Love Doesn’t Matter

Chapter 4: 4

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Chapter 4 – What Are You Looking For?

Summer has passed and autumn has come.

While the zelkova forest changes from green to golden, and to a dry brick color, Elfort’s pine trees remain green.

Pure white snowflakes bloomed on every needle-like leaf and, after the bitter cold, spring has come again.

Finally, the last semester.

Fourth-grade cadets at Elfort Military Academy take a long vacation ahead of the officer’s appointment. This is the last vacation before graduation.

Most of the cadets are of imperial descent, members of the royal family, and children of prestigious families. The front of the school was so crowded with gorgeous carriages and servants who came to pick up their precious masters, that there was no room to walk.

It was the same with the Meyer family. The large carriage covered in gold leaf carrying Hadius Meyer out of school finally arrived at Nowak, after running for half a day.

It was his mother, Caitlyn Meyer, his aide, Grozhang, and a middle-aged man with a nice mustache, who welcomed the heir back after a year.

“Hello, Master.”
“How have you been?”

Hadius shook hands with the aide and immediately turned to Caitlyn.

“I heard that Elfort is a man-hunting hell, you’ve lost some weight. Hady.”
“Not enough to worry.”

From behind the mother and son that hugged each other affectionately, a husky voice was heard.

“There is nothing to worry about. He was selected as the best graduate. From what I heard, they look at the physique, right?”

Caitlyn released the hug and turned around, smiling.

“Give your greetings. Grand Duke Reinen has come.”

A middle-aged man, standing with his hands behind his back, raised his hat.

His name is Hannes Reinen. He is the head of the Reinen family, also known as the mining tycoon, who once almost had a connection with the Meyer family.

“Long time no see. How have you been?”

Hadius greeted with courtesy.

“Congratulations in advance on your graduation. It seems like only yesterday I saw you waddling around holding Bianca’s hand but you’re already graduating, how time flies.”
“Thank you.”
“Since the Meyer’s cub has grown up like this, all we have to do is stir up the society.”
“You flatter me.”

Caitlyn, who had been looking at the two with pride, opened her mouth playfully.

“But Grand Duke, from now on Hadius will be so busy he won’t be able to make it to the party.”
“How come?”
“Because the succession will begin tomorrow in earnest. Now he has to get rid of the ‘successor’ label.”
“Oh, already?”
“I also thought ‘Already?’, but someone told me. ‘At last.’.”

Caitlyn said so while patting Hadius gently on the shoulder.

“Sir Meyer would like that too. The successor quickly inherits the title and stands tall as the center of the family.”

The atmosphere became silent for a moment. This is probably because the Duke of Meyer, who has not gotten out of bed for several years, was mentioned.

The four people headed to the living room together.

Teacups were placed and they chatted about this and that. From social gatherings and events to changes in the land and businesses owned by the Meyer family, financial matters, proceeding to rumors and pending issues surrounding the royal family, nobles, and commoners.

Various news came to the heir, who had been absent for a year.
Caitlyn, who had been fanning herself slowly, turned to Hadius for a moment, saying “Oh my.”.

“The dinner party will be held next week. I’ll have to invite that child again.”

Her mouth voiced ‘that child’ as if she were swallowing a grain of sand.

But Hadius was different. The young man’s face, which was smooth like a statue, was fixed on the documents handed by the aide, without any distraction.

Caitlyn, who was watching her unresponsive son, let out a worried sigh.

“What are you so worried about? If you are fed up with it, just send it back.”
“You haven’t found a partner yet.”
Caitlyn pressed her temple firmly as if she had a headache.
“It’s difficult, and I’m sorry to ask you to pick the right man. It’s not like you’re throwing away leftover breadcrumbs.”
“That’s right. To escort a woman with a fiancé, and on top of that a commoner, there is no way there’s a man who will go for it.”

Caitlyn, who had been frowning, suddenly smiled.

“Well, at any rate, the last man didn’t seem to hate it very much. That… Who was it? Erger… Was it? Do you remember, Hadius? The man I assigned to her as a partner last year.”
“… I’m not sure.”

Hadius replied, handing over the documents.

Caitlyn, blinking alone, soon nodded, saying “That’s right, Erger Wischer.”.
“He is Viscount Wischer’s second son, and he didn’t seem to dislike it. That country kid has a good-looking face. She is fairly good at pretending to be a noble woman, perhaps thanks to the bridal lessons.”
“Yes, it’s tolerable.”

Hannes replied indifferently while holding the pipe in his mouth.

“Do you know what’s funny? That day, when the dinner party ended, a call came from the Wischer household. He asked me sneakily, “When do you think the engagement will be broken-off?””
“…. What? How come he asked something like that?”
“It’s obvious. In the eyes of a country nobleman from a small town, that child looks like Aphrodite. He wants to make her his lover.”

Hadius’ hand stopped mid-air, as he was handing the documents. It was a momentary instant that no one could notice. The achromatic pupils, which were never lost in the dense forest of letters, left the documents and lingered in the air.


Suddenly, a sound of laughter was heard from somewhere. It was Hannes.

“Then that’s even better. Haven’t your problems been solved? Call that Erger or Berger guy again to the dinner party that will be held soon.”

Contrary to Hannes’ expectations, Caitlyn’s frown did not ease out.

“What is wrong?”
“It’s not like I haven’t thought about that either, but it seems like it’s going to be difficult because there are a lot of ears and eyes watching. In fact, everyone is badmouthing me behind my back for mistreating that powerless child. But, pairing her again with a man who ‘wants to make her his lover’… You might hear voices saying I’m a cruel, heartless witch.”

Hannes stared at Caitlyn and bit the pipe again. There was a lot of dissatisfaction in the way he sucked.

“You’re too weak-minded. That’s the problem.”

The finely painted lips were hardened and shut tightly.

But Caitlyn put on a smile again and tilted her head as if she were wondering what he was talking about.

“Did you say that the girl is still taking bridal lessons? What does that mean? She may pretend to be naive, pretend to know nothing, but, in reality, she may be only waiting for the day she becomes the Duchess.”
“That’s right. There is no way to know the mind of people. However…”

Caitlyn’s eyes, which were wandering around anxiously, turned to her son as if seeking an answer. Hadius put down the papers he was holding and looked at his mother. A calm and solemn face, as if he were looking at the clouds in the sky on a leisurely afternoon.

“Do as you please. It doesn’t matter whether people talk behind your back or not, or if she dreams of becoming the Duchess.”

A cool voice continued calmly.

“Before I graduate, I’m thinking of making a negotiation. About breaking off the engagement.”


In the green month of May, the morning of the zelkova forest began with the early sunrise and the sound of birds chirping. A woken-up Emilia jumped up without time for yawning or stretching.

You must hurry. Sooner or later, a carriage sent by the Meyer family will arrive.

Once a year. ‘That day’ has come around again.

Emilia diligently washed up and changed her clothes. In the gap of a year, the hair that had been fluttering on her shoulders completely covered her back, and the baby fat, which had remained faintly, disappeared without a trace.

The deepened eyes and the smooth curves flowing along the shoulders are those of a woman, and nineteen-year-old Emilia was becoming an adult without being aware of it.

Under the skirt that became so short that you could see her ankles, the two feet in stockings were once again trapped in old shoes.
It hurts. Her feet have grown.

Endure it. It is only one day. Those who hold out will win.

Despite her cold determination, Emilia felt herself becoming infinitely smaller again in front of the carriage that arrived at her house.

“Hello, Miss Bern. Good morning.”

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As every year, the coachman of the Meyer family, Hewitt, greeted her with a lively greeting, and Emilia got into the carriage.

After passing the majestic plains, they arrived at Nowak, a crowded metropolis.

As soon as she entered the mansion, she greeted Mrs. Meyer and stepped into the crowd of people who didn’t even look her way.

“Emilia. I think I have to make a difficult request today, too.”

Caitlyn had an unquestionably sorry expression.

“The truth is, my nephew, Beatrice, suddenly came to visit. But she is still young and hasn’t made her formal debut in society, so I can’t pair her up with a man carelessly… I think I have no choice but to have Hadius be her partner.”

Emilia smiled gently again today.

“It’s alright. Madam.”
“Thank you, Emilia.”

That was it.

Everything was the same as that day a year ago.

It was only when the butler called Hadius Meyer’s name that cracks began to appear like stones being thrown into a quiet lake.

For some reason, he was dressed in a black suit, not the Navy uniform. Him wearing a creamy bow tie gave the feeling of an adult, and not a young man.

Emilia, staring at the man who had risen above people’s heads, suddenly felt disgusted.

She was just like a pet dog. Just wishing her owner would look at her.

Instead of waiting for eye contact as usual, she turned around. Hiding behind a pillar, she waited for him to go away.

“Say hello, Hadius. Beatrice came in a carriage since dawn, to congratulate you on your graduation.”
“You’ve grown a lot. I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Hello, Brother.”

Hearing the sound of laughter as pretty as a bird, Emilia closed her eyes tightly.

Fortunately, the conversation didn’t last long. As they were moving to another place, the voices of the three were gradually getting further away from the pillar. Confirming that they were completely gone, Emilia walked cautiously.

The quiet balcony was a good place to avoid the eyes of people. Emilia leaned against the railing and quietly looked down at the long path around the large fountain.

Then, a conversation that made her ears stand up was heard from somewhere.

“Have you heard? Hadius Meyer is moving to a new townhouse sooner or later. He is becoming independent.”
“Ah, is that why there are so many guests today? From the Grand Duke of Emerson to the Marquis of Tiloan. I wondered why there were so many faces that are difficult to meet.”

Two men were having a conversation in the bushes just below the balcony. Eavesdropping was a cowardly thing, but Emilia couldn’t move.

“At times like this, you should stand in line. Because soon, the era of Hadius Meyer will come. Caitlyn Meyer will be an old woman in the back room.”
“Ha! You’re clueless.”
“… What?”
“Will Caitlyn Meyer give up her family that easily? There is word that Hadius Meyer is a thoroughly ‘trained successor’. There is even a joke that Caitlyn Meyer is medically controlling him. If she were to die, she would only pretend to be dead.”

There was a giggling sound.

“But I’ve been told that Hadius is not an ordinary guy. He got the top medal at the graduation ceremony. Contrary to his sleek appearance, he could be a very strong guy.”

Emilia was as surprised as the voice was filled with awe.

Elfort Military Academy is famous for its rigorous training and difficult graduation. By graduating there, the children of the royal family and, like Hadius, of noble families, proved themselves as successors and fulfilled their duties as the privileged class.

But not only graduating, but also the best graduation…

“But I heard a very strange thing from Grand Duke Emerson earlier. Hadius met the Grand Duke of Reinen not long ago.”
“… Really? Hannes Reinen?”

Emilia knew very well why the other person was surprised.

A mining tycoon, Hannes Reinen.

His youngest daughter, Bianca Reinen.

It was natural to remember the name of Hadius’ past fiancee.

“Then, don’t tell me the two are finally reuniting? Against His Majesty’s will?”
“What are you so surprised for? No one’s talking about it, but isn’t it something you were already expecting? Caitlyn Meyer received a good blow from the King 5 years ago, but she is not one to be beaten.”
“That is right.”
“It seems to me that Meyer is planning to intervene in the Trunia civil war, in the neighboring country. He’s going to stand with the King of Trunia and finance the repression of the rebel forces.”
“That’s right, was the Meyer family a family like us, collecting rent from tenants? Won’t Hadius start by taking over Meyer Steel? He agreed to get the Trunia mine as a condition of the financing. As far as I know…”

The man lowered his voice. Emilia’s ears also followed suit.

“It looks like he will set up a co-partnership with Reinen Mining.”
“… Is that so?”

Hadius’ independence, a co-partnership, and Bianca Reinen.

I was confident I had let go of my lingering attachment, was I too conceited?

The fact that Hadius was trying to continue his broken relationship with his former fiancée kept making Emilia go back to the past. To the childhood where she couldn’t take her eyes off the cold, beautiful black-haired boy.

During their five years of engagement, Emilia rarely hated or blamed Hadius. In a way, he is also just a victim.

Before their engagement, he was already engaged to Bianca Reinen. The two have been friends since childhood, and they received full support and backing from both families.

Intentionally or not, from their point of view, Emilia is a disrupter.

The problem isn’t Hadius Meyer. It was herself, who felt unnecessary ‘feelings’ between them.

Emilia eagerly blinked her eyes to shake off the bitter truth.
It was better. It has been a long time since her affectionate heart faded like ink spilled in water. Emilia, too, was more than eager to end this weary relationship.

As she stared into the void, she suddenly realized a strange fact.
Why is her partner not coming?

Previously, she used to have a partner, even if it was a formality, but today her side is empty.

Maybe that is how they’re confirming it. Soon you will be completely thrown away…

Suddenly, an unyielding energy rose.

Give it a try.

There is one thing Caitlyn Meyer overlooked. For the past 5 years, Emilia did not live while weeping tears of self-pity. Her blood was cold, her head was full, and her heart was hard as a rock.

Even though she didn’t know for what purpose Caitlyn Meyer didn’t assign her a partner, Emilia was much more relaxed with no one keeping her side. With a partner, there is no way to escape. She should have been treated as an invisible person among people who eat, drink, and laugh.

Even though she thought it would be enough to endure it just once a year, she really hated it today. She hated it to death for some reason.

Emilia waited for the right time.

An opportunity arose when moving from the living room to the dining room. She stood at the very end of the crowd, moving in groups of two in a row. She sneakily slowed down and turned in front of the main entrance.

When she finally got out, Emilia seemed to be flying away with a sense of freedom.

She just wanted to go home like this. But she can’t right now. The carriage wasn’t there, so she had no choice but to spend time somehow.

Emilia walked slowly through the garden.

She walked along the well-organized landscaping, past the flowery-scented obelisk vines in full bloom. She did not forget to see the flowers in front of the flower bed.

How much time has passed? The sun was slowly setting to the west.
Emilia exited the garden and crossed the fountain. The statue of the goddess, which was smooth and delicate like ice, was shining brightly in the sunlight. Such magnificent and splendid fountains were hard to see, except for this place.

At least her eyes and ears are pleased at this moment. That’s enough.

She smiled at the refreshing sound of water and turned her head. Then, the next moment, she froze completely.

On the opposite side, there was a man staring at her.

“What are you looking for? Erger Wischer?”

She couldn’t even hear those strange words. Emilia stared straight at the approaching Hadius Meyer, unable to breathe.

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