Luna System

Chapter 17: Chapter -17

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A drop of cold sweat passed through Atticus' temple as he looked straight at Lily with a smile on his face. It was apparently hard for him to maintain such a facial expression with her eyeing him up and down blushing like a mutt in heat.

'Fuck! I should have never agreed to come here. This women has gone insane.' regretted Atticus as he swallowed his saliva.

'A slight mistake on my part and I am getting raped.'

*sigh* 'If that's the case than it's better for me to take the first initiative and back down soon after that.' thought Atticus as he stood up.

Noticing him suddenly standing up caught Lily off guard as she stopped in her steps. Atticus walked around the table with quiet unhurried steps, stopped in front of the main chair, pulled it out and pointed his hand at the chair like a gentleman.

"Please sit down Big sister."

Looking at all this Lily's hands moved towards her face and grabbed it, her lips curved into a wide smile, eyes alluding a strange light, Heart beating faster than it ever did before.

'Ah~ How cute.'

'I don't think I can wait anymore if he keeps teasing me like this~.' thought lily, biting her lips and twitching her toes.

"Thank you little brother come here and sit beside me." she said after composing herself as she sat down and gestured Atticus to sit on the chair beside her. 


Atticus swallowed his saliva looking at her behavior.

'She is way beyond insane!'

'The fuck have I gotten myself into!'

After taking a deep breath and assuring himself in his mind, he sat down on the chair beside her.

"All of you, Get out." Lily ordered her servants in an Arrogant tone.

'Fuck! No! Please stay. I beg of you, God knows what she has planned for me.' cursed Atticus in his mind.

The servants left the room after bowing to Lily, without making any noise.

After all the servants left the room Lily took a deep breath, smiled, turned her head towards Atticus and said 

"Let's start eating little brother"

Hearing those words Atticus nodded towards Lily and than looked down at the table. On the table there was a plate with a juicy piece of steak on top of it. Beside the plate were various knifes, forks and spoons of different sizes. Atticus of course was clueless on using which one to eat. He picked up a knife and put it down immediately to pick up the smaller one right after that, as if checking which knife to use.

"Do you not know which knife to use ?" asked Lily with a frown on her face.

' 'Do you not know which knife to use ?' Like you fucking didn't know that.' though Atticus as he said

"I always just use regular cutlery and am not used to see so many varieties." defended Atticus.

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"I guess I will just use the regular ones for now." said Atticus as he picked up the regular sized cutlery from the set before being interrupted.

"The use of cutlery is very important for someone of the Garcia family Atticus. We will begin your training from tomorrow. You will learn the basic etiquette that every Noble man should know." announced lily not giving Atticus a chance to talk.

"O-Okay" approved Atticus.

'She is probably going to  teach me herself. that's why she did all this.' though Atticus, he knew that she definitely had an alternative motive, otherwise why will she even care about something such as cutlery and table manners?

Lily's eyes were fluttering here and there, she was biting her lips, clenching her fists, taking deep breaths occasionally as if uncertain about something. After a few seconds she took a deep breath and said 

"Till you learn basic table manners, I-I shall feed you myself"

Atticus' eyes widened as he heard these words, he was completely caught off guard by this.

'So that's her plan! Fuck! now you're gonna feed me. Might as well breast fee- No never-mind. ' thought Atticus

"Um Big sister I think that it's alright... I-I can feed myself." said Atticus with a drop of sweat on his head.

"No! I said I'll feed so So I will feed you. No need to be shy now open your mouth" ordered Lily in an arrogant tone, a little louder than normal.

Hearing those words Atticus flinched, his head down a drop of tear visible on his eye.

'No no no Stop crying! I didn't mean to yell at you. I just wanted to feed you, Isn't it romantic and all how has it turned into this!?'

Lily stood up moved her chair near him, picked up the table cloth and started wiping Atticus' eye. Atticus quietly let her do what she wanted but puffed up his cheeks and turned his head the other way slightly. Looking at this Lily smiled and said

"Are you mad at me dar- *Uhm* little brother?"

In reply to this question Atticus turned his head more on the other side.

"I didn't mean to yell at you. You see since you are now a Garcia, you are a noble and learning things such as basic etiquette is a necessity for a noble." she said softly in an apologetic tone.

"But I am not a kid. I can eat by myself!" said Atticus.

"Yes but if you keep eating like that by yourself you will not forget your previous ways and switch to the other ones so it is necessary. Okay?"

In reply to this question Atticus simply nodded.

Inside his mind Atticus was having a conversation with himself all this while.

'So that's what she wanted to do! she wanted to feed me till I learn basic etiquette according to her.'

'I forgot that she will also try to get close to me. She probably had this purposely planned from long before as she timed everything perfectly. I need to put her actions also into account and plan everything precisely if I really want to get into Elverson high school.'

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