Love Doesn’t Matter

Chapter 53: 53

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Chapter 53 – Support

The Malvin family’s carriage headed straight for Erndorf the next day.

The procedure of notifying the intention to visit and scheduling a time was also left out. Nathan was mad, unlike usual.
He was going to make them pay for insulting the Malvin family. He will bring Shayla Cavendish, and of course, the entire family including the servants, to their knees.
The perfect revenge, that was the only thought in his head.

But far from meeting Baron Cavendish, Nathan was unable to pass the iron gate and had to turn around.

A prohibition sign had been erected along the perimeter of the mansion. The coachman, who went around the area asking about it, gave him some surprising news.

“They are under investigation? By the Royal Inspection Bureau?”
“Yes. It is said that Lord Cavendish and his family, as well as all of the servants, have been placed under house arrest.”
“What is the accusation?”
“It’s not certain, but it seems that he sold cheap wool while saying it was from Mt. Quirren.”

Wool from Mt. Quirren is so strictly managed that it must be approved by the association, and wool fraud is a felony.
However, no matter what he did, he can’t believe he’s being investigated by the royal special inspection bureau.

Nathan stared with cold eyes at the mansion that had turned bleak for a long time.

He didn’t care about the prohibition, he wanted to break in right away and go to the Cavendish.
However, for the sake of his family’s honor and his personal anger, he shouldn’t disobey the King’s command. He has no choice but to delay the punishment until the next time…

His contemplative gaze wandered around and then fixed on the rose vines on the mansion’s porch.

They were all dead and ugly now, but Nathan was reminiscing about that day a few months ago, when the roses were in full bloom and the scent of flowers wafted.
To be precise, he was reminiscing about the woman standing underneath them with a gleaming gaze.

There are plenty of reasons why they shouldn’t meet.
Nevertheless, Nathan directed the coachman to wait in the square. Embarrassed and pretending he didn’t know, he unleashed a horse from the carriage.
The place Nathan headed was, of course, to the zelkova forest where she lived.




When Nathan’s white horse arrived at the small house, Emilia and Beppy were sorting out the firewood.

The moment the sound of hooves mixed with the sound of wood being chopped, the two of them stopped what they were doing first and turned their heads.

Recognizing that the face that appeared through the still dust was Nathan Malvin, Emilia hardened for a moment.

It had been less than a week since the commotion at the ball. It is best for the two people who are involved in the rumor not to meet.
Above all, Emilia was still suffering from the aftereffects of what happened in the carriage. Far from fading away, the man who babbled that he was an ‘animal in rut’ was still filling her head.
But it was impossible to ignore the person approaching her with a gentle smile. Emilia softened her stiff face and raised the corners of her lips.

“Hello, Young Master.”

The moment Emilia greeted him, Nathan fell into an unexpected and strange mood.

Who is that woman? The woman in front of him was very unfamiliar.
Her beautiful sculptural face line has become clearer, and her calm eyes overflowed with maturity.
At Cavendish Mansion, he clearly thought she was more like a ‘girl’; but now that he looked at her, she’s not like that at all.

Is it because he saw her by Hadius Meyer’s side? Even if it’s just in name, realizing that she was someone else’s woman made his heart race.

“Hi, Emilia.”

He greeted her casually, but it was difficult to make eye contact for some reason. For the first time in his life, Nathan couldn’t look straight at a woman and had no choice but to turn his head.

The coachman, whom he often met at the Cavendish mansion, stood in a gloomy shade.

“I have something to talk about with your master for a moment. Tie this boy to the stable and give him water.”

Beppy glanced at the white horse behind Nathan.

“His name is Chantal. He is picky and sensitive, so handle him with care.”

Beppy went straight to Chantal. The picky and sensitive Chantal put his head forward like a docile sheep when Beppy scratched his neck.

Nathan watched as the coachman pulled his horse and disappeared into the stable. Now it was time to focus on the woman in front of him again.
But his strangely trembling body hardly moved.

“Why… did you come here?”

Emilia asked carefully, like a cat with her tail raised. It was natural. There was an implicit promise not to meet for the time being because of what happened at the ball.

He doesn’t know if Emilia knows, but Hadius Meyer warned him that day too.

‘I hope my fiancée doesn’t get caught up in strange rumors.’

Hadius Meyer was very polite and gentlemanlike. Even in front of a stranger who expressed a personal interest in his fiancée, he showed no emotional reactions, such as jealousy or anger. Thanks to this, Nathan was able to confirm once again that their relationship was only a nominal engagement, nothing more, nothing less.

Still, it was unpleasant.
How dare he assert his rights to the black swan and show it in front of him.

Even though he knew it was irrational anger, Nathan didn’t want to see Hadius Meyer. Especially when he danced with her half against her will…

“Young Master?”

Nathan quickly softened his hardened lips.

“First, I want to apologize.”
“… Apologize?”
“About the rumors surrounding us. I decided to take full responsibility if something happened. But I couldn’t keep my promise. It’s all my fault. I should have been more careful.”
“No. Please don’t say that.”

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Bright red lips curled up gently on both sides, creating a bright smile. Nathan felt his head getting dizzy again. Little by little, he started seeing her face properly.
Both her cheeks were flushed, as she was at work until just now, and sweat was glistening on her forehead. Her slightly disheveled appearance somehow relieved the strength in his legs.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just nonsense. It doesn’t affect me. Please don’t worry about it.”

It’s not a big deal, it’s just nonsense… Although that’s true, why is he annoyed again?

Nathan gave a bitter smile without realizing it because his unpredictable feelings were funny.

“I stopped by Cavendish mansion before coming here.”

The smile on Emilia’s face disappeared in an instant.

“I tried to hold the entire Cavendish family accountable, not just the servants, but I failed.”
“A prohibition sign was erected, and investigators were all over the place. It seems that Bernen Cavendish has committed some kind of corruption.”

Nathan continued without noticing that the woman in front of him had hardened strangely.

“Since even the Royal Inspection Bureau is taking action, he won’t come out of it unscathed. Thanks to that, I lost my chance to punish them myself.”

Emilia was suddenly speechless, and so was Nathan. The two fell into their own thoughts for a moment.

“I was just about to go home when I thought of you. I have something to say.”
“Something… to say?”

Nathan’s mouth felt dry when he realized that her blue eyes had started to become vigilant again.

“I told you, that day… I want to support you.”

Emilia’s head suddenly lowered towards the ground.
She looked like she was thinking about something, and then she looked at Nathan again. She had a soft smile on her mouth, but her eyes were not smiling at all.

“You know, Young Master. For the time being, we should be careful of each other. To be honest, even meeting you like this right now makes me anxious and concerned.”
“Don’t worry, I have no intention of making the same mistake again. Just listen. It is never too late to make a judgment after hearing it.”
“No. I can’t. Whatever your suggestion, my answer will be the same. I’m really thankful, but I will only accept your kindness.”

Nathan didn’t even dream that the reason for refusing so categorically was actually her fiancé. His heart ached as if he had just swallowed a grain of sand.

Does she really have no interest in him? To the extent that even support or friendship doesn’t work?
Does she hate him?

He had to act arrogant to hold back his childish question.

“The Young Master is the most dignified, kind and warm person I have ever met. I want you to know how difficult and uncomfortable it is to refuse someone like that.”

Dignity and admiration. They were usually the words Nathan wanted to hear from people the most.
But they’re also words he never wanted to hear from that woman.

“I am grateful that you want to support me. You have already done enough for me.”

He didn’t come here to hear her say thank you.
Nathan wished Emilia Bern would rather watch out for him. He wanted her to be thoroughly conscious and avoid him.

Why won’t she notice? There is a man in front of her who is conscious of her as a woman.
There is a ‘man’ standing there, trying not to pay attention to the wavy baby hair, the round forehead, the white and beautiful face with delicate features, and all the feminine curves underneath it.

Nathan barely suppressed his fluttering emotions with a pretentious smile.

“I told you. My family has been passionate about charities and sponsorships for a long time. My father, my grandfather, and even his grandfather were like that. Regardless of the field, whether it be art or academics, we do not discriminate between men and women of all ages.”
“No, Young Master, I will say it again, but I cannot receive your support…”
“Yeah, I know. How scared you are. It’s not like I’m saying something like this because I can’t calculate that much.”

Nathan, who cut in on her words, smiled and crossed his arms.

“I, too, must not associate with you under the Malvin name for the time being. My father found out about the rumor between us, and I am now on probation.”

A light crack appeared on her smooth, white face.
Nathan was even happy to see that. Anything was fine, as long as it wasn’t cold indifference.

“You will be sponsored by a businessman who has nothing to do with my family. No one will know. If necessary, we can designate a woman as your supporter. Are you going to reject even that?”

Emilia’s mouth opened and a rough breath flowed out. He could read quite a lot from her shaking pupils.

There was also anxiety, bewilderment, and a bit of expectation.

“Of course, I’m not forcing you. You have a lot of time to think about it. Until you break up and become free, no, even after that, the offer still stands. Anytime you want.”
“I don’t know… why you’re doing this for me… Why you’re going this far…”
“I just want to have the luck of sponsoring the first female accountant.”

Her grinning mouth closed slowly, and the strong, mature woman blushed.

Nathan suddenly fell into the illusion that everything in the world had disappeared, and he and Emilia were left alone.
His heart had been beating out of control for a long time, and it seemed like he would say something strange if he stayed there longer.

“Think slowly and come find me whenever you change your mind. In this place.”

Nathan handed her a card.
The address of a brewery on the outskirts of Grossen was written on it. It was Nathan’s most recent business as the heir to the Malvin family.

“I wanted to ask you to help me with my work here, but you will absolutely say no. It would look like you were having an inappropriate relationship with an aristocratic man.”

When he saw her with Haspel, Nathan himself had the same suspicions.
As he recalled that moment, blood rushed to his face. He quickly turned to the coachman, fearing that his burning face would be discovered.

“Prepare the horse. Your master and I have finished talking.”

He never looked back until he was out of the forest.

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