Lost Souls From the Forest

Chapter 15: 15. Bombs Away! The Time-Stopping Topper and The School’s Big Bang

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“Hey… did you know what happened with–” Timmy scratched his head, since Hatkid had been sent to the nursery home at school he had been worried about her. It was seeing her hit her head with the wall that made him feel that he had gone too far with the prank. They were both in the classroom sitting in their own seats waiting for others to arrive. The classroom was mostly empty.

“With who?”

“You know who!” Timmy turned away from Jimmy.

“Oh, you mean–?

“Don’t say her name!”


“So? Do you know anything?”

“Not really, I just have been attending the same classes as you know, you should call her home if–”

“I don’t care about that!I just want to know if anybody found out about us messing up her hat!”

“Well, I did, just now.” The kids turned around and saw the teacher standing behind them.

“Mr. Karma!” Both of them exclaimed.

"Alright little flowers, let's not be messing with our fellow students' creations, it just ain't cool, especially if it results in hurting somebody, you dig?"

“We understand, Mr. Karma.”

“And I hope you do, but still, you know what comes next, right?”

“No… wait.” Jimmy looked back to Timmy with worry on his face.

“Don’t you mean…?” Timmy looked at Jimmy and then back to Mr. Karma.

“That’s right, to detention.”

“No! Wait!”


Timmy’s day ended up being spent inside the Iron Maiden of the school, he was allowed to leave after class was over, and he brushed it off as a terrible day, but the truth was that his bad luck that week had just started.

First it started with very little things that felt out of place. Like the place of her pen in class changing from side to side when he left it on the desk, having his desk rotated slightly when he arrived from a break, or noticing his water bottle ended up getting emptied faster than usual. All these felt a little odd, but he ignored it, attributing it to anxiety from his part and continued studying.


He turned around, for a moment he heard someone clicking their tongue, but he shrugged it off.

Then things started to get even weirder. First it started with the whooping cushion on his seat. Which was weird because he always checked before sitting down, he was the one who did that prank! Not others!

“Alright, who was it?!”

He turned around and looked for suspects, but everyone was laughing at him, it could have been anyway!

Then, it was the fake spider on his shoulder. He turned around feeling something and screamed when he saw the tarantula staring at him as if about to bite him, he jumped on his seat and threw the spider far away at the other side of the classroom.

“Are you alright little Timmy? This plastic spider is just a trippy illusion, man. Don't you fret now!” Mr. Karma took the spider that had landed on his desk and showed it to the class.

“Hahahaha!” All the class laughed at him while Timmy just went back to his seat, embarrassed.

The next time he opened his locker, an avalanche of notebooks fell over him.

“AAH!” He fell right down on his knees and covered his head.

“You shouldn’t put that many books in your locker, Timmy. Not very radical,” Jimmy snickered.

“These aren’t even my own notebooks!”

Entering class also became hell on itself. People would enter the classroom normally but when he was about to cross the door, he would bump into an invisible wall.

“Aww!” He scratched his head and then extended his hand trying to go past the door’s threshold, but his hand stopped in what seemed to be an invisible wall.

“What the–”

For some reason, the classroom itself looked very… static, as if it had been painted over. He walked a few steps back to look at the picture from far away.

At that moment Jimmy came in from the other side of the hallway. “Sup my dude!” He waved over Timmy and directed himself to the classroom.

“No.. Timmy, wait!”

“Come on! Let’s get to class!” Jimmy didn’t pay attention to Timmy and entered the classroom without problems.


Timmy tried to enter once again and walked over, but he was hit again with an invisible wall.

“Agh! What the peck! What is going on?”

He took a few steps back again and looked at the view of the classroom from the other side of the hallway. For some reason, as much as he looked inside the classroom, he couldn’t find Jimmy anywhere.

A couple of girls walked inside the classroom again without a problem. Timmy just scratched his head in confusion.

He walked over again and he got bumped in the head yet another time.

The pattern repeated itself a few times, someone would enter the classroom, and Timmy would try to enter just to hit himself with an invisible, wall like force.

He heard a little voice giggling from far away.

“Who is there? What is going on?! Show yourself!”

Was he going crazy?

Finally, Mr. Karma showed up and entered the classroom himself. He looked at Timmy and raised an eyebrow.

“Uh... what are you doing there little man? Come on in, our search for knowledge of today is about to start!”


“Is there something wrong?”

“Uh, nothing, sir.”

“Alright then, come in!” Mr. Karma entered the classroom as well without an issue, leaving Timmy alone in the corridor.

He tilted his head and put his hand on his chin. “Hmm, maybe if…Oh! I know!” He got an idea, he would try to break the invisible wall with all his strength, maybe if he charged himself with all his might, the wall would probably give in, somehow.

“Yes! What a brilliant idea!” He stood back as far as he could from the classroom and ran as fast as he could towards the invisible wall… only to pass directly into the classroom and right into the teacher’s desk.

The desk broke and Timmy fell on his head on the floor and the class broke into laughter once again.

“Timmy, what's gotten into you man? Do you really want to avoid starting class and learning new things?"

Timmy was sent into detention once again.

At lunch, he sat along with Jimmy in the cafeteria.

“Really? It wasn’t you?”

“How could it have been me! I was far away from your own desk in that class! And nobody saw anybody putting a spider on your shoulder!”

“I don’t know man, something really weird is going on here. Weird things keep happening to me.”

“Yeah, like what?”

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“First it was the cushion, then it was the locker thing, the chair of my desk disappearing, my bag getting turned inside out the moment I stopped looking at it, the bucket of water falling over me when I left the classroom, the banana peel I fell on, the volleyball magically transforming in a ball made of concrete in sports class just when I went to catch it, the ketchup in my shampoo bottle this morning, and then there was a lot of saliva on my desk when I woke up in the middle of class!”


“And look, see my cool face tattoos? I haven’t been able to take them off since a week ago! It’s like someone replaced all the paint I used with permanent markers! Now I’m stuck with them all over my face! My parents aren’t happy about it!”

“Heh.” Jimmy chuckled, but he stopped when he saw Timmy scowl at him.

“There is also that weird thing with the invisible wall in class, I swear, something weird is going on.”

“Really? Because no one else was having issues entering the classroom, it seems it was just you man, your anxiety is getting into you.”

Timmy sighed. “I guess you are right.” He took his soda bottle and started to drink, when he noticed something dreadful.

“Ugh! What is this?!”


“My soda was changed to tea!”

“Oh no.”

“That does it! I am going to find out who has been messing around with me the last few days!” Timmy threw the bottle as far as he could, accidentally hitting Hatkid in the head, who was at the other side of the table. She was now wearing her purple shirt and a yellow cape.


“What the–” Jimmy and Timmy looked at Hatkid, who was holding a soda bottle in her hands.

“When did she sit here?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t see her until now.”

Hatkid took off her hat and looked at it. It was completely broken, the bottle Timmy had thrown had completely destroyed its components and the modifications she had made. “Oh oh.”

“So it was you!” Timmy pointed at her.

“Uh… bye!” She took her hat and ran away from the cafeteria.

“Quick, Jimmy, give me my rocket hat!”

“Right!” Jimmy handed Timmy his rocket hat, and Timmy put it on and began chasing after Hatkid.

As he ran, he tripped over his own shoelaces and went flying, arms and legs flailing in the air. The rocket hat, still activated, shot straight up in the air and Timmy collided with a tray of food that had been abandoned on a nearby table.

“AAAAH!” He ended up covered head to toe in spaghetti, meatballs, and tomato sauce, as the rocket hat came crashing back down and landed on his head, sending him spinning in circles.

Hatkid turned around to see the chaos and couldn't help but laugh as Timmy tried to regain his balance. “Ugh… I’m going to get you!” Timmy said as he finally stood up.

As they ran through the halls of the school the two of them caused all sorts of chaos. They tripped over their own feet, knocked over bookshelves, and slid down banisters.

The principal, a woman wearing black clothes and gothic makeup, saw the sports trophies that were about to fall from the shelves with broken windows.

“Noo!” She launched herself into the ground trying to catch them over, but it was too late.

Several trophies fell into the ground, but none of them broke.

“Oh, right, these things are made of gold, they can’t break that easily.”

Right afterwards all of the trophies were broken into a million pieces. The scream of a hundred souls was heard everywhere in the school coming out from the trophies themselves.

“A dark curse is going to fall in this school,” she sighed.

Just as Timmy were about to catch up Hatkid, she disappeared into the science lab. Timmy followed her inside to find that the science teacher, Mrs. Chemistress, had accidentally mixed together a potion that was causing the school to shake and rumble in an experiment trying to create free electricity.

"What are you two lugs doing here? Get out! If you touch anything this place is going to blow up!" Mrs. Chemistress shouted, as she tried to shoo them out of the lab.

“Where did she go?” Timmy looked around for Hatkid, and finally saw her standing up in the window frame, smirking.

“Uh, I don’t think you should be standing there Miss, this is the 20th floor and you get hurt if you fall there, so please… come down.”

The principal arrived at the lab and saw the scene from afar.

“Bring back that kid! We need her to stop the spirits that hold this school imprisoned she has liberated!”

“Ha! Found you!” Timmy extended his hands and walked slowly towards her. “Now stay where you are! Your days of mayhem are over!”

“Blegh!” Hatkid put on her purple top hat and showed to Timmy a glass flask with a weird liquid inside of it.

“Wait… is that?” Timmy stopped right on his tracks, looking at the bubbling red liquid.

“No! Wait! You need to return that to me now! It could mean the end of this school as we know it!”

“AAAAH!” Timmy launched herself over towards her, and so did Mrs. Chemistress and trying to grab the glass flask, the Principal ran towards them, but she was too late as well.

“WABOO!” Hatkid threw the flask into the floor and jumped out of the window. Once the flask touched the floor and the potion exploded, the whole school shook, sending them flying into the air, the school was covered in a giant ball of flames. Hatkid didn’t look back and jumped as far as he could into the air with a smile on her face. In that moment with her cape waving in the air and her hat she finally felt truly happy. Nobody was going to stop her from having fun ever again!

She did a perfect landing rolling over in the field outside the school. She stood up, and left towards her home.

Timmy, the teacher and the principal stumbled out of the building, covered in soot and ash.

“Ugh… not radical, this is not radical at all.” Timmy stumbled between the ruins of the building, dizzy from the explosion, and finally passed out.


“What? Are you sure you are leaving?!” Bowkid looked at the girl, they were both sitting on the bench of an alien park.

“Mhmm.” Hatkid nodded.

“But, you could still stay! My parents had solved this, they are influential people, we talked with the school and they said that they will let you come back if you stay on probation, or we could go to another school if you want!”

Hatkid shook her head.

“But why? Why do you want to leave the planet?”

Hatkid didn’t say anything to her, she just smiled over with a sad look in her eyes.

“You want to try and save them.”

She looked towards the park, there was a beautiful lake in front of them and the sky was clear.

“You want to go and find a way to save your parents. It’s that thing about the timepieces you learned about Mr. Tim the CEO, right? You want to go and find more to try and get them out from the black hole.”

“Tim is going to be very sad when he comes back and finds out you have taken your parents' spare spaceship you know. I mean, I know, it is pretty small and it probably was made for you, but still! You shouldn’t leave just without his permission, you know! He is your guardian after all!”

Hatkid offered her hand and Bowkid took her over.

“I mean I guess… I understand, or well, I don’t, I don’t know what you are going through, but I’m going to respect it. I just wish you could have stayed longer here. There are so many things we could do together. And I guess… I guess I feel guilty for not being there for you when you needed it the most. If I wasn’t working for our magazine, I would haven’t missed so much class, and I would have noticed that you needed help.”

“It’s okay.” Hatkid smiled and hugged the girl. They stayed like that for a long while.

“At least make sure to call me from time to time if you can alright, alright?”

Hatkid nodded. They finally stood up, and Hatkid entered her spaceship that she had parked in the middle of the park.

Bowkid stood at the side of the bench they were in and waved towards her, Hatkid waved her hand back and took control of the ship.

She started her ship over and took off. Bowkid looked towards the ship as it abandoned the planet until it was no more than a mere dot in the distant sky. She cleaned her face from a tear that had shed from her eye.

“Goodbye, my best friend.”

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