Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 106: Chapter 106: A Child’s View

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Chapter 106:

A Child's View

Jace. He wasn't Papa, but Evelyn liked him. He was kind just like Papa. Just like Papa, he told her to cover her eyes and plug her ears. She knew the bad men would go away if she did. That's how Papa always did it.

Papa always wanted to protect her, but she knew that he wasn't always nice. Of course, he was only mean to bad people. That's why she loved him. Papa was strong and kind, but got rid of all the bad people. Jace reminded her of Papa.

She was overcome with such happiness that she clung to Jace. He was warm and held her carefully. She felt incredibly safe with him. He even let her use his scarf when she was cold. It smelled like rain. She liked the rain.

It was cold outside, but thanks to Jace's scarf and his own warmth, Evelyn wasn't really that cold. Even so, Jace was really nice and bought her whole new winter clothing! She liked her new mittens and hat the best, but her coat was pretty cool too.

Evelyn had never had such fun in a long time. All she ever did every day was go to school and go home. Papa was too busy lately to play with her, so while she loved him, life had been really boring lately. Thanks to Jace, she had been able to have a lot of fun even after such a scary time.

The only thing ruining it was the fact that she was really hungry and super thirsty. She was embarrassed to ask for anything more after Jace bought her clothes. She did her best to hang on until they were home, but her stomach began to hurt. She was afraid he may be upset, but much like he had been until now, he was super nice.

He bought her delicious food not just once, but twice! She ate slowly as Jace instructed. The food tasted much better when she took her time. Jace ate a little as well after she insisted. It had been so long since she was able to enjoy herself like this that she couldn't stop grinning.

As they left to finally head back to Papa, Evelyn grew tired. With her stomach full and the warmth of her new clothes, Jace's scarf, and his own warmth as he held her, it wasn't long before she fell asleep in his arms.


Evelyn fell asleep rather quickly after eating. She felt much warmer than she did before as Jace held the back of his hand against her forehead. She had previously been shivering, but now she was content and smiling in her sleep.

He made sure to hold onto her so she didn't fall as he made his way towards Westview and Radiance, where her parent was waiting. He was a bit nervous, wondering what kind of person they were. Since they were being so secretive, he wasn't honestly sure who among The Nobles it was.

Of course, that honestly didn't matter much to Jace. What mattered was that Evelyn was safe and everything went quite easily. He realized he was getting much stronger than he was before. In the past, if he had tried to face those Vultures, he wouldn't have gotten away with just a nosebleed.

This fact was very apparent with him. He felt a sense of relief, but those responsible for his growth did not escape his mind nor his heart. Liana, Kiera, and Selene, all helped him when he needed it in various ways. Their influence was the reason he was able to become what he was today.

He wasn't sure how much stronger he could become, but he knew now that he could take his time. He had no reason to rush anymore. This clarity allowed him to relax as he moved through Neo City, Evelyn in his arms. It was extremely liberating to feel such a sense of calm.

It was like everything felt so clear. Everything was a lot crisper, more vibrant than ever before. Smells, sounds, and even his other senses all seemed to be more vivid. Was this what it felt like to be able to just enjoy life?

It was a strange felling, and as Jace grew closer to Westview, he took a short break upon the roof of a building. Smiling to himself, he took a deep breath of the winter air. It stung his lungs in the most refreshing way. Letting out his breath, he glanced towards Evelyn sleeping his arms. Her head against his shoulder, she rested peacefully.

As Jace was ready to head off again, he felt rustling in his arms. Glancing over, it seemed that Evelyn had woken up.


"Jace...?" Evelyn asked sleepily.

Blinking and rubbing her eyes. Looking around, the first thing she saw was him. She smiled sleepily, and much to her delight he returned a gentle smile.

"Did I wake you?" He asked gently, to which she shook her head.

"Nuhuh," She claimed, shifting in his arms, "Where are we?"

Looking around, she didn't quite recognize things at first. However, as the building came into view, her eyes widened with glee at the familiar sights of Westview.

"Are we almost home?" She wondered, excited to see Papa again.

"Almost," Jace told her, glancing out over the city, "I'm to bring you to Radiance. That's where your parents will be."

"Mama and Papa!?" Evelyn became truly excited then.

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Mama was almost always busy with everything, even more so than Papa. Which is why he was the one who always came for her when she was in danger. It wasn't that Mama wouldn't come for her, but she was just super busy. So, to hear that both of her parents were going to be there overjoyed her.

"Yeah, I think so," Jace told her, "The message I received said we'll be there, so I would think so?"

He smiled reassuringly, but it was enough for Evelyn. Even if Mama didn't show up, she would be happy. Why? Because she met Jace. He was really nice, kind, and just like Papa, he tried to reassure her just in case her Mama didn't show up.

"Okay!" Evelyn exclaimed, hugging Jace tightly around the neck, "Let's go!"

"Haha, alright," Jace laughed heartily, "Hold on tight, Evie."

She did just that, and before she knew it, they were moving through the sky. From rooftop to rooftop. She giggled in glee, enjoying the feeling of the cold wind upon her face. It didn't bother her, because Jace's scarf was warm and protected her.

Truly, this had been the best day ever. Even despite the bad men. "Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to be captured..." Evelyn giggled to herself at her own joke. She definitely didn't want to be captured again, but maybe Jace would save her?

Glancing up at him, she saw his calm, serene face. A slight smile curled the edges of his lips. The wind buffeted his hair in such a way that she was mesmerized. He seemed so regal. Like a Prince in the stories Papa, and sometimes Mama, read to her. In her mind, she had just been saved by a Prince, and a Prince deserved a proper reward.

She'd make sure that Mama and Papa did so properly.


"Mama! Papa!" Evelyn squealed in delight.

Jumping from her Prince's arms, she ran towards the two waiting for her. They were her parents. A beautiful, elegant woman with long dark hair and piercing golden eyes. She wore a nice white two-piece suit with a dark vest underneath. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders as she knelt down with a kind smile.

With her arms wide open, she scooped Evelyn up in her arms. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to Evelyn. She hoped that one day she would grow up to be just as beautiful. Her skin was fair and flawless, save for the golden lines beneath her eyes. However, those too were beautiful to Evelyn.

Her Papa, a handsome man with dark brown hair swept back and skin with a slight golden hue hugged both of them. His hazel eyes welled up with tears. He wore white suit pants and a dark vest; his suits jacket was laying on the couch where he had been sitting while waiting.

Evelyn giggled in happiness, especially as Papa's beard tickled her face.

"Papa! It tickles!" She exclaimed, "And Mama is here too!"

"Of course," She spoke, her voice sounded so soft and soothing to Evelyn's ears, "How could I be anywhere else than here? My little star."

She cupped Evelyn's cheek gently, her hand warm and soft. Evelyn beamed up at her, pressing her face firmly against her palm. Her eyes went wide as she remembered something really important.

"Mama! Papa!" She pulled away from them, becoming rather adamant, "Reward! The prince needs a reward!"

"P-Prince?" Jace asked, sounding rather confused.

"Mhm!" Evelyn jumped down from her Mama's arms, "You saved me like a Prince in the stories Mama and Papa told me about! So, you're my Prince!"

She beamed up at him. He blushed, which Evelyn thought was pretty funny. Especially as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, thank you for thinking so..." He stated, taking a breath, "I simply did my job. I'm glad I was able to help though."

"Well, job or not..." Her Papa spoke up, his voice slightly deep and velvety, "You saved our daughter. More than that, you ensured she returned safely and in better condition than she disappeared. You have our eternal gratitude."

Papa bowed to Jace, who became rather flustered. Even more so as even her Mama bowed her head in his direction. Evelyn didn't know why Jace seemed to be uncomfortable with it, but she was happy, nonetheless. He would get a reward worthy of him. She would be very upset with Mama and Papa otherwise.


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