Love Doesn’t Matter

Chapter 28: 28

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Chapter 28 – Why Do I Want To Cry

“Did you have any difficulties coming here?”
“What? No… It was fine.”
“I was worried that it would rain again, but it’s sunny today.”

She was shocked once again by his casual reminder of the day of the heavy rain.

“Did Grozhang tell you yesterday? I received an invitation from Mrs. Lüen.

A dimple appeared on one side of his face. Emilia hurriedly looked away.

“That woman is probably at a loss by now. Two people with the Meyer name will be attending the party where she gathered the newbies.”

His cool eyes had a joyful look for some reason.

“We are going to be the most attention-grabbing lovers in Nowak.”

Once again, he said the word ‘lover’ extremely casually.

Emilia fell into shock as if she had been hit hard in the head. It wasn’t because of Hadius. It was because of her heart pounding at his words.

Calm down. This is just an act. You came here to sign the break-up agreement!

Emilia calmed down her mind.

“Odelia Lüen invited you in due course.”

Hadius’ cheerful voice continued. It became more and more difficult for Emilia to stay still and listen.

“Of course, I had to go a bit out of schedule to attend the ball, but…”
“Young Master,”

A cold voice stopped him.

“The break-up agreement. Show it to me first.”

Hadius’ face hardened at once.

“You called me here to sign it. Isn’t that so?”

With a face that had quickly relaxed, he stuffed one hand into his pocket.

“What’s the hurry?”
“You called me here for that.”
“Later. After we go out and return.”
“Go out?”

“The Brogne Botanical Garden is nearby. The lakeside path is perfect to take a walk right now. You like to take walks. Let’s just take a 30-minute walk and have dinner at a restaurant with a nice view…”
“Don’t tell me, right now… You don’t mean you’re going with me, do you?”

The man’s eyes lost their sparkle and quickly turned cold.

“What is your intention in asking that?”
“Because I can’t believe it.”
“Believe it. If not, why would I be dressed up like this?”

Hadius opened his arms, ostentatiously. Emilia quickly lowered her eyes.

That man right now was wonderfully perfect. If she took a walk with him, arm in arm like a real couple, it seemed that Charlotte had really become a monster and cast a strange spell.

That was black magic and a curse. ‘Like’ is a terrifying curse that leads to a complete loss of reality due to being blinded by unfounded words.

“We’ll talk about the break-up later. After taking a walk together.”
“No. I don’t think so. I didn’t come here to leisurely take a walk.”

With that thought in mind, Emilia took off her gloves and hat in front of the large table.

“Come on, please. The agreement.”

Once again, as if he felt the determination in her demanding eyes, Hadius’ face became completely stiff.

“… As you wish.”

He walked to the door and called someone.

A few moments later, the door opened again, and a man with a mustache under his hooked nose and a monocle appeared.

“Say hello. This is Lawyer Stefan Bildermate.”
“Hello, Young Lady. It is an honor to meet you.”

She realized it once again as she watched him politely greet her.
All of this is just a pretense.

A noble like Hadius would be used to wearing a mask that was different on the outside and on the inside; but Emilia was different. It was natural that she felt uncomfortable and awkward.

“Hello, Mr. Bildermate. Since you are the one who brought the break-up agreement, you know a little bit of the truth, right? This is impudent, but when we are alone like this, you don’t have to call me ‘Young Lady’. Just call me Miss Bern.”

Hadius’ eyes narrowed, and the lawyer was bewildered. Either way, Emilia pulled a chair and sat down. She wanted to show a businesslike attitude that didn’t contain any emotion as much as possible.

“The documents?”
“… Stefan, show the Young Lady the agreement.”

He ostentatiously called her ‘Young Lady’, like before. Emilia stared at Hadius, holding back her annoyance.

After a while, a stack of more than ten papers was handed to Emilia.


She felt rather relaxed seeing the title. Emilia rolled up her sleeves and picked up the next paper. She hadn’t read a few words when,


Hadius suddenly dipped the pen in ink and handed it to her. It was a very unpleasant gesture of urgency.

“Just sign it. There is nothing that will cause you harm. This is just a procedure. It doesn’t mean much…”
“I must read it.”

Emilia raised her head and looked straight at his arrogant eyes, looking down from above.

“Is there anyone who signs something without even reading it?”

The pen holder hesitated in the air. Then, it slowly went back to the pen rack.

Since she has been checking the ledgers of the Cavendish mansion for the past five years, she knows better than anyone the importance of documents and terms and conditions.

“Where is the information on residency? I want to check it first…”

The cold eyes turned to the lawyer this time. He, who was sitting comfortably, flinched and adjusted his monocle.

“T-That’s probably… Article 7 Clause 1 or 2…”

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The small hand turned over the pages without hesitation. It really was written in Article 7 Clause 2. Caitlyn Meyer kept her promise.

“Ah, that’s a relief.”

Emilia unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Hadius’ eyes sank heavily, but she didn’t notice it at all. After that, she was frighteningly immersed in the documents.

‘Reading’ is something wonderful.

Many things disappeared from her consciousness as she read each word carefully.
From the perfectly dressed Hadius, to the lawyer who was struggling to lay his hands on his bulging belly, and the servants who greeted her like a noble lady…
The small letters held Emilia back firmly.



After checking the last phrase, she put the papers down. Unlike her lively response, it was difficult to even turn her head towards Hadius.

“Can you give me a pen?”

He didn’t even do the smallest movement.


The lawyer handed over a pen, and Emilia signed without hesitation.

The lawyer received the papers, checked them, and reached his arm towards the seal.
After a moment, the shield and arrow, the crest of the Meyer family, were engraved in the place where the bright red beeswax had melted.

The end.

Her heart started beating breathlessly. They finally did it.
The break-up.
No, the break-up agreement.

In an instant, her tension released, and she became exhausted. She felt like her head was steaming.

After covering her red cheeks, Emilia started tidying up her disheveled hair.

She felt a strange look on her face, like a scorching sun, as she gathered her troublesome hair and swept it to one side.

As she turned her eyes, the eyes of the man, which seemed to be devouring her, were quietly sparkling.

While Emilia was buried in the papers, something had significantly changed in Hadius, too.

“We did what you wanted, so shall we go out now?”
“Must we really do that?”

The light steps stopped.

“I know you and your family are in a difficult situation. I also understand that in order to break off the engagement, the public opinion must first quiet down. However, I do not think it is necessary to do this much. Going to the botanical garden for a walk and having dinner; don’t tell me that you mean that I should pretend I like you?”

Emilia shrugged, as if it were ridiculous, and approached the window.

“I do not think it is necessary to do that. To show it to the people, it’s enough to just go to Mrs. Lüen’s ball together.”
“Don’t you remember? You agreed to cooperate as much as possible.”

At his sharp tone, Emilia looked at him in surprise.
But there was no irritation, anger, or displeasure anywhere on his face. There was no emotion in itself. Hadius was just sinking darkly, like the dark night sky.


He suddenly called the butler. The gray-haired man who came in through the door flinched at the coldness that flowed in the living room, and soon hid his expression.

“Call Eliere. The Young Lady is ready.”

She frowned automatically.

“I’m telling you in advance, I’m not disregarding your independence.”


“This is not for you either. It’s for me. Eliere is a designer. I asked her specifically. A dress for you.”
“… What… Did you say?”
“Put it on for now. Then she will adjust it to fit your body. She said it only takes about an hour; so, let’s wait, change clothes, and go out together.”

Hadius spoke, pretending not to see the shocked Emilia.

“You promised to fulfill your duties as my fiancée. So just accept it.”

The door burst open.

“Hello, Young Lady!”

A cheerful voice that didn’t fit the stifling atmosphere at all. Then, a thick floral scent overflowed. The maids came in, one after the other, led by a woman dressed in fancy clothes.

Each of them held a dress of varied colors in their hands. They were so colorful and extravagant that they couldn’t even be compared to the ones in Vinette’s boutique.

A total of seven dresses drew a circle around Emilia, but none of them caught her attention. Emilia felt dizzy and breathless.

“As the Young Master Meyer urged, about 20 employees had to stay up all night for a few days. I couldn’t measure the Young Lady, but don’t worry. Nowadays, I make dresses using what is called a pattern. I make a temporary dress like this…”

Emilia stepped back, unconsciously, avoiding Eliere, who was approaching without hesitation. Then, she made eye contact with Hadius. The insensitive eyes didn’t do anything, but Emilia felt like she was strangled.

“Young Lady?”

Eliere called her.

“No, I am not a ‘Young Lady’.”

She replied firmly and walked forward, breaking the feast of gorgeous dresses. She grabbed the bonnet on the table and turned towards Hadius.

“Why are you so persistent? I told you clearly. I don’t need any more compensation.”

Emilia shook her head as he approached her.

“No, don’t come…”

Surprisingly, her eyes became hot. Her eyelids, cheeks, chin; there was no spot that didn’t tremble.
Emilia tried not to cry with all the strength in her body. Just before the overflowing tears rolled out, Emilia managed to turn around.

“Stop it now… I’m leaving.”

Why is she like this?
She doesn’t know why she wants to cry or why she is so angry.

Tap, tap, tap, every time the old shoes stepped on the marble floor, the servants who were passing by were surprised. Emilia ran across the hall and out of the mansion in no time.

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