
Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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There wasn't much in the way of libraries in my hometown, and I rarely was able to read many books aside from a couple of fairy tale stories that my caretaker had in our home and the book that the priest from the church gave me regarding the Teachings of The King of Magic, and well some novels that I had asked my caretaker to buy for me whenever a merchant that sells books comes by. On a day where there’s no chores or work to do, I often engross myself in the very small collection of mystery and fantasy novels.


After reading through them, I sometimes sell those books back to any merchants that were willing to buy them, since me and my caretaker weren’t exactly rich per se. I remember how it always feels like a blade being thrust into my heart each time I had to sell them back to get some money, it made me so depressed to the point that I can barely focus on my chores and magic practices without having the look that the world might end tomorrow.


Though, here in the Waldenburge’s study, the amount of books they have makes the small collection which I possessed back home or whatever I was able to hold onto, looked like a small drop of water inside a bucket. Angeline had brought me here so that we could study together, which was a bit of a surprise for me.


Angeline takes out several books of various subjects and places them onto the table. With a smile, she looks in my direction and ushers me to sit next to her, which I complied. 


“So, where do you wanna start, Urie?” Angeline asked.


That is a very good question. Aside from the obvious Magical based subjects, I don’t really know what to expect from the examination. 


“E– ermm, I’m not sure. I honestly don't really know where to start…” I replied with a nervous tone, scratching my cheek as I did so.


“Hmm…Well, I know that history is a subject that will be on the exam, so why not look at that?” Angeline suggests.


“Ah, that sounds like a good idea.” Well, it's a good idea for more than one reason. I have never really been formally taught in history. Whatever knowledge I have of history is from the book that the priest gave me, since apparently some of its content are stories that might have actually happened in history, at least that’s what I was told. 


“Well, do you want to start at the beginning?” Angeline asked.


“Yeah, let’s do that. I’m curious what other books have to say about this country’s history.” The history that I know is more of a legend or a tale written in the book that the priest gave me. Apparently, there was once an age where the world was ruled by entities known as ‘Gods’, who ruled the world unjustly and brought suffering to all that are beneath them. 


Living in such a world was apparently akin to being chained by the gods who oversee the lands, and mortals like the human race stood no chance in defying them. It was then, that the King of Magic who was aptly titled; Sorcererous King Solomon Ars Arcadia. He united all that were oppressed by the Gods and rebelled, then eventually defeated the Gods as he banished any surviving ones out of this world. 


After achieving what he sought out to do, a new era began. King Solomon, which is the name that I'll be referring to from here onwards, founded his kingdom with his three wives. Each wife helped him build his nation in various ways, to the point where there is a certain festival in spring that celebrates Women. 


“Let’s see…” Angeline opens the book, “160 years before the Julian Calendar, Arcadia was a settlement of mages where it was not dissimilar to a simple town. Most of the world was in a state of almost complete shambles after the fall of the gods and it was eventual that this settlement had to defend itself against invading forces from larger nations nearby. Despite its small size, it was able to repel its invading neighbors and conquer them afterwards. These neighbors are namely; The Principality of Arche, The Kingdom of Leichten and The Hoard of Emerald.”


“I think the book that the priest gave me mentioned something about Arcadia being in conflict in its early years, I think I remember some stories about the Emerald Hoard.” If I recalled correctly, The Emerald Hoard was a large tribe of Orcs that wanted to take as much land as they wanted. They were essentially portrayed as savages and were described to have the strength of five men for each foot soldier. 


I have seen some of their kind before, though contrary to how they were depicted in the story, they were quite reasonable and are pretty fun to talk to. Whenever I asked them why they are not savages like in the story, they answered with ‘That’s because the Magic King taught us and we became wiser’. I could tell that there was some kind of sarcasm in their tone.


“Oh really? What was it about?” Angeline asked.


“Well, they were apparently savage invaders who, after being subdued by King Solomon, decided to abandon their old ways and followed his teachings or something along that line.” I explained, “Though, I guess it makes sense that they didn’t want to fight someone that powerful…”


“Oh, Solomon wasn't officially a King until some time later. I think by that time you’d call him a chieftain for something?” Angeline commented.


“I guess? Though, doesn’t the book also call him King?” I asked.


“Well– Yeah, but I think that it’s because he was titled Sorcerous King beforehand.” Angeline replied.


“Makes sense, I suppose?” I said in a pondering gesture.


“Well, anyways, that’s the introductory section into the history of Arcadia.” Angeline turned her attention back to the text, “Moving on, we'll be looking at some key events that were prevalent during that era."


With that, I await what she is going to read.


"The initial settlement of Arcadia was a hamlet, which is located east of the Azoth river. Which, by the way, It’s called Ars Solomon. It’s located eastward from here, the capital city.” Angeline explained, “It’s not clear when this settlement was first built, but it was known to be the first capital of Arcadia. The economy heavily relied upon their potions and medicines, since they were placed in an area where there are a lot of herbs and mercury mines which they used for many alchemical purposes."


"Mercury?" I asked.


"Mhm. It’s used in a lot of things in alchemy. I heard that initially, it was a resource to turn fools gold into real gold. Though, it’s also a very toxic mineral that needs to be handled carefully.” Angeline explained.


My caretaker mentioned something about that, but I don’t think I recall too much about it aside from what Angeline has just explained. Perhaps I didn’t think that it was very important at the time. 


We continued with our study of history for a while before a knock came from the door. It was Ryner, who this time had a fine blue handkerchief folded in his pocket. That must be the handkerchief that Mister Dane mentioned earlier when we were in his shop.


“My lady, and Mister Uriel, dinner preparations have been made.” Ryner said as he bowed to us.


“Alright. Come on Uriel, we can pick this up later.” Angeline said before we both headed to the dining room. 


In it, there was only one person that was missing from the table from the people that I recalled yesterday, it was the Baron. 


“Where is father, sister?” Angeline asked.


“He is still at that important meeting, so he will be coming home late today.” Agnes replied.


Everyone was seated, and throughout the dinner, this time, Agnes was the one sitting at the end of the table. Angeline and I occasionally talked about things that I had seen in the city. I still haven’t exactly formed any opinions of it just yet, though this city does seem to be very peaceful.


"Oh, by the way, Urie." Angeline spoke up.


"Y- yes?" I replied after swallowing my food.


"Would you mind studying with me again tomorrow?" Angeline smiles softly. It might be because of my upbringing as a commoner, but her smile seems to shine brightly, as if she herself is actually shining without the assistance of the lights in the room.


“Uh, sure. I don’t mind.” Her request came so suddenly that I almost choked on the food that he was swallowing.


"Oh? I left you with my sister only for a bit and you've wooed her, have you?" Agnes smiles teasingly.


“Ah– No, I– It’s nothing like that, I promise!” Without realizing it, I raised my voice to Agnes before I started to blush. I can see it on their faces, Agnes and Angeline were both grinning. I had fallen into her trap.


“Ah..Umm..My apologies.” I said in resignation of my position, allowing Agnes to gain Victory over me in this conversation. Not that we were competing in the first place. 


“Anyways, I’m glad to see that you two are getting along.” Agnes smiles at both me and Angeline, “Though, I will have to take Uriel out for some much needed appointments.”


“You don’t need to go that early in the morning, right? At least let us study together in the morning.” Angeline protests.


Meanwhile, I myself am not sure how to interject with the two of them. My gaze turns over to the window, which is over Agnes’s shoulder, where I can somewhat see a silhouette in the dark. After I had just locked onto it, it moved out of sight. Despite the street lamps outside, it was still fairly dark in some places. 


Had I noticed it earlier, I could have strengthened my eyes using magic to see what it was. It was something that I had learned from my caretaker back in my hometown. Oftentimes, it would be very dark. I used to be afraid of the dark, though after learning to see in it, that fear gradually began to fade away. 


“Is something the matter, Uriel?” Agnes asked, noticing my gaze, “Is there something on my face?” She raised her hand to check if there’s anything stuck to her face.


“O– Oh! I– it’s nothing, I think…” I sheepishly whispered.


“Are you sure?” Agnes asked again, looking behind her to see no one. 


“Did you perhaps see something outside?” Ryner spoke, his gaze narrowed to me.


“Well, I thought I saw someone, but this place is also in the city, so I thought that it probably wasn’t anything that needed to be concerned.” I explained.


“Ah, that can be something that happens often. It was probably one of the night guards or something.” Ryner explains, “I can assure you that these parts of the city are pretty clear of any criminal activities.” 


“A– Ah, I see.” That gave me some piece of mind. Back in my village, it would be very unusual for anyone to walk outside their houses after it has gone dark, thus to me, that aroused more than a little bit of suspicion. 


Eventually, we finished our dinner and I headed to my room after bidding Angeline goodbye for the night. The next day eventually arrives after a good night’s rest, I get myself dressed like the previous day. Today, I am heading to meet with a wandsmith due to an incident that happened yesterday, much to the dismay of Angeline.


“Now Angeline, please be reasonable. Besides, without a proper magic focus, he wouldn’t be able to make a dent in the practical exam.” Agnes stated, “Do you want him to fail?”


“I…” Angeline pouts, “No, I guess not.”


It seems that I have found myself in a similar situation to last night. I don’t particularly understand why or under whose will, but apparently this is a part of my life now.


“Uhm…Is it necessary for me to have a magic focus?” I asked.


“Well, as long as you can cast magic, you’ll be eligible. But, take this from someone who has seen the practical exam countless times, you’ll need a magic focus to help you with it.” Agnes explains.


“Wait, are you saying that it’s the same thing every year?” I raised a brow. 


“Yep, although if you fail the practical exam, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll fail the entire test.” Agnes stated, “Don’t expect me to tell you what it is, though.”


“Ah, that’s fine..” My curiosity is piqued on this test, though I probably shouldn’t fixate on it.


“A– anyways, let’s study together when you get back, okay Urie?” Angeline said.


“Ah, y– yeah.” I stuttered, though a thought came to mind, “Why can’t Angeline come along, actually? Doesn’t she need a magic focus too?”


“She already has one.” Agnes stated before Angeline was about to grab onto the rope that I tossed to her, which did seem to leave her sulking as she started to walk further into the mansion.


“Anyways, let’s go.” Agnes ushered me as we both walked out of the mansion and got onto the carriage, which is more than likely the same one that I arrived in. I heard that nobles can own a few carriages, and for the Waldenburg family who lives in such a beautiful mansion, that must be the case.


Our trip was uneventful, though I was able to see how the city itself gradually woke up and came alive as many people opened up their establishment and possibly their children playing outside their stores. As we grew closer to our destination, I can gradually see the street changing as there seems to be more workshops than the usual stores that we went past. 


Another thing that I have noticed along the way is the city guards. They wore metal armor which protects their upper body, while not much on their lower body, and each of them wore blue capes.


“The guards are very…decorated.” I blurted out loud whilst thinking to myself.


“Ah, yeah, I guess they are.” Agnes commented.


“I guess this place is really safe thanks to them.” I turned my gaze over to Agnes, who once again, is sitting across from me.


“Well, it is relatively safe now, at least.” Agnes’s expression turns grim as she says those words. 


“...Was it not always like this?” I asked, my curiosity piqued by her comment. 


“Well, it’s kind of a long story.” Agnes’s gaze meets mine.


“What happened?” My curiosity prompted me to ask, “We have a bit of time, right?”


The very moment I said that, the carriage stopped and Agnes looked out the carriage's window and said, "We'll have to leave it for next time, we're here."

You are reading story Lux at


"O– oh…" Try as I may, disappointment was written all over my face. 


Agnes, who noticed my expression, made a bit of a difficult expression. "...If you wish to know, you can ask Angeline to show you the history of the last 30 years. I'm very sorry, it's just a…it's a very difficult topic for me to talk about."


"O– oh, is it now?" I blushed, "I– I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate." Embarrassment began to wash over me. I hadn't thought that Agnes might have been someone who was affected by whatever happened. 


"Ah…No, it's alright." Agnes waves it off, "I'm just not fond of what happened then." She turns to the door and opens it before getting off, to which I followed promptly.


What stands before us is a large shop which has a window to show all the merchandise within, while there is also a sign over the entrance that says; Wiles Wands and Staffs.


I found myself gawking at the store for a brief moment before Agnes snapped me out with a tap on my shoulder. 


"Well, come on now, let's head inside." Agnes ushered me into the store after signaling the coach to wait for us.


The inside of this store, at least to me, is just as if not more impressive than the outside. There are various wands and staffs displayed, where some are kept inside glass casings. Every single one of them seems to be crafted with the utmost skill, to the point that just about every single one of them are rather intimidating to even look at when I start to consider how pricey they must be.


"Well, you certainly look like you're excited to be here." Agnes remarked.


"A– ah, sorry. It's just…Well, this place seems um…" Before I could begin to finish my words, a voice of a man came from within the shop.


I turned over to see a man, who seems to be around his mid 30s, with curly hair, walking from a door where I presume is the workshop to make all these items. 


"Agnes! Welcome back, that sure was quick." He smiled and walked over to us from behind the counter.


"Hello, Wiles. I told you that there was a possibility that I might come back." Agnes stated.


"Well, I usually don't get customers coming back in such a short span of time. So, was there something wrong with the wand that I gave you yesterday?" He asked.


In response to that, Agnes gestures for me to show what I've done to the wand that she gave me yesterday. 


He took it from me and pulled out a pair of glasses, as well as a small magnifying glass to closely examine the wand. By the faint glow that I can see from both the glasses and the magnifying glass, I assumed that those are probably some kind of magic item that is used for inspection.


"How in the world did you manage to thoroughly break something like that…" He mumbled, "I know it ain't mythril, but come on…"


He takes off his glasses and puts away his magnifying glass. 


"Well, this is thoroughly terrifying to look at." He stated before turning his gaze directly at me, "You sir, have made a crack to this wand's core. How'd you do it?"


"I'm quite sure that I sent you the details on that." Agnes interjected.


"That you did, but this is also a 16 year old. I wanna know directly from him how he managed to crack one of my wands." He firmly stated, "Despite all the modifications that were added onto it, it still managed to get damaged to this extent. I think I have a right to know what kind of 16 year old did this!” He exasperated.


“Uh..Well…” I began to describe to him how it happened, which he sat down to listen intently. After hearing the details of what happened, he placed his hand to his chin and pondered with his gaze to the floor.


“So, what do you think?” Agnes asked.


“Oh, right, I haven’t introduced myself.” He said, raising his gaze to me, his hand pushed towards me. “My name is Wiles, Wiles Spencer.”


“R– right, hi. I’m Uriel.” Taken aback by the sudden gesture, I stepped back one step. Though, after a moment had passed, I reached my hand to take hold of him before he squeezed it firmly and shook it.


All the while, Agnes has a peculiar expression towards Wiles. It’s as if she’s saying, “Oh, I guess you’re ignoring me now.”


“Less ignoring and more paying attention to whom I shall be making a wand for!” Wiles exclaimed in a dramatic manner, “That is the reason why you’ve brought him here of all places, right?”


“Yeah, and you are one of the best–”

“You mean THE best.” Wiles interjected, smiling widely to Agnes. 


“No, I mean one of the best. Plus, your quality outweighs the price you put for your work.” Agnes praised him, maybe in hopes of gaining favor with him. 


“Ah ah ah! Your lip services might have worked on me when we were in the academy, but not this time!” Wiles exclaimed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.


“Aww~, come on, for old time’s sake?” Now Agnes has resorted to bartering?


“Uh– Actually, if you wouldn’t mind…Maybe just a simple repair would do? I could always strengthen it so it doesn’t break as easily?” I said.


To which, both Agnes and Wiles turned to look at me with a strange expression.


“Uh– umm, did I say something wrong? I– I just thought that it was a simple solution.” Personally speaking, it wouldn’t make much of a difference to me. I just simply don’t wish to waste anything, but I can’t discern why they’re giving me such a look.


“Kid, the damage you did to this thing is practically beyond repair.” Wiles explained with a serious tone, “It’d be easier to get you a new wand.”


“O– Oh, is that so?” Sheepishly, I asked him.


“I can get you a new one, though the question is there even anything that can withstand you.” Agnes commented.


“...’Withstand’ is the wrong word to use for this, since the problem here is that he was unable to match his flow with the magic focus. This normally doesn’t happen since most people have a pretty stable flow, akin to a calm stream.” Wiles explained before pulling out what seems to be a glass rod, that’s about 12 inches, with measurements going from black at the bottom hilt, then red, then yellow, then green and finally it remains transparent for the rest of it as it ends with a ball shape. He hands the rod’s hilt over to me, “Grab that, we’ll see how much Mana you actually have.”


“Uh, okay? Is it like the crystal ball thing that they used in the registration?” I asked, grasping the hilt of the rod.


“Yeah, just channel your mana into it. It’ll feel a bit tingly but it should get a pretty accurate measurement of where you’re at.” Wiles explained.


I nodded before beginning to funnel my mana over into the rod, which began to start glowing from the hilt then it rose up along the shaft of the rod.

After some time that Uriel and Agnes had left, Angeline made her way to the study by herself. She reached for some paper and drew a circle onto it, placing four small metal pyramids on each corner of the paper. 


“...I really wanted to show him this. Though, I don’t know anything about his magic.” Angeline mumbled as she pouted, placing a ruby into the center of the circle.


Right before Angeline is even able to close her eyes, the door opens, Ryner enters the room.


“Lady, I shall be heading out on the behest of the master. Do you require anything?” He said cordially.


“Ah, umm….” Angeline pondered, thinking of something that she might need while he is out. 


"Well well, you're still at it, it seems." A woman's voice can be heard from behind Ryner, which startled him.


Ryner steps aside to see who it was, though both of them knew who this voice belonged to. 


A woman, dressed in fine yellow silk that shimmers like gold. She stepped into the room as Ryner stepped aside, her gaze turned over to Angeline and struck her with an uncomfortable sensation down her spine.


“You can leave us, Ryner. You have to run that errand for my husband, after all.”


Ryner wanted to protest, but knows that she is right so he does not say anything in return. He reluctantly leaves after receiving a reassuring look from Angeline.


"What brings you here today, Lady Harriet?" Angeline asked, her tone softened from her usual lively self.


"Well, I do own this house. Albeit, partially. I don't believe that I need a reason to walk into my own study." Harriet spoke with the faintest gravitas in her voice. 


"No, of course not. It's just…" Angeline fumbles in her words.


"No, it's alright. I haven't been home for a while, due to matters regarding my family's shares within one of the territories." Harriet walks over towards Angeline and places a hand on her shoulder, "Come now, you have some practice to get to, don't you?"


"Of course, ma'am." Angeline stiffens her shoulders. It is obvious to Harriet that Angeline is uncomfortable, thus the distance between them gets even smaller.


Angeline, who is the recipient of this treatment, keeps her nerves strong. "This woman always does this, I need to keep my nerves less she gives me one of her 'assignments'. I really don't want to go into that room again, I can barely breathe in there. I mustn't give in."


With a breath, Angeline begins to pour her mana into the circle as the four metal pyramids which hold the paper in place begin to vibrate violently, yet they don't move from their positions. The piece of ruby at the center of the circle begins to grow with each piece pop out like nails.


"Really now? This is all you can do with your abilities?" Harriet mocked.


At that moment, Angeline can see the growing ruby cracking— Her flow is being disrupted, "Damn this woman! She is doing this on purpose!" She cursed out within herself. She attempts to take control over the mana flow, making the ruby grow from the crack that appeared.


"You're slipping up~ Come on, Agnes can handle this much when she is your age. I'm not even committing to my poke right now." Harriet mocked again, a sadistic smile forming on her lips.


"Ah…!" Angeline screamed as she felt a sharp pain coming from her arms as she tried to maintain the flow which was slowly getting blocked off, much like the water flow within a straw getting cut off by someone's pinch onto its shaft. For Angeline, it's like a blood vessel was getting squeezed to blood her blood flow.


"What's wrong now, little filius? You promised to try your hardest to not fall behind Agnes, did you not?" Harriet whispers into Angeline's ear.


Angeline winced, albeit, trying her best to keep the flow of mana stable despite the immense pain that she is going through.


More cracks begin to appear on the growing ruby, Angeline is beginning to lose her hold on the flow, like how one would lose their grip while holding onto rope. However, before Angeline completely slips up, the door slams open with a great force as Baron Brian von Waldenburge trudged over with force in his steps.


Angeline is surprised by his sudden appearance and loses her concentration, causing the ruby's growth to halt. While Harriet has a disinterested expression. Brian, on the other hand, his face is nearly as red as the ruby on the table.


"Harriet! What is the meaning of this?!" Brian shouted, his rage clear to be seen as his beard contorted his face into a frightful look, causing Angeline to be very shaken by this.


"Oh, come now, dear. You're scaring your little nullius here." Harriet is unfazed, daring even to look into the cannon's mouth, "Well, I was planning on leaving anyways." She strides towards Brian and hands him a rolled up parchment.


Brian snatches it from her and takes a look at it, his face turns into a shocked expression. 


"Now that Agnes is a full adult, I've no need to stay here for her sake anymore. I am leaving." Harriet spoke with a cold calmness in her voice, walking out of the room. 


Brian doesn't stop this, he waits for her to walk out before letting out a sigh.


"F– father?" Angeline sheepishly called out to him, unsure as to what just occurred between the two of them. "I– is everything alright?" 


Brian calms down, perhaps it is in consideration to Angeline, "It's nothing much. You will never have to worry about that woman ever again. I am sorry for scaring you."


Brian leaves the room afterwards, leaving Angeline alone in the room. Angeline turns to look at the ruby, reaching a hand towards it she feels a sharp pain in her wrist.

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