Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Growing Closer

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Chapter 20:

Growing Closer

Hand in hand, as it should be. At least, for Selene this is how it felt. She wanted to experience more things with Jace. To experience more to the feelings burgeoning forth. She knew, however, that she had to pace herself. She felt herself falling, tumbling more and more as the night went on.

"Selene..." Jace whispered to her as they walked the night.

"Yes, Jace?" She spoke softly back to him, "Is everything alright?"

"...Yeah," He answered, his tone gentle, "More than alright."

Selene felt her heart jump in her chest as his words. They were so genuine and honest in the moment, but she sensed something underneath. She had been watching him all night. All through dinner and even as they walked. Something was eating him up.

"Is it?" Selene attempted to urge him to talk to her.

"Mhm," Jace nodded, stopping in his tracks as she came to a stop just slightly ahead of him, "Which is why..."

His hand gripped hers tightly, the soft glow of the nearby streetlight illuminated the area with an orangish hue. Rosewood Park, a place devoid of most people this late. Trees lined the pathway, with bushes and other shrubbery accentuating everything. Trashcans and benches dotted the area.

Selene waited patiently for Jace to speak. She could sense something was bothering him, and so she wouldn't push him. Even this struggle he went through, she found adorable. He shifted anxiously, kneading her hand in his.

"I...Don't want to lie to you," Jace found himself telling her, "I think you deserve to know."

Her heart jumped around in her chest as she squeezed his hand tightly, reassuringly.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," Selene spoke honestly, to which Jace seemed to shrink away from.

"I...I'm not used to this," Jace smiled awkwardly, laughing dryly, "I have a long way to go...but this evening has been amazing. You've been lovely..."

Selene felt her heart seize in her chest as her eyes grew rather fierce. She felt something about to happen, and she didn't know if she liked it or not. The way he spoke made it seem as if he was about to tell her he couldn't see her again. She didn't like that.

"Which is why I think you deserve to know," Jace looked away as if in shame, "I...I wasn't forthright earlier...about Liana, I...The thing I said about her being important to me..."

"Ah...that's what it is," Selene's heart relaxed as her eyes lost the intensity they previously held. She understood now. He was nervous about his love for Liana. That it would affect her. That, of course, was ridiculous. She had a lot to thank Liana for, but of course...a lot to be jealous of.

How many firsts did Liana have with Jace? How many expressions did she experience? From here on out, she would also partake. There would be no other way about it. Taking a breath, Selene listened to him, knowing how she would respond even before he explained.

"She is important because...I love her," Jace spoke as if letting off a heavy weight from his chest, "Not like I said previously. Not like family, a person. A woman. I..."

"Jace," Selene finally spoke up as his words trailed off, "Is there a problem with that?"

"How isn't there?" Jace seemed to respond suddenly, looking up at her with consternation, "I'm on a date with you while I love someone else! That's unfair to you! That's-"

"Just fine," Selene stated, causing Jace's expression to recoil as he blinked in confusion.

"I'm sorry...what?" Jace was fully lost as Selene saw his wheels spinning, "H-How is that fine, that's-"

Reaching her free hand up to his cheek, he flinched, but didn't resist. His words cut off, he looked up at her with pain and guilt in his eyes. She didn't like that look. Taking a breath, she smiled gently. It was strange for her to smile so easily, yet for him she found it simple.

"Jace, listen to me," Selene gazed into his eyes, finding herself lost in them, "This is new to me, but you loving Liana is not a factor. I knew long before this."

"H-How?" Jace shook his head against her hand, "I only realized tonight..."

"I pay attention," Selene shrugged, running her thumb along his cheek, "You are quite easy to read."

Jace blushed at her words, frowning as he seemed to pout. Something incredibly adorable to her. "Fuck...that's illegal, Jace..." Selene found herself hard to control as she took a step towards him. Noticing her, he seemed to get nervous suddenly. Her eyes taking in only him.

"I...didn't want to hurt you," Jace found himself muttering, "When I realized this, I was afraid of how you'd react, and-"

"I want you," Selene told him blankly, his eyes widening as his blush deepened at her bluntness, "It is kind of you to think of me..."

Selene knew his anxiety now. He liked her as well but was afraid of his love for Liana hurting her. That was really kind of him. A kindness that no one had ever shown before to her. Her heart knew, and her body simply followed its desires.

Her hand firm upon his cheek, she grew closer to him. His eyes darting around as he was obviously nervous. Her eyes missing none of his ticks. As his eyes finally settled back on hers, she saw the fear and uncertainty.

"If you want me to stop," She whispered to him, "You need only ask. I do not want to upset you either."

"I..." Jace closed his eyes for a moment, swallowing hard before opening them again, the fear and uncertainty held at bay as he shook his head, "No. Don't stop."

That was all she needed to hear. Flicking her eyes briefly to the two voyeurs before returning her attention to Jace as she embraced him. Pulling him close with the hand she held, their bodies pressed close together. Pulling him slightly up as her lips locked with his.

He had no time to react save for just going with it. His eyes closing as his face went red. His lips were soft, if not slightly chapped. Yet, that didn't detract from the experience, only adding to it. It was raw, unfiltered. There was no prep time. It was all emotion.

Her hand slowly releasing his as it moved to the small of his back. He gasped in surprise at this movement, but didn't pull away. His hand rested lightly, almost carefully upon her waist before he grew more confident. His hold turning firm, sending a shiver through her entire body as it reacted to him.

Hers wasn't the only one to react as he leaned more into her. It was with great reluctance that either pulled away from each other. Both were out of breath, forehead against forehead as they leaned against the other. Jace held a dumb smile upon his face, something that Selene mirrored with one of her own. The sweetness of the kiss lingering upon the both of them.

"," Jace muttered, his eyes in a daze.

"...I agree," Selene whispered.

"So...what now?" Jace asked softly, furrowing his brow.

"Now?" Selene's hold on him tightened, "We figure this out. Do not worry so much. It will be easier than you think."

"So do I...just go home after this?" Jace laughed awkwardly, "I don't...I don't know what to do after this."

"...Neither do I," Selene answered him, "It's a first for the both of us...something I finally have."

The meaning of her words was known only to her, and perhaps the two hidden nearby. His true first kiss was hers. A fair trade since Kiera took Liana's. One reason, Selene was sure, that Liana was okay with this.

"I'm...glad," Jace reluctantly pulled away from her as they stood staring at each other, " this the end of the date then?"

Selene nodded, already feeling the emptiness inside of her. She couldn't want to see him again, and if she had anything to say about it, it would be soon.

"Will you be okay?" Jace asked, only for Selene to raise an eyebrow and Jace to get flustered as he remembered she was an Ascended, "Ah...right. You are an Ascended...Stronger than me probably."

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"...Maybe," Selene teased him, much to his amused roll of his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," Jace laughed gently, a sound pleasing to Selene's ear, "Alright...well, I'll see you again?"

"Without a doubt."

As they said their goodbyes, Selene watched him walk away into the park. Waiting for him to be out of earshot.

"You can come out now," Selene called, the sound of a bush rustling as Kiera and Liana emerged.


Jace felt the guilt weigh on him the entire night. Selene seemed like such a nice person. She took her time to ask him out, take him to a really nice place, and all the while reassure him whenever he felt out of place. All while she was dealing with feeling she never felt before. It was her right to know what he was feeling.

He didn't think it right to hide it. To continue to see her while he hid his feelings of love for Liana. It wasn't right or fair for her, let alone him. It ate away at him until he finally couldn't take it anymore. Ever since she told him he could talk to her, and that she would help him, his heart was in turmoil.

He never leaned on anyone, and only recent was able to do so just a little bit with Liana. It was the first time he ever shown such vulnerability. It wasn't easy for him and definitely wasn't something he could just do immediately. Still, he found her words echoing with him, especially after such a kind gesture with the warmth she placed upon his hands.

Even now he could still feel that very warmth. As he told her his feelings, he expected anger, shock, or something...but definitely not acceptance. How could she be okay with it? On top of that she knew. "Just how easy am I to read?" Just felt incredibly awkward as he laid in his bed.

Holding his pillow to him, he recalled the moment earlier tonight. In that moment he felt in awe of her. She had assuaged his concerns and fears. She approached him from a place of strength that he couldn't compete with. Yet, it was that strength which steeled his own resolve.

His fingers lingered over his lips suddenly as he recalled what happened after that. Immediately, he buried his face into his pillow as he flailed about. After a moment of getting those emotions out, he could only peek over the pillow at the ceiling. "My first kiss..." Giddiness entered him as he smiled softly. Though he knew he loved Liana, he wasn't sure if his first kiss would have been like that with her. Let alone if he'd ever be able to.

"What do I do?" He was conflicted, because Liana was a part of his life. She always would be. It would be hard to deal with his emotions around her. Selene was right, he was easy to read. Liana always said so too. Taking a breath, he tried his best not to think on it for tonight.


"...You did it," Liana said, rather impressed, "That was...something else."

"It was hot, sweetie," Kiera corrected, smiling teasingly.

"Okay, yes, but..." Liana cast a sidelong look at her, "Regardless...He said it, didn't he?"

Kiera knew what she meant as she nodded. Jace had verbally admitted to loving Liana. Liana was over the moon right now, and in turn so was Kiera. She had never seen her so happy, even after he just kissed another woman.

"You must be happy," Selene told her, her back to them.

Kiera and Liana walked over to her, for they knew something else as well. Selene was quite happy herself, for as they came into view of her face, she was doing a poor job of hiding the red in her ears and smiling on her face. Her fingers hovering over her lips as she watched after Jace even though he was no longer in sight.

"I am," Liana answered, smiling knowingly, "As are you, I assume."

"...Yes," Selene nodded, recovering herself a bit as she glanced towards the both of them, "I am happy. Though I'm concerned."

"For?" Liana asked curiously.

"Jace," Selene furrowed her brow for the first time that the two of them saw, "He is really conflicted about his feelings for you. I don't like the look in his eye."

Liana was silent as she contemplated the issue. Kiera watched Selene closely, hearing the tone in her voice. Catching Selene's eye, Kiera and her shared a moment. A moment like Liana and Selene did earlier. A silent conversation and realization.

Kiera would do anything for Liana, and in extension Jace. So long as it made Liana happy. Selene was just like her, only for Jace. It was a nice, tidy little circle that completed itself. The both of them were obsessed with their respective interests. Of course, Kiera's interest in Jace was changing from how it used to be.

Still, the two of them recognized each other for who they were without saying anything. It was an acknowledgement and also a way for them to bond. Kiera would be more than happy to help Selene. She had a few tricks that could be useful for her.

"I'll do it," Liana said suddenly after a moment, conviction in her eyes and tone.

"Sweetie?" Kiera asked curiously, knowing what she meant, "Are you sure?"

"Mhm," Liana nodded, taking a deep breath as she steadied herself, "Not right away, but I will. Jace needs time to settle on his thoughts. He just realized his feelings for me. On top of knowing he likes Selene."

"You're right," Selene agreed, resting one arm upon the other as she entered a thinking pose, "Jace has a lot on his plate. His mother...ah!"

Selene's eyes widened as both Kiera and Liana looked at her with surprise and suspicion.

"You know about his mother?" Liana was intrigued, "How?"

"That...was supposed to be a secret," Selene chided herself, "I guess I can show you two..."

"Show us what?" Liana wondered, and Kiera agreed with a nod."


Selene looked around carefully before something amazing happened. Before their eyes Selene began to change. Kiera couldn't sense anything as Selene used the glamour before their very eyes. Her lavender hair turning into a soft brown. Her golden-brown skin turning fair. Even her height and bone structure changed.

"This is Marian," Selene told them, even her voice slightly different yet still held the same monotonous tone, "The nurse in charge of his mother."

"No fucking way," Liana said in both awe and disbelief, "Holy shit."

"I agree..." Kiera furrowed her brow in curiosity, "That glamour..."

"I was talking about the fact she's his mother's nurse," Liana glanced at Kiera, shaking her head, "But yeah...the glamour."

"...Sorry, sweetie," Kiera smiled nervously, "That is also crazy..."

"That settles it," Liana suddenly wrapped one of their arms around hers, "We're having a girl's night the rest of the night! It's time to talk!"

"...I agree," Selene with Marian's face nodded.

Kiera knew she had no choice, and so she agreed. Content with it, the three of them went off into the night. Heading for Kiera's apartment to get to know one another. After all, they were sure to see each other more in the future. Kiera almost felt sorry for Jace. Almost.


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