Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 104: CH 104

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The Village Chief suddenly felt something cold fall into his hands as a voice in the distance issued, “Please take care of this.” 

Seeing Long gongzi instantly vanish, the villagers were all startled. When they looked back at the Village Chief, they saw a fish lying in his hands. 

With a wry smile, the Village Chief stated, “Long gongzi said he was going to make fish stew for his wife. Out at sea, all the fishing barrels had been overturned by the storm. If it wasn’t for him trying to catch this fish, he would not have gotten injured.”  

“He’s injured?” someone asked in disbelief. 

“Didn’t you encounter the sea monster? How could he still think of fishing in such a situation?” someone else asked. 

The villagers were both startled and frightened. What kind of person exactly was this Long gongzi?  

A few people also voiced their displeasure and blamed Long fuiren for being so outlandish. 

Hearing the reason for his injury, Song Ni stomped her foot in anger. Standing beside her, the village girls voiced their thoughts, trying to appease her. 

Watching all this unfold, Shui Sheng remained silent, a cold sneer resting on the corner of his lips. 


Xuanji was out of breath and her shoulder was aching with pain but she did not dare to stop. As the rain increased in their intensity, her resolve was waning and the thought of returning was growing stronger. 

In the distance, the stormy seas had calmed yet the dark clouds remained as foreboding as before. The skies were painted in a gray shadow, the heavy raindrops continuing to fall, striking her face painfully, blurring her vision. 

“You lied to me afterall,” a somber voice issued from behind. 

Startled, Xuanji halted in her tracks. She stood there stiffly for a long while before slowly having the courage to turn around. 

As she turned, Long Fei Li slowly came into view. His frosty eyes were staring at her fixedly. His snow-white robes were drenched in rain, causing the crimson blood stains to lighten in color. 

Through the coldness of the rain, the fury burning within his gaze was unmistakable. 

Her plan to escape had failed…but Xuanji realized that she was not so upset after all. Rather, she felt quite relieved seeing that he had returned….but he was injured? With hands tightly clenched in a fist, Xuanji’s heart trembled anxiously. She was afraid he would explode in anger but still she put on a brave front and calmly asked, “And if I did?”  

A smile slowly spread across Long Fei Li’s face as he said, “Not a problem.” 

Xuanji was slightly taken aback by his indifferent response. In the next instance, his figure had already appeared before her. Wordlessly, he picked her up in his arms and employing his lightness skills, quickly leapt in the air.   

Along their journey back, Xuanji had wanted to ask him about his injuries, but in the end she decided not to. The sun continued to rise in the east, the rain continued to fall in the west……..

Upon their return to Taoyuan Village, the rain had finally subsided. Long Fei Li released her and wordlessly walked ahead while she followed behind him silently. 

There were many villagers still outside and upon seeing them return, one walking ahead, the other following behind, they felt that something was amiss. 

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Seeing Long Fei Li return, Song Ni stepped forward and anxiously said, “Long gongzi, let me bandage your wound.” 

“Alright,” Long Fei Li said with a nod. 

Song Ni happily said with a smile, “A’Ni was the one who bandaged father’s injuries as well.” 

The Village Chief’s wife smiled and said, “Yes, A’Ni, this child is very skilled, she’s also great at housework as well.” 

What was that supposed to mean? Also great at housework? Xuanji lowered her head and gave a small smile. Skilled? Isn’t Physician Gong here as well? When it comes to skill, who can compare with him? 

The Village Chief silently looked towards Shui Sheng and noted his gloomy expression. He then turned to look at Long Fei Li and pondered in silence. After what happened at sea today, he thought that if Long gongzi also liked his daughter then he would not have any objections if Song Ni wanted to follow him. 

Standing amid the crowd of villagers, Xuanji watched as Song Ni helped Long Fei Li remove his outer robes. He had a beautiful countenance, but underneath his clothes was a toned and muscular body that made many of the women and young girls in the crowd blush. They quickly turned their heads away but couldn’t help but want to take another glance. 

“Let’s head to Dragon Empress Temple!” Someone amid the crowd shouted. 

Voices of assent quickly followed. “Long gongzi is our hero. Long gonzi and A’Ni should head to the temple and seek the Dragon Empress’ blessing!” 

Listening to the villagers, Xuanji’s hands balled into tight fists. In name, she was his wife but no one seemed to care. The villagers were full of excitement and joy. As their voices grew louder, Xuanji slowly drifted to the back of the crowd. 

Embarrassed, Song Ni lowered her head. Her hands bandaging the wound on his chest slightly trembled. 

Long Fei Li remained silent, his eyes flashed with a sharp glimmer as his lips raised slightly. 

Closing her eyes heavily, Xuanji turned to leave. Amid all the excitement around her, she had stood there quietly only because she wanted to see how bad his injuries were. Now it appears she didn’t need to worry. 


Night had fallen, but not a single candle had been lit within the room. Sitting on the bed in the darkness with her wet clothes and aching shoulder, Xuanji gave a small smile. She deserved this didn’t she? In everyone’s eyes, she was not a good wife. He was too good for her, wasn’t he? But in reality it was far different than what everyone believed. Though she had lost her memories, these feelings within her heart had remained. Towards him, she felt a great sense of weariness and exhaustion. There was nothing wrong with wanting to leave. If they continue to be together, who will continue to suffer? Who will hurt whom again? She felt apologetic, but she really couldn’t find the courage to remain by his side feeling the way that she felt. 

Outside the window, she could see the flames of the bonfire amid the backdrop of the beautiful sea. After surviving such an ordeal today, the villagers were all happily celebrating. She could see Long Fei Li and Song Ni were also out there. In that moment, the pain suddenly struck again, and the wet clothes sticking to Xuanji’s body made the pain even worse as she grew increasingly cold.

Slowly, Xuanji closed her eyes. 


That night, Long Fei Li hadn’t returned, perhaps he had already found comfort in the arms of the beauty by his side. 

Stirring awake, Xuanji looked outside the window and saw the bright rays of sunlight. Smiling, she got up and washed her face before heading outside. After taking a few steps, she saw two people heading towards her direction. It was Long Fei Li and Song Ni, engaged in conversation. There was a gentle expression on his face, the corners of his lips were full of smiles. He had changed out of the clothes he had on yesterday. Did he spend the night at the Village Chief’s house? 

“Older sister,” Song Ni called upon seeing her. However, from the look in Song Ni eyes, it was evident that she did not want to address her in such a manner. 

“I’ve always been by myself, never had a brother or sister,” Xuanji calmly stated and walked past them without so much of a glance.

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