Love Doesn’t Matter

Chapter 72: 72

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Chapter 72 – Despicable Son Of A B*tch

Emilia was running frantically along the small mound. Beppy Dilson followed behind her.

“Get away from my sister right this instant!”

While holding the cat in one hand, Hadius quietly faced the madly angry Emilia. She ignored him and proceeded to grab Charlotte by her arm.

“Charlotte! Bern! Go back home now.”

“But Sister….”

“No buts. Go back home, now!”

Charlotte was surprised but couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She knew that there were a lot of things going on with her sister these recent days, but it was too much.

“Why are you so angry? I just wanted to show Young Master Moria.”

“The Young Master is a very busy person so he’s not the type of person to be interested in cats. Come here quickly, I don’t want to quarrel with you.”

“I don’t want to.”

“… Listen to me.”

“What’s wrong with you?!”

Charlotte almost cried, and yet, Emilia looked towards Beppy, unabated.

“Mister, would you mind taking Charlotte with you?”



Not only Charlotte but Beppy also flinched at that voice.

“Calm down.”

Hadius stepped into a completely frozen atmosphere. He knelt before Charlotte and spoke softly.

“Don’t be upset. Your sister is only mad at me and not you. Can you give me time to talk with your sister alone?”

Charlotte nodded with tears in her eyes. Hadius approached Beppy Dilson while ignoring Emilia, who stared at him as if she was about to kill him.

“Put this thing inside the carriage. Tell Roan to take good care of it.”

Emilia was surprised to see the cat only then. His long, elegant fingers were clutching the poor little kitten.

“Why? Do you want to raise it? I thought you’re going to kill it again.”

Hadius didn’t pay heed with her sarcasm. He turned his back to Charlotte after he passed the cat over Beppy.

“Will you come over to my villa next time? I will tame that guy.”

Before Emilia could even say no, Charlotte shouted ‘Yes!’ In front of that face with complete trust and joy towards the Young Master, Emilia felt herself burning red.

Barely able to suppress her boiling anger, Emilia waited until Beppy left with Charlotte. She looked at him as if she was going to kill him once they were left alone.

“Didn’t I warn you before? I told you not to approach my sister again.”

“Take it easy.”

Hadius also responded with a cold reply.

“Take it easy?! Who used Bern to threaten me? Am I the one with a strange head?!”

“Your head is perfectly normal, but you tend to look at only one side too much. Has your family ever been really harmed by me?”

“What you’re saying now….”

“Your stepmother’s debt has been paid off, and Mitch Bern is also safe. Your sister said she didn’t want to be left alone, so we took a walk around and talked. Is that something to be angry about? Enough for you to be raging like this?”

A laughter burst out in front of his spiteful sophistry.

“It was all thanks to the fact that I had spread my legs like a female hog in front of the Young Master. Had it not been for that, my stepmother would have been sold to the slums and Mitch would have been dragged for treason. What will Charlotte do if she finds out the truth?”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“Exaggerating?!” Emilia nearly went mad.

“I did everything I was told, so please leave me alone. I am really sick of you. You’re detestable! I can’t bear the sight of you! You’re disgusting!”

Forgetting her determination to infinitely treat him coldly, her insides were once again blazing like a blast furnace. Emilia gritted her teeth and hurriedly sought her dagger to shock the man. But there was only one thing that popped into her mind.

“Follow me.”

Emilia passed Hadius coldly with a low and faint mutter. Hadius stared at her back then slowly moved forward.

They arrived at their destination after a while. Emilia slammed open the barn door without looking back. With a squeak, dust rose from the stocked pile. Emilia suddenly started unbuttoning her clothes after she stepped inside.

Hadius slowly realized what she was about to do. Perhaps, this was also because of the destructive emotions engulfing his heart and swallowing his head. Emilia had completely lost her mind just like that time when she waved a knife in front of the man.

“Aren’t you closing it?”

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Hadius’ eyes were cold enough to the point it was almost heartless.

“Why? Do you want to do it in a place where everyone can see us?”

“Stop it.”

Emilia didn’t want him to know how she was trembling. She turned around to avoid his gaze and shot him a cold look.

“We definitely made a deal. I am taking this off willingly, instead,” all the buttons were undone, and her collar opened as soon as she finished speaking, “don’t touch my family.”

Emilia just turned around. Hadius managed to close the door just before she was exposed to the bright sunlight. Through her opened collar, something appetizing as a ripening apple was revealed. Irritation and displeasure choked the man’s throat. An extreme animal instinct began at the same time.

“Get dressed.”

A cold warning was of no use. Emilia was bold. He pulled her dress down her chest and ripped off the thin straps of her underwear. The man’s hand unconsciously grabbed his tie and loosened it. The memory of him holding those beautiful mounds in his hands and licking the peak filled his eyes. Moreover, this is not another place but just the barn – the place where they hid together to escape the sudden pour of rain, the day he tried his best not to look at the woman who was drenched wet….

“Do it quickly. That’s what you came here for.”

Emilia leaned at an angle on the pile of straw, revealing her upper body. As if she was a sacrifice – like a beast that is slaughtered and bleeds to death.

“I will be faithful to my role, so please don’t cross the line. I’m telling you this again, don’t approach my family. One more time and I will really point a sword at you.”

With every word Emilia spoke, his despicable lust burned as much as her fury. Hadius reached out to her. In an instant, he grabbed her softly. Whenever she yelled at him to do it quickly, she would close her eyes tightly as if she couldn’t stand it at all.

“I never ‘came for that,’ but there’s no reason for me to shy away from a set table. I am despicable, vulgar, crazy and a pervert b*st*rd, am I not?”

Her stiff mounds were violently crushed and twisted under the man’s hands. Her breathing became rougher and more difficult between her clenched teeth.

“Why? Does this hurt enough to die?”

He sarcastically said as he gently caressed her hard mounds. Contrary to his sarcastic words, his mind was disturbed and complicated. He never wanted to hurt her just because he had taken her by force, it was rather the opposite. The problem is that his knowledge of a woman’s body was too shallow. He had no other experience other than with Emilia. Maybe people like Nathan Malvin are far more skilled in leading her to the world of pleasure and enjoyment.

Hadius’ heart flared with anger again as his thoughts reached that point. When will I ever be able to shake off that d**n b*st*rd? Hadius looked at the woman lying like a martyr and tried to calm himself. In a brief rundown through his memory lane, he recalled some moments when Emilia didn’t complain of pain, putting it into practice right away.

“Ah… uh!”

While pressing his tongue down as he sucked, her head bobbed up and down vigorously.

“Just do it. Please!” Emilia begged like last night.

Hadius resisted the desire to bite her tightly and kept thinking of ways not to hurt her. The conclusion he reached was simple and straightforward – enduring the heavy reaction he was having down there. Hadius placed his hands between her legs. The hands gently caressing her became rougher little by little as they moved inwardly. Emilia panicked and tried to push his hand away.

“Should I tie you up? Do you want that?”

Her blue pupils stiffened in shock.

“You said you’re going to be faithful to your role?”

Her hand pushing his hand away gradually lost strength. Hadius wasn’t in a hurry. He was just patiently waiting for her to pull away.

“Stop it… please….”

Emilia turned pale, scared by his strange behavior. The fact that she didn’t complain of the pain encouraged Hadius. He boldly put a lot of force into his wrist.


With a sharp scream, a hot and wet sensation spread through his hands. He couldn’t tell if it was because it was painful or not. For the first time, Hadius regretted that he didn’t agree with the promiscuous acts of his classmates getting drunk on women whenever they had spare time. If he had only rolled around with experienced women, then he wouldn’t be as troubled as now.

“I can’t help it, Emilia. You’re the only one who makes me like this, so you have to be patient.”

Whispering in her ear, he silently waited for her, neither entering nor retreating. The painful desire to charge at her was pushing the man to his limits.

“Tell me it hurts.”

Emilia trembled and stubbornly kept her mouth shut.

“Say it. D**n it….”

In the end, he couldn’t resist and moved his hand again slowly.

“As expected, you would never say it. You’re biting your tongue to hold back your moans, but you were thinking of hitting me on the back of my head like the incarnation of revenge. Aren’t I right?”

Her tightly closed eyelids trembled, and her blue eyes appeared. At that moment, Hadius instinctively realized: at least there was no burning anger in her eyes nor pain. He gradually gained confidence in his actions, and he became more and more rough.

“You’re… really…. Despicable son of a b*tch.”

Emilia fought fiercely, biting the back of her hand. A strong sensation evoked by a strange intruder who entered the body – she was fighting with it.

“Nasty b*st*rd….”

Regardless of her harsh words, he once again thrust. Her eyes turned white and a hot sensation ran from her spine to the top of her head.

“Ah… please… stop….”

There was no use pleading with harsh breaths. The pleasure increased and dug incredibly deep inside. Emilia struggled as if she was nailed on a cross or skewered. Splish splash, the noise that you would never want to know. She arched her back. The muscles in her body tightened in unison.


With the numb feeling in her eyes, Emilia soared high in the sky. Something electrifying penetrated her whole body and made her convulse. In the face of the intense pleasure she didn’t even know existed, something beyond despair grabbed Emilia’s heart, and then with a bang, it exploded. The intruder, stuck in there like a big nail, was finally pulled out like a low tide. From the fingertips to the forearm of the man, the horrendous thing that flowed out horribly drove Emilia into extreme shock.

(T/N: Uhm… I’m speechless… really, this is my first time translating something with this, and it wasn’t a good experience T_T it wasn’t the best but I hope I did good? [cries in bunny])

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