M#66: Identity Unknown

Chapter 3: Eye of Cthulu

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"THAT WAS SOME PRETTY GOOD FIGHTING KID!" The large man shouted at me as we were led past him. Apparently, we were to be given medical examinations... Nothing new for me, at least, but the other three looked scared... they must've been new. M#198, 200, and 216... they even still knew their names... no modifications had been done... no 'discipline'... They were lucky. They seemed to be afraid of me, not that i blame them... I was a mass of scars and missing parts... I probably looked like some kind of Frankenstein's Monster to them. We were led into a facility, Deep in the Rockies. Smart, building their base in neutral Territory... Down three hallways and through a set of double doors. We passed several others, some nearly as scarred as i was... as the other three, all girls, were led off by the woman who introduced herself as Nine, i overheard a conversation... It was happening in another room, but the technology was eager to share what they'd heard... The team leader, the one who looked like a kid, Six, And the small Hawk-like man who released me, twenty three, Were being yelled at by a very tall woman.

"FOUR! A facility holding hundreds, and you only rescue FOUR DAMNNED INNOCENTS?"
"One, It wasn't our fault... we got the primary target out, and crippled their production line... but... Twenty Three, Tell her."

"Wasn't Feasible, boss lady... They kept 66 separate for some reason, kid looks like hell warmed over, but he's still mostly whole... The others... I couldn't save em... So i gave em Mercy... One of em... Boss, one of em had been an infant... she had scales, like a lizard... They'd been halfway through Disecting her when i broke into the room... A little baby, boss!" The man was crying... "And those poor kids, mutilated, Cybernetically altered... turned into half-alive Weapons... Those three girlies were locked in tiny cages, marked Intake... And 66 was about to be altered... the other 200 or so victims... It was too late for them. So i did my old job, Then we blew it up... And i thought Assassination work was behind me."

The woman looked ill. "FUCK. Those sick bastards... Don't dwell on it, Twenty Three... Kain. It was Merciful."
"I know, boss... but it reminded me of HER."
"Kelsey? Shit. Take a few days off, Twenty three... And maybe talk to Four. You too, Six, and the others as well."

the two men saluted. ""Yes Sir!"" And i was brought back to my surroundings my a touch on my arm.

"You okay there, kid? I called you into the exam room but you were spaced out." The Woman smiled at me. She looked around my brother's age, about 23, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a slender body. She seemed caring.
"I am fine. What are my instructions?"
"Oh, kid... No. No Instructions, no Commands... We don't do that here. you can say no at any time, understand?"
"Yes, I understand." This had to be a trap. If i didn't obey, id be disciplined, i had to obey... I know im free, im not there anymore, but what if im just imagining all this? I cannot risk it.
"Alright... Lets get you examined."
I followed the woman through the door.

An hour later, Ones Office.(One's POV)

"What did you learn, Nine?" I asked the woman, who had spent the last hour crying and vomiting...
"Its bad, boss... That poor boy... Scans show hes somewhere between ages 13 and 17, but even he isnt sure... hes got mild brain damage, And his arm and eye aren't all hes missing... Hes got a missing Kidney, Part of his liver, His spleen, appendix, And... Well... To use Rancher terms, hes been 'Gentled'."
"You're saying they cut off his Balls?" I was appalled.
"No sir... I mean, yes, but... Not just that. They took EVERYTHING. They put a mechanical Bypass instead... His Urine is converted into Vapor... Its Horrible... Theres Signs hes been beaten, tortured, and even raped... its not a pretty sight... And hes so broken, hes afraid to even move without being ordered to do so..."

I understood now how she had gotten sick... Nine is an Empath with healing abilities, and four years of training as a Nurse... She literally felt his pain and fear...

You are reading story M#66: Identity Unknown at novel35.com

"It'll take time, but..." Nine continued "Hopefully he'll eventually feel safe enough to have a somewhat normal life..."

I had bad news for her...
"I'm Afraid that we don't have that time... the kid needs to begin training. We need his abilities."
"But Boss-"
"No Buts, nine. The biggest threat to oir safety here are those mechs, the drones... He is their perfect enemy. Moreover... The Eyes have moved."
"SHIT! So its gonna get bad Again?"
"Most Likely. We need that kid to be strong..."

Elsewhere, Unknown POV

The robed men led me into a dark room. I smiled at the device before me. Able to extract the mutant from the afflicted, and contain it in a genetically superior clone body... My base had escaped, but We'd catch him again... then a simple little mind transfer and i could say goodbye to this aging sack of garbage i call a body... With all the stored Mutations We'd already extracted, My troops were stronger. And id saved the best for my new body... I used a mix of six subjects DNA to make it... and its mutations Were mostly present. We just needed M#66 to complete it. Hyper-regeneration, Super-stregnth and Reflexes, Psychic immunity, Telepathy, Environmental Adaptation, And soon Technopathy... The ultimate being...
A hooded man approached. I asked him a question.
"The project nears completion, Brother?"

"Indeed. And Lord Cthulu is pleased."
"He knows?"
"Of course! The Eye Sees All."

A deep laughter echoed through the room... and everyone in the room knelt in supplication. The voice of their mad God. And these Cultist... The Eyes Of Cthulu... They were loyal to a fault, as long as it pleased their God. Easy Pawns to manipulate.

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