Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 23: CH 23

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Chapter Twenty-Three

As they walked, Diefeng described to Xuanji everything concerning this Lady Jin, where Xuanji also learned for the first time that the Emperor’s name was Long Fei-li.

Qiuying Pavilion was the residence of Lady Jin. Qiuying – autumn fireflies. Cynically, Xuanji wondered: Long Fei-li, are you commemorating the love you found in the Autumn Mountains?

She led everyone to the entrance of Qiuying Pavilion, where one of her eunuchs went forward to announce their names.

The eunuch standing guard outside the pavilion announced, ‘Concubine Nian of Fengjiu Palace has arrived.’

Xuanji had brought a third of the servants of Fengjiu Palace over, plus the little snow wolf. As she led the way in front of the group, her heart thudded anxiously, but she knew she could not afford to falter.

Within Quiying Pavilion, the rooms were elegantly decorated with lingering swirls of incense drifting leisurely through the entire hallway.

They stood at the hallway just as several people walked out from the rooms within.

At the forefront, the woman leading them was a picturesque beauty, her arched brows defined, her eyes crystal-clear. Xuanji knew at once that this was the famous Lady Jin. Standing beside Lady Jin were a few servants, and behind her followed many eunuchs.

Lady Jin had not even been conferred a title, yet her retinue was not the least lacklustre as compared to a consort’s. Xuanji surveyed the rooms and did not see anyone resembling a physician, and guessed that Physician Lady Cui must have already left.

In a mild voice, Lady Jin said, ‘Did Concubine Nian want something from An Jin?’

An Jin – this was Lady Jin’s birth name.

An Jin appeared to be a cold and aloof woman. Her face was intelligent like a scholar’s, and it was clear that she knew of the proper etiquette to follow in the imperial palace. Yet she did not pay her greetings to Xuanji, despite having not been conferred a title. Of course, Xuanji did not want An Jin to pay obeisance to her, but this was a clear sign that Lady Jin was an unyielding woman.

A daughter born from a low-ranking official’s concubine was already so overbearing and imposing, so what about a woman born from a man’s legitimate wife?

Except, the cold arrogance that emanated from An Jin, was tolerated by whom? It was just a product of indulgence and favour. The Emperor…

Xuanji smiled bitterly in her heart, but her face remained unchanged as she said, ‘I came here today, not for anything else, but to seek justice for my servant.’

As she said these, she pulled Diefeng to the front. An Jin gave a fleeting glance towards Diefeng, and said with furrowed brows, ‘What do you mean?’

‘This is the result of your servant’s actions.’ Xuanji had already heard Diefeng describe the appearance of the An Jin’s domineering servant, and looked coldly in the direction of a servant standing to the left of An Jin.

No matter how unfavoured she was, Xuanji was still the Emperor’s woman, and upon seeing her hard stare, An Jin’s servant immediately lowered her head, not daring to return her gaze.

Though An Jin was cold and arrogant person, she was also intelligent and astute. If she could not even deduce the truth from the meaningful glance her servant exchanged with her, then she truly did not deserve the Emperor’s favour towards her.

Only, though her personality was aloof, she was extremely protective of her own people.

With a smile, An Jin said, ‘Ah Shi, come over here and tell us: did you do this?’

How could Ah Shi not understand the meaning behind her mistress’s words? She came forward and said respectfully, ‘I did not.’

‘Did you hear that?’ An Jin narrowed her eyes and said coolly, ‘Please return, Concubine Nian.’

A good one by An Jin.

Instead of being angered, Xuanji only smiled and said, ‘The rumours do not do you justice. Today, I’ve finally understood – in Qiuying Pavilion, your words are the law.’

As expected, upon hearing her words, An Jin’s face turned a shade paler, yet she quickly recovered herself and said, ‘In this world, only the Emperor’s words are the law. Your Highness, I cannot claim to be as such.’

Diefeng, who stood beside Xuanji, said furiously, ‘So you’re saying I hurt myself, then incited my mistress to create trouble here?’

With a cold sneer, An Jin said, ‘The forest is big and there are all sorts of birds within it. I was just going to consult you about that.’

Agitated, Diefeng’s face burned with anger. Xuanji held onto Diefeng, and said clearly, ‘Regarding Diefeng’s injuries, the servants at the Academy of Medicine can attest to what happened. Dare you bring your servant and head over there with me?’

An Jin furrowed her brows for a moment, then relaxed.

‘Why not?’

Xuanji saw her negligently relaxed expression, and immediately sobered up. Even if the physicians and servants were to bear witness as to the events which had transpired, they would definitely not be on her side.

If that was the case… Xuanji creased her brows and smiled. An Jin narrowed her eyes, staring at her guardedly.

‘Someone restrain this audacious servant for me,’ Xuanji said in a dark voice.

Icily, An Jin said, ‘Your Highness, dare I ask, on what basis?’

Xuanji smiled, ‘Since you’ve just addressed me as ‘Your Highness’, then, what do you think?’

An Jin paled. She had not yet been conferred a title… she quickly slanted a glance towards her back.


Xuanji stared at the eunuchs of Fengjiu Palace who had been soundly beaten without even an opportunity to even defend themselves. All of them were eunuchs, but those who stood behind An Jin were trained in martial arts!

‘His Majesty has decreed that anyone – no matter his position – who dares to treat Lady Jin with disrespect is to be dealt with without mercy!’ Earlier, amidst the confusion, one of An Jin’s servants shouted.

The Emperor was biased… if, that day, there was a group of similarly skilled people serving Fengjiu Palace, perhaps the original Xuanji would not have suffered injustice before being forced to commit suicide.

Staring at the eunuchs of Fengjiu Palace, rolling on the ground in pain as they fought to defend themselves from the onslaught of attack, Xuanji’s hands trembled, before she forcibly stilled herself.

With a rush of wind, the little wolf abruptly pounced onto An Jin, howling furiously as his paws started clawing at her hair.

At this moment, An Jin finally lost her composure, paling as she struggled.

Xuanji bit her lips, stifling her laughter and joy, then quickly shouted, ‘Little wolf, little wolf, I’m not asking you to grab the woman with the most number of accessories on her head! I’m talking about the one with a face full of powder standing next to her.’

The little wolf continued howling as it jumped around An Jin’s body, darting around the eunuchs who tried to catch him, while its eyes stared brightly at Xuanji. Xuanji clapped her hands as she pointed towards An Jin’s domineering servant from earlier, saying, ‘The woman with a face full of powder like dough…’

Diefeng and the other servants stared at their mistress, their mouths agape… one woman and one wolf had created a havoc within the room, with An Jin frantically shaking off the little wolf clawing onto her, and the roomful of servants and eunuchs, staring anxiously at a loss.

Suddenly, an icy voice burning with fury resounded from behind them.

‘Can anyone enlighten me as to what is going on?’


The Emperor’s expression darkened, and with a decisive sweep of his arms, strode into the room with Long Zijin, Xu Xi, Qingfeng, Xia Sang and others following quickly behind him.

He walked straight to An Jin, before stopping in front of her.

Without missing a beat, his slender hands lifted the little wolf and flung him towards the ground ruthlessly.

Alarmed, Xuanji wanted to grab hold of the little wolf, but could not match the Emperor’s swiftness.

As she staggered towards the little wolf, he had already curled up on the ground, squinting as he glanced up at Xuanji. With a gurgle, the little wolf spat out a mouthful of blood, staining his coat of white fur with a burst of red.

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Struck at the sight of the little wolf, struggling to stand, Xuanji stared. Days ago, she was the one who had rescued him and brought him out of the Lin Gardens. Today, would she also be the person to cause his death?

In a daze, she stared at the little wolf and actually forgot to hug him.

The little wolf whimpered as he staggered, trying to get back on all fours. Dragging his limp leg, he took two steps, curling around Xuanji’s embroidered shoes.

The wolf’s world was immensely simple: if there was enmity, it hated; if there was gratitude, it repaid.

With a cold glare at the Emperor, Xuanji bent down to envelop the little wolf into her arms.

Of course, that man did not care.

He did not care at all.

The Emperor did not even spare a glance in her direction, only pulling An Jin into his embrace. Brows creasing, he carefully checked for An Jin’s injuries.

Yet An Jin was not bashful like an ordinary woman. She did not seize the opportunity to cry in his arms, only turning to speak quietly with him, her brows knit.

Xuanji only smiled. Diefeng’s eyes were brimming with tears and she wanted to moved forward and defend them, but was held back by Xuanji’s fingers, tightly clenched around her arm.

Someone’s gaze landed on Xuanji. She looked over, yet she could not catch the owner of the glance for it swiftly disappeared into the shadows, as though it was only an illusion on her part. Except, that despise and scorn, appeared to be… Qingfeng.

Long Zijin stood with a face in anticipation of a good show, while Xia Sang stared at her with worry.

At this moment, An Jin’s elder servant, Ah Shi, knelt as she cried, ‘Your Majesty, please return justice to my mistress. Concubine Nian claimed that my mistress is without title, and if it were not for your timely arrival, she would have… she would have dealt with my mistress.’

Furious, Diefeng wished for nothing but to tear Ah Shi apart.

Dealt with An Jin? Xuanji only wanted to laugh. In a roomful of eunuchs highly skilled in martial arts, just one small wolf would be able to deal with An Jin?

These words… they were amusing.

‘Because she is without a title, you, Nian Xuanji, want to deal with her? What a display, Concubine Nian!’ The Emperor’s icy words echoed within the room. ‘Xia Sang, convey my decree: previously, on account that it was her first offense, Concubine Nian was dealt with mercy, and was only demoted, her retinue unchanged. Now that she has reverted to her detestful ways with her hateful character, she is to move out of Fengjiu Palace at once!’

In a low voice, Xia Sang said, ‘Yes, Your Majesty!’

The Emperor having spoken, his merciless words caused the servants of Fengjiu Palace to pale in an instant, scrambling to kneel on the grounds.

Diefeng choked back her sobs as she stared at Xuanji, ‘Your Highness…’

Xuanji had lowered her head to stare closely at the little wolf within her embrace, and did not appear to have heard the edict issued by the Emperor.

The cold disappointment gripping at her heart had long melded with the warmth of the blood gushing out of the little wolf.

Her hands were cold. It was early Spring, but why was Xi Liang still so cold?

An unsparing gaze swept across her, its owner staring coldly at her defeated form.

This time, there was no need to look.

She knew, it was… Long Fei-li.

By her ear side was his voice, ringing clearly within this vast room, each syllable enunciated with precision. Xuanji suddenly remembered the first time she had heard his voice, the way its pleasant tones had caused her to fall in a daze.

‘An Jin, receive the following decree.’

Quietly, Xuanji lifted her head and looked towards An Jin.

An Jin seemed to still in shock for a moment, before her red lips stretched into a beatific smile. Lifting her skirts, she knelt gracefully on the ground.

‘An Jin is intelligent and refined. Of the four palaces, she is conferred the title of an Imperial Consort, the new mistress of Fengjiu Palace.’

A roomful of servants, kneeling to thank the Emperor for his grace.

Indeed. The favoured shined more brilliantly; the detested grew more destitute.

A sweeping glance across the room revealed that the people within it were divided into two factions: the first had paled in fright, the second were lit with joy.

Finally, Xuanji raised her head and met the Emperor’s eyes.

His eyes were unreadable, save for the shadow of contempt.

The Emperor’s fingers tightened firmly around An Jin’s shoulder.

That posture, that stance… it could be called protection.

It was also something he had never displayed towards her.

The corners of Xuanji’s mouth lifted.

Yet everything that had happened was faultless. The Emperor was right: who did she think she was? The Emperor did not love her. It was just a thread of wistfulness, a misplaced affection on her part.

‘Consort An, now, you have the power to discipline anyone who commits an offense against you.’

An Jin’s heart sang with joy – the Emperor did love her.

Once, in a mild voice, he had told her that he would confer her a title with a grand ceremony. Today, he had brought forward her conferment, and no one better understood that man’s intention than she did.

He had bestowed her the power to control and the right to kill. In the roomful of stares, she saw the unmistakable envy clouding the eyes of all the servants, whether they belonged to Concubine Nian or served her.

An Jin smiled, her dainty face blossoming with radiance. ‘Your Majesty, please simmer down. Today is a joyous occasion and I don’t want to hand out any punishments, so please be merciful towards Concubine Nian. Only, her hateful servant falsely accused my attendant of starting a fight, then incited her mistress to stir up trouble here, so I’m afraid her punishment cannot be dispensed with… Ah Shi, help me to slap her mouth ten times.’

Was there really such warped logic? Indignant, Diefeng moved to defend herself in front of the Emperor, but was held back firmly by Xuanji.

As she saw the servant who had previously humiliated her, Ah Shi, walk towards her with a smug smile, Diefeng’s heart cooled, a glimmer of resentment towards Xuanji rising in her heart.

Forcefully, she broke free from Xuanji’s hold, and said, ‘You are my mistress. Even if you asked me to die, I cannot disobey.’

Xuanji only bowed her head, and did not say anything.

Diefeng smiled bitterly and lifted her head.

The clear sound of a slap echoed emptily in the room. Ah Shi’s nails were sharp, and when she struck, she had deliberately used the ends of her nails to carve a line of open wound.

The face, already pale, was now imprinted with a new cut, blood spilling as it slid down the curve of the cheekbone.

Stunned, the gazes of all in the room turned to look at the woman who had been struck – even Long Fei-li, whose heart was always impassive.

Not for that slap, but for the person who had endured it.

Hugging the little wolf tightly in her arms, Xuanji shoved Diefeng away, that slap landing squarely on her face.

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