Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Hot Water

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Chapter 3:

Hot Water

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Jace exclaimed several times as the building began to collapse around him, "When you said they had explosives, you could have at LEAST mentioned the caliber!"

"I warned you to be careful..." Balek sighed as he watched from the small box in the corner of Jace's vision, "Did you at least get the extraction?"

"Yeah, holding it now," Jace replied, holding in his arms the carrying case of a Shih Tzu.

Jace found himself on the outskirts of Neo City. Least, that's what the locals called it. Its official name is "New Eden", but that came to be only in reference to the city center, where all the luxury was. The rich and corporate existed there. Everyone's dream.

Of course, there was the Valley, but not much could be said about it except that's where the rich and famous built their fancy mansions.

Everything else was considered "The Warrens". Right now, Jace found himself in South Canal, one of the six districts of The Warrens. Specifically, an abandoned water treatment facility gone to The Drowned, now coming down around him. Slick fuckers had explosives and weren't afraid to use them. "Ha...and I thought they only liked blunt weapons..."

Some came strapped, but rarely. Blunt weapons and explosives. Grenades usually, but this time they had the big stuff. Xplosieve. A fancy way to say TN'fucking'T. Military grade shit. Courtesy of Defense Consolidated. A military corp dedicated to defense, go figure.

Another explosion drew his attention as the nearby water tower began to collapse towards Jace. Currently sliding down the roof of the facility, he wasn't moving fast enough to avoid the collapse. The only option was to jump.

"Shit...Gotta go, I'll let you know if I live," Jace cut off the communication, no time to resume his music, as he tapped into the power deep inside himself, "Hold on, little fella..."

He got used to it over the last few years. It felt tingly, yet just like the blood in his veins, it flowed through him naturally. He felt the air rush around him as he pushed himself up and away. Weightless, he flew through the air as the ground was fast approaching. Bracing the little pup, he waved his hand before him, a strong gust of wind buffeted his fall as he hit the ground on his back, hard.

"Ugh...More...wind..." He berated himself as he rolled over to get up, making a note to buffet himself more next time.

Standing, he began dusting himself off, checking the carrying case. It barked happily at its condition, a relieved sigh escaping Jace's lips. However, its bark turned urgent as Jace heard an unfortunate sound. The sound of something rumbling. Water. Looking up just in time to see a cascade of dirty, unfiltered water coming straight towards him.

"Oh...come on," He braced himself, gathering his hands together as a prismatic barrier erupted before him, "H-Hold in there, little guy...I'll get you out of here."

Its affirmative barks were tempered by its worry as it spun around in its case. Feeling the strain as the water bashed against the barrier, Jace grunted as the flow split in two. Rushing past him, he felt the weight it, but worse was the lightheadedness. The warm flow of blood running from his nose.

"Shit...not now," He grunted, feeling the deluge grow stronger as his head grew lighter, "Well..."

Taking a breath, he locked his fingers together, the barrier shimmered as it too locked in place. With the barrier only lasting a few more seconds, he prepared the carrying case. Holding it above his head, the barrier began to crack.

"This is it little guy..." Jace licked the blood from his face, "I got you..."

"Arf!" The dog confirmed just as the barrier broke.

The water rushed in, and though Jace attempted to anchor his feet, the force was too much as he was washed away instantly. His back hitting the side of something solid, a shipping container, as he came to a dead stop. The barking of the dog told him they were still alive, but as for him, he had to wait out the rushing water.

Once it finally calmed down, he was able to breath. Coming up to about his waist, the murky water smelled like ass, and even worse, it was warm.

"Ugh...disgusting," Making sure not to get the dog in the filth, they checked to ensure its safety.

Thankfully, not a single scratch was on them, though a bit damp. Luckily, they didn't get completely submerged, only splashed.

"Hahahaha! Die!" A maniacal voice cackled from nearby.

Glancing over, Jace saw a figure standing atop some wreckage. The wet, slicked hair, ragged clothes, and breathing mask on their lower face indicated it was one of The Drowned. Sparkling in their hand was the fuse of grenade.

"Oh, shut up," He muttered, annoyed.

Aiming a finger towards them, the smell of charcoal filled the air. Flame lit the night sky as a small bullet of fire shot forth. With a satisfying whistling zip, it tore through their head as the Drowned fell backwards off their perch. A short second later, an explosion rocked the waters as Jace flinched, water splashing them as they held the pup free of the zone.

Even more disgusted, Jace began to proceed to wade his way out, the pup above his head.


"Mr. Pumperkins!" The older lady cried as they rushed to take the dog, only to stop short as the smell assaulted her nose, "Oh, dear...You're going to need a bath. Come, take him."

Motioning to one of her several attendants, they came to take the dog from me. With their noses up, they looked Jace up and down in disgust before moving away. The old woman, some corpo, huffed as they looked at him.

"I suppose I should thank you," Her tone was entirely condescending, "But, I won't. Pay them. I must be off before the smell offends me anymore..."

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A long, sequin dress with a fur shawl around her shoulders. Jewelry brazenly worn everywhere. "Should get something from this..." Shaking his head as she walked away, Jace turned his attention to the one who set the job up.

A clean, black mandarin collar shirt and dress pants. Wearing black gloves, they sat with one leg over the other on the couch. Two toughs standing, dressed in similar fashion, but with sunglasses. His cybernetic green eyes watched from an impassive face. Brown hair tied back, slight, well-kept scruff.

"You did it," They praised dryly, "' damaged the goods."

"Excuse me?" Jace's eyes twitched as he took a step forward, "Damaged?"

Instantly, the two toughs moved. He now had two irons aimed at him, but Jace wasn't taking the shit anymore. He was ready. A thin veil of greenish blue pressed against the barrels of their guns as he glared at the man sitting.

"Are you screwing me over...again," Jace fumed, his eyes flaring up, "I got the's safe. Damaged? Are you fucked in the head?"

"Are you?" They retorted, standing as they made their way confidently towards him, casually offering a napkin, "You're bleeding."

"...Pay me," Jace's words were steel as he ignored the blood trailing from his nose, "Twice you've fucked me. You're not doing it a third time."

"Arc, my boy..." The man smiled sarcastically, "You've two irons to your head, stinking up the place, and bleeding out."

Seeing that his offer for the napkin was not taken, he pocketed it with an indifferent shrug.

"Take the cut, or-" Before he could get another word out, Jace crackled with power.

"Pay. Me." Jace ordered, the two toughs looking at each other anxiously.

"Think about your mother, boy," The man sneered, "You really want to do this?"

"How does he...?" That was the final straw for Jace as the irons began to grow red hot, too hot for the toughs to hold as they dropped them. Hands to their chests, Jace began to buzz with electricity.

"The one thing you could say..." Jace's face darkened as he bore holes through the man with his eyes, "And you chose that."

The man began to look nervous as the two toughs attempted to break his grasp on them, but to no avail.

"I don't care who you are," Jace threatened, focused in as his eyes glowed neon blue, "I will take you all out, including myself before I let scum like you walk all over me."

"Y-You'll die, then your mother will-" The man let out what could only be considered a squeal as the two toughs took a shock to their bodies, sending them flying backwards, unconscious.

Taking a step forward, Jace's hand lashed out, wrapping around the man's throat. Jace's vision blurred, having to grit his teeth to steady himself.

"There's a saying on the streets..." Jace growled, "You can only hit a dog so many times before it bites back..."

The fixer's eyes glowed green as Jace saw his bank account statement pop up in his vision.


>ID: **********


>TRANSFER: 40,500C

>NEW FUNDS: 101,000C

"I-I threw a bonus in there, so-" Jace's hand closing on his throat shut him up.

"If I even think you're sniffing around..." Jace glared at him, "I'll find you. Now...who told you about my mother?"

The man gulped as he spilled everything. He was no fool to mess with an angry Ascended. He resolved himself to not make these mistakes in the future. Something in Jace's eyes told this man, in that moment, it would be better for him to be on his good side.


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