Lost Promises

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – [Wrath] Missing Gold

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Days have passed since my last encounter with Alice, and I've been searching for her relentlessly on campus. Despite inquiries from my friends Yuuna and Hiroki, no one has seen a blonde-haired girl matching her description. I refuse to believe that I simply imagined seeing her, for the memories of her face and unique features remain crystal clear in my mind.

The sprawling university grounds only add to the challenge of finding Alice, yet it's hard to shake the feeling that her disappearance is unlike her. Could she be unwell? It's hard to believe that someone as vibrant and exemplary as Alice would miss a whole week of classes without a word.

My heart aches for the chance to speak to her again, she was the sole reason I chose this university over others. I am determined to leave no stone unturned in my search, even if it means seeking out her classmates or asking fellow students if they've seen her around. The thought of finally finding her keeps me hopeful, and I won't give up until I do.


The search for Alice continues, and with the day passing, my curiosity grows stronger. I've scoured the campus, asked my classmates, and even ventured into the vast depths of social media, but still, there's no trace of her.

Rumors of a blonde foreign student have made their rounds, but even that hasn't led me to her. Could it be possible that she's transferred to another university? The thought is almost unbearable, but the reality is, it's a possibility that I can't ignore. Who would give up the opportunity to study at Akiren anyway?

The lack of any online presence or contact information only adds to my frustration. I was hoping that I could at least connect with her through a message or call, but alas, I'm left with nothing.

Maybe a cup or two of chamomile tea at work might help me loosen up a bit.


"Oh, welcome back, Saito-kun. You seem tired. You can rest a bit before you start working."

"It's fine. I just have something on my mind. It won't affect my work."

"I see, don't overdo yourself then, but if you want to take a break for a bit, tell me."

"Thank you."

I headed to the staff room to change into my store uniform and was in for a surprise when I was greeted by Shiori Tamura, Tamura-san's daughter. She was dressed in the store's uniform and looked like she was about to help out in the café. Normally, I only see her when I'm about to leave, as she helps out at her father's shop, but this was the first time I'd seen her assisting in serving customers.

"Uh, Hello. Tamura Shiori-san."

Tensed up, she replied in a soft voice.

"Go-good afternoon, Saito-san."

"Are you helping out today?"

"Ah, yes. I help out every Friday and weekend. Uhm, and you could just call me Shiori. I'll go tend to the customers now."

With a quick bow, she headed towards the eager customers waiting in line. Despite her shy demeanor, her diligent appearance radiated a dependable aura. She reminded me of my friend Yuuna, who's always there to lend a helping hand. Well, enough about that, I also need to get working.


Today was a hectic shift, there were more customers than normal, but having Shiori-san's help made the workload bearable. Despite the busy day, she didn't seem the slightest bit tired, which made me realize I really need to get back into that exercise routine I'd been putting off.

Finally, the last customer was served and I could take a well-deserved rest. I headed outside, eager to enjoy a cup of tea and some bread to help soothe my weary body. I was so focused on my own rest that I completely forgot about Alice.

As I sat at one of the empty tables outside, savoring my tea and bread, the cool evening air was a welcome respite. The area was peaceful and quiet, with the absence of people, making it the perfect moment to unwind. Suddenly, Shiori-san approached me with a box in her hands.

"Here's a cake as a bonus for working today."

"Cake? I thought we were sold out of cake today. I checked the display, and there wasn't a single one left."

"This one is special. My father made it just for you, as a way of saying thank you for all your hard work."

"I feel guilty that you always give me something after work, and now your dad made a cake for me too? But I wouldn't want to be rude and turn down such a kind gesture. Thank you."

I accepted the box of cake and placed it on the table.

"Shiori-san, you know it's admirable that you help out with the shop."

"This much is just simple. I also consider it a part of my responsibility."

"I wish my friend back at our apartment was also as diligent as you. He is smart even smarter than me, although a bit lazy."

"Oh yeah, My father told me that you go to Akiren University is that true?"

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"Ah, well, yes. Although I almost ended up failing the screening, luckily I pulled through."

"It must be great entering such a renowned university. I wish I could also go to college, but... With my current circumstances, I barely have any opportunity to go to college."

Shiori-san's once bright and warm tone suddenly shifted, her expression now carrying a hint of sorrow. I couldn't help but sense that something was bothering her. Though I was curious, I didn't want to pry into her personal life and instead, decided to steer the conversation in a more lighthearted direction.

"What course were you planning to take?"

"I didn't think about it that much, but I was thinking something around the lines of medical science like being a doctor."

"I see medicine. Well, I myself am studying pharmaceutical science."

"Then what do you plan to do after graduating? Are you going to medical school? or do you immediately plan on working?"

Suddenly, Shiori-san's question left me stunned, as if I had been thrown into a whirlwind of emotions. I was caught off guard, unable to process the weight of her question. What did I want to become after graduation? The truth is, I had never dared to dream beyond reuniting with Alice. My mind raced as I searched for the right words, but they eluded me, leaving me struggling to come up with a response.

"I... I don't know"


"I don't know what I'll do in the future. I haven't planned anything."

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could even process them, tinged with a heavy sadness that weighed down my heart. My voice was low and filled with a sense of hopelessness.

"I thought maybe since you were studying in Akiren, you already had something in mind. Perhaps it was presumptuous of me to ask, but I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry for overstepping. Please forgive me and forget I ever asked that question."

Before I could set the record straight, Shiori-san graciously bowed, apologized, and quickly retreated into the cafe. She clearly misinterpreted my response.

As I think about it, I realize that Yuuna and Hiroki have also asked me about my post-graduation plans. However, their questions never carried the same weight as Shiori-san's. With Yuuna and Hiroki, I could easily brush off their questions, but with Shiori-san, I was hit with a wave of fear and uncertainty.

Overwhelmed by the realization, I quickly changed into my clothes and decided to head home. Perhaps some solitude will help me sort through my thoughts.

"Saito-kun, you're heading home already?"

"Ah, yes, I still have class tomorrow. So, I better get some rest."

"Have a safe trip then."

I said my farewell to Tamura-san, but Shiori-san was nowhere to be found.

"Could you please tell Shiori-san I'm sorry?"

"Uh, sure."

"Thank you."

I lowered my head in gratitude and started my journey back to our home, the freshly baked cake cradled in my arms. The walk felt tranquil and peaceful, giving me time to collect my thoughts. As I approached the doorstep of our apartment, I was met with the warm smile of Yuuna who was busy in the kitchen, and the sound of Hiroki's carefree laughter, still lounging.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back, you should take a bath first. I'm still cooking dinner."

"What did they give you this time? I hope it's something good, I'm starving."

Hiroki asked, knowing full well that my workplace always gifted me with a delicious treat after each and every shift. He knew the drill all too well, being the chief treat devourer in our apartment, leaving little to no crumbs for Yuuna and me to nibble on.

"Another cake, but I have no idea what flavor. You'll have to try it and let me know."

"Dinner is almost ready, so save the cake for later"

Just like that, the familiar dynamic of our apartment was back in full swing. Yuuna playing the role of the doting mother and Hiroki, the carefree brother. For a moment, I let go of my worries and decided to just bask in the joy of the present. Perhaps it's okay to put those future plans on hold for a while and enjoy the bliss of the moment.

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