M#66: Identity Unknown

Chapter 1: Prologue: The setup.

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They say that every great hero needs a villain. Then theres Me, Who struggles within their own mind, their own body... I'm no hero, not really, But I Am my own worst enemy. Worse yet, i have no idea who i really am. Let's start over from the beginning.

In the year 2025, After surviving a global pandemic, People in the United States the smart ones anyway, feared a third world war... Never expecting that instead, a tiny mutagen would spark a different kind of war... it was the vaccine, they think, that caused it. A small piece of the human genome was changed in about 2% of they population. This mutation, like something out of a comic book, awakened strange abilities... From generation and manipulation of flames to being able to fly, These mutates were discriminated against as inhuman monstrosities, by around 40% of the country, Hailed as the next step in human evolution by 20%, Treated as normal yet 'unfortunate' by 20%, And the other 20% had a wait and see attitude... by 2030, this had devolved into A second Civil War, total govermental collapse, with everything west of the Rocky Mountain Range belonging to the Anti-mutant Alliance, A bunch of psychopaths with guns. Technology had advanced in a massive surge, so most of the actual war was fought by machines, controlled remotely... The area East of the Rockies was divided two ways, with the majority belonging to the Human defense coalition, who believe the mutants should be enslaved... except a small area consisting of five states. Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, And Arkansas Form the 'Protectorate', who see these mutates as a weapon to be utilized... on the surface. Truth is, they aren't much better than the HDC. So mutates had three options: Death, Enslavement, Or becoming a weapon of War. until the Resistance came. Aliens, some say, others claim they've been here all along, evolved humans hiding in plain sight... What we do know is they have tech that makes ours look like toys, and have powers similar to the mutants. I thought it was meaningless to get involved, kept to myself... Until the day my own mutation occurred... Now, Im a prisoner of the Protectorate, Mutate #66. My name? No idea, they did something to me, to all of us... Nobody remembers their names. Im just M#66, Their secret weapon... Sure to be a prisoner forever.

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