Love & Lust System

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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Asahi slowly woke up, feeling light, serene.

He remembered the mind-blowing, stupendous sex that he had with the girls, but that wasn’t it. It was the closeness, the minute things between the sex sessions.

The way a person hands you a beverage, or the way they arrange things, in order to make things easier for you.

There are so many minute ways in which a person can show that they care, either aware of it or not.

He looked at the girls. Fumiko was on his left, wearing dark blue pajamas, while Mayumi was on his right, with her crop top and thong combo. The three of them under the covers.

Their trip, he realized something about it.

All those minute things pointed to the girls wanting to make sure that he had the best time possible. And it was clear, as much as part of him didn’t want to admit it, it wasn’t pity. They genuinely thought that he deserved it.

Trish’s words then echoed through his mind. ‘If my opinion is worth anything, you deserve a lot more than what you have right now.’

He took a deep breath. ‘Yeah, maybe I’ll be able to wholeheartedly accept that one day.’

From his left, he felt Fumiko move, as she started to caress his chest, and whisper into his ear. “Good morning.”

He gently turned his body to her, in order to not wake Mayumi up.

Embracing her, he gave her a light kiss. “Good morning.”

Feeling his shaft beneath his underwear, pressing against her, she suppressed a giggle, to be quiet. “I can’t believe you still have morning wood, even after everything we did yesterday.”

He chuckled. “I just need to pee. But to be completely honest, I’m ready to go again.”

Her eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

He nodded. “Yup. But let’s leave that for tonight, otherwise we’ll never leave the room. We can have all the sex we want in Tokyo, so let’s enjoy Kyoto while we’re here.”

She bit her lower lip, then moved her mouth close to his ear and whispered. “Then tonight, I want to feel that big, girthy cock of yours, all the way inside my ass. Are up for it?”

As she finished saying that, she noticed that Mayumi seemed to have woken up. “All the way huh?”

The three of them started laughing as Mayumi jumped over to Fumiko’s side and started teasing her, and Asahi got up to pee.


Since they woke up close to lunch, they decided to spend the day in the city, starting with their first meal. They had lunch at an incredible Arab restaurant, which was suggested by Mayumi.

During the first half of the afternoon, they visited the International Manga Museum, which was fascinating to the three of them, despite Asahi and Fumiko only being light manga readers.

After that, they went to Southern Higashiyama, a historic district, with wooden houses on narrow lanes of paved sone, and several temples they could visit, which they did.

They had dinner at a Shippoku restaurant, which is a type of fusion cuisine that combines European, Chinese and Japanese cuisines.


Later, back in their room at the Ryokan, they took another dip in their private onsen. At one point, the girls asked Asahi to sit on the large edge of the onsen, where they both serviced him, simultaneously, until he came.

With him still rock hard, they dried themselves and went back to the bedroom.

Fumiko provided him with a bottle of edible lubricant, of the same brand he used with Trish, but peach flavored. She then went to the bed and kneeled, before lowering her torso until her tits touched the futon.

Her gorgeous and ample ass, was pointing up, revealing her cute butthole.

Fumiko gestured to Mayumi to come to her. “Come here, I want to eat you.”

Looking at Fumiko’s position, Mayumi understood her objective. She wanted for Mayumi to have a good angle to watch it while being pleasured. Mayumi had goosebumps just thinking about it, and did as Fumiko asked.

Meanwhile, Asahi kneeled behind Fumiko, and started to pleasure her butthole with his tongue, which made her start moaning. Simultaneously, Mayumi also started to moan, due to Fumiko’s incredible tongue working her pussy.

Soon, with a box of wet-wipes ready near him, he started to prepare Fumiko’s butthole, the same way he did with Trish. With each finger, Fumiko’s moans became more frequent. When the third finger was fitting in nicely, Fumiko’s moans almost had a pleading tone to them.

As he was about to grab some tissues to wipe the lube from his fingers, he noticed Mayumi looking at him.

With her torso halfway raised, being supported by her elbows, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

‘Fuck, I don’t think it’s possible for me to get harder than this.’

He went to her, and gently stuck his fingers in her mouth. When she closed it, he moved them back and forth, and saw her slightly tremble while moaning.

After they were clean, he removed them, and watched Mayumi lick her lips, with an expression of pure pleasure.

‘I stand corrected, I can.’

He then stood up, and walked behind Fumiko. After dropping a couple drops of lube on the tip of his cock, he put the bottle down, and moved closer to her.

With his legs open, he squatted, aiming his cock in downwards angle, towards her butthole. He teased her a bit with his tip, before he started to enter her. As he did, he felt her legs wobble a bit, so he went slower.

She moaned, and her grip on Mayumi’s thighs tightened. Mayumi felt a bit of pain, but it only heightened her pleasure.

Soon, Asahi’s cock disappeared inside Fumiko, and she let out a loud moan. “Fuck… Holy fuck, that feels so good. Go slow for now, please, I never took something that big back there.”

He did as she asked, moving his hips slowly, making her feel every centimeter of his cock.

As Mayumi watched that, her levels of pleasure were almost going into overdrive.

After a minute or so of moans, Fumiko spoke again. “Hmmm… You can go faster now; I’m used to it.”

Promptly, he accelerated his rhythm, and with that, Fumiko’s moans got louder, which made Mayumi’s escalate as well.

He thrust and thrust his hips, as swiftly and skillfully as he possibly could, and after a little over five minutes later, he felt Fumiko’s butthole tighten around his cock, and she let out a loud moan. He pulled his cock back and did one final big thrust, which made her tremble, as he let out his load inside her.

Alongside them, Mayumi also let out a loud moan, trembling, and almost ripping the sheets. Her arms gave out, no longer supporting her, as her back hit the futon.

Slowly pulling out his cock, Asahi held on to Fumiko’s hips to keep her standing, due to her having no strength left in her legs.

He slowly lowered her to her side, and grabbed some tissues to clean her. Both girls looked like they were in a trance, and he was barely keeping himself together, with how strong that orgasm was.

After he cleaned her, and also himself, he lied down next to the girls. “That was on another level, huh?”

A lazy and satisfied “Yeah…” came out of both girls at the same time.


The next morning, the three of them woke up at the same time, cuddling on the bed. Fortunately, they managed to change the sheets and take a shower before going to sleep, like they did during their first night there.

Even though they had less than half as much sex as they did on the first day, the orgasms were so intense that it took a toll on them. If Asahi hadn’t bought that passive, he’d still be out, instead of just a bit tired at that moment.

Mayumi caressed Asahi’s chest. “Last night was way too intense. I’m not gonna last if we do it like that every time.”

Fumiko and Asahi laughed, while Fumiko held her hand, on top of Asahi’s chest. “Last night was special, like things aligning to make it that intense. It’s not something we can recreate at will.”

Mayumi raised her left eyebrow. “I know that you’re two years older, but you’re sounding way too experienced right now.”

Fumiko laughed. “This was my first threesome, but I’m a bit experienced in general, with both guys and girls. I find sex to be a great way to relieve stress, and with… Huh, I just realized something. I talked to you guys about me growing up, how much I like computers, and even bombarded you with encryption factoids. But somehow, we never actually talked about university, besides me choosing Tokyo U over those fancy foreign ones.”

Asahi nodded. “True, but how does that connect to we’re talking about?”

Fumiko smiled. “Like I was saying, I find sex to be a great way to relieve stress, and with me being on the last year of my Masters, on top of side work, the stress piles up.”

Both Asahi and Mayumi widened their eyes, and spoke in unison. “Masters?”

Fumiko chuckled. “I skipped most of my graduate classes, by reading the books while in high school, and taking some tests. You know, as one does. Technically, I’m starting my third year in the university, second and final of my Masters. Oh, it’s also a double, Cyber Security and Cryptography.”

Both of their mouths went agape.

They knew that she was a genius and was scouted by major universities, but they didn’t know that it was to that extent.

Asahi blinked, then raised his right eyebrow. “Third year… does that mean that you didn’t skip grades before getting to Uni?”

Fumiko nodded. “My friends weren’t academically gifted like me, and I wanted to stay with them. Mainly, I wanted to properly be a kid before becoming an adult. Some teachers tried to convince me to skip grades, but I said no, and when they pestered me, I literally told them to go fuck themselves.”

Mayumi’s eyes widened. “Did they call your parents?”

Fumiko smirked. “They did, and my parents told them to go fuck themselves as well.”

Asahi laughed. “Nice, you have good parents.”

Fumiko smiled. “I really do. What I’m hoping to have now however, is food, because I’m starving.”

With that, they started their day in a nice mood.


After having lunch in a Mexican restaurant, they walked around so the girls could buy some souvenirs.

As they passed in front of a store that sold yukatas, he stopped. There was a pink one, with a kitten pattern on it, which made him stop, and smile.

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Fumiko looked at him, then at what he was looking at. “Do you want to go in and see if they have a bigger size?”

He scratched his head. “I don’t know. It’s not about the money itself, but an expensive gift like that, I don’t wanna cross a line.”

Mayumi chuckled, and hugged him from the side. “After going on a trip together, and doing all those things to her body, I think you obliterated any line that would prevent you from giving her that yukata.”

He laughed, then displayed a pensive expression. “You might be right, but… I never gave anyone a gift before, at least not something like this.”

Fumiko hugged him from the other side. “You’re not thinking that either me or Mayumi should be the recipient of your first gift, are you?”

He blushed. “Kind of.”

Both girls laughed, and Mayumi spoke. “For someone who’s an absolute stud in bed, you can be so pure sometimes. Asahi, this is how gifts are supposed to be, at least as far as I’m concerned. You see something that someone you care for might like, then you buy it for them if you can comfortably afford it. There is no need to worry about the order in which you give them.”

Fumiko nodded. “I agree.”

He smiled, and gave each of them a light kiss. “Alright, let’s go in then.”

They entered the relatively large store, which had all kinds of yukata for all types of people.

An older woman, most likely in her fifties, wearing social clothes, came to attend to them. She seemed to be the owner, and probably came herself because the two employees were busy with other clients.

“Hello, I’m Morikawa, the owner. How can I help you?”

Asahi pointed to the yukata he wanted. “Do you have that one, but for a woman slightly taller than me, with thicker thighs and a bigger posterior?”

She looked at the yukata with a pensive expression, then snapped her finger. “Actually, I do. Just give me a moment.”

As she left, Mayumi kissed his cheek. “Nice. Now you two can do some historical Master/Servant play.”

Asahi and Fumiko laughed.

After the woman came back, he asked her to package it as a gift, in a nice box.

They kept walking for an hour or so, while the girls got some souvenirs, then went back to the Ryokan to store the bags in their room.

To close the afternoon, they went to the Higashiyama Mountains, and hiked up to the Shogunzuka Viewpoint. From that vantage point, they could see the sunset in the horizon, behind the mountains, with an incredible view of the city.

For dinner, they went to a traditional Chinese restaurant, then went back to the Ryokan after eating a delicious meal.

They took their usual dip in the onsen, before going to bed, where another session of sex started. However, unlike the previous night, they did it gently, with tenderness and care.


In the morning, they woke up early enough to get breakfast before leaving, with time to spare.

Still in bed, since they still had time, they cuddled, enjoying the ambiance for a while longer.

Asahi gave both of them a light kiss, and hugged them tightly, one with each arm. “Thank you. This trip was absolutely incredible, I had a lot of fun. I won’t forget this for the rest of my life.”

Both girls reciprocated the hug, with beaming smiles.

After cuddling for a while, they had breakfast and checked out of the Ryokan.

The trip home was peaceful.


Fumiko went directly to her apartment, because she was going home for the weekend, due to her little brother’s birthday.

Asahi and Mayumi went to their apartment, and unpacked.

While he unpacked, he sent Trish a message.

(A)- Hi, I’m back from Kyoto.
(T)- Hey, how was your trip?
(A)- Incredible, I had a blast. Actually, I have a gift for you, but it’s a bit awkward to give it to you at the
        gym. Would you mind coming to my place after our training?
(T)- Not at all, I’d love to, and thank you for getting me a gift. Can’t wait to see what it is. So, how was your first threesome?
(A)- Incredible, better than I could ever hope to be.
(T)- That’s great, I’m happy for you. ?
(A)- Thank you. See you at our training session. ?
(T)- See you then. ?

After unpacking, he wrote more chapters for his novel until lunch, which he cooked together with Mayumi, then went back to writing.

Whenever he was writing his novel, walking, during a train ride, or pretty much any time that he wasn’t interacting with Mayumi or Fumiko, he was also training his Psychokinesis.

That day’s training session with Trish, was completely focused on footwork and positioning, which was quite tiring.

After his usual post-training shower, Trish drove him home on her high-end sports motorcycle.

She wore her usual jeans with a tank top and jacket on top, with her hair tied in a ponytail.

Upon entering his apartment, he said slightly loud. “I’m home.”

As if she was waiting to pounce, Mayumi popped out of the living room, wearing her usual booty shorts and crop top.

Asahi chuckled. “Trish, this is Mayumi. Mayumi, this is Trish.”

Before Trish could even say hi, Mayumi went directly for a hug. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

A bit startled, Trish reciprocated the hug. “H-hi, nice to meet you too.”

Asahi laughed.

Mayumi let go, blushing a bit. “Sorry, I got a bit too excited there.”

Trish looked at how cute Mayumi looked, then took a better look at her as a whole. “That’s okay, I’ve been looking forward to meet you too.”

Mayumi remembered why Asahi called Trish there. “Oh, right. Go do your thing, I’ll be in the living room.”

As Mayumi left like the wind, Trish turned to Asahi. “She’s so cute, I kind of want to give her a little nibble.”

He nodded. “Completely understandable, that’s a constant feeling for me. Let’s go to my room, your gift is there.”

She nodded, and followed him.

Entering his room, she spotted a somewhat fancy paper box on his bed, which he picked up.

He then handed it to her. “I thought that you would like it when I saw it, so I bought it, but not before getting over my reservations, thanks to the girls.”

She smiled and received her gift. “Thank you.”

She sat down on his bed, with the box on her lap, then opened it.

Upon seeing the yukata, her eyes lit up, and a beaming smile appeared on her face.

She removed from the box and unfolded it, holding it against her body in front of her. “This is so cute!”

He smiled. “I was a bit anxious, but I’m glad you liked it.”

She carefully laid it down on his bed, gave him a hug, and kissed him. “Thank you, so, so much. It means a lot to me.”

He became slightly embarrassed. “You’re welcome.”

She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Can I try it on?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

She looked at him with a cryptic smile. “Do you mind waiting in the living room?”

He looked at her with a quizzical expression, then spoke before leaving. “Not at all…”


As he arrived in the living room, Mayumi raised her left eyebrow. “Is she gonna try it on?”

He nodded. “She asked me to wait for her here.”

Mayumi looked at him with an excited smile. “She’s gonna look stunning in it. She’s so much prettier in person.”

Asahi smiled. “I totally agree.”

Less than two minutes later, Trish walked into the living room, completely naked.

Both Asahi and Mayumi looked at her, trying to process what was happening.

Trish walked towards them, then kneeled in from of them, in a seiza position. “Master, I apologize, but I can’t possibly wear something that expensive, I’m just a humble servant. I know that I disobeyed an order, so please, punish me.”

Both Asahi’s and Mayumi’s mouths went agape.


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