Luna System

Chapter 19: Chapter – 19

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Atticus' body sank into the soft mattress as he lay down inside his room.

'Am I safe? She won't come barging in right?' He thought as a drop of sweat passed through his temple.

'Luna?' He called out, but there was no response.

'Should I make the first move initiative again?... No! It went terribly last time, I even raised the likeability between us. It's better for me to just not do anything... *sigh* But things won't be in my control if I do that.'

'Luna show me Lily's status 'up to 

[Name - Lily Garcia

Age - 26

Looks - 9/10

Description - Underground Queen of Ambrosia

Special Talent - {Leadership}{Planning}{Execution}{Manipulation}

Likeability - 59%]

'59% huh'

'With each passing percentage it is harder to increase it further yet, I managed to increase 14% just today.'


'Luna... She won't come here when I am sleeping, right?' asked Atticus but there was no response.

'Looks like, she is on her  'You don't need my help' mode.'

Atticus got up and walked towards the chair. In front of the chair, there was a big vertical window outside of which one can see the gibbous moon.

He sat down on the chair and took a deep breath.

'I need a change of plans.'

'Lily Garcia, she is a smart woman. No, cunning is the better word.'

'I can't go with the initial plans, she won't fall for that anymore. Not with likeability close to 60%, It's a miracle she hasn't raped me yet.' thought Atticus as a shiver ran through his spine to his brain, drops of sweat visible on his forehead.

'I think she and I have the most likeability in the world right now. since only a set amount of people have seen such likeability ever in 'history'.'

Atticus swallowed his saliva at such thoughts, He realized how delusional he was to think that Lily will let him go to Elverson High School just because it was his all-time dream and whatnot. She can just keep him and slowly raise his affection, even if she decided to not do that, there are many other ways to gain his affection instead of sending him away for almost a year.

"Luna... I need your help, Please." Atticus mumbled under his breath.

[*sigh* You're right.]

[It's impossible for her to let you go for something as meager as your dreams and aspirations.]

'Then? What have you planned for me, Luna?' asked Atticus.


Atticus frowned, got up from the chair moved toward the window as he thought

'You're asking me to give up?'

[No. Just go by the plan.]

'But you just said that the plan won't work... then what's the point of me trying?' asked Atticus.

[I just said that she won't let you go because of 'something meager like your dreams and aspirations'.]

[She will let you go, But because of a different reason.]

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'And what's that?'

[Well you see... There was an assassination attempt on her recently.]

'I got it.' thought Atticus instantly connecting the dots in his head as his eyes brightened up.

'Since she survived her assassination attempt she is an even bigger threat to the people who have arranged that assassination.'

'Now they will try to get her killed as quickly as possible because of fear'

'Even though she controls a major part of the Underground world it isn't all of it.'

'But... still, I think she can protect me even if all this were to happen no?'

[Yes. She can but I will make it for her to let you go.]

'What will you do?' asked Atticus

[I'll make her believe that it is better to let you stay somewhere safe instead of getting you in a dangerous war.]

'Okay! That settles it all then. How much time can you get me with this?'

[One year.]

'That's enough. Not only can I now get into Elverson high school, but I can also even top the exam and get that looks bonus.'

'But... I still have a question... How will you make her believe that it is better to send me away?'

[Oh that... You don't need to worry about it.]

'Will you use something like magic?' asked Atticus but there was no response.

He gazed at the moon for a few minutes lost in his own thoughts after which he yawned and decided to head to bed.

The flowers were bathing in the lustrous warm glow bestowed upon them by the Sun, The winds would make the long flowers dance according to their flow in the field.

A teenage boy with brown hair, and brown eyes wearing a white shirt with black pants was running around the field plucking different flowers. One time he plucked a red rose, the other time he plucked a yellow sunflower another time he plucked an orange tulip. After a few minutes of gathering different flowers, he had a bunch of colorful flowers in his hand.

The boy looked at the flower bundle in his hands nodded, took a deep breath, and walked towards a woman. The woman was gigantic and had a perfect figure that could put models to shame. She had blue eyes, black hair, and an hourglass-shaped body.

The boy ran up to the woman holding the flower bundle In his hands. Seconds later, he stood in front of her eyes darting sideways, cheeks blushing, took a deep breath, and said

"I-I Love you Big Sister will you marry me!!"

Right at that moment a gunshot was heard as a bullet flew straight threw the boy's head and his body fell in the woman's arms.

"No!!!" Yelled Lily Garcia as she woke up in the middle of the night, sweating from head to toe, and breathing raggedly.



*Knock* *Knock*

"Leave." She said calmly, It was probably Hilda who heard her scream.

After staying in bed for a few minutes she got up and went towards a door in her room.

This room was connected to Atticus' room, as his room belonged to the Mansion's now-dead mistress and this room belonged to the Mansion's master.

Lily got into the room and looked at a sleeping boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and pale white skin. She looked at the boy for a few minutes lost in her own thoughts after which she went back to her own room.

(A/N: This Chapter here concludes The First arc in the novel, Now we will move onto a different section with a different heroine, a brand new arc. Surprisingly I didn't quit midway and am actually enjoying being a writer so I will start a Patreon soon and try to become a full-time author and follow my passion.)

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