight was the first time she became aware of his true feelings, his love would remain unrequited but her senses were multiplied by the gift she been given and his state of lust was almost overpowering. Faeryn became aroused by this and couldn’t control herself.

Faeryn stood up in the shallow pool, raising to her full height, the water barely reached to the tops of her thighs, lapping gently between her legs. Birge stared in disbelief as droplets glistened off her bare breasts and trickled down her body and disappeared between her legs. She was like a ghost as the moonlight cast it's glow over her, an apparition risen from the water. He was scared, but at the same time felt drawn to her like never before. Faeryn raised her arms slowly, running her fingers through the water. As her arms reached shoulder height, she spread her arms out and thrust out her bosom while she looked up at the moon. She could feel his eyes on her, drawing pleasure from the intense sensation she felt knowing the effect she was having on him.

‘Come Birge, I know you want me, take me!’ she beckoned him.

Birge rushed forward eagerly.

‘Come!…Come!..’ she urged, and he edged closer, not sure what to do but his body screamed for this moment. He couldn’t take his eyes of her, but as he ran into the water his withered leg dragged and caught on a rock, sending him face first into the water. Birge raised his head and looked at Faeryn, she looked at him and burst into laughter, loud and mocking. He scrambled out of the pool, and, full of shame ran off into the woods, not daring to looking back.

The light of a small candle could be seen through the trees, like a beacon in the darkness. It led Faeryn to the small, wattled house she was looking for. She pulled aside the willow branch door and crept inside, shivering she closed the door behind her. The candle gave off little light inside but just enough to see a bed of furs with someone underneath, half asleep. The occupant raised its head sleepily and lifted the candle to shed light on the unexpected guest.

‘Who is it?’ a soft female demanded.

‘Aeronwen…it’s me, Faeryn, don’t you recognize me?’

Aeronwen gently scolded Faeryn. ‘It’s been that long…’ feigning annoyance briefly, she could hardly hide her pleasure as she lifted the furs off her naked body, inviting Faeryn to join her.

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