lupus devorator

Chapter 1: prophecy (1)

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humans, beings that stood out among the other races and obtained a vast territory compared to the rest, how is this possible, such weak beings control more territory than other stronger races,

It will be because they have a superior intelligence, no, the dwarves who live in mines and are dedicated to technology, then they have more strength, neither are the orcs who dedicate their lives to battle are stronger and more resistant, perhaps magic is the point strong of this weak race, that is also wrong, the elves who are dedicated to connecting with nature have better talent with magic

So what does this weak race do to be more powerful than the rest of the races? Their great number in size, almost but no, if only numbers mattered the goblins would reign, their treacherous and dishonorable attitude whose only interest is their own, that definitely helped but neither, what makes them better are the spirits

The spirits, this is the name that has been given, humans are born with the so-called spirits, but what are these? Well, not even the humans themselves knew it, there were several theories, but the one that was most believed to be true, talked about that the spirits were the representation of the soul

but as only a representation of the soul can make weak humans overcome other races as much as to be the ones that control more territories?

text taken from the book "weak humans" written by U.Simon

Within a castle a hundred meters below ground there was a dungeon of which there were no historical records, this place is not known by almost anyone, so it should be, if they knew what was happening in this place, people would not be able to accept it, things what happens here should not leave this place

in this place made of cold and wet stone where the sunlight does not reach, this place was the punishment for those who committed the worst of sins, a sin so great that it is impossible to explain, the people who were locked up here were deprived of all their senses except hearing so that every noise they hear is their torture and thus eat away at their skin little by little driving them to madness so much that they would ask, beg, that their lives be taken away, to end the suffering

The rats the only animals that dared to survive in such conditions, the only food options that these creatures had were the remains left by the criminals or the criminals themselves locked in this hell, the rats that ate the remains left in a bowl were scared , from the bottom of the dungeon the sound of footsteps began to be heard, the steps got closer and closer, a light began to be seen

Three people dared to go down to this putrid place where you could only breathe the smell of feces and death, the three people walked slowly while they covered their mouths with a piece of cloth exquisitely embroidered with materials of the highest quality, although they did this even so the smell was so strong that it hardly did anything

They walked slowly step by step until they reached the cell that was located at the end of everything, one of the three went to the wall, touched the cold, wet and dirty wall, moved his hand as if he were looking for something that his eyes did not see. I could see, after searching for a few moments, he stopped his hand and pressed the stone brick on it which stopped moving.

The stone brick sank into the wall, after it sank in the middle the rest of the wall began to move, as the wall moved to the left a bright light began to come out of the hole, when the wall of stone sank completely on the left side the mechanism abruptly stopped releasing dust in all directions revealing a corridor of clean polished stone that made a contrast with the dirty and wet stone walls

The three people entered the corridor, after they entered, the wall that had moved, moved again, putting where it had been for years and will be for many more, the people lowered the piece of cloth

"F-Father, what was all that before" said one of the people, this was a little girl because of the appearance she had, she had yellow hair like the rays of the sun, with blue eyes that reminded the sky, when looking into her eyes the only thing you could see was pure innocence, with clothes made by the greatest seamstresses you could see that she was not someone common

"That is something that you should only know when you reach adulthood and not now when you are 6 years old, I am sorry for what you saw, my daughter, but it was necessary" said another of the people who were there as he knelt on one knee, to look at He looked at his daughter, caressed her head and got up again, this man, like his daughter, had yellow hair like the rays of the sun, but his purple eyes revealed that he had seen many things

"My king you have not told us why the young princess and I are" said the last person, this person had white hair from the gray hair he had, his hair was tied in a ponytail that reached his back, he was wearing a suit of servant

"My daughter has to know what will happen, if I die I hope she can fulfill my will and you, you were the most loyal servant of my father and you have also served me perfectly, you have the right to know about this, now let's go to what we came" when he finished saying he turned to look at the end of the corridor, he began to walk, the princess and the servant looked at each other and immediately began to follow him

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