Love & Dungeon: An Isekai NTRPG

Chapter 6: Chapter Six – The Things We Do For Love

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I prayed to Alurian.


I prayed long and hard to that Goddess, not only for my sake, but for whatever forces, magical or otherwise that kept Duster’s skeletal body animated, to continue doing so without fail.  Because what I was witnessing was hell incarnate.  It was like watching a pay-to-win player who had so many stat buffs from the cash shop stacked up all at once that they could easily wipe the floor with even the most die-hard geared freemium grind warriors.  Duster was the Raid boss here.


At first I didn’t comprehend the situation entirely.


Duster’s clacking remained methodical the entire time.   He was acting like a skeleton possessed with some netherworldly rage.  His body was shrouded in some kind of circulating black mist, and Relenna’s Regret was glowing a menacing red color in his hands… in the rare moment when it moved slow enough that I could see it.


The only thing scarier than a skeleton, is a skeleton you can’t possibly hope to outrun and outfight, and that’s exactly what Duster became.  He was the Grim Overbone right now.  I don’t know what prompts a monster to feel fear, but the Goblin Leader had to use his Leadership skill which sounded like a deep shriek constantly to keep the first wave of his subordinates from running away.


It didn’t matter one bit that he did.


All of the goblinkind that had to be dealt with in the first wave before the boss would join the fray just kept exploding one after the other as the insane skeleton drove home the pointy end of Relenna’s spear into each and every one of them.  I was lucky the room was rather spacious, otherwise I and the four walls surrounding us would be painted with copious amounts of blood and guts right now.  In fact, with the room being so big, and Duster’s presence that much bigger, they didn’t even notice I was there.


I didn’t know if Duster was taking any damage from these foes, and I was a bit scared to get close enough to channel a healing spell for fear of finally being noticed just to find out.


The first wave, after only a few minutes, was soon nothing more than a pool of blood and mutilated viscera slick on the floor.  Duster’s bony form was completely covered in the goblinkind’s vital ichor, dyed in the nature of his very being – Death.  When he destroyed the first wave, which was basically just a swarm of weak goblins, moblins, and hoblins totalling twenty in number, the second wave consisting of three elites then stepped forward to take arms up against him.


The first death in that second wave however, was entirely unexpected.  It was the Goblin Leader himself that was assassinated!


Duster had streaked forward like a surge of black lightning after the second wave’s challengers stepped forward, and he bypassed them all with the sole aim of piercing that son-of-a-bitch Goblin Leader dead center in the face.  Its head exploded like a watermelon filled with dynamite, and before the rest of its body hit the ground, Duster brandished his spear as he spun around and slew the first of the three stronger mini-bosses of the second wave, the one who just so happened to be a Sword-and-Shield wielding Goblin.


“Fuck!” I barely whispered.


I was breathless.


This guy… fucking did it.


The Red Hawks… my whole party had wiped to this brutal monster and this lone skeleton, abandoned by his wife-summoner one-shot him like it was weaker than a damn Jelly from the first floor.


The remaining Moblin and Hoblin elites took some distance, fear evident on their faces now that their leader was dead and couldn’t rally them on with his skill.  With a launch of the spear thrown by Duster, Relenna’s Regret flew a short distance at first, only to pick up its new passenger to the afterlife, the second wave’s Moblin as the spear remained half-lodged in its chest.  The Moblin’s destination to hell ended when the spear lodged itself into the wall nearby and Duster calmly walked over to it to pluck it from the agony-twisted face of the soon to be cold corpse.


With the spear being held at an angle pointing down from the body outwards to the right side of him, Duster slowly walked towards the lone surviving Hoblin spellcaster and continued his clacking.


The Hoblin must have surpassed its fear at that moment, because it knew right then and there that if it didn’t kill Duster with a spell, it was all over for it.  While these mobs constantly respawn for divers to challenge them in their efforts to proceed to the lower floors, I’ve never seen or heard anything mentioning if they were each wholly new creatures or if they retained the memories of their previous failures and deaths.


The Hoblin chanted its magic, trying to cause the ground underneath Duster to tremble in an effort to knock him prone or to slow him down.  I don’t know what magic spells it can use exactly, because Jung had managed to sneak behind this one and stabbed it in the back making it the first kill of the second wave when our party had fought it.  The real problem for our team at that time was the Elite Moblin which forced Kyros to juggle defending us from both the Elite Goblin’s close quarter attacks and the Elite Moblin’s opportunistic ranged attacks, which came in the form of a whip used to trip us up.


But none of them were even close to how strong the Goblin Leader we faced afterwards was.  If this Duster was there with us back then, would the Red Hawks have lived to see another day?  Was it just a numbers game?  Was it just a matter of a couple extra levels for all of us and a little extra focus on being patient and more defensive that we might have all survived?


If so, then that would have made it truly my fault for not persuading them to pass on the boss room.  That no matter how good our condition was.








The Hoblin had managed to fire off some kind of intense spell a second later than it needed to, because right as Duster impaled its body with the spear, some kind of force hit my bone-guardian alongside a loud and ear-piercing shriek, then the lower half of Duster’s calcified body began to crumble into dust.


“Fuck!  Duster!”


I rushed over to the disintegrating pile of bones and saw the Hoblin holding on to the handle of the spear which penetrated its stomach with both hands.  Relenna’s Regret had begun to lose its red glow.  I could probably have pulled Jung’s daggers out and killed the Hoblin the rest of the way myself, but I was pretty sure it was on the way to the afterlife already.  Since I didn’t think it would be casting any more spells, I put my hands on Duster, what remained of him from the ribs up anyway, and did my best to channel Alurian’s Heal.


It’s not that it was no use, but everything from below the ribcage was crumbled into bone dust, and my healing magic wasn’t going to do jack shit for it.


Duster clacked.


Signaling that he wasn’t done yet, He crawled forward using only his hands and reached for the spear again.  One his bony fingers wrapped around the handle, the spear once more began to glow an unholy red and with a final blood curdling shriek, some kind of negative energy pulsed into the Moblin blasting it to chunky pieces.


Then, as if being able to follow where the damn thing’s head flew off and landed, Duster began dragging the top half of his body as he clawed his way towards it.  The head of the Hobin was still intact, but after sticking his bony fingers in the thing’s eye sockets, the skeleton’s unnatural strength broke apart the skull and he scooped out the whole brain, which he immediately began to chew on.


Happily chew on, I’m sure of.


I retrieved Relenna’s Regret which was now entirely coated in goblin blood, having a small piece of what was probably its intestine pierced through by the tip making it look like some kind of malevolent overcooked rancid spaghetti noodle.


While he chewed away, devouring that brain in the smallest bites possible, I swear, like it was matsutaka super prime beef, I collected everything left in the boss room that was worth collecting.  There were quite a few heads handily decapitated, so I just stored those.  The brains of goblinkind did sell, it was just gross to behead them and bring them back.  The Divine Treasury made that part easy, and the dismantlers in the guild could do the rest for all I was concerned.


That was their job, and I’m sure they got paid well for it.


There wasn’t anything I could do about recovering the Goblin Leader’s head or brains though.  They currently painted the wall right behind where it stood when it went exploded.  Plenty of weapons and severed heads filled my item box now, though I don’t imagine I was close to the limitations of what could be stored.  The rest of the Goblin Leader’s body was there so I stored that too.


There was a reward this time, in the form of a treasure chest I had somehow overlooked.  A part of one of the recessed walls in the room had crumbled away further and there was a small treasure chest waiting to be opened.  While there are trapped chests and even the dreaded Mimic-type chests on lower floors, the first five floors were basically tutorial-level when compared to the rest of the Great Zoma Dungeon.


Opening it up I discovered a dark green orb inside.  I didn’t have an appraisal skill to tell me what it was, but what I did have was the Divine Treasury.  I immediately stored it away and that was enough to reveal what the item was.


Essence of Goblinkind


Essence?  Sounds magical.  I should probably ask around at a magic or curio shop about what exactly it is.  Maybe it can sell for a good amount?  Though, I’m sure what I will have earned today just from Duster’s hunting means I can visit Kokoro again tonight!


Though, it probably won’t be enough for the whole night.  That left me feeling a bit hollow.  It’s not like I was the only one who has seen her.  I’m a fool to think otherwise, and yet…


“Duster, are you done here?” I called out to Teresa’s husband after seeing there was no more brain left for him to consume.




“So uh… should I gather up the rest of you?”


Clack clack.


“Just the top half?”




“I’ll put you in my item box, then.”  Or so I thought I would.  Duster for some reason was unable to enter it.  Was it because being animated in undeath somehow treated him as a living being?


“Uh, nevermind… It seems like I can’t put you in there.  Do you perhaps know where your wife lives?  I can drop you off there.”




“I’ll carry you on my back then.  You just point the way, okay?”




“Say, uh… there’s always two sides to every story.  Was it true…, were you a terrible husband to Teresa when you were alive?”


There was a short pause.  I would completely understand if he wanted to avoid answering the question, but he did anyway.




I didn’t pry any further after that.  I headed directly for the magical teleportation circle through the exit of the room to the third floor.  Duster was in no condition to help me any more today, so with a quick teleport to the entrance, and many interesting stares that accompanied my sudden apparition with half a skeleton, I followed a bony pointing hand towards a distant direction.


After about half an hour of walking, I found myself in a slum.


Truthfully, I should be worried for my life.  But right now I’m a guy carrying half of a half-dead skeleton on my back.  I don’t think anyone is going to mess with me only because you never quite know what crazy will do.  It’s not worth losing your life over pickpocketing someone who looks like they’ve only got a few coppers anyway.


There was a building with a well worn and rotting wooden door, and that’s where Duster pointed at with a commanding clack.


“This is her home, huh?”




I knocked on the door.


“Go away!”  I heard a female voice yell from inside, which was without a doubt Teresa’s.


“Uh, Teresa.  It’s me, Randell.”


There were a few thumping sounds that echoed from inside before the door opened.  Standing before me in a hurriedly put on robe was Teresa.


“Randell?  How did you know where I…”


Her eyes were looking at me at first while she spoke, but only for a moment.  After all, the star of the show here was the half-dead all-dead skeleton husband of hers that I was riding piggyback.


“I uh… didn’t know what to do with him, and he’s sort of at half his fighting power.” I said sheepishly.




“It’s none of your business what I’m doing!”




“No.  Gonz isn’t here.  Why do you care?”




“Disgusting.  Is that all you can think about still?”




Clack clack clack.


“Do you think because you’re a poxin’ skeleton now that it makes any difference?”




“Ugh.  I’m done talking about it!”


I would like to interrupt this loving domestic quarrel to make it a point of saying that while I kind of understood him in the dungeon, I have no idea what the hell is going on here.


Teresa sighed.


“Will you bring my husband inside, Randell?  Just… put him anywhere.”


“Sure.  Sorry if this is an inconvenience, Teresa.”


“It is, but whatever.  Seems like you went through some shit with that bonehead.”


“I guess you could say that.  Duster did help me out a bit, so I know I don’t have a right to say this because I don’t know anything.  But he deserves a rest for working hard today.”


“Oh, he can work hard.  That was never the problem.”


Teresa’s words were bitter.  The room she lived in was pure squalor and calling it a hell-hole wasn’t too far off from the truth.  It’s possible the aftermath of the massacre in the Boss Room was only slightly more tidy than Teresa’s abode.  There was a single bed which had filthy covers, spider webs adorned the corners of the interior ceiling, and all manner of clothes and empty bottles littered the floor.  I don’t think even a cockroach was courageous enough to call this place home.


“Do you and Gonzo live here together?”


“What do you think?” She said snappily.


“Should I mind my business?  I’m sorry…”


She sighed deeply.


“No.  It’s not you.  Yes, Gonz and I live here.  Fancy, isn’t it?”


“I’ve lived in a dump once or twice.” I admitted.


“The perks of being me!” she said with a fake smile.  “I’d offer you a drink, but I’ve already drunk it all.  Gonzo is out buying me some more.”




“What else would I drink?”


Considering her actions from before she left the dungeon, it makes sense I guess?


“Sorry.  I get like this sometimes…  Thanks for bringing that guy home.”


“Yeah, it’s no problem.  Duster sort of mentioned that it was fine that the other half of his body was left in the dungeon.”


“Yeah, it’s fine.  That thing’s just an animus.  The real thing is here.”  She pulled out the strange flat fan-shaped bone with a sharp tip.

“So that is from the original Duster?”




“Yeah.  This is… all that’s left of…  my husband.”


Clack clack.


“No.  And stop asking!” she shouted at the Skeleton who was pretty much just leaning against the wall near the door observing things.








Clack clack.




“Fine.  If it will shut you the hell up, then look!”


As if I wasn’t even a consideration, she opened her robe just enough that I was able to see two voluptuous breasts and a necklace with a dangling chicken bone charm.  There was nothing binding her breasts, and to be honest she was every bit the legendary big-tittied goth girlfriend everyone seemed to want back on Earth.


Somehow, I felt like I understood Duster better.


But Teresa isn’t my Kokoro.  I’m happy with my cute wife and her not-quite-medium sized breasts.  She’s got all that I need or want in this world.  I turned my head out of respect, though it was already too late to make any excuses.  Duster’s jaw was hanging down and I swore on my life that was exactly what he was willing to slaughter a whole floor just to see.


Not just her breasts, but a singular moment where he communicated his needs to his wife, even if it’s after death and the fact.  


“There.  That’s it.”  She said and hid them away from view.




Clack clack clack!


“Even if he could, why should I let him?”




“You’re disgusting.  It’s not going to happen, so just go back to the boneyards already!”


With a final clack, Duster dusted himself.  Now I was alone in this dump of a room with my latest party member, the Necromancer Teresa.  She waded through the messy floor and collapsed onto her filthy bed covers.


“Randell, you aren’t secretly a noble by chance, are you?”


“Nothing of the sort.” I replied.


“What a pity…”


“Do you mind telling me what you two were talking about at the end there?  I feel like it somehow involved me.”


“It did.  He said that since you were a follower of Alurian, that if I maybe let you feel me up, you could channel that feeling to him the next time you heal him.”


So that was what was going on!  Now it makes a hell of a lot more sense.  Duster, even in death, still sees her as his wife, even if he’s forced to obey her.  At least, I got that feeling.  He admitted to not being the best husband, but it’s not like he spoke it clearly through words.  Maybe I’m still missing something?


“In the future you don’t have to bring him back,” she said, “as long as I have my husband’s bone, it doesn’t matter what happens to the skeleton itself.  Even if he gets smote a thousand times, I can bring him back whenever I want.”


“Good to know.  Look, I’m sorry for being nosy.  That’s not the kind of person I am, but I do care about the mental health of my party members.  Seeing as how Gonzo is looking after you, and your husband is taking a rest, I’ll see myself out.”


I turned and tried to safe-step in open patches of floor to the door.


“Randell… wait.”


I stopped.  “Yes?”


“Am I wrong for wanting more out of life?  For wanting to be rich and not… have to live like I’m a bleeding peasant?”


“Not at all.  But even if you work hard all your life, sometimes that’s just what happens.  You dream of being filthy rich or having a beautiful partner who loves you, and while money can solve a lot of life’s problems, you can only solve the problems that money can solve when you have it.  And when the money's gone, you’re destined to go back to where you were without it.”


“Is that how it is…?”


“That’s my interpretation at least.  Before this I was a hard worker, but I was alone.  Even with all the money I once had, I couldn’t use it to buy someone who loved me unconditionally.  I could buy a night in some stranger’s arms, but like I said, when the money's gone, you’re back to where you were without it.”


Teresa didn’t say a word, and just soaked in what I said.


“Are you going to kick us out of the party because of today?”


“Why would I?  We all have bad days, right?  Just do what you feel you need to in order to recover.  I’m heading to the guild to drop off a few things.  Duster did a great job helping me out, so since you’re his wife and since I greatly doubt they accept this kind of currency in hell, it’s pretty much your share he worked hard for.  I’ll see you two tomorrow, but since it’s only fair now that I know where you live, I tell you where I do, as well.  It’s the Blue Robin Inn. Just south of the guild, you can’t miss it.  Take care, okay?”


I left Teresa to her own devices and made straight for the guild.  I didn’t run into any trouble on my way out of the slums, thankfully.  When I entered the guild, I had to wait a bit to see Myria before reporting in and then cashing in my drops at the dismantling center.  That place is also connected to the guild storehouse, so it’s basically a one-stop shop for turning loot into coins.


There’s no speculation market here, so drops are worth exactly what someone is willing to for the most part.  Scarcity does drive up prices, but there’s no shortage of low quality drops on the first five floors.


I also reached the fourth level of experience.  That happened in the boss room at some point, so now there’s an extra skill point and ten stat points that are waiting to be used.


Collecting my immediate cut of the reward, I’m sitting pretty at four large silvers, seven silvers, three large copper and two copper coins.  I’ll collect the proceeds from the sales tomorrow, and seeing as that’s all she wrote, it’s time to go.  Duster really outperformed at the end there, and thanks to him I get to have more time to spend with my cute wife.  I haven’t forgotten what she asked for, and it just so happens to coincide with the strange drop I found in that treasure chest.  I asked Myria if she knew a good magic shop, or a place where I could buy some empty books and writing implements.


She gave me directions to a place called Featherly’s Grimoires.


“Just ask for Tisa.  She’ll help you find whatever you need.  Feel free and use my name.”


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“Thanks Myria.”


“No problem.  Are those two working out for you?”


“Yeah, they’re fine additions.  It’s kind of fun, actually.” 


“I’m glad.” She breathed a sigh of relief.  “I was really worried for you, Randell.”


“Well, that’s thanks to you putting in a word for me at that place.  In fact, I’ve got an appointment there to keep later.”


“Then, don’t let me keep you waiting.  See you tomorrow.”


“Yep, tomorrow.”


Heading out from the guild which was packed with those returning from the dungeon, I headed for the place Myria told me about.  It looked like an old fashioned dusty medieval bookstore.  Entering the place, my first impression was that the spiders here were competing with the ones at Teresa’s for how much webbing could exist in the corner of a ceiling, but as to which clan of spiders was the victor, the answer remained unclear.


Sitting at the lone desk near the front of the store was a woman with long brown hair buried under a blue witch hat.  She also had a pleasant smattering of freckles, horn-rimmed glasses, and was taking an unintentionally seductive pull on one of those long iron pipes.  Whatever she was inhaling had a minty scent and wasn’t unpleasant.


“Welcome to Featherly’s.”  She greeted me politely.


“Ah, thanks.   I’m looking for a couple of empty books to write in and some tools to do so.  Do you have them in stock?”


“Plenty of them.  It’s two silvers per book, and a silver for a set of quills and black chalk.”


Black chalk.  Yeah, well, what did I expect, colored pencils and wax crayons?


“I’d like two books then, and a set of the writing tools, please.”


“Is that all?”


“There is one other thing, but I don’t know if it’s the right place to ask it here.”


“Up to you.”  She said as she reached under the counter and pulled out a small parcel.  Then she walked over to a nearby table and brought back two books, bound, with maybe a couple hundred pages within each of them.


I decided to ask.


“I’m looking for information on what Essence is used for.”


“Essence?” she asked, tilting her head.


“Yeah, like an Orb of Essence… found in the dungeon.”


“Ah, those.”




She held out her hand with two fingers raised.  


“They’re good for two things.  Making soup stock with, provided you have a quality one, and putting them up for sale in the auction house.  I hear there’s a noble who often buys up essences to add to his collection.  Outside of that, you might have better luck asking at the Unified Temple.”


“I see.  Then I’ll just take the books and tools.”


“Three silver coins.”


I handed the money over.


“Can I ask another question?  What is a Grimoire exactly?”


“What class are you?”


“Me?  Uh…, I’m an… Acolyte.” Technically I was, as it was my visible class.


“Hmm.  Most of the ones I have here won’t be of much use to you, but there is one I have that might possibly be as well.  Interested?”


“I would be if I had any clue what you were trying to sell me.”


“Think of it as the written knowledge of one on the path of unlocking the mysteries of skills and magic.”


“Oh, so they’re like a Mage’s Spell book.”


She was inhaling from her pipe again when she suddenly coughed out her smoke.


“Don’t even jest about that!” She scolded.


“Was I wrong?”


“Spell books are highly personal things.  They’re like a cipher to the soul, you don’t just go pawning them off to any old store!”


I had no idea.


“So it’s what then, written impressions and notes left by someone over the years as they learn about their skills and magic?” 


“That’s right!”


“How is that supposed to help?”


“That’s for the practitioner to discern.  If you spent a lifetime practicing spellcasting and found easier ways and shortcuts to cast a spell, or learned how to empower it, that information would be useful to future generations, don’t you think?”


She had me there.  Indeed it would.  From what I’m gathering here, it’s basically a reference manual meant for someone also walking the same path?


“Then, do you have something for, let’s say… someone who wants to learn more about healing spells and the like?”


“I do.  It’s an interesting one full of many concepts and terms I have never seen elsewhere.  Something meant for a true healer.”


“How much will it cost?”


She held up one finger.


“One silver?”


“One large silver.”


I whistled.


“If you don’t have enough, it’ll still be here… probably.”


I ended up deciding against it for now.  I left the shop with the items my wife asked me for, and even took a moment to stop off for some stall food which I put into the Divine Treasury to share with her later.  The last stop before heading to Kokoro was the inn, where my hot bath was waiting for me.  Rennifel was there right on time to take care of my bathing needs so that half an hour later, I could be at Alurian’s Bosom to see my wife.


While soaking, I took a moment to check my status.


【Name:  Randell Heart】

【Age: 19】【Sex: Male】

【Class:  Chosen of Alurian】 

【Visible Class:  Acolyte】

【Level:  04】

【To Next Level:  698 EXP】

【Unique Skill:  Wife’s Dowry】

Chosen Skills: (3) 3 Points Unspent

【Alurian’s Divine Treasury】

【Alurian’s Heal Lv.1】

【Divine Weaponry Lv.1】

【Grace of the Whirlwind Lv.1】

Status: (0) 20 Points Unspent

【Power:  5】

【Dexterity: 5】

【Vitality: 5】

【Mentality: 5】

【Faith: 20】


I looked around for a skill in the available listing and one caught my eye rather quickly.  The reason being that the skill was the only one unlocked in the row of upper tier skills that the rest of were still locked to me.


【Vitamancy Lv.1】

『Utilize concentrated essence as a medium to create life.』


That’s not much to go on.


Well, skill descriptions are like that sometimes.  Probably it’s part of some class that deals with essence in some other way and that class would already know what to expect.


“Not enough information to go on, and I don’t really want to waste a skill for something vague that might not be useful.”


It would be nice if it was something like a summon skill similar to Teresa’s.  Maybe I could have a goblin summon that obeys me?  Not as useful as a skeleton that doesn’t feel pain, but I get the feeling Alurian doesn’t exactly smile on me learning necromancy either, being the Goddess of Life and all...


She is, however, the Goddess of Creation too, so this would fall under her domain.  And the fact that it looks to be an advanced skill, and unlocked at my level…


Should I risk it?  


I might have been a bit of a loser, but I had great luck rolling for rare units on gacha games, so worst case scenario, it becomes a useless skill for a long time.  I’d say you only live once, but seeing Duster in action today and how he still clearly had some attachment to his wife Teresa even after his death and skeletal resurrection, I decided to risk it.


【Name:  Randell Heart】

【Age: 19】【Sex: Male】

【Class:  Chosen of Alurian】 

【Visible Class:  Acolyte】

【Level:  04】

【To Next Level:  698 EXP】

【Unique Skill:  Wife’s Dowry】

Chosen Skills: (4) 2 Points Unspent

【Alurian’s Divine Treasury】

【Alurian’s Heal Lv.1】

【Divine Weaponry Lv.1】

【Grace of the Whirlwind Lv.1】

【Vitamancy Lv.1】

Status: (0) 10 Points Unspent

【Power:  5】

【Dexterity: 5+5】

【Vitality: 5+5】

【Mentality: 5】

【Faith: 20】


It is interesting to note that Alurian’s Divine Treasury is not considered a chosen skill.  It was a freebie that came with the class change, and still the most useful skill I have as a support so far.  But then, I haven’t had a whole lot of opportunity to use my new healing skill since my new party members are capable enough not to get injured enough for me to need to use it.


That’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong.


Rather than the book the lady at Featherly’s suggested to me, perhaps I should see if there are any grimoires pertaining to someone who’s used Vitamancy?   Perhaps Teresa might even know a little about it, since it sounds pretty close to Necromancy?


I also decided to throw a few points into Vitality and Dexterity.  You know, since those points might translate well into the bedroom.  I also have my pride as a man and a husband at stake here now, and I sure as hell don’t want her to call me Randull in the sack.


When it comes to what Duster and I have in common with our wives.  The only leg I have up on him at the moment is that I don’t have to go all Grim Overbone and have to eat special brains in order to get Kokoro to flash me.


I just have to pay a large silver coin for the privilege.


Speaking of which, I didn’t tell Teresa exactly what happened with Duster and I in the boss room.  There are only three more named goblinkind which Duster has left to hunt; the Goblin Leader Red Cap, the goblin Nilbog, and the moblin Mobfather.  But from the skill Duster showed at snuffing out the Goblin Leader solo, that shouldn’t be a big deal.


Alurian’s Divine Treasury

【Relenna’s Regret x1】

【Iron Sword x1】

【Shoddy Iron Sword x3】

【Iron Shield x1】

【Marta’s Spellbook x1】

【Tourmaline Staff x1】

【Daggers x2】

【Shortbow x1】

【Quiver x1, Arrows x6】

【Chainmail Armor x1】

【Leather Armor x1】

【Robes x1】

【Books x2】

【Writing Implement Package x1】

【Guild Card – Randell Heart x1】

【Essence of Goblinkind x1】

【Coins:  4LS, 4S, 3LC, 2C】


I sighed.


Scanning the contents of my item box, at the bottom was all the reprieve I could offer my wife tonight.  Four large silver coins.  My entire fortune is only worth four hours of time with my wife.  I need to be able to earn more.  A gold a day at a minimum to secure her. 


But that won’t happen.  It took me weeks to get enough to see her the first time.  Granted that was because our party split the loot five ways and this time it’s only three.  But there are two more party members we need to recruit and the real money starts coming in only from the fifth floor onwards.  


How long would it take to reach a level appropriate to dive there?


I was soon dressed and heading towards the brothel.  I was cutting it close, I know, but thankfully I arrived in time so that I would be the first one to see her.




It was the brothel’s receptionist.


“Going for the whole night again?”


“Ah… about that.  Would it be possible to start with an hour and come back before the time is up and pay for an extension if I need to?”




I handed over one large silver coin.


“She’s in the usual room.  Please enjoy your stay.”


Somehow her saying that didn’t feel all that great.  Heading upstairs to the room, I knocked on the door.  It was soon opened, and as soon as my wife saw me, she threw her arms around me, giving me a warm hug and a soft kiss.


“Welcome home, hubby.”


“I’m back, wifey.  I picked you up the things you asked for.”


“You were able to get them already?”


“Yeah.  It’s only a couple of empty books and some stuff to write with.  Easy-peasy.”


I emptied the gifts I bought for her from the Divine Treasury and handed them over.  I also took out the stall food I had purchased, but she refused it.  “I might be skinny, but I promise you they feed us well here.”


I ended up putting them back in my item box.  She held the books tightly to her chest before walking over to the small closet space and stowing them away somewhere within.  She quickly returned to my side afterward.


“So, what would you like your cute wife to do for you tonight?”


As it turns out, there is a lot you can do in an hour.  We had plenty of time to romp around and to talk with each other.  The subject tonight became what we used to watch as kids on television.


“So, some tokusatsu show from before I was born was popular over in America?”


“Yeah.  Hugely popular.”


“Hmm, tokusatsu is fine.  I liked the Masked Rider series.”


“I’ve heard of that series, but for me it was the Mighty Changing Danger Rangers that I enjoyed.”


“Was it because of the large robots?”


“No.  It was because of the skinny pink ranger who wore spandex and was very flexible.”


“So skinny flexible women do it for you?” she teased.


“Only if they are you.” I responded in all seriousness.


“Dell,  you… don’t have to waste your money staying as long as you can tonight.  Instead, will you visit me frequently?”


“I can do that.  You’ll let me know if there’s something else that you want or need, right?”


“I’d tell you that you don’t have to buy my love, but at this stage in our relationship that would be very misleading.”


I groaned.


“You brought me what I wanted the most already.  So, thank you.  It means a lot to me.”


“Want me to extend the time for another hour?”


She shook her head.


“Come early tomorrow, okay?”


“I’ll be here.”


“Good.  And Dell… be careful in the dungeon.  Don’t make me a widow too soon.”


“Right.  There’s no way I can die and leave my cute wife alone.”


“Are you trying to set an unnecessary flag right now!?” she yelled cutely at me.


We had just enough time for a final go of it, then afterwards she saw me off at the door to her room.  Turning around to face her, she took my hand and placed it on her soft bosom over her heart.


“You are the only one in my kokoro, Randell Heart.”


A final smooch had me leaving her at the doorway to her bedroom.  Heading down to the lobby and past the receptionist, my feet dragged slowly knowing that she… would be embracing other men after me for the rest of the night.


But, that’s business as usual for her, right?


And it’s also the first lie she’s ever told me, because by the time I get back to the Blue Robin Inn, I’m not going to be the only one having been inside of my Kokoro.

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