Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Shard Retrieval

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Chapter 1:

Shard Retrieval

The loud sound of a shotgun emptying its cartridge through the door alerted the hooded figure to the presence beyond. Ozone wafted in the air before the crackling of lightning shot straight through the opening created by the blast. Its fractal lines of light frying everything in its path, even before the voices on the other side yelled "Ozone!"

A smoking finger from the other side obscured the face of its owner, whose face was already hidden under a hooded sweater. The only visible markings were that of a smirk from beneath its dark confines. Their pale skin looking like it hasn't seen the sun in days. Blowing away the smoke from their finger, they walked right through the now completely disintegrated door.

The smell of burnt flesh wafted up to his nose as he covered his it in disgust. Groans of those lying injured from the lightning blast rose weakly into the air. The sound of crunching under his foot as the figure stepped across the broken pieces of metal, wood, and glass.

The room was your typical apartment size, but riddled with drugs, money, and guns. Wires hung from the ceiling, connected to computers now fizzling out. The sound of dripping water was heard somewhere. Though for the hooded figure, all he heard was the music playing in his ears. Flickering lights gave the place a rather eerie vibe. Something that sent a shiver up the man's spine, only disappearing when another shotgun blast rang through the room.

His head rocked slightly to the side as only the thin veil of blueish green stood before his head and the smoking shrapnel. What music was playing in his ears cut out. All the sounds flooding him. Turning his attention to the offender, a bright neon blue glow from their eyes shone through the dark of his hood. The sound of reloading quickly as the one on the ground scrambled away.

Shrapnel fell to the ground as he began to walk towards them. One step after the other, they made their way purposefully towards the shooter. Another blast, sending his head reeling back, the barrier once more saving his life. Its sound reverberating in his skull. Angry now, there was nowhere for the shooter to go as the man knelt down.

"F-Fucking Ascended!" The shooter shouted, attempting to hit the hooded man with their gun, only for it to be caught easily.

"You know..." The man's voice, surprisingly young, yet with an edge to it spoke up, "That's real fucking annoying."

His hand glowed with an aura, his bright eyes never leaving the others as he held their gaze. Metal crunching, bending, breaking as they crushed the gun with one hand. The smell of ammonia hit their nose as the shooters pants darkened. The hooded figure had but one thought. "How embarrassing..."

"The shard," The hooded man tossed the gun to the side as he tore it from the scared mans hands, "Where is it?"

Pointing a shaky hand to a nearby computer, the hooded man smiled.

"Good boy," Patting the man on the head, a shock ran through his palm into them as they convulsed, fried.

Just as the shooter said, the shard was intact and connected to their terminal. Running their fingers across the keyboard, they ensured that the terminal was wiped before taking the shard. Plugging it into the slot behind their ear, the information was confirmed.

Popping the shard back out, they palmed it and left. Leaving behind smoking bodies and a ruined apartment. The dimly lit hallway silent as they walked through it, down the many flights of stairs. Their head began to feel a bit light as a notification popped up in their vision. A video call as the sound alert went off.

"Yeah?" The man asked as they answered.

"Do you have the shard?" A gruff man's voice asked as their face appeared before him.

Bulky, wearing a bartender outfit that was almost too tight. Graying dark hair slicked back and a well-kept peppered beard. The cybernetic lines in his green eyes locked onto me as they wiped clean a glass.

"Pocketed and on the way," They responded, feeling the warm trickle from their nose, "Shit...Not now. He's going to freak..."

"Alright, client awaits," They seemed pleased, something the man hoped to keep that way, "Sending you the info."

"Got it," They rushed, attempting to subtly wipe the blood away before it was noticed.

"...You alright, Jace?" The man scrutinized him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jace dismissed, "And it's Arc when I'm working..."

"Oh, right, right," The man nodded, pursing his lips mockingly, "Arc, right. Well, Arc, get your ass to the drop off. You don't get paid otherwise."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Oh, and by the way..." The man turned his back as he put the glass somewhere Jace couldn't see, "You missed some blood."

"What? Where? I didn't...Damn it," Jace cursed, condemning himself for being tricked.

"What I tell you? You're going to kill yourself," Genuine concern was in his voice.

"I'm alright, Balek," Jace sighed as he continued down the stairwell.

"...Your mother's not going to be happy," Balek mentioned casually.

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"Oh, come on. Don't tell her," Jace didn't like to beg, but if his mother knew he was clocking himself for more than he could handle, she'd flip.

"Not up to me," Balek shrugged, "You know how she is. She'll know."

"Right...Shit," Rounding the corner of the last stairway, Jace was finally before the front door, "Alright, well...I'll see you when I'm back."

Nodding, the line was cut as Jace opened the front door. The sounds of the street hitting him. People milling about, going about their day. Music could be heard down a way where several lurkers squatted. The neon glow of the distant downtown, New Eden, shone in Jace's eyes. Their pristine walls a distant dream. "One day..." He vowed to himself.

Cars moved above and below, honking and many noises assaulted his senses. It was all overwhelming, but he had a solution. With the tactile sensor hit, music began playing in his ears. Cutting off all other sounds. Taking a breath, Jace made his way down the street. He had a shard to deliver.


"A thousand creds, Balek," Jace spouted angrily, "A fucking thousand. For that they might as well have pissed on me..."

"The shard was damaged..." Balek tried to mediate Jace's anger.

"The hell it was!" Jace slammed his fist on the bar, "They're screwing me over...again."

"...You sure you checked it?" Balek knew Jace, but he had to ask.

"Twice!" Jace glowered, sulking with his head down.

His golden strands of hair fell around him as he shook his head.

"How the hell am I supposed to pay if they're giving me scraps?" Jace mumbled, his anger fizzling as his stomach grumbled, "Can't even afford food with that shit..."

Slamming a bowl before Jace, Balek nudged it over to him. The smell of it causing Jace's stomach to growl even more. Peeking from behind his arms, Jace took in the steaming bowl of stew.

"Balek...You know I can't," He grumbled, looking at the large man.

"You can, and you will," Crossing his arms, Balek wasn't going to take no for an answer, "Once your mother recovers, I don't need her beating my ass cause her kid wasn't eating. Let alone overclocking himself..."

Giving Balek a sidelong look, Jace finally relented as he took the bowl into his grasp.

"...Thank you, Balek..." Jace said gratefully.

"Don't sweat it," Balek began to pour a nice cold drink to accompany the stew, non-alcoholic, of course. He knew Jace didn't drink.

"...Thanks," Jace accepted the beverage reluctantly, "I promise, I'll-"

"No," Balek said firmly, "I'm not taking money from you. Shut up and eat."

Jace had that stupid smile on his face. One that Balek always loved seeing. One that said he was acting like he should. It was sheepish, but content. The closest thing Jace had to happiness.

Balek watched this kid for seventeen years. Saw him grow up. Now, Jace was 23. Watching him made Balek feel old, which wouldn't be far off if not for his pointy ears. Being an Elf had its perks, one of them being a long life. Of course, Balek was only half.

"Finish that up, then get some rest," Balek ordered, throwing a towel over his shoulder, "Tonight will be busy."

Jace didn't answer, only nodded. He knew he had to be rested for the coming shift, but sleep never came easy for him. He worked as a sort of "eyes in the sky" for Balek. He ensured nothing unruly happened. Stopping it or alerting the bouncers.

Rubbing his eyes, he knew he'd be in it thick tonight. His eyes needed the rest.


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