Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 58: Chapter 58. A Voluptuous Vampire

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I watched as the sun set over the horizon, sitting on the roof of the school. The lack of sunlight quickly chilled the air, and the winds blew, hoping to snatch the warmth of my body. However I stayed warm through the cold winds with the help of the small girl sitting atop my lap. Blair smiled and hummed as she watched the sunlight fade away into the twilight. “It’s so beautiful…” She spoke with a smile, leaning her body into my chest, and looking at me with upturned eyes.


I sighed contently as I petted her hair. “It is quite the view.” We remained silent for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. There was something about being high, and surveying the ground below that seemed to call to me now. It was satisfying for some reason, not that I fully understood why. Having Blair here on my lap at the same time just added to my enjoyment of this tranquil feeling.


After the last remaining bits of light were gone, and night had taken hold, we decided it would probably be best to go to our dorm. Blair still kept close as we walked to the door, but a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach made me thrust her away. Just as I did, something took me off my feet, and I was flown through the air. “Rakki!!” I heard Blair scream in distress, but her voice grew faint as I went further and further away. “It would be best if you didn’t struggle, taking the key from your corpse is still impossible.” I heard a sultry woman talk as she held me by one hand.


I looked up, and the pale moonlight barely showcased an outline of wings sprouting from the back of a famine figure. She then glanced at me, her glowing red eyes reflected my image in her irises. There was something in her eyes I couldn’t look away from. “Don’t let her take control…” Zorc growled, causing me to quickly clamp my eyes shut. The woman chuckled in amusement as I felt us descend. “Well I figured I might as well try.” She said before dropping me. I yelled in shock, but the drop was only about 10 or 20 feet in the air. I felt the branches of trees snap under my weight as they helped break my fall.


I landed on my back, knocking the air out from my lungs. I grunted in pain while I stood up to face my attacker. Her glowing eyes shone in the darkness, before she took a step into the moonlight to showcase her body in entirety. She wore a velvet red dress, with slits up to her thighs to increase her movement and appeal. Her arms had golden cuffs and rings, she had dangling earrings made of jade which hung from her elongated ears, and a choker with a millennium eye staring at me. Her hair was a deep dark green, almost looking black if it weren't for the moonlight helping illuminate it in the darkness.


I squinted at this shadow rider, she looked like was supposed to be at a party for rich people, not somewhere in the woods. ‘I don’t remember her from the show… But most were forgettable anyway. Only on the screen for 3 episodes before never talked about again, almost like Blair.’ “Who are you?” I asked, cautiously avoiding looking directly at her eyes again. She chuckled while hiding her mouth and chin behind a well designed fan. “My name is Camula. Heir of Dracula the Third, and Queen of Vampires.” She clasped her fan, showcasing her large smile, and elongated fangs.


She then pointed her closed fan at me, and her golden bracelet opened up, revealing a Dueling Disk. “And I challenge you to a Duel for your Key and Soul.” Her choker then shined alongside her already glimmering red eyes, creating a chilling effect of a third eye appearing while the world around me began to freeze. “Welcome, to the realm of shadows!” She yelled with a grin while holding her arms up in triumph. I shook my head with a grin of my own. “Let’s just wrap this up quickly. I don’t want Blair to freak out.” I said while starting my Duel Disk. Camula scoffed at me. “Insolent, but amusing. Duel!” “Duel!”


4,000 Rakki ---- 4,000 Camula


“First, I’ll summon Vampire Werewolf in attack mode!” A dark cloud hovered over the field, and soon dissipated leaving a large werewolf in its place.


Zombie Werewolf/Zombie/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1200 Def:1200 


It howled at the moon while Camula finished her turn. “Then I’ll place two cards face down, and end my turn.” “I Draw!” I yelled before looking at all the cards in my hand. There was only one play I had in mind from what I saw, and decided to go with my instincts. “First, I’ll use Polymerization to fuse my Petite Dragon, and Firegrass to make Darkfire Dragon.” Both formed together, creating a large flame that radiated a comforting glow amongst the dark forest.


Darkfire Dragon/Dragon/Normal/Level 4/ Atk:1500 Def:1250 


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“Now! Attack her Werewolf!” I commanded, and Darkfire Dragon quickly coiled around the Werewolf, burning it to a crisp.


4,000 Rakki ---- 3,700 Camula

Camula didn’t falter in the slightest, she smirked while her Werewolf went to the grave. “You have my gratitude, for now that my Zombie Werewolf was destroyed by battle, I can now summon another from my deck, and that one gains an additional 500 attack points!”  Once she was done, another Zombie Werewolf appeared on the field, much bulkier than the first.


Zombie Werewolf/Zombie/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1700 Def:1200


I clicked my tongue, but kept going. “I’ll place one card face down, and end my turn.” Camula smirked while flipping her long green hair back. “I Draw!” She barely looked at her new card before playing it. “I activate Vampire’s Domain! By paying 500 life points, I can summon an additional Vampire Monster along with my normal summoning. And continuously, each time a Vampire monster damages your life points, I gain an equal amount!” The light from the moon slowly changed into a deep crimson as she explained her continuous spell, before all was covered in bloody color.


4,000 Rakki ---- 3,200 Camula


“So now, I’ll summon Vampire Bat, and Vampire Lady in attack mode!” She yelled while throwing her few other cards on her Disk. When she did, a small swarm of bats descended from the tree's overtop and waited for orders while flying in the air. Beside them, a woman so much like Camula appeared. Dark green hair, red dress, long ears, and sharp fangs. She sashayed her way onto the field with cool elegance as she smirked at me.


Vampire Bat/Zombie/Effect/Level 3/ Atk:800 Def:1200 


Vampire Lady/Zombie/Effect/ Level 4/ Atk:1550 Def:1550 


Zombie Werewolf/Zombie/Effect/Level 4/ Atk:1700 Def:1200


 “Next I activate my trap card! Vampire Awakening!” The card she placed last round, flipped over, revealing a young girl resting on a bed. “With this card, I can summon a Vampire monster from my Deck for the turn before having to send it to the grave. And my choice is my ever faithful companion, Vampire Familiar!” A small, almost bat-like creature appeared beside Camula, happily fluttering its black wings, and blinking its singular eye happily on the field.


Vampire Familiar/Zombie/Effect/Level 1/ Atk:500 Def:0 

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