Love & Dungeon: An Isekai NTRPG

Chapter 3: Chapter Three

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The first floor of the Great Zoma Dungeon was where we marked our destination.  It was already after the midday sun peaked that we had arrived at the entrance, and we had been inside it for at least two or three hours now.  Zoma Capital City is built on top of the Great Zoma Dungeon itself, and as for entrances, there are a few artificial ones, but the main one which everyone like us enters through is located dead center in the heart of the city.


To give some geography to Zoma Capital City, about a half a mile south of the dungeon’s entrance is the Dungeoneer’s Guild, as it’s close to the southern gates to the city where most of the influx of travelers filter into the city from.  Most of them arrive with the goal to join the guild and find out the harsh and mortally cruel reality on their very first dive.


About a mile North of the dungeon is where the nobility quarters are, and the nobility rule the city.  In fact, there’s a strict caste system in place, and as a dungeon diver, one without any kind of title and without the protection of the Dungeoneer’s Guild, will find it highly likely that a dog or cat owned by a noble was about two stations higher than they were.


There were ways one could obtain a title, but the primary method… was money.


Yes, one parallel to Earth was that cash was king here.  I’m not joking at all.  There is an actual king, but it’s done by calculating assets owned at the month prior to the year’s end.  The richest person in the city, becomes the king.  Unless somehow the king becomes destitute during their reign, they rule while of course being kept in check quite a bit by the nobility also in the close by financial rankings.  They are as much in collusion with each other as they are actively backstabbing and if I had money or a title, it might behoove me to pay attention to who is who in the game of thrones, but I am at the bottom.


I would be nothing but a bug to them.


Which is fine with me, for now.


Because I’m only level two.


I gained a level killing Bat-bats, mostly.


If I had my mace, I would have spattered the Jellies, but the long reach of the spear made things easier for me, and while I don’t know if it was entirely because of the Divine Weaponry skill I selected or not, wielding it seemed to come naturally, though I felt like I only had the most basic grasp on how to do so.


I’m being accompanied by my two new party members, Gonzo and Teresa, who are, for lack of a better vocabulary to describe them and not wanting to be pretentious enough to call them macabre… They’re fucking disgusting freaks.


Well, they picked Shadow Knight and Necromancer for classes.  They are complete edgelords, yet I find their company humorous at times.


Gonzo postulated an important question that had our minds boggling over it for the last half hour, and that was the nature of how Alurian’s Heal would feel on a monster like a Bat-bat.


Does a bat know how good a pair of soft tits feel? 


What about a dripping wet snatch?


To be honest, even I, a former twenty-nine year old reincarnated into the body of my nineteen year old self, who just recently lost his virginity to a sex worker in a brothel that has some kind of affiliation to the Goddess I have decided to place my faith into… wondered just as much as they did.


It got to the point where we had captured a wounded Bat-bat, and while Gonzo pinned it down, had done his best to convince me to heal it so we could see it’s reaction.


I almost did.


I swear, I almost did.


But then I had a thought.  What if it was actually Alurian’s tits or her juicy godlike pussy that actually did the healing?  Would I want the Goddess I’ve decided to serve to have to violate a part of her divine body with... a monster?


I ended up chickening out.


In exchange however, I told Gonzo if he let the Bat-bat bite him, I’d heal him up.  Gonzo is a crazy man, and I imagine he’d have to be.  Otherwise I can’t see any reason Teresa would put up with him.


Teresa I swear is a sick and twisted bitch too, and if not for Gonzo being crazy enough to stick his dick in her while risking her retaliating with a rotten skeleton bone of her own up his own ass should she be so inclined, they might be the two most insane people in the dungeon that I’ve met so far.


As for me?


It's tits.


Alurian’s tits are what I feel when I heal myself.  Actually, that’s entirely a lie.  It’s Satori Kokoro’s tits that I feel.  Soft, tender, not quite fully medium sized tits that somehow make me feel at peace thinking about touching them.


We had been working our way to the room containing the floor boss.  When we finally arrived at the doorway to it, I was level two.  It took me just about a month to get to level ten with help from the original Red Hawks and they actually had good coordination, chemistry, and tactics.  Partying with Gonzo and Teresa is like something out of some teenage revenge power fantasy.  Gonzo, being about ten levels higher than any monster on the floor just stabs, cuts, and darts around the rooms we pass through whenever there is a shadow he can sink his foot into crying out the name of his skill as he lands deathblow after deathblow.  Teresa just lets her skeleton, Duster, do all her dirty work.


Teresa, after a conversation about what a flame thrower was that I had brought up when talking about interesting uses for fire magic, has been trying to synergize her Dark Fire skill to manifest in the skull of her summoned skeleton, Duster, so that it can drop open it’s jaw and breathe out the unholy flame towards any foes it goes up against, or shoot out Dark Fire from it’s eyes in a menacing way like a sneak attack.


Absolute. Fucking. Edgelords.


What’s the word Kokoro would call it if she were in Japan right now?  Chuunibyou?


Yeah, it’s that.  But edgier.


I had earned a skill point upon reaching level two, though I hadn’t spent it yet.  While we took a break in front of the boss room, enjoying a bit of food we had stored for the occasion which had actually kept it’s temperature while in Alurian’s Divine Treasury, what was now my improved and unique item box, I decided to show my faith in my new party members by choosing a skill to benefit Gonzo, though I now suspect it’s entirely to add to his edginess.


Grace of the Whirlwind

『This ability allows you to bestow a temporary boost in movement speed to the target you designate within one meter of you.  The longer the duration of channeling, the longer the effect will last.』


“Gonzo, do you think you and Teresa can take down the Hell Mother on your own?”


“That snail bitch?  Piece of bread!  Hells man, with your spear you could probably do it, just as long as you jump before that bitch slams her foot down and drops you on your ass.”


“Ah, you see.  I have picked up a skill that should suit you, want to try it out?”


“You picked a new skill?  Which one?”


“Grace of the Whirlwind.  It’s supposed to make you move quick as the wind.”


“Whoa!  Isn’t that a skill exclusive to Rangers, Druids, and Rogues?”


“I don’t know, but I chose it just now.  Want to give it a test when we’re done eating?  I wanna see how fast you can poke it in it’s head and then it’s ass.” I joked.


“Nox Yeah!  I so wanna try that out!  Teresa, imagine that I could move so fast I could do you in both your holes!”


“What have I told you about rear entry, Gonz?”


“I can only ask once a month.”


“And did I let you do so already this month?”




“And did your sorry ass not lose it not ten pumps in?”




“Well, we’ll see how you do.  If you can poke her in her head and ass fast enough to make her head jump back out of her shell, I might let you give it a try with me for a second time this month.  But don’t think I’ll let you do it more than that.  This is me being the woman of your nightmares.”


“Babe, only you can terrorize me to the point my heart stops and my dick shrivels up!”


Those two got a bit closer with each other after confessing their twisted love for each other, and after what was a slovenly display of lecherous kissing and face licking while still tasting like greasy meat, I put our makeshift camp away in my Divine Treasury, and with Gonzo’s enthusiastic approval, I began channeling the Grace of the Whirlwind skill onto his body.


He began moving his hands and sure enough they quickly began to blur faster and faster.


“I bet if I fingered you like this, you’d come in ten seconds.”


“We’ll test it later, maybe.”  She cast me a look that didn’t say she wasn’t entirely uninterested in finding the answer to that question out.


I made it a private personal judgment at that moment, that the followers of Grimlock must all be bat-shit insane.


When I felt like it was enough, I cancelled the channeling of the skill, and we opened the door to the boss room, ready to fight the oversized Hell Turtle, Hell Mother.  I hung back a bit, ready to rush and heal either of them if necessary, but the truth was, Hell Mother was so damn slow and telegraphed everything.  Even a child with a long enough stick could beat her.




However, the Great Zoma Dungeon on occasion will throw an unexpected curve ball every now and then.


Gonzo previously mentioned two types of monsters the Goblin Leader could have been when we talked about my party wipe.  Named Monsters and Variants.


Named Monsters are exactly as it sounds.


Every once in a while, a monster with certain characteristics emerges.  There is a distinct look about them that just screams this monster is dangerous!  In the case of the boss of the first floor, Hell Mother, they call her Hellen.  If you compared it to a certain third sequel to a famous video game franchise, instead of being the regular sized green-shelled turtle a certain plumber hops on, it’s the larger version that could be found in the world of giants.


With Variants, it’s another story entirely.  They often look the same as all the others, but they possess some aspect that is wildly enhanced.  They can attack harder or faster, jump higher, maybe even glow in the dark?  There’s no way of knowing what a variant’s enhanced trait is until you come face-to-face with it.


Floor bosses are not excluded from being Variants.


There’s about a reliable 85% chance the monster will be normal.  A 10% chance it is a named monster, and a 5% chance it’s a variant.  I haven’t heard of a boss having both attributes before, being both named and a variant, and luckily this time was no different.  It wasn’t a boss and a variant.


It was just a variant.


A devilishly fast variant.


“Woo, let’s go snappy!”  Gonzo cried out ready to wreak havoc.


Imagine a large turtle moving as fast as a cheetah.


Yeah, that’s what was going on right now.  Gonzo, who might not have made the sound judgment call that this was in fact a variant, was trying to impress his witchy-bitchy lover, Teresa, by using the Grace of the Whirlwind buff I applied on him to do exactly as he promised to do for the sole purpose of getting into both sides of Teresa’s panties.


Teresa was standing next to me, while Gonzo, to his merit, was giving the variant Hell Mother a run for her money.  I had channeled the skill for a good amount of time before we entered the boss room, so I imagine it was near it’s peak performance, considering it was only at the first level of the skill.


“Babe, any idea where this bitch’s hole is?”


“Isn’t everyone’s between their back legs?”


“Yeah, but… I don’t see it.”


“Why do you care?”


“Just curious.  I want to see how fast I can stab from one to the other… you know, just in case.”


“Gonz… You have to stab it in the head and then the ass like we agreed, or you aren’t getting in that door.”


“Aww, how am I supposed to do that with this stupid bitch? She’s moving too fast!”


“Can I make a suggestion?”  I asked Teresa.


She shot me a glance that had to have been laced with a curse.


I got the feeling that she in fact was hoping for such a situation to have occurred here, and that she did not enjoy being boned in the behind.


“Nevermind.”  I relented.


Her hexing stare calmed itself, and she returned to watching her lover continue to make a fool of himself for her.  Clearly, she was the one running the relationship, and Gonzo was only there to amuse her.


 Well, who am I to come between how lovers treat each other?


Gonzo however, wouldn’t get the desired reaction from the Hell Mother that he needed to win his chance with Teresa.  The first floor boss had died long ago from one too many stabs in either the head or the tail or perhaps Gonzo found her mysteriously hidden genitals and the pain of an iron spike was too much for the reptilian matriarch.


Either way, there was now one dead Hell Mother, and our trip through the first floor was at an end.


I was a few experience points shy of hitting level three.


I can’t even believe it was that fast.


Gonzo, when he realized it was dead, fell to his knees and cried out for the injustice.  But really he just wanted to clap the brownest of her cheeks and was outright denied by his own bad luck.


I wanted to test something out, so I walked over to the Hell Mother and attempted to transfer her to the Divine Treasury.  With ease, she fit.  Though I hadn’t tried it when my item box was at level four, since the Red Hawks had focused exclusively on levelling me up efficiently on the second floor from the time I was level seven, I know for a fact I couldn’t fit her in there when my item box skill was still at only level three.


If we had arrived earlier in the day, it’s entirely possible there would have been more general monsters on the first floor for me to have reached level three.  However, after a quick discussion with them, we decided to push on to the second floor just a little bit to get me the necessary kills and experience, then we’d call it a successful first dive as a new party.


The second floor of the Zoma Dungeon was nicknamed Goblin Land.


It was exclusively composed of Goblins, Hoblins, Moblins, and Roblins.  It was like an archetype of what a party should look like, except they were goblins, and the enemy.  Goblins were the kind to have long knives and wooden shields.  Hoblins were annoying spell-casters that used earth magic to try and knock divers off their feet.  Moblins were ranged attackers, using lances, bows, axes, slings… they were nothing but trouble because they liked to attack in tandem with others of their kind, usually by surrounding or forcing their opponents into a pincer situation, hence the mob part of the name.  And Roblins… were the worst.  They loved to get close to dungeon divers and do exactly what their name entailed.


They robbed you at the first opportunity, and then retreated with whatever they stole.  This made parties have to chase after them into ambush after ambush to get back their stolen items.


Of course, as someone with an item box, I was mostly safe.




I swear to Alurian, Roblins are the cockroaches of the Great Zoma Dungeon.  They often gave the Red Hawks quite the run sometimes, like when they stole Jung’s daggers once when he was using his bow to offer some supporting fire against Moblins.  Or when they stole Marta’s spell book right out of her hand when she was casting her special split-fireball magic and she completely lost her shit burning her mana dry as she chain-casted a multitude of fireballs eventually catching up and frying the little shit.


And as for me….


They stole my belt once.


That’s why I was only mostly safe.


I was chasing after the bastard along with my party with my breeches constantly threatening to fall down the second I dared to let go.  Jung kept finding it hilarious and would bring it up as often as possible.  Kyros suggested I get a belt that secured itself in more than one place to avoid that happening in the future.  Relenna talked about how a roblin somehow managed to swipe her panties the first time they encountered them, and by the time they found the roblin who stole them, the panties were unsafe for human use ever again.  There’s a story there, but I shouldn’t talk about it. 


By the way, I never got around to purchasing that more secure belt.


What we came for on the second floor we managed to get within ten minutes.


Congratulations!  You have reached level three.

【Status Point have increased by five!】

【Skill Points have increased by one!】


“Hey guys, we can stop now.  I made the next level.”


We were about four rooms away from the between-floors room with the magical teleportation circle, and so I ushered the two of them back to what was essentially the safe zone.


“I think we can call it a good dive for now.  We have some good drops, and I’d like some time to consider the next skill I want to get.” I explained.


“Alright, let’s spit the rewards back at the guild!”  Gonzo seemed motivated at least when it came to receiving his share of the money.


At the guild, I had a nickname among the monster disassemblers.


I was Randell “Full-body” Heart.


This was because I brought back whole intact monster corpses on my runs with the Red Hawks instead of just the proof of subjugation.  Bat-bats were always welcome since they had a multitude of uses for alchemy and cooking.


Bat-bats were a low-cost and nutritious meat for the impoverished.  The wings, nails, fangs, blood, and after a good squeeze – guano, all were excellent materials for low grade alchemy.  Their fur could also be used for many things once cleaned by the weavers, tailors, and tanners, so it was always decent coin to bring them back.


Hell Turtles almost always went to the smiths and cooks, as the Hell Turtle meat made any soup stock richer and full of chewy meat, while the shells became shield equipment most of the time.  It was sturdy and had good durability, but even a Hell Turtle shield would break eventually, so there was always a demand for it from fledgling adventurers.


There were a few Kobold bodies too but we didn’t encounter all too many of them since we dived later than we should have.  Kobold meat was a hard no, since there was no way to remove the gamey taste, and aside from their brains which was the only decent catalyst an alchemist wanted, they were generally a waste to bring back.  Their fur was mangy so it couldn’t be used effectively by the artisans, and truthfully that was what could be said about all of the Goblinkind which could be found on the second floor.


They were just complete nuisances.


The second floor of the Great Zoma Dungeon was mostly about learning how to operate as a party.  What made up the difference in income on that floor was that there were always decent drops when it came to weapons and armor.  They were almost always unusable by adventurers, but they could be repurposed by craftsmen and smiths easily enough.


Why mine for iron ore when you can just melt down an iron sword again?  Though, most often than not, the weapons they carried into battle were made of a sharp wood instead, and those were only good for kindling in a safe zone or before the boss room, which coincidentally was something of a safe zone as well.


There seemed to be a ten meter radius from the door to the boss room that acted like a natural deterrent to any monsters in the dungeon.  There was no explanation for this phenomenon, but it did persist at least as far down as the fiftieth floor.  In fact, what the boss of the fiftieth floor was, and what was past that was not public knowledge.


The Dungeoneering Guild treated the Raid Boss of the fiftieth floor as the dividing point between the elites and everyone else.  That boss was only known as “Crisis.”


Because anyone who faced it, underwent a crisis.  Many veterans decided to end their career after facing that boss, and the casualty rate is obscenely high.  But that’s why in terms of treasure, it’s said the fiftieth floor is called the “Land of Gold.”


That is where the most lucrative treasures in the dungeon can be found.  And that was the original target of the Red Hawks since with enough money, you can do anything in the world you wanted.


For Relenna, she wanted to be a Countess and bring all the children from her orphanage to live in a mansion she would one day buy with Kyros.  Jung wanted enough money to own his own brothel and never run out of wine to drink cupped between two obscenely large breasts.  Marta wanted to earn enough to bribe her way into the Tower of Magic, where she could spend her days learning the deeper mysteries of magic, perhaps even one day becoming a Great Sage.




I didn’t have a plan at all.


I just wanted to live for the next day that dawned.


And it took the useless deaths of four people with great ambitions to let me have that opportunity.


I parted with the pair of edgy followers of Grimlock and returned to the inn after we collected and split our reward at the guild.  It was half now and half later after the guild sold the materials, so my earnings today was one large silver coin.


My actual funds currently on hand were three large silver coins, eight silver coins, five large copper coins, and three copper coins.  Copper coins were essentially my food budget.  Silver coins were for paying for my room at the Blue Robin and well… for Kokoro now, too.


Speaking of that, dungeon diving leaves you quite rank and sweaty, so at the inn I parted with some copper coins to get the Inn's Daughter to create hot bath water for me.


“You’re the only one who wants it so often.”  She said, but happily took my coins just the same.


I didn’t want to smell bad for Kokoro tonight.


I… couldn’t have a whole second night with her, so I budgeted for two hours.  I would get stronger quickly, and be able to afford more time with her in the future.


But for now, I wanted to talk to her about the offer given to us by Alurian.


I know I’m crazy for wanting to do it.  But I’m also alone.  Every person needs something to hold on to so they can stay sane and normal, even if the person I’m choosing is well… a sex worker.


I did my best to push from my mind what that actually meant.


Instead, I came for healing.


Real healing, from Kokoro.


I submerged myself in the hot water of the bath, and thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to gain some elemental magic at some point so I could do this myself.


Marta knew two types of magic.  Fire and Wind, and she was actually studying the concept of magic and mana manipulation and working her way to parallel casting so she could make the most of it.


In our discussions on magic, I had explained weather phenomenon like heat and cold and how wind changed due to temperature and how things like hurricanes and tornadoes formed.  She found it all fascinating and we’d talk for hours in my room.  Marta wasn’t the most beautiful girl, but she was honest and friendly.  She didn’t look down on me who also wanted to understand the mysteries of this world, and I think that’s why we got along well enough.


“I’m sorry… Marta.  I’m sorry your path to greatness ended too soon.  I’m sure you would have been a Great Sage and made some researcher a happy man.”


Actually, was she even into men?


Truth be told, I think everyone in the party had a thing for Relenna in one way or another.  Even Jung, though his outlet for it was the brothel.  I was just happy she welcomed me to her party.  I mean, she was pretty damn amazing with her spear skills, and even though she was in love with Kyros, she didn’t rub it in everyone’s faces.


I just…


I miss them all.


It was only due to the water I was soaking in that I didn’t realize that my tears which were of the same level of warmth now were trickling from my eyes and down my cheeks.


Party wipes are traumatic events, and there’s no shortage of divers who quit outright after one happens.  Though I was with the Red Hawks for close to month, and didn’t know them half as well as they knew each other, that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy their companionship any less.


I finished my bath and got dressed again, making my way to the entertainment district.  Alurian’s Bosom was the name of the brothel Satori Kokoro worked at and I had no idea what it’s operating hours were.


I wanted her to bond with me after only one night.  I even brought the divine artifact given to me by the Goddess herself for that very reason, yet, I was nervous.


I wanted to believe in it though.


That I wasn’t completely alone in this world as I had been on Earth.


That because I lived again after my death, it was because my fate was to meet her.


For twenty-nine years, the only woman to ever give a shit about me was my mother.  What Kokoro and I did in that room last night, was something much different than a mother’s love.  To me it was something that had always been at the edge of my understanding.  It was the real reason why I, a grown man, should have bothered to get up in the morning and even try.


It was to find the happiness that was meant for me.  The happiness that was the smile on her face, and the warmth of her soft body which permeated all the way to my heart.


Entering the establishment, it was open, but there was next to no clientele, nor any sign of the Madame.  There was however the receptionist from the day before, and she seemed to immediately recognize me.


“You came back quickly.” she said.


“Y-yeah.  I don’t know if it was at the right time, though.  I don’t know the hours of operation here.”


“Mostly it’s sundown to sunup, but aside from a few specific hours, we’re almost always open to someone wanting to empty a coin purse.”


That made sense enough to me.  The oldest occupation in the world only stopped long enough for sleep, and not always then either.


“So, want to try someone different today?"


“No.  I… actually want the same one as last time.”


“Which one was that?”




“Kokoro?  Hold on a second.”


She disappeared from the counter and sped towards a room in the back somewhere out of my view.  A few moments later she returned.


“I’m sorry, that girl is unavailable today.”


“…is there a reason why?”

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“Madame didn’t say.”


That didn’t bode well.


“Is… there a possibility I could speak with the Madame?”


“Are you insisting?”


“I don’t want to cause trouble if you think that’s my aim.  I just… there’s something important I need to take care of with her as soon as possible.  Can you relay that to the Madame at least… please?”


The receptionist sighed.


“Just a moment.”


A few moments later the receptionist returned, and along with her, the somewhat overweight madam with the folding fan.  It was decorative and different from the one she had yesterday.


“Ah, the boy.  She’s not in a condition to take care of you today.  I hope you can understand.”


“That’s fine.  I’m… okay with not doing anything.  I just want to talk with her for a little while.”


I pulled out my two large silver coins and placed them down on the table.


“You said one large for an hour, right?  If that’s not enough, then I’ll give you two for the hour, I just… want to see her for a short while.”


“I will tell you this once and only once.  I treat my girls much better than others, so when I say she is unfit to day to service you, I expect you to understand that the first and only time I will ever tell you.”


“I can get by with only words today, if you’ll allow me to see her.”


She reached down and slid the coins from the table and into her hand.


“One hour.  You keep it in your pants the entire time.”


“Thank you.”


She looked at me curiously, then pointed to the same room.  Was that her official room here?  Did I perhaps do something harmful to her yesterday and she just bore it until I left?  Or was it perhaps her biological time of the month?


With worry I ascended the staircase and knocked on her door.


When there was no answer I called out gently that it was me, Randell, and if it was alright to enter since I had the Madame’s permission to see her.


“Come in.”


The door was open and I entered.


Satori Kokoro was there in the room, lying on the bed and under some covers.


“Randell!  You came to see me again?  But I… we can’t do anything tonight.  It's the Madame's orders...”


“We can talk.  For an hour or two at least, if that’s okay?”


“You just came to talk with me?”


“Is that not alright with you?”


“No!  Not at all, I’m happy you came.  I just feel bad you have to spend money and that’s all I can do.”


“That’s all I need you to do, though?”


I walked over to the bed and sat down on it next to her.


“I uh… am I responsible for you… being like that?”


She put her hand to her mouth and giggled.


“Do you think you were that good?”


“I have no idea.  But the thought of hurting you doesn’t appeal to me.”


“You didn’t do anything wrong at all, Randell.  I enjoyed last night with you very much, and the morning after as well.”


I felt the worry that had been forming melt away immediately from the brightness of her smile alone.


“I’m just a bit sore… down there.  We did do it a whole bunch last night after all.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Why should you apologize for having a good time with me?”


“I did.  Thanks to you… I was able to make a decision about my future.  And that’s mostly the reason why I rushed here to see you.”


“You decided to class change and continue dungeon diving?”


“I did.  I um…  I got an opportunity beyond my wildest dreams, and that’s also something I wanted to talk to you about.  What we touched on before I left.”


“What is it, Randell?”


I opened up the Divine Treasury and removed the Gem-faced Rubik’s Cube artifact given to me by the Goddess Alurian while on the Central Dias during my Class Change.


“I um.  I know my emotions were a bit over the place, but I still think I meant every bit of what I said.  It might take a while to help you leave here, but until then would you consider becoming my wife, and letting our souls and fate be bound together?”


“W-w-w-w-wait!  Are you… proposing to me?”


“Yeah, but… I think it’s more than just a proposal.  I know it’s quick and unreasonable probably, since we’re both from the modern age and not the earlier times when it was normal to propose to someone you have feeling for in this way so suddenly.  But I’d like to do it anyway!  I feel a connection with you that I can’t put into words because there aren’t any that can describe the comfort and peace you gave to me last night.  I want to spend my life with you, no matter how difficult it might be to attain that.  I want to care for you when you are sick, and love you when you are well.  I will obtain for you what you cannot obtain for yourself, and I want only the deepest love in your heart to belong to me, since…”


“…yeah, since…”


I held the cube out to her.


“If… you are willing to take a chance on a guy like me, I will do everything in my power to make you happy and give you a flowery path once your hardships are at an end.  In return all you have to do is hold this artifact with me, and agree to be my wife.”


“This… is a magic artifact?”


“Yes.  But, it’s not something I can force you to do, nor do I want to.  There’s no point in asking if you don’t think there’s a reason to be with me.  I’m not all that religious, and I don’t think I ever went to a wedding in my life, so I don’t know much about that.  But I’m still a man, and perhaps in love for the first time in my life… with you.”


“I’m…”  She was reluctant to hold it.  “I work here, Randell.  Do you really understand what you’re asking?”


“Can I have your heart?  Can that be the only thing you don’t have to give away?”


“You’re serious?”


I nodded.


“Never in my life have I been as serious.  Not even when going for my bachelor’s degree in computer science.”


She giggled again.


“A college graduate are you?  I liked to draw manga back in high school.  Manga artists got paid like shit though.  I ended up going but hated college...”


She looked at the artifact and then to me.


“Are you sure you want me as your wife?”


“I’m sure.”


“I’m going to cost you a fortune.”


“Then I’ll earn twice the fortune needed or more.”


“When you get me out of here, I want to live a life of luxury.”


“Getting greedy now, are we?”


“I’ll take care of you so good in bed, you’ll want to be this world’s Bess Jesos just to keep me happy.”


“The bald guy from Mamazon?  You want me to lose my hair?”


“No way!  Then… maybe you can make a little less money than that and still keep your hair!  I want something soft to play with too.”


“Alright.  I’ll lavish you with all that money can buy after I take you from here if it will make you happy.”


“I'm only kidding.  I also want to be happy too, Randell, that’s what I want most of all.  Do you believe you can make me happy?”


I shook my head.


“No.  I can't make you happy, but I can do whatever it is you need me to so you can have the opportunity to find what it is that makes you happy and reach out for it with your own hands easily.  If it happens to include me, that would just be the best result!”


“You’re an idiot.  You should have said you could.”


“I’m not a liar.”


“No, you aren’t, are you?”  She said with a wistful tone. “What if I was?”


“Then, can you make it so the only thing you ever need to be truthful with me about is your love for me?  If… if you ever have it, that is?”


“I’ll marry you Randell Heart.  You might regret it though, and for sure you’re going to take good care of me from now on!”


“I promise!”


“Then… I… do!  I’ll be your wife in this world we’re both stuck in!”


The artifact we were holding together began to glow brightly.  It began to sparkle and separate into many squares before bursting into rainbow like dust which then began to spin around until it formed two circular patterns orbiting each other and then shooting into our bodies.


While it wasn’t so visible what it did to me, what it did to her was clearly visible, since she was still wearing a thin slip.  A mark similar to a tattoo was left on her body, etched onto her body over her heart atop her left breast.  It reminded me of the statue of Alurian I saw at the temple.  The marking was that of a hand holding what looked like a beating heart.  The only difference was behind it were four things jutting out which looked like wings.


She looked down and saw it.


“A tat?” she said while reaching out to open my own shirt, finding that I had a similar tattoo as hers.  “Whoa, we have a couples’ tattoo now?”


It surprised me just as much as it did her.  I wasn’t the kind of person who would get a tattoo.


“I guess this means we’re married now.”


“This... is a problem, Randell.”


“What do you mean?”


“Will you be able to visit me tomorrow?”


“I don’t know.  Why?”


“If you don’t come early, you might not be the first to get to take me on my honeymoon!”


“Then, I need to work hard and earn some money, don’t I?”


“Right.  I want my first night of being married to be with my husband!”


“And I want to make sure my wife knows I’m the one who loves her the most.”


“Hmm… I’m supposed to not do anything for today, but… I could probably... do that thing with my mouth.”


I shook my head.


“No.  I promised the Madame I would keep it in my pants the whole time I was here.  What I came for was your heart, and a promise to love you no matter what.  Not just for what's under that slip of yours.”


“Oh?  But you seemed to like what was under there quite a bit last night.”  She said mischievously.


“I never said I didn’t.  Nor did I say I wasn’t interested in it today as well.  Just that I promised I wouldn’t.  Not until you were cleared for duty.”


“Duty?  Isn’t a wife’s duty to make her husband happy?”


“You can still do that.  After all, the warmest thing I can think of that you can give me is a welcoming hug and an encouraging word.”


“I can definitely do that!”


She extracted herself from the covers she was under and climbed onto my lap.  She let me rest my head on her soft just-under-medium-sized bosom and she ran her fingers through my hair gently.


“Welcome home, my commuting husband.”


“I’m home for now, my treasured wife.”


I could feel my heart racing, and a serene warmth that eclipsed anything my Alurian’s Heal skill felt like.


“Can I try something with you?”


“You want to suck my boobies?”


“Well, yeah to that, but no.  When I underwent the class change, I gained a special class.  Since we’re husband and wife now, I figure the one person I can openly tell all about it to is you.”


“Un.  I’ll keep your secret.”


“I’m a Chosen of Alurian.  Basically, her Apostle or… Saint.”


“Saint...?  That's a super-rare class, Randell!”


“It is.  You could say this is probably the only class exclusive to a devoted follower of Alurian.”


“You are a devoted follower?”


“If it means she’ll help me to protect you, then I’ll be as devoted as she needs me to be.”


“So, the thing you want to try on me is something you got from that class?”


“Yeah.  It’s just a basic heal spell, but… it converted when I chose it to become a healing spell with the Goddess’ influence along with it.  If… you’re hurting down there, it might help?”


“Mmm… A part of me feels like this is a badge of honor now. But at the same time, if I were healed… we could probably do it.”


I stopped her temptation right then and there.


“No.  Even if it works, I gave my promise to the Madame I’d keep it my pants.  I think considering she’s the person who can make it either easy or difficult to see you in the future shouldn’t be trifled with so casually.”


“Are you a stickler for the rules, Randell?”


“Not always.  I believe in fair play, but I don’t want to do anything that would keep me from being by your side as easily as possible.  That’s all.”


“Ah… this sucks.  Married and I can’t even have my first night.”


“We had that yesterday.”


“Yeah, but I got married to you today!


“Does it hurt… down there?”


“It’s just a little sore, like I told you already.”


“Hmm…  My healing skill has an increased effect if I can touch the area in question.”




“I’ve also heard people say that Alurian’s Heal has a special property.  It feels… like a certain body part is embracing you.”


“Really now?”


I nodded.


“Did you try it on yourself?”


I nodded again.


“And what did it feel like?”


I craned my neck up and whispered into her ears exactly what it felt like.  Her soft breasts which I was just resting on.  A peaceful and serene comfort that takes away all my pain.


“You’re… ecchi!


Maybe I was.


But she was blushing cutely and it was worth it entirely to do that.


“Shall I?”


She shook her head.


“No.  If I’m not cleared to be with you tomorrow, then… you can do it then.  I want most of all to be with you first.”


“Alright.  Since there’s not much else we can do but talk, and be like this… can I steal my wife’s beautiful lips?”


“A thief doesn’t announce that they are going to rob someone of something.  Didn’t you ever deal with a Roblin before?”


She brought up a troubling memory again.


“Ugh.  I hate those guys.” I groaned.


She giggled knowingly, for there was hardly an adventurer who didn’t deal with those cockroach-like little vermin.  Everyone had an embarrassing story when it came to those creatures.  Then while distracted, she kissed me instead, stealing my lips, and I thought fondly that she was my own personal little Roblin.  She stole my heart, and my virginity, and I’d let her steal anything she wanted from me, because it would give me a reason to always chase her down… and get it back!


Time was a cruel mistress though.


There was soon a knock at the door.


“Time’s up.”


The door opened and I was glad she was a quick thing, because she swung her body off of my lap and was seated next to me before the Madame entered the room.


“Enjoyed yourself, boy?”


“We had a wonderful talk.  Thank you for allowing me to see her.”


Her eyes seemed to aim right at my pants.  Only moments ago my wife was straddling me, and well… it reacted.  She’s my newlywed bride and it’s a normal thing to be enticed by the woman you love sitting on your lap!!!


“I trust you can see yourself out?”


“Ah, yes.  Right away.”


I stood up and said goodbye to the other half of my heart and soul now.  My cute wife, Kokoro.


“See you later, Koko.”


“Come see me again as soon as you can, Dell.”


“I will.  Speaking of that… when um… when can I see her for… that?”


“Come by tomorrow.  If she’s fit, I’ll allow it.  Otherwise it would be the day after that she will return to her duty.”


“I see…, thanks.”


“And boy…, She’s on the night shift.  If you come just before the sun sets under the horizon, you’ll be her first of the evening.”


Was… that a way I could reserve her?


I thanked her again, profusely, and made my way out of the brothel.  At the very least, for this short time, my wife is mine alone.


I went back to the Blue Robin inn and found my barebones room.  My body hit the bed, and I fell asleep, wanting time to move forward quickly.  I had money to earn if I wanted to be with her, and nothing was going to stop me!

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