Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 28: 28

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The moment Lu Qian's hand touched Ling Jingshu's fingers, Ling Jingshu's face turned pale, her stomach convulsed violently, and her whole body trembled.


Then, Ling Jingshu took a few steps back, bent over, and started vomiting.


Lu Qian was frightened by Ling Jingshu's fierce reaction, and without thinking, he stepped forward to support Ling Jingshu's arm: "Ah Shu, what's wrong with you..." 


Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu pushed him away violently. The force is so great that people were caught off guard.


The small and frail Lu Qian staggered a few steps and hit the table. The vase by the table shook and fell to the ground with a loud bang.


Bai Yu outside the door heard a strange sound in the room, her complexion changed, and she hurriedly pushed open the door.


Ling Jingshu was still bent over, vomiting with pain on her face.


Lu Qian leaned against the table, with fragments of broken vases under his feet, his face was strangely pale.


Bai Yu's heart sank, and she walked quickly to Ling Jingshu to hold her arm, and asked anxiously, "Miss, why are you vomiting again?"




Lu Qian heard this word with sharp ears, and frowned: "Bai Yu, what do you mean? Ah Shu vomited like this before?" 


Bai Yu was busy taking care of Ling Jingshu and had no time to notice that Lu Qian suddenly called out her master's intimate name. Without turning her head, she replied: "Yes, Master Lu came here a few days ago and talked with the lady alone. I don't know what he said, and the lady vomited."


Lu Qian: "..."


It's no wonder that no matter how much he asked, Lu Hong refused to tell what happened between them. It turns out that there was another reason for that!


It's no wonder that when Madam Ling proposed marriage, Lu Hong reluctantly refused.


Ling Jingshu's violent reaction was undoubtedly a great humiliation to any man. Even his stone-like heart, seeing Ling Jingshu's appearance at this time, felt bitter...


Ling Jingshu leaned on Bai Yu's body, her face was pale, and she closed her eyes slightly: "Lu Qian, you go first! Don't forget what you promised me." 


Lu Qian gave a low hum, gave Ling Jingshu a complicated look, and finally left.




Bai Yu supported Ling Jingshu back to the house to rest and then ordered Xuan Cao: "Go to the west wing and clean up the floor. Remember to go there quietly and be more agile." After a pause, she warned again: "No matter what you see, don't be surprised, and don't tell others."


Xuan Cao obediently responded, and quickly withdrew.


Bai Yu was worried about Ling Jingshu, so she pushed the door gently and entered.


Ling Jingshu, originally lying on the bed, sat up straight at some point. She had calmed down, and her pale pretty face was gradually turning red.


Bai Yu sat on the side of the bed and asked with concern: "Miss, how are you feeling now?" While speaking, she reached out to support Ling Jingshu.


Ling Jingshu lowered her head and looked at Bai Yu's hand fixedly, with a wry smile flashing in her eyes.


I see!


When Bai Yu and Ling Xiao touched her, she was fine. Ling Jingyan, the old lady Ling even touched her hand, she was safe and sound. But when Lu Hong and Lu Qian touched her fingers, she felt nauseated and vomited out on the spot...


And that day, just being close to Lu An made her whole body stiff and nauseous.


The men she knew, their faces flashed in her mind. Ling Wuye, Ling Ting...and the servants and guards in the mansion...Thinking of them, the stomach that had calmed down began to churn again.


Various obvious facts made it impossible for people to ignore or deceive themselves.


Except for her younger brother Ling Xiao, she can't bear any man's touch.


What kind of strange disease was this?


Bai Yu suppressed the doubts in her heart and said softly: "Miss, you should rest well first. Only this maidservant and Xuan Cao know about today's affairs. The maidservant has already told her to keep it a secret, don't tell about what happened."


Ling Jingshu hummed,


Bai Yu thought about it, and then asked cautiously: "Miss, should I ask the doctor to take a look?"


In just a few days, she vomited twice for no reason, and no matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was wrong. This can't be ignored!


"You don't need to call a doctor." Ling Jingshu calmed down and said thoughtfully, "I know what's wrong with me. Besides, it's not a bad thing for me, but a good thing." 


Bai Yu: "... ..."


What the hell are you talking about? Why can't she understand at all?


Ling Jingshu took a deep breath, and smiled at Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, you step back first, I want to be alone for a while." 


Although Bai Yu was worried, she never questioned her master's orders, and she nodded in response before retreating.


After Bai Yu left, the room became completely silent. Ling Jingshu sat on the bed, frowned, and thought for a long time, finally stretched her brows and made up her mind.

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It can't be delayed any longer!


She wanted to solve Lu Qian's trouble as soon as possible and take Ling Xiao away from Dingzhou. 




Lu Qian returned to the room, and when he opened the door, he saw Lu Hong was there. He was not surprised at all and called big brother lightly.


Lu Hong responded, and did not rush to ask questions, his eyes fixed on Lu Qian's face, not letting go of the slightest change on his face.


Lu Qian's immature face was expressionless, allowing Lu Hong to look at him.


"Have you talked to Shu biǎomèi (1) ?" Lu Hong finally opened his mouth and asked.


Lu Qian nodded.


Lu Hong suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry, and he struggled to squeeze out a few words: "She...she promised you?"


Lu Qian smiled: "Girls are always reserved and shy, and she didn't answer immediately. She said she would give me an answer after thinking about it for a few days."


Ling Jingshu didn't reject him outright, how many more days did she have to think about it? Lu Hong felt sour and bitter in his heart as if he had drank old vinegar that had spoiled and turned bitter. The smile on Lu Qian's face was also particularly glaring.


Lu Hong felt depressed and uncomfortable, and couldn't help stabbing Lu Qian with a few words: "Don't be too happy too early. Maybe it's because Shu biǎomèi (1) couldn't bear to reject you directly when she saw you were young, so she said tactfully that she would think about it for a few days."


Sure enough, Lu Qian's face changed slightly and soon returned to normal: "Ah Shu looks gentle, but she is actually the most assertive. If she is really unwilling, she will not consider other things at all, and she will refuse on the spot. Whether I am wrong or not, this point should be clearer to you than anyone else."


Lu Hong: "..."


Lu Hong's complexion fluctuated from red and white, and his eyes dimmed. The scene that made his heart hurt and embarrassed came to his mind again...


Lu Qian felt a burst of joy when he saw Lu Hong's dejected look.


If there was anyone in this world he hated the most, it must be Lu Hong.


In his previous life, Lu Hong and Ling Jingshu fell in love at first sight in and were deeply in love with each other. Everyone was happy with their engagement and then they had a grand wedding ceremony. The young couple was very affectionate and loving towards each other, which was admired by everyone.


No one knew that he had been in love with Ling Jingshu since he was twelve years old. Even if she became his sister-in-law, he couldn't give up this obsession. The more affectionate Lu Hong and Ling Jingshu were, the stronger his jealousy towards Lu Hong became. (2)


Thus, later on, even though he knew that Lu Hong was under house arrest in the capital and that the letters he sent back had been intercepted, and he knew that Ling Jing Shu was sad, in pain and hopelessly waiting for Lu Hong to return, he still hardened his heart and did not tell her the truth.


When Ling Jingshu completely gives up on Lu Hong, only then will she open her heart to him and accept him! At that time, he never expected that Madam Ling would use such vicious means to deal with her, let alone that the pious Lu An would be so lewd and shameless, taking his daughter-in-law forcibly...


Lu Qian didn't want to think about this extremely painful past anymore. He gathered his composure and said, 'If there's nothing else, please rest in your room, Big Brother! I'm tired today too."


Lu Hong did not leave, looked deeply at Lu Qian, and suddenly said one sentence: "Second brother, you seem to be different from before." 


It was obviously the same familiar face, and the way he talked and behaved hadn't changed much. But it seemed that there have been many subtle and unspeakable changes.


Lu Qian's heartbeat went two beats faster, but his face did not show: "Why would Big Brother say that? How am I different from before?"


It was this expression!


Calm and composed, seemingly innocent, but with a deep and incomprehensible light in his eyes!


This was not an expression that a twelve-year-old boy should have!


Lu Hong was secretly startled and stared at Lu Qian closely: "I can't tell what is different at the moment. But I think you have been a little weird since you woke up on the boat that day."


Lu Qian's heart started beating uncontrollably wild.


He always felt that his cover-up was perfect, and no one could notice his strangeness. Unexpectedly, Lu Hong noticed... No, Lu Hong just became suspicious. He must not get flustered. 


 Lu Qian pretended to be dissatisfied and sneered: "Brother, are you jealous of me because of Ah Shu's affairs, so you say these inconsequential words to smear me?"


"Brother, you misunderstood me. I never mean to hate you. I just think that you seem to be different from before." "


"Yes, I have indeed changed a lot," Lu Qian admitted openly. "In the past, I was still a child and knew nothing. Now that I have a woman I love and want to marry, of course, I need to change. What's so strange about that?"



Lu Hong was speechless, and it took him a long time to squeeze out an ugly smile: "I'm sorry, I was too concerned. Don't take it to heart. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first." 


After speaking, he turned and left.


He walked in a hurry, clearly fleeing in despair.


The victor, Lu Qian, also had no smile on his face and stared at Lu Hong's back with a gloomy expression.


1. Younger female cousin from mother's side

2. T/N So he was a perverted psycho in his previous life as well. 


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