Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 108: CH 108

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Peering at Long Fei Li, Xuanji silently wondered, he’s really the emperor? 

Holding her protectively, Long Fei Li defended against the continuous onslaught of attacks from the enemy. Upon finding the chance, he employed his lightness skills and fled the village, heading in the direction of the sea.   

“You don’t want to involve them do you?” Xuanji asked, softly murmuring, “You seem to be a good emperor.”

Long Fei Li looked at her, startled by her keen observation. He faintly said, “I’ve killed many people before.”

Leaning against his arm, she said, “The enemy’s still following us.” 

“I’ll make sure you leave safely tonight. Do you trust me?” He whispered in her ear.

“For you to say that, the other party must be very powerful,” she remarked. 

Seeing how she had understood, Long Fei Li remained silent, his arms around her tightened.  

“Long Fei Li, if possible, let’s leave together. If not, you should leave by yourself,” Xuanji quietly said. Tearing off a part of her dress, she helped bandage his wound which had soaked his clothes with blood. “You’re the Emperor, there must be plenty of women in your harem, what’s to it if I’m missing.” 

How powerful the enemy was, Xuanji did not know, all she was sure of was that Long Fei Li had tried his best to protect her. But eventually the enemy’s strike landed, making contact with her arm. Mocking laughter erupted amongst the group of men in black, preceded by their contemptuous remarks, that Long Fei Li had reached his limits. 

Glancing at Xuanji’s bloody wound, Long Fei Li’s phoenix eyes gleamed coldly with a murderous look. Moments later, his sword flashed with a glaring light.  

In the next instant, Xuanji heard Murong Pei’s aggravated scream towards Murong Lin, he shouted that it was Mingjian Manor’s deadly move called ‘Morning Dew Evening Clouds’…

Long Fei Li’s sword attacked in 7 directions, simultaneously wounding 7 people. But as a consequence of using such a move, as many times as his sword striked was as many times he too was stabbed by those that he had injured. ‘Morning Dew Evening Clouds’ was merely a fancy name. If one were to put it bluntly, this was a move that resulted in mutual destruction of one’s enemies along with oneself. 

Xuanji didn’t know how far the village was from town. She only knew that after sustaining such an injury, his body was covered in blood. While in that state, he continued holding onto her and employed his lightness skills to make an escape. 

He promised to keep her safe and he had kept his word. But while doing so, he sustained such deadly injuries. 

He no longer had the strength to keep going and wordlessly lost consciousness, falling into her arms. 

It was late in the night, the candles had all been extinguished, the streets in complete darkness. 

Xuanji was overwhelmed with weariness and pain but she knew she couldn’t give in to it, not now when Long Fei Li was passed out in her arms. 

Pulling his body over hers, she tried to carry him but he was a man after all, one that was much taller and heavier than she was. It was only after multiple failed attempts was she finally able to steady him on her back. 

Step by step, she carried him along the streets as she tried to find a doctor. She knocked at every clinic’s door she saw, but no doctor was willing to treat him. After taking one look at him, they would all say the same thing, that he was past saving. 

Who would risk their reputation to try to save a man who was already at death’s door? 

Her eyes stung with unshed tears which she dared not let fall. She needed to be strong, if she succumbed to that moment of weakness, she wouldn’t have the courage to keep going because she knew that it was hopeless then.   

“Long Fei Li, you can’t die. If you die, I will leave you.” Careless words spoken between broken cries. “Talk to me please, I’m really scared.” 


He never responded. 

Each step was getting increasingly difficult to take. He was so heavy, he nearly fell off her back several times. But she remained resolute, aftering taking a deep breath, she steadied him again and continued forward. 

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She was nearing the end of the road and there was only one last clinic left. Clenching her jaw, she carried him to the door. This is it, if even they refused to save him…. 

Xuanji steadied him to the floor and wiped away the tears that finally coursed down her cheeks. Desperately, she knocked on the door. 

With a squeak, the door propped open. 

Xuanji immediately knelt down on the ground in front of the middle-aged man that answered the door. 

“Sir, please, I beg of you, please save him.” 

Frowning, the man took a look at the person lying on the ground. He then shook his head, and with a sigh, said, “By the looks of it, he seems to have lost a lot of blood already. Even if he receives treatment, he most likely won’t survive.” 

With that said, he motioned to shut the door. 

Hearing his words,  Xuanji’s heart sank. Her last threads of hope would be gone if even this doctor was unwilling to treat him. Stubbornly, she stood up and tightly grabbed onto the doctor’s arm, pleading, “I beg of you, please save him…” 

At her unruly behavior, the doctor became angry and remarked, “This is clearly a dead man. How can I treat a dead man?” 

Seeing the doctor upset by her actions, she quickly apologized in a fluster. She withdrew her hands hastily and fell to her knees once more. Kowtowing, she knocked her head against the cold floor again and again. 

“I’m begging you,” she pleaded desperately.  

From behind, a woman wearing a cloak walked to the door and asked, “What’s the matter Old Wu?”  

Frowning, Doctor Wu said, “It’s nothing, just a crazy woman who bought a dead man to see a doctor.”

The woman glanced at Xuanji and seeing her face covered with blood, she muttered, “So pitiful.”

Doctor Wu brushed his sleeve and said to Xuanji, “It’s best that you return and make preparations for the funeral.” 

His words brought Xuanji utter despair and devastation as she remained kneeling on the floor, blood trickling down her forehead, stinging her eyes. 

With a sigh, Doctor Wu and his wife were about to close the door when suddenly a sword flashed before them and the cold touch of a blade was directed at Doctor Wu’s neck. 

“Are you treating or not?” a callous voice questioned. 

Doctor Wu and his wife were completely frightened out of their minds. Xuanji was also startled by the voice and looked up to find Long Fei Li leaning against the door panel with one hand, while the other was pointing the sword at Doctor Wu. 

Standing there, his robes were completely soaked with blood, the original shade of white completely vanished. 


Biting his trembling lips, Doctor Wu carefully bandaged the man’s wounds. Standing on the side, Madam Wu was watching anxiously. Both of them had practiced medicine for many years, but they couldn’t help but look at one another in horror upon seeing the wounds on this gentleman. As long as one’s senses were intact, there was a limit to what one could endure. The two fatal wounds in front of this man’s chest alone were enough to cause unbearable pain. With such injuries, it was nearly impossible to survive.

Kneeling close to Long Fei Li’s leg, Xuanji anxiously looked at his handsome face; his complexion pale as paper. Resting near his knees, their hands were tightly interlaced.  

“Long Fei Li, I thought you…” Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision, robbing her of the ability to speak. 

Seeing this, Long Fei Li’s lips curled in a light smile. “I can’t die yet. What will you do if the enemy catches up and I’m not there?”

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