Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 18: 18

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"From the very first meeting, I fell in love with you..."


A blurred man's face got closer and closer, with eager desire and twisted pleasure in his eyes, and he mercilessly crushed her under his body: "Now, you are finally mine..."


No! Get out of here!


No matter how greedy and lustful you are, you shouldn't take your daughter-in-law by force. How is it different from a beast if you do this!


When Lu Hong comes back, how will you face him as his father?


"Are you still thinking about Ah Hong? Stop wishful thinking. He is already living in the Princess' mansion and is together with the princess. As soon as King Yan came to the throne, he will be the brother-in-law of the Emperor. He just forgot about you..."


No! He will not.


He once made an oath that he would marry her and grow old together and that he would never lose each other in this life! He must have something to hide. He would not leave their mother and child behind... 


In the darkness, she struggled and cried helplessly.


However, no one came to rescue her.


The man who was pressing her down did whatever he wanted, bringing her endless humiliation and pain...(1)


Ling Jingshu suddenly opened her eyes and sat up straight, her heart was beating like a drum, and her palms were covered with slippery cold sweat. After taking a few sharp breaths, the heaving chest slowly calmed down.


Her face felt cold. At some point, her face was covered with tears.


After her rebirth, she kept telling herself that everything in her previous life was in the past. She forced herself to suppress all hatred, and calmly faced Mrs Ling who was like a poisonous scorpion, Lu Qian who was obsessed but ended up killing her, and Lu Hong who ruthlessly abandoned his wife and children... ..


Until Lu An appeared, the real nightmare of her previous life came before her. Only then did she know that she couldn't forget the shameful past at all. "Miss, why did you suddenly wake up?" Bai Yu, who was sleeping on the ground, was awakened by the slight movement, rubbed her eyes and got up, raised the gauze curtain and asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"


Wiping the sweat from her forehead, her voice was still calm: "Well, I had a nightmare and I was awakened. Don't worry, I will be fine after a while by myself."


Bai Yu hesitated for a while before whispering: "Miss if you don't mind, servant girl can sleep with you!" With someone to accompany her, she can sleep more peacefully in the second half of the night.


Ling Jingshu hummed.


Bai Yu quickly climbed onto the bed and slept next to Ling Jingshu.


Accompanied by Bai Yu's warm body temperature, the icy chill all over her body quietly dissipated. Ling Jingshu leaned closer to Bai Yu and closed her eyes.


Bai Yu had been feigning sleep with her eyes closed. After hearing Ling Jingshu's slight and gentle breathing, she was sure that Ling Jingshu had fallen asleep. Then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, opened her eyes, and Ling Jingshu's sleeping face came into view.


The young lady was also uneasy in her sleep, her brows slightly frowned.


After the young lady woke up from her illness, she was very different from before. There were some things that she can hide from others, but she can't hide them from her, her personal servant girl.


What was on your mind, Miss? Why are you so restless day and night?


Bai Yu frowned and thought hard for a long time, but she couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it. Carefully put her head close to Ling Jingshu's, and fell asleep together.




The next morning, when Bai Yu opened her eyes, Ling Jingshu had already woken up. After washing, she dressed neatly and sat in front of the vanity mirror to comb her hair.


Bai Yu hurriedly got up and got out of bed, blaming herself endlessly: "This slave girl slept so deeply that she didn't even know Miss got up. It's shameful, please punish me."


Ling Jingshu smiled slightly: "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up and let you sleep a little longer. There is nothing to punish for this. Alright, you go wash and dress and come back later. I'll comb my hair." 


The expression was natural, the tone relaxed, no different from usual. Last night's nightmare was gone.


Bai Yu took a look at Ling Jingshu before she felt relieved and responded with a smile.


After tidying up, she ate breakfast as usual and then went to Yonghe Hall to greet Madam Ling. After yesterday's meeting, Ling Jingshu became much calmer when she saw Lu An again. After paying her respects, she stood beside Ling Jingyan and took the initiative to talk to Ling Jingyan.


"Sister Yan, the jade hairpin on your head is exquisite and beautiful. It must be the latest style in the capital! I've never seen such a style in Dingzhou." 


Just these two sentences, and there was a smile on Ling Jingyan's face, and she replied proudly: "This is the jewelry from the Zhenqiao Workshop in the capital, and the style is the latest. Even the concubines and ladies in the palace will also customize jewelry from the Zhenqiao Workshop. Just this one jade hairpin cost eighty taels of silver.” 


To buy a ten-year-old maid was only forty taels of silver. The cost of one hosta was enough to buy two maids; which was really extravagant.


Ling Jingshu's face showed envy at the right time: "I heard that Luoyang, the capital city, is prosperous and luxurious, but it's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see it. It's still lucky for Cousin Yan to live in the capital city with my uncle."

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Listening to these words, Ling Jingyan was very happy in her heart. She smiled without restraint: "Cousin Shu, don't underestimate yourself, maybe you will have the opportunity to live in the capital for a long time in the future."


Although she said so in her mouth, she didn't think so in her heart.


Ling Wuye has not made any progress in the imperial examination for so many years, so he can only stay in the Ling family's old house. How could Ling Jingshu have the chance to go to the capital?


Ling Jingshu saw all the subtle changes in Ling Jingyan's expression, and continued to smile calmly: "I don't have such a blessing. By the way, didn't cousin Yan want to tell me how to plant peonies? If you are not doing anything today, how about going there today?"


Originally, there was a sense of competition, but now it had become "pointing" in Ling Jingshu's mouth.


Ling Jingyan's vanity was greatly satisfied, seeing that Ling Jingshu suddenly became more pleasing to the eye, she smiled and nodded in agreement.




Ling Jingyan was originally full of arrogance, but after Ling Jingshu walked around the garden, most of that arrogance dissipated immediately.


Many famous peonies were planted in Ling's peony garden. It was the beginning of April, and the flowering period was approaching. The peony buds of various colors were hidden among the emerald green branches and leaves.


Ling Jingyan had seen many famous peony gardens in the capital, and the Ling family's garden was no less impressive.


When she saw the Luoyang Brocade in full bloom, Ling Jingyan was even more surprised, and subconsciously stopped in her tracks.


Ling Jingshu did not take the opportunity to taunt and ridicule, but instead smiled affectionately: "Cousin Yan, this complex-colored peony is commonly known as Er Qiao, and it is also called Luoyang brocade."


"Cousin Shu, how did you grow this Luoyang brocade?" ?”


Ling Jingyan stopped putting on airs, and asked curiously: "The flowering period of peonies is in the middle and late April, and now it is the beginning of April. The Luoyang Brocade is already in full bloom. It must have bloomed in March!"


Ling Jingshu smiled and said: "There are indeed some tricks in it. Since Cousin Yan is interested, I will explain it to you in detail. First select the varieties that need to be grafted, and then choose to graft and plant them in August when the temperature is high... . "


Without any secrets, she spoke out in detail the experience of cultivating peonies over the years.


Ling Jingyan also had a lot of experience in planting peonies. After listening to it, it was natural to understand that Ling Jingshu was telling her everything she knew. A little moved in her heart, but also a little flattered: "Cousin Shu, this is a unique secret art that you have been cultivating for a long time, you just tell me like this, I am really ashamed of it..."


Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her hand. Holding Ling Jingyan's hand, she said: "I really don't want to say these things when others ask me. But I don't mind at all when cousin Yan asks me, I just want to tell you everything. It seems that this is also the fate between our two sisters." 


The bright and sincere smile casts off everything around it. The beauty was so clear and transparent, the beauty was so delicate and flawless, that one cannot even feel jealous.


Ling Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, then held Ling Jingshu's hand with her backhand, and then laughed: "Yeah, I also think the two of us are very much in love!”




Ling Jingyan was a bit arrogant, and she thought she was superior to others . Other than that, there were no other eccentricities. Once you get used to it, it's not difficult to get along with her.


Ling Jingshu deliberately made friends with Ling Jingyan, and when talking with her, she deliberately lowered her body, holding Ling Jingyan everywhere between the lines. In just a few days, the two became good sisters in the boudoir. They also started speaking with each other in a more familiar and casual way.


"Tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday. My second uncle finally come back in time." Ling Jingyan smiled and said, "If he didn't make it in time, it could have been hard to see his mother in the future."


Although Second Master Ling was only a seventh-rank county magistrate, he was also the parent official of a county. He had a lot of chores on weekdays, so he finally got away and came back so late. On the way, he was delayed for a few days because of illness and he didn't return home until yesterday.


Ling Jingshu nodded with a smile, then sighed: "Second Uncle brought his aunt and concubine back this time. The way Second Aunt forced a smile is really uncomfortable."


She didn't have much affection for the bitter and mean Yue Shi. But looking at Yue's forced smile yesterday, she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.


Men can have three wives and four concubines, but women must abide by the three obediences and four virtues, and the world in the inner house was the whole world. Once the husband is unlucky, the woman has nothing to do but resent... 


In a trance, the painful memories of her previous life flashed in her mind again.


Ling Jingshu put those annoying memories behind her, and calmly changed the topic: "I won't talk about this anymore. Sister Yan, I have never been to the capital, tell me more about the capital, and let me also open my eyes!"


Ling Jingyan was most happy with such a topic, and she could show off by the way, and immediately asked with a smile: "I told you a lot of popular clothes and jewelry in the capital. What else do you want to hear?"


Ling Jingshu She had been prepared for a long time, and immediately said: "Cousin Yan, tell me about the famous doctors in Beijing!"



1. T/N Felt really bad for our FL. She had a pathetic previous life.


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